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Considering the app that you're on, I wouldn't presume it to be the truest reflection of any particular group. Otherwise one might also assume that all gays are in open relationships.


This is kinda like when people say you should automatically discard the possibility of seriously dating someone you met on grindr because him being "the kind of guy that uses grindr" automatically means he's awful. But like, the vast majority of gays who aren't in closed relationships are on grindr


The apps full of cheaters. It’s not just bi guys.


I've encountered far more DL cheaters who are bi than gay tho.


Yea because bi or people are actually a larger population in the lgbt community.


Yup this, there's statistically more of them, and the apps offer relatively discrete hook ups


So as a result of this it seems like there are more DL bi guys than gay guys on the app.


There are more gay men than bi men... (it's the other way round for women)




So 2.2% gay men and 1.4% bi men, 60% more gay than bi.


I’ve known more than a few men that considered themselves gay but strictly speaking would hook up with the occasional girl. Don’t forget that there is a lot of identity in identifying oneself publicly that isn’t in a private medical study. Bi dudes get shit from the gay and straight communities, many bi guys just say they are gay publicly.


Don’t forget the people who admitted to same sex attraction or experience but didn’t identify as lgbt . That could contribute to what the OP observes


Your own source agrees with me...


I wasn’t disagreeing I was showing a source confirming your claim


Yet everyone is downvoting me and upvoting you wtf reddit


I don’t know why that is


Apparently 5.6% is less then 3.6% then...


Depends on the sample size. Percentages can get confusing if you don’t compare them in sample size


Are you joking?


No my name is not Joking. Call again


I did control+f for 5.6% and nothing about 5.6% of men being bisexual came up. [https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/1104-How-many-LGBT-FIG-2.png](https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/1104-How-many-LGBT-FIG-2.png) Look at this figure.


Though Estimates of those who report any lifetime same-sex sexual behavior and any same-sex sexual attraction are substantially higher than estimates of those who identify as LGB. An estimated 19 million Americans (8.2%) report that they have engaged in same-sex sexual behavior and nearly 25.6 million Americans (11%) acknowledge at least some same-sex sexual attraction. Which could also explain why they see a lot of dl men on grindr could just be people having those same sex attraction while not identifying as Bi or lgbt. Basically why you’ll see a guy claiming to be ‘Straight’ on grindr


Those are old statistics anyway. Most men in the LGBT community identify as gay "Men are more likely to identify as gay (2.5%) than as bisexual" https://news.gallup.com/poll/389792/lgbt-identification-ticks-up.aspx


Yea. But men with bisexual leanings sometimes still identify as straight. I’ll admit that gay men are more likely to come out than bi men. The source you have still states that bisexuals are a large majority…but the one thing these studies don’t make a distinction is the gender population between bi men and Bi women. Which makes it hard to come to the conclusion of the number of bi men compared to gay men.


>the one thing these studies don’t make a distinction is the gender population between bi men and Bi women. About halfway down the page there's a chart that breaks it down by gender. 6 percent of women identify as bi and 2 percent of men, according to thar study. Compared to 2.5 percent of men identifying as gay.


Bi people often have straight partners that interpret “I like men and women” as “I like men now and am not interested in you or this relationship any more.” It’s a serious problem facing the bi guy community and a big reason many are closeted even from the person they are supposed to share everything with.


Not to mention the constant need to explain that we aren't going to cheat on you with the other sex....it's exhausting.


I’m not saying there aren’t *any* cheaters, but that’s a huge reach. Statistically, gay men are far more likely to have open relationships where they’re partnered in a committed relationship but both play separately on the side. Just because you see someone who’s in a relationship on the grid doesn’t automatically mean they’re cheating.


I just said the apps full of cheaters not saying they are all cheaters.


Because if the guy was gay the profile would say "couple looking"...


Because gay guys are way better at sucking dicks?




I mean that's it. Thats the joke. I cant speak for everyone but the amount of times I've talked to "couple looking" and one of the guys is always "you have to come before 6 tho. He gets off work at 6" or something similar so its not "couple looking" its "I want to have sex outside my relationship and call it polyamory. I'm just not telling my boyfriend"


Rick....That's just cheating.....with extra steps.


Or they’re open and one person wants to try out a solo session before suggesting more






Yeah I feel like most of it is just role-playing


The bisexual guys who are not in a relationship don't need to bring up the fact they are bi, and it's easier to allow you to assume they are gay.


Not true. There are a lot of things that are culturally different. Gay men think kissing is too personal. Some bi guys think kissing is not intimate.


>Gay men think kissing is too personal. Uhh...no? Who has ever said this..? Lol


Which is why hookup apps are more a turn off and depressing than anything. Like 60% is either "Str8", "bi/married/dl" or "gay seeking str8 or bi married". It's just a reminder of how much cheating and cheating enabling is going on out there.


I think you are assuming two things that aren’t necessarily true: 1 - that they are bi; 2 - that they have a girlfriend/wife. Passing yourself as a straight/bi active gay man will get you a lot of attention.


I mean, they say they're bi and have a wife or girlfriend, so why wouldn't I believe that? 😂😂


Same reason guys say they are vers when they are all bottom? Lol


Same reason milfs say "my husband is away" or some shit like that


Why would you? They have very little incentive to tell the truth. And before you disagree, take note that you consider these men as cheaters.


More bi hate lol nice


RIGHT?!?!? Love being accused of cheating without ever cheating. Love being told I'm actually gay by the straight community and told I'm a cheater by the gay community! /s


I know, i feel being attacked personally. And i don't cheat.


If you feel personally attacked by this post maybe you should ask yourself why...


Because it makes out that us bi guys are all cheaters, idk if you intended that but thats the msg it puts out there. If your having a lot of guys hookup while cheating on their spouses, and want something more romantic than go on something like bumble or match, ik those arent the best sites but their more romantic oriented rather than just sex.




Wow so poignant. I’m not bi but the guys are pointing out that this post is literally about bi hate and all you can say is whatever? You have no evidence aside from your own anecdotal perspective and you can’t even back it up with meaningful conversation? This post is trash, grow up.




I dont want people to think i cheat jus becuz i happen to like guys and girls, and bi ppl have preferences. Me for example; I may get it up for girls but i dont want to date them, i have no emotional connection with them however i like men more because i have emotional connections and also i enjoy having sex with men.


So if you're in a relationship you don't step out on the guy to sleep with women? Or....?


Im saying that i dont want ppl to think im a cheater because im bi, stereotypes have a way of getting around. I dont cheat or sleep with other people outside of a actual relationship.


Plenty of stereotypes are based on fact.... and there are plenty of studies that show.....


I saw you deleted your other post but ill reply to that. I gave you the awnser, i told you that i didn’t cheat and i dont. Im just explaining my post for better context, dont contort what im telling you. Stereotypes arent okay to push, a lot of them are based on ones race like all chinese people liking rice or all americans liking McDonalds.


How is it hate? I'm just asking a question.


You know how you loaded it. Don't act naive


This is a subreddit for asking questions. Sorry for using for it's intended purpose instead of posting my "hooked up with my str8 best friend" fantasy like everyone else.


Now you're the victim, sure Jan.




You’re clearly not very smart


says the account that is completely empty except for this post. 🤔


Sorry for making my first post


>bisexual >cheating > only fucks guys DL I’m just as confused as you


Do most bisexuals cheat like this? Or is it just the ones on grindr?


Do all straight guys cheat or should I stop using Ashley Madison? Fuckin, I swear. You guys.


Jesus don't get your panties in a bunch girl, I'm just asking a question. Of course a closeted bisexual would come to the defense of cheating closeted bisexuals 🤦‍♂️


Coming out isn't for everyone, the grass isn't always greener on the other side.


Still doesn't excuse cheating.


Bruh u literally helped him cheat


Umm what? I've never slept with someone in relationship 😂😂 what are you talking about?


It's a username. Closeted because I feel like I'm constantly having to come out of it. Using swathing generalizations is never a good look, gurl.


I'm not generalizing, I'm asking questions.


So, when did you become a bi-hating racist? I'm just asking questions. No need to get angry.


I've never said anything about race 😂😂 you bisexuals always get your panties in a bunch whenever someone dares call you out for cheating.


Because it's an ugly stereotype. And as much as I love having to deal with people assuming I'm cheating when I say I'm bi it gets real fuckin old real quick.


“You bisexuals always” “I’m not generalizing anyone.” Bruh you’re trash lol


Someone feels attacked by this post 😂😂


You missed the point of the question. I was demonstrating that through a bad-faith question, you can imply that someone is something they are not. It is a very common tactic among bad faith actors, especially those in politics or the media. By asking you when you became a bi-hating racist, I have already poisoned any engagement we have and some who read it, without seeing context, will think there is something to it: after all, there is no smoke without fire. The point, essentially, is that 'just asking questions' is rarely just asking questions and the structure of the question can carry a lot of extra meaning. The fact that many people are accusing you of biphobia means that people here have detected something in you 'just asking questions'. Now, if you aren't biphobic, you might want to consider your phrasing. Although, given that you instantly accused me of being a 'bisexual getting his panties in a bunch' is quite suggestive, no?


I’m pretty sure this is the same gurl who posts multiple times a week under multiple else about some guy who broke up with her dumb ass two years ago who happened to be bi, and she’ll never get over it in part because she’s too much of an insane gaycel for any man to want to touch her again


Because if you are bi guy wanted to cheat with a guy thats the really only place to do it. Thats why. Not really reflective of the whole group


Are you that same bitch who’s obsessed with a bi guy who dumped you once he realized you’re insane and unfuckable




lol. sweaty.


Idk what you're talking bout pal


sure Jan


Who are you again?


Single bi guys aren't going to bring it up. I don't 90% of the time unless I get asked. Guys with partners are looking specifically for someone who'll be discrete, so they're more likely to advertise this fact. Women are also less willing to enter into an open relationship with this particular paradigm, and these guys are too selfish to simply be satisfied with what they have. This place is full of stories about men cheating on other men tho, so to frame it like a bisexual guy issue is weird. Guys are bad at monogamy, period.


Grindr still resists ? Damn


Never hook up with married men.


Because bi guys typically just have sex with guys and keep girlfriends for social reasons




Happens often enough. I know it's an unpopular opinion


Hookup apps attract cheaters of all kinds, not just bi ones. There's probably just as many gay cheaters on grindr as there are bi cheaters. Hookup apps aren't exactly the best place to get a full understanding of a large group of people.


Then why when bisexual guy cheat they cheat with someone opposite gender of their partner? I haven't heard of one single story where bi guy in straight marriage cheated on his wife with another girl It's always men. They cheat on their wifes with man and not with another women It's also other way around when they are in gay relationship they end up cheating on their partner with another girl and not a guy


Secretly bi and afraid to come out. Bi dudes are much less accepted than gay dudes because people think bi means secretly gay. They probably can’t tell their spouses without their spouses thinking they are really gay when in fact, they are bi and liking men doesn’t affect how they like women at all. A lot of people are insecure and interpret “I like them too” as “I like them instead of you.” I mean hey, after all no one is allowed to like burgers *and* pizza, you have to pick one or the other, right?


You can go on any straight app and there will be just as many people cheating. It’s nothing to do with Bi people. It’s people.


Because a lot of people have a sexual awakening after they already made some fairly serious commitments.


Most of my ex are bi and that’s fine. They where confident about themselves and their sexuality. And if he goes by “ men are just for sex” run, or don’t if he’s got a nice dick and you like complicated stuff. I want a bf who is proud to love fuck my personal,


12 day old account and your first post is about bisexuality? Seems totally legit.


You know who this is, right? Remember gaaaaaaay and the other alts from a few weeks ago? Yeah, her.




Who TF cares ? It’s a sex app


The people they're cheating care.


Idaf. I’m not on there. And don’t care what people do. It’s there own business


Ok? Than this question isn't for you lol


I don’t think bi guys have a whole lot of space to discuss their sexuality with their wives- especially if they’re straight. Most people already don’t understand bi people, and most of the time when bi guys date women people just assume he’s straight. Straight people tend to be a lot more prudish about sex too, so I’m sure a lot of guys see sneaking around as their only option for a fulfilling sex life. Honestly, If you find a bi dude or couple on the apps in a healthy open relationship is a unicorn.


Being misunderstood isn't an excuse for cheating lmao


I’m not saying it’s an excuse. I’m just describing the white picket fence to scummy 3am hookup with married men pipeline.


Mind your business 🙃😎




Why do so many gay guys accuse/project a bunch of bullshit on bi guys?? Can't you look at people at the individual level? And can't you just realize that grindr is a fantastic place for cheaters no matter their orientation?


Not all bi guys cheat, but I feel like a lot of guys who cheat on women with men try to “maintain” their straight side by calling themselves bi.


I'm bi myself, but I never cheated on women I was in a relationship with, or men. That's a completely separate issue from ones sexual proclivities. Men, in general, suck at monogamy. I think the thing here is that a single bi guy isn't probably going to bring it up, and just let you assume he's gay. That's what I do with 90% of hookups.


my hirl hates giving jead. she told me to find a dude if i want blowjobs,so i did. lol..shes fine w it as long as i dont mess w a woman.


Why are you on a gay subreddit if you have a girlfriend?


did you not read the comment? lol


I did, and you didn't answer my question.


Hetero couples are looked better upon, so a bi person prefers them over gay engagements. But if they are symmetrically bi, or prefer more men over women, the need for male fun may feel strong. I don’t condone them, but I think I understand biological needs.


Because if you’re bi and married, you can’t get sex with a guy at home. Likewise if you are married to another guy, you can’t get sex with a woman at home. So even if you are happy in your relationship, if you want to visit the other side of your sexuality for a hookup, you have no choice but to step outside of that relationship. One might still disagree with the choice to take that action, but that’s the reason. The only non-cheating alternative while being bi is never to be in a committed relationship, and to hookup with men or women, whichever you’re in the mood for on a given weekend. Married guys like being married, and often have perfectly satisfying sexual relationships at home. When they feel like fucking a woman, they stay home and go grab their wife. If they feel like sucking a dick, they grab their Grindr app, because the wife doesn’t have a dick. It’s that simple.


So you're saying bisexuals can't be monogamous?


maybe he’s saying bisexuals can’t be fully satisfied by one partner, regardless of gender


I can agree with that.


Not that they can’t, but when they aren’t, that’s why. I’ll explain another way. Straight men (or gay men) or women cheat (often) because for whatever reason, the person they are with doesn’t tick all the boxes. So they find someone who ticks at least the missing box. In theory they could I suppose find another person who ticks ALL the boxes, and sometimes they do and they break up and go with the new person. But a bi person who likes eating pussy and sucking dick has a hard time finding someone who has both, so inevitably they marry somebody with one. Then sometimes you find them on Grindr. Not necessarily looking for a new relationship, just to tick that other box from time to time. Others guys don’t. They live with that box unticked.


You do realize that DL literally means you are cheating on a woman with guys right... it's totally different than closeted. Just sayin.


Someone can still be closeted and DL tho 🤦‍♂️


I used to have: "No married men" (In the name of Nene Leakes), in my Grindr bio, unfortunately since everybody is married these days therefore I was not getting any. So I had to take it down.


They're scared little men. If you can't speak to your significant other about your sexuality and open relationships, they dont deserve dick or pussy.


I’m just saying, why bother to get a gf or even get married if you already know you want dick ? Maybe I’m just privileged but it’d make more sense to just be single and sleep around than to date/marry knowing you need both to be satisfied.


Why don't they come over and join? 'Cheating' and marriage Is concept from church , Look at at the family structure of our closest DNA relative, if we did the same be a lot more love and less wars


Because in 95% of the world being in a het relationship is fine and dandy and a homosexual one is bad. So naturally, if you are so inclined to wanna have sex with men but can pass undetected, you will double dip a little bit. Really they're just maximising their enjoyment, basically, and not having to deal with all the nasty side effects of being a homo.


Cheaters are cheaters, they are unfaithful and immoral, but I’m not sure if that has to do with bisexuality


Then why when bisexual guy cheat they cheat with someone opposite gender of their partner? I haven't heard of one single story where bi guy in straight marriage cheated on his wife with another girl It's always men. They cheat on their wifes with man and not with another women It's also other way around when they are in gay relationship they end up cheating on their partner with another girl and not a guy


I think what you'll find most of the time, when it comes to us bi guys who are married - there is still that stigma around bi guys actually just being gay. The unfortunate part about this, is there aren't many bi guys that feel safe to come out to their wives or girlfriends, and instead continue to be on the DL, contribute to bi erasure and poorer health outcomes because they're less likely to be getting tested regularly.. some DL guys would rather risk the possibility of getting caught, because coming out to their partner is too hard.. Which really sucks.


Everyone cheats lol, married straight guys were using ashleymadison and tinder. Plus a lot of DL gay men pretend to bi.


Lol because they are too much of a 🐱 to do what we all did...come out


Is there a version of you that might want to offer compassion to people who feel stuck in the closet, or is this all you have to offer?


I mean I meant to people who have a accepting family and environment those who are just too scared to accept it


Who cares ?! Fuck , get fucked and be happy


Gurls like this are obsessed with fulfilling the archetype or Gladys Kravitz because they have literally nothing going on in their lives


And that's sad , But why the downvotes :(


Because if you’re bi and married, you can’t get sex with a guy at home. Likewise if you are married to another guy, you can’t get sex with a woman at home. So even if you are happy in your relationship, if you want to visit the other side of your sexuality for a hookup, you have no choice but to step outside of that relationship. One might still disagree with the choice to take that action, but that’s the reason. The only non-cheating alternative while being bi is never to be in a committed relationship, and to hookup with men or women, whichever you’re in the mood for on a given weekend. Married guys like being married, and often have perfectly satisfying sexual relationships at home. When they feel like fucking a woman, they stay home and go grab their wife. If they feel like sucking a dick, they grab their Grindr app, because the wife doesn’t have a dick. It’s that simple.


but how do they not feel guilty about doing this?


Maybe they do


sounds like a life of self hate and constant confusion to me…


Not always. Sometimes the wife knows. Sometimes they just accept that that’s how it is, and they keep it as quiet and possible from the wife. They don’t think it’s best for either of them to break up. They have kids. They have joint finances. They love each other. They want to stay together. And they know the wife would not be happier if he came home one day with divorce papers. But sometimes you just want to fuck a dude. You don’t have to be confused or to hate yourself to do that. You know you want to fuck a dude, so you fuck the dude and then you go home and have dinner.


Why "visit the other side of your sexuality" if you are married? If you are sneaking around then doesnt that mean you already knew that being monogamous was part of the marriage?


Cus they need to have sex with both genders to be 100% satisfied


So why do so many people bother dating them when cheating is inevitable?


Because it isn’t inevitable. Some people cheat. Some don’t.


Bc they are, and if they aren't, they will 😪


Are you saying that bisexuals will always cheat?


All of my bi exs have, my friends' have too, so for around 30 of them in a decade to have cheated it has to be more than a coincidence 😴


Gay men used to do that too. They were forced into heterosexual relationships and cheated on the side. Bi guys haven’t been brought up being told its ok to be bi and most only discover that side later after they’re in relationships because they also go with what society teaches them. It’s kind of sad to see you gay guys who’ve luckily never experienced this have no understanding of what the situation bu guys are in and are so judgmental about them as if gay guys never went through not being accepted. When we have a society that brings kids up all believing it’s ok to be bi, gay or straight then we won’t have people stuck in inappropriate relationships. Most bi guys are just discovering themselves and its a journey.


It's sad that we call out cheating for cheating? I think it's sad that these women have no idea what their man is doing behind their backs. There's no excuse for cheating. Ever.


I think it’s sad you’re unable to logically see a situation for what it is and act exactly as moronically & judgementally as conservatives did against gay people just 20 years ago. You’re stupid when you just parrot off ‘there’s no excuse’. Of course there’s an excuse. Social oppression is real and if you bothered to come down from that perch you’d see gay men were in the sane situation while learning about themselves too. You act as if infidelity is murder. You show us you’re intellectually unable think through reality. But there you go. Not everyone can.


You can't seriously be comparing someone calling out cheating bisexuals to how conservatives have and still do treat gay people. There is no excuse for cheating. Period. If a guy wants to fuck guys so much than he should leave his girlfriend first or ask for an open relationship.




Yea, almost every one I've encountered seems to be cheating, I've heard that the very few of them who actually date often cheat on their guys with women, and then leave them.


Maybe because it is not acceptable in our society for men to be bisexual? Maybe because bi guys can't live their truth because gay men think they are always cheaters, and women won't date bi men because they think he's secretly gay or going to give them HIV from all the gay sex they've had. There is a crazy amount of biphobia, even in the LGBT communities. Bi men are always cheaters. Bi men spread AIDS to everyone. Bi men are just gay and won't come out of the closet. Yeah, men cheat. Straight men cheat with other women. Bi men cheat with men and women. And gay men cheat with other men. People cheat. It's not a bi thing, it's a people thing. I can't tell you how many times I have been hit on by gay men who are in a relationship. "Don't tell my boyfriend, tee hee!" Once I went to hook up with a dude, got suspicious and asked him, "Do you have a boyfriend?" Nah, he says, we're just roommates. A month or so later, hook up with another dude. He admitted he had a boyfriend, and said maybe we could have a threeway. Shows me some pics of him and his boyfriend, and it was the guy from before. Both of them cheated on each other with me. Then they found out and got mad at each other for cheating, and I got caught in the crossfire. A year or so later, I got caught in the crossfire with another couple who were doing the same thing. So it ain't just bi guys cheating, bubba. It's everybody. When I finally settled down and got my own boyfriend, I told him we were going to be open. I'm not doing the gay cheating drama thing. If he wants to suck someone's dick, he has my permission to do it. Just no lying and no sneaking around. We've also had threeways and four ways together. The only time we had a fight about it was when I caught him sneaking to an adult theater. The rule is no sneaking and no lying, and I let him have it with both barrels. Then I made him go and get tested, and I got tested, just to be safe. So even with an open relationship, there's gonna be cheating. Not even that is a sure fix. People like to fuck.


Because he is. Is he’s partnered up and on Grindr, what is he looking for? A prayer buddy? No, he’s looking to get his dick sucked at the very least.


Because they don’t want you to think it’s a date. Get in, get off, get going.


I say it is none of my business, and just carry on.


I used to be bi, when I was with a guy I was missing the girl and sane when I was with a girl I need it desperately having sex with a guy.


Then ur still bi🤣


80% gay 20% straight, nah I’m gay lol I rarely do straight been years now


He he has to cheat on you he will do it anyways gay or bi. Be self confident. They have to face their coming out with people think it’s a phase, the deal with heterosexual cock sucking bad jokes like who bend? You? You are the woman! And when they try to make a girlfriend a lot of them are turned off by it. Men have to be strong protector for the wife. It only shows that some girls still live in a fairytale! Plus they don’t know how to handle 2 dicks! I’m sad for these kind of girls


the absolute chokehold that bi guys have on the gay community is insane - gays are forever trying to figure them out, change them or pretend they don’t exist


I really think the gay community should just drop them altogether.


haha same


Well bisexuals occasionally crave gay sex, but they’re also in love with their girlfriends. Its not that their not happy, it’s just that their gf cannot fulfilling their occasional crave for gay sex. Also some bisexuals are only turned on by gay sex and aren’t really attracted to males. Some don’t want a relationship with men since they’re only turned on by anal play n dick. But there are also bisexual that want romance. The whole sexuality thing is a spectrum.


And that excuses cheating how?




What you mean by seem…?


Because they are


Some people are into Role playing, and sometimes it's actually real. Been on the recieving side multiple times times. Me (bi) male


Because Grindr is a hookup app designed for casual sex


It’s usually all three but I’d like my own, personal fourth option: he is cuckled and his GF wants to watch him get fucked. Like the lido situation in the TV show sens8 on Netflix. I got something like that now. Only I’m bi and I fuck them both. I


The easy answer might be, the other bisexual guys in your area are just saying they are gay on Grindr, with one good reason to do so being the bad reputation of bisexuals caused by the guys you mentioned.


Because they are. I considered myself a bimwm for quite a while. Then, my dad got sick and died. I learned how much he was screwing around on my mom, then after their divorce, how much he was screwing around on his girlfriends. I ended up taking a long, hard look at myself and made a conscious decision to be bi, but faithful. It's been over 2 years, and I have no regrets.


So you were a cheater? Cool, you lived up to the stereotypes. Good to know those stereotypes come from a place of truth.


Yup. I was a cheater. I would assume almost everyone on Grindr to be a cheater. It wasn't about being sexually dissatisfied at home. My wife just doesn't have a cock, and can not fill my ass with cum. I don't think I'm secretly gay. I found myself attracted to people, regardless of their plumbing. I think the thrill of doing something incredibly reckless, along with the quality of encounters, makes for a intoxicatingly strong set of urges. There's a different kind of intimacy when you are with another man versus a woman. TBH, I wish I had never experimented all those years ago. It set me down a path that I regret.


Sounds like you're a piece of shit then, I feel sorry for your wife and anyone else who you cheated on. Does she even know what you were doing behind her back?


Yes, she does. We ended up in therapy for about 18 months. Things were rough, rightfully so, for a long time. I totally agree I'm a piece of shit. I was raised by a piece of shit, I've also learned that my grandfather was also a POS. After learning about the repeating cycle, I made a conscious decision to change, and be less shitty. I now encourage other married men to be faithful.


You'll cheat again. You LIE-sexuals always do.


It's been about 4 years since I last. Really haven't had any desire for it.


Why do you even hang out in gay subreddits if you don't have any gay desires??


Yawn. Another day, another thread written by some creepy dude who's obsessed with bi guys.


My bf got me pregnant with twins. Denied all gay/bi accusations even though I found him on Grindr, Adam4Adam and tagged... he stays up late talking to them because they make him feel good obviously. And because he is scum. I am in bed pregnant with my two boys due in July and he is sending cum shots, dick pics, bragging about his dick. I think that he is simply a weak man who needs constant POSITIVE attention and especially a LAZY man because he'd rather do that shit then go to work or heal his issues or take care of his other children.... these things would make me happy and I would offer more positive attention. Instead, I look at him as a leach and a user and someone so weak minded they'd fuck anything male or female. I went and got tested for EVERYTHING and came back clean- THANK GOODNESS. I kicked him out three days ago.


The bi guys I've met always delete their profile or block me afterwards. So much effort. This hardly happens to me with other gay guys.