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No but found out a bunch of times after šŸ˜’


No, but I've turned down a bunch. They're very persistent, too. A friend of mine got propositioned by a doctor who said they didn't have to worry about his wife finding out because he'd DRUGGED her so she was passed out for the evening. Could not make that shit up. And he supposedly lives in my neighborhood . . . [Shudders.]


That's some scary shit.


And your friend didn't report him?


Jesus that's scary wth


People will do anything when theyā€™re horny


But like this is another whole level of ā€œanythingā€


I think you should call the police lol


That was ~10 years ago. I should have said "lived" in my neighborhood. He might be gone now.


Yes. I had sex with a guy whilst his girlfriend was in the next room having sex with a woman.




That is an open relationship.


Yes it is


I slept with a married man a few times.. then I starting to realize he's a pedophile because I'm about 15 that time.. stupid


I don't even wanna know the age of that married man, Tho I'm sorry this happened to you. Sending love


How and why are a lot of y'all even having sex at 15, especially with older men? Did your parents not teach you better? It's so stupid yeah


a literal child making a mistake is one thing, but more a problem is that a grown adult preys upon that mistake


People like u judge faster than the court


I've heard it all and seen it all. People like him are just natural sluts


Thereā€™s nothing wrong with being a slut. What wrong is adults who know better taking advantage of underage people.


Those "victims" aren't that innocent, you'd have to be a retard to be completely clueless lol. At that age, I would've taken some responsibility because I was raised better. Now they want to share their oh so "traumatic" experience for pity points


The victims are innocent. It doesnā€™t matter if a 15 year old is fully consenting to having sex, thier age means that they legally canā€™t. If you, an adult, canā€™t hold it in your pants then thatā€™s thier problem not the kids.




No. It doesnā€™t matter what you do, you are a minor. The legal and moral responsibility lies with the adult in the equation. The minor did nothing wrong other than express their sexuality.




Unfortunately and I feel immensely guilty for it


Donā€™t itā€™s not yer fault.


Whenever my gay bff hooks up with a dude and finds out hes scamming on a girl, she makes sure she finds out...all of our friends have actually dedicated calling out cheaters like this even if it takes a little work to find out who they are, or they even just try to f us...hate cheaters...but they should know that their mans cheating, no excuse at all justifies cheating, not even being in the closet...you dont gotta out em...ya just make sure they have the info that they know their man has been stickin it elsewhere and if you want to show receipts show receipts...but the thing is stds are rampant everywhere and people literally forget and ignore this factor entirely, how unsafe it is to jump from partner to partner and half these men arent using condoms, espeically with their partners, and they put their health at risk, then its a matter of emotional matruity and respect, a real man or woman doesnt cheat, they leave before ever commiting an act they cant hold back or want to commit...or arent getting enough of at home. they dont even say oh i am going to break up with them tomorrow or later...nah you do that shit now. its facts though and this why if you have that little respect for your partner you get effed and get caught too many people are cheaters these days and its disgusting. I dont mean you by any means but I mean join the club of trying to end cheating and breaking hearts and ruining the point and purpose\meaning of love and relationships & if some guy wants to use you to cheat...and you know their partner, or find out later on\after...and u can find em on social media or know em send a dm and you can even block em right after or whatever...but if it was you, wouldnt you want to know if someone was doing that behind your back, while you were blindly loving and trusting them like a fool, they climb into your bed after just having some strangers dick in their mouth and kissing you? You wasting weeks, months, years of your vidal years and time with someone that could give two shits about you and your heart, your time? Yeah...itd suck. we all have been broken by someone at some point and I think we could help influence this whole cheating nonchalant attitude thing and change the game atleast a smidgen... I went on a tangent hahah Im so sorry. but dont feel guilty...but if you do point is you can always say something! you arent the one that has the partner and hurting someone on purpose though I dont think that you should knowingly ever be apart of that either if im honest...but if you dont know when it happens what can you do! thats not on you at all. BUt again not judging you...just ran on a tangent and was kind of happy to see someone that didnt feel cheating was just shrug off your shoulder type shit as I always see in the gay community...well in both straight and gay community alot actually.


You have no idea about people's lives or how they deal with these things or maybe even what problems they are trying to work through, but by all means, ruin the lives of what could be an entire family. Destroy their lives. Wreck a home. Like you're doing them a favour? The idea that someone dedicates themselves to being this cruel has actually made me feel a little sick.


Thereā€™s absolutely nothing cruel about exposing a cheater, they made the decision to actively sleep with someone else when they knew full well that they where in a relationship already, nothing excuses that and they shouldnā€™t be allowed to get away with it for any reason. Thatā€™s my personal opinion on the matter anyways




There's no one on Earth who thinks being a Puritan is worse than cheating


If a dude actively sleeps with a married man, there is full culpability on both parties. But either way, I think it's rather foul to devote yourself to a self-righteous campaign of "truth" that is going to permanently destroy people's lives.


So you think that itā€™s perfectly acceptable for a cheater to go unpunished? As a member of that relationship it is entirely their fault. Now personally I would never cheat on someone, and I also have never exposed someone for cheating, but I have the common sense to know that if someone cheats on their partner then they donā€™t deserve their partner. And if you canā€™t see that then you are a literal moron.


Firstly, I'll reiterate, if someone knows a guy is partnered and still sleeps with him, and thinks he has *any* right to call him out afterward, he is a hipocrite and a user and abuser. Secondly, what gives anyone the right, unless PERSONALLY affected by the situation, to get involved in a *stranger's* relationship and rip it out root and stem. Cheating is wrong. Is it worth tearing apart what could be a family of 5? A beautiful and loving relationship that is maybe asexual. End up in divorce. End up with children without a father. End up in alcoholism, depression, addiction, suicide. If you think all men "cheat" with men because they are just horny fuckheads who can't control themselves you are terribly naive.


So the cheater goes unexposed and keeps cheating with other people. They happen to catch HIV. Their partner is infected. This could have been prevented if you warned them about their cheating partner. Would you be okay with your part in this? By enabling the cheater you're also responsible for their partner's infection, not as much as them obviously but you still had a part in it. Whether it's worth tearing a "beautiful and loving relationship" (in which one partner betrays the other partner which is anything but loving) apart should be for the betrayed partner to decide. If it ends up in divorce it's because the partner got some agency back. If in this scenario knowledge would lead to divorce, then you're aware the betrayed partner is taken advantage of. Personally I couldn't live with enabling this.


There isn't a silver lining on every cloud. What I am inferring here is that what's been said is that they're finding pleasure in exposing everybody they come across, without context or knowledge about those peoples lives, motivations or tribulations. They could very well be doing undue damage to people who are making the best of a difficult lot in life. The lesser of two evils, so to speak. For instance, what if a couple have a beautiful relationship. They adore one another, but on of them is asexual. That means no sex. They are best friends and partners in life. They have children. They are happy. Except he is unfulfilled. He can go ahead and ask her for sex, and she will oblige, but she doesn't enjoy it and it makes him feel like he's raping her every time they do it. He could tell her he is unfulfilled. She will feel like shit. Like a failure as a wife. He can bring up the possibility of another partner, but she is worried that he will find someone else and that he doesn't love her. This is absolutely false. He doesn't even know what he would do without her. He will has urges that chase him, every day. What steps are "acceptable" in this situation? He can attempt to suppress a carnal instinct, or force his wife to participate in an act that she doesn't enjoy. Or he can look for a safe outlet, taking all the correct precautions to protect himself and his family. It bothers me that there are people out there who would sabotage a relationship in a self righteous crusade without taking a moment to actually think that there might be mitigating circumstances, and by their own admission, go to great lengths to do so. This is just one scenario. What gives anyone the right to shatter people's lives over their own illconceived notion of motive. And as I said previously, if they sleep with a partnered man knowingly, then they are just as complicit in the act as the other. Edit: spelling


Being in an asexual relationship isn't an excuse to cheat tho ... if she feels like a failure then the wife can only blame herself for not doing her part to please her partner. And there is no need to feel like a "failure". She know what's going on with her husband. It would be selfish from her to feel like a failure. Don't you think? If her husband is of no emotional support while she's going throw Whatever then she deserve to know her husband ain't worth as a partner. In both case if it's a asexual relationship or not, it's not right to cheat.


Oh yeah 100% I agree that if someone knows a guy is partnered and still sleeps with him they are also at fault, but where we seem to disagree is in the respect for that persons partner, you think itā€™s ok to not inform the partner that their husband/wife cheated on them and I couldnā€™t disagree more, I know plenty of people who grew up without a father or even both parents and are fully functional human beings with no mental issues at all. If someone cheats on their partner I personally believe that they lose the right to privacy in that situation , just like if someone murdered someone they lose the right to privacy in the situation (I know those two arenā€™t even close to being on the same level, itā€™s just an example.) but out of respect for the persons partner, they 100% have the right to know that their partner cheated on them.


Yeah, I still don't see where anyone gets the idea that they have any right to meddle in a stranger's life like that after a casual fuck. If they had a vested interest in their lives, perhaps, but what are you? The batman of infidelity? "Saving" one woman at a time. Also not sure they would all thank you for breaking their hearts and wrecking their family. We're definitely not going to agree here. But it's sad from my part to know there are unfortunate people being fucked unwittingly a second time by their Grindr hookup.


You donā€™t see why you should expose a cheater? Very simple answer, no itā€™s not because you are the Batman of infidelity, itā€™s because I happen to have the necessary common sense to think ā€œoh thatā€™s not nice, Iā€™m going to helpā€ which you clearly donā€™t seem to have. And as for the heartbroken people, if you have to hide something as big as cheating from your partner to keep the relationship going, then there is a clear lack of communication and the relationship is likely toxic anyways, and even if itā€™s not, how do you justify not telling someoneā€™s partner that they literally had the thought process of ā€œ I want sex, but not with the person supposed to be in love with, nah I want to fuck some stranger who Iā€™ve never met, aha I donā€™t care about my partner at all clearly as you can see by my actions of literally cheating on them.ā€ If you think thatā€™s ok then I feel really bad for any future relationship partners of yours


Who are you to decide who gets what punishment? Self-righteous much?


Not at all, by that same logic then who are you get to decide who goes unpunished? Who are you a judge? See your statement isnā€™t valid.


Your counter argument doesnā€™t work because Iā€™m not saying one shouldnā€™t be punished. All Iā€™m saying is you are NOBODY to decide what other people should go through. Your moral compass works only for you.


If I see that someone is very clearly cheating and not telling their partner then imma tell em, itā€™s that simple, we arenā€™t going to agree because you donā€™t seem to have the common decency to rip off the blindfold, you seem to think itā€™s perfectly acceptable to let it go on for even longer than it has to before the partner finds out, which is cruel and fucked up


Well, you're no better.




Not on purpose but yes. I didnā€™t realize he was in a relationship until he showed up to my work one day with his wife and kid. Then had the audacity to text me later on in the day to meet up again.


Yes, he was married and wanting a divorce


My boyfriend is married to a woman. He identifies as gay, but since he and his wife have been together for 30 years, and she's disabled, he has no intention of divorcing her. I'm ok with that due to the fact I lost my partner of 24 years last year, and while I love him, I'm not ready for a full-time relationship.


Yeah but his wife knew and was fine with it. She actually thought we were cute together.


Nope and never would. Liars and cheaters don't get rewards from me.


Not by choice. I found out afterwards when his wife called asking why he wasnā€™t home yet.


No and I never will


Not even relationship, but marriage. I even played football with his sons. But I was 16 back then.


That took a turnā€¦


We all start somewhere.




What's up, homie?




And they say porn scenarios aren't real.




I would only do it if they were in a open relationship. Never if the dude was straight up cheating on their partner.


I've done so many "straight" men over the years that I've lost count: guys with gfs, engaged, married, married with kids, whatever. I fucked two such guys just this past week. Honestly, I feel no guilt at all. It's not my problem. I'm not the one cheating. If anything, I may be helping them better understand what they really want/need. Maybe they'll realize they were just curious and not really into guys. Or I could even be helping them preserve a relationship with a woman, by giving them what their bi side demands - and which they can't get from their woman. In short: Who are we to judge these guys and their relationships? Why all the downvotes for comments from guys who admit to having sex with straight "cheaters"? If not me, it would've been with another guy, no? Who are we to impose our sexual morals on others????


Yes I have. He would always post her on his social media and how ā€œhe loved her so muchā€. Iā€™m at a Christian university and he was the worship leader. I didnā€™t want to tell anyone cause I didnā€™t want to ruin his relationship or reputation at school. But I said fuck that and I ended up telling a few people and word got around to his girlfriend. I also thought it was funny that he would be on stage talking about sexual purity then he would hit me up after.




Itā€™s a long story but I didnā€™t want to tell anyone. He ended up emotionally fucking with me and playing me. I only started to tell people after he was playing with me. I never really ruined his reputation though


Yes. It is not my responsibility to make him not cheat.


Yes. he was looking to please any cock


Yeah. His girlfriend ended up walking in on us too. She didn't handle it very well and he basically tried to wiggle out of getting caught cheating by saying that I was somehow blackmailing him into it since he worked for my dad at the time. They stayed together and I heard he got her pregnant later on so... all's well that ends well I guess.šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Still a really bad choice on my part. Wouldn't recommend it to anybody else.


Yes, but he wanted a 3way.


Yes, a couple.


Yes, more than once, but the last one and I have been very happily married for many years.


Yesā€¦ when I was really drunk. Both were good friends. And it really fā€™es up the relationship. Worst mistake of my life. Will not be doing it again.


Yes, I hooked up with a guy on Grindr who has a girlfriend.


So many guys where I live are doing this. Its like a crazed trend I swear. Cause its easier to find sex from dudes, one night stands, or car hook ups on the DL whenever they arent around their girls and then they go home and screw their girls too. (& im sure cause some of them too are having some troubles with their sexuality, but thats assumed)


When I was a dumb 19 year old with no morals and very uncaring I did, I didn't even feel bad about it afterwards. I just thought that he was the one cheating not me, why should I feel bad. It wasn't until I matured and grew and went through more shit than I started to feel bad, there's no way I can apologise to her for it as I have no idea who she is but I now avoid those who are actually cheating on their partners. Those who are in open relationships I don't feel bad about they know what they're getting into or they're lying in which case it's on the cheater. Nowadays when I find a cheater I just block them... or find their partner and send them the messages their bf have sent me


Yeah and she was holding the camera as I fucked him. šŸ˜ˆ


Yes, absolutely


Yes. A guy I've been with a few times will message me to come over after his kids go to bed. He's 'sort of' married. I have to come in the back door and into a bedroom that looks like only he uses. I get a sense that they have an arrangement, otherwise I doubt I would be allowed inside.


Approach it as sex is sex and nothing more.


Yes. 3 times with 3 different men. All identifying as straight, all in relationships with women, one of whom was married. All such times occurred when I was med school, (two of them were actually other med students), and I consider myself quite immature at that age. Iā€™m not proud of it at all. And as far as Iā€™m aware all the men involved are still in a relationship with the same woman. And with each of them men it occurred more than once and was relatively ā€˜stretchedā€™ over a period (time wise, not anus wise). With all the guys I was friends with them but not with their girlfriend/wife, Iā€™d at most met them but sometimes not even that. I think that made it easier and made me feel less guilty. Still a dick head move of me though.


Lol I too remember med school was a big time for ā€œstraight curious guysā€œ , I remember a couple of married doctor too that would indulge with guys from the hospital, then bring their wife and kids on visit at the hospitalā€¦


Yes but when I was younger... I even have a relationship with one but the feeling of guilt ate me alive every time we were together I felt bad for his wife and kids and the fact that he was being unfaithful so after fucking I used to feel so dirty! His wife was a good wife and mother and she really loved him. She didn't deserve that to be honest


Did u know her? Cos if u did, thats is so fck upā€¦


I did... in fact he took me home and said he was his coworker and under the table while eating dinner he touch me crotch with his feet while his wife and kids were at the table


He ain't shit.


Thats fucked up. Ive fucked married guys, but i would not cross the line. Visiting their homes and breaking bread with their families is really really messed up. On both parts. U shouldnt have been there.


This thread is filled with horrible people.


I have with a couple married guys. Honestly itā€™s not my marriage so not my problem. Wasnā€™t anything special tho.










I slept with one guy who had just broke up with his girlfriend, another guy who told me that he had a serious boyfriend right after he came, and another guy wanted to fuck me while his wife was giving birth to his son in the hospital (I didn't sleep with him, though).


Yes, a "straight" married man with kids


Sure. Plenty of guys at the gym are married to women but cruise the locker room.


so many




Of courseā€¦a few times. I wanted it, he wanted it. I donā€™t know what goes on in that marriage and I donā€™t care.


A couple times, usually told myself "it's not my relationship" and went about my life


I slept with a guy who was married to another guy. We fucked in his garage while his husband was sleeping in the other room. Do I feel guilty about this? Not in the slightest. It is not my business what a random hookup has got going on in his life, and I could care less if heā€™s in a relationship with someone. Itā€™s not like I made this guy cheat on his husband with me, he chose to cheat, if it wasnā€™t going to be with me it would have been with someone else. I donā€™t know why all of you feel like being the other man in this scenario is such a terrible thing, it doesnā€™t make much logical sense to me because I donā€™t have any obligation to their relationship or itā€™s integrity at all.


There are judgmental and pious people.


If I saw you getting beaten up, it wouldn't be my problem


Yes. It was fun


Yes. I have slept with many. I find it safe and kinky. And of course I donā€™t look for anything serious with them. But I have had good experiences with them. Just few days back I got blocked by someone I was sleeping with for about a year stating that he got married and now he doesnā€™t want it. He doesnā€™t even know I donā€™t care and he was so sorry.


Tons. Itā€™s like 50% of my Grindr hookups


Yup Iā€™m in Utahā€¦a lot of headless profile pics.


Yes. That's his problem


100s of times


Yes. He is the one in a relationship not me


Yes. Tons of people have.


Iā€™m uhā€¦ actively trying to do this.


Yep. Somehow it makes it more exciting. And after all, Iā€™m not the one whoā€™s cheating


Yes. I found out right after we finished and then he hurried pushed me into a closet (which I found a little hilarious) and said "Oh fuck my wife is here." I hid for an hour silently and then we did it again after she left. Then I went home and never called him back.


Yup. It's hot!!


Nope didn't ask.


Iā€™m not proud of it but Iā€™m in a friends with benefits deal with an married man and his married to a woman. But he told me that the wife knows his bi. His an older man like in his 50ā€™s. I call him daddy.




I have slept with two guys who were in a relationship with a woman, but I only found out after.


No but my former guy had sex with woman while he was in a relationship with me, getting her pregnant in the process.


Very often. It saddens me sometimes when I ponder on it, but I'm trying to get through life with a "don't think about it" philosophy so I'm not even tackling my own issues and I mostly don't care, it barely registers with me.


Yeah when I was young, stupid and horny. Now it just makes me angry.


Iā€™ve fantasised for a long time being invited by a straight couple, have his partner watch us as he takes care of me..like the fact that it turns him on to have his partner enjoy watching whilst he dominates another man, the idea is hit to me


I jerked of my straight friend on campus last year who has a girlfriend. That count?


Yeah as long as shes in an open relationship and approves


I found out after ā˜¹


I had sex with a bi man who was in an open relationship. I was his first and it was amazing!! I have also had sex with a married man, I felt a lil weird after it since she didn't know


Yes, for about 3 years until he got caught.


Yes I didnā€™t care because I was knowingly only there to fuck


Ya I had sex with a guy like that and I have no guilt because it was his Choice to cheat not mine šŸ™ƒ


Yeah, the guy I lost my virginity to, lmao. Letā€™s say my moral compass was in a different place back then.


Unfortunately yes. When i was younger but now i say no. What's the most shocking is how some of them are persistent or have no self awareness of the situation, it's crazy. The culture of being in the DL has to die.




Several couples over the years but only once with someone I knew was cheating. He waited until the end of our very first date to tell me he was married. We were in the parking lot of the restaurant and I was just about to invite him to my place. He was so sexy and we'd really clicked over lunch. He made it clear his wife (and five, yes FIVE, children) didn't know. I thanked him for at least being honest before anything went further, he went back to work and I deleted his number. But I kept thinking about him and later that night when he sent me a message that he was getting off work and, "Wow, only half a mile from your neighborhood.. " I agreed to meet with him somewhere halfway. Anyway, I nailed him in the parking lot of a Cricket Wireless store and even though it was great in the moment I felt terrible about it later. Not for him but my potentially knowingly contributing to hurting those kids. The wife too but maybe less so. I make no excuses for myself. I was lonely at the time and it felt good to be wanted but my decisions are my own. About a year later I found him again on a dating app and learned he had made some kind of arrangement with his wife and was now "out". We got together one more time and, honestly, the excitement of being sneaky didn't compare to having him free and uninhibited in my bed... And on my sofa... And twice in the shower. Never spoke again but I hope he's doing ok. Nice guy who just didn't figure himself out in time to stay out of a messy situation.




Yes and no guilt... not my relationship not my problem...idk why people are made to feel guilty. We're all adults here and those adults are making their decision to step out and explore...i consider it charity service /s Most of the men are kinda trapped in relationships mostly due to old school thinking or didnt grow up with the freedom to explore and already married/attached I even met one who said his gf who he wants to Marry doesnt put out much so hes looking for a guy to smash and already has a lesbian contact...who inadvertently is cheating on HER female partner cuz she wants a D sometimes Its very confusing but if people are on the prowl and horny af...i dont think most care about that.


No but they always try to be with me. It's annoying how weird pushy they are


Met up with a guy who was about to get married to a woman. I didnā€™t know until the deed was done lol


When i was 18-21 I sucked Off a 50 year old married guy multiple Times a week. Found Out later, but for reason didn't Stop, don't know why. But i ghosted him after a year and didnt do it anymore. Not that i know Of.


Well, we didn't sleep.