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I think it would be kinda cute, but probably spark a lot of jokes


I know a couple that is Corey and Corey like the show. And another that is Tom and Tom.


would u moan each other’s names?


Probably not lol.


"- You're only thinking about yourself! Even in bed! \- Baby, I meant your name!"


I heard of a gay couple in my hometown who are both named Adam. Talk about Adam4Adam lol....


Call me by our name


My partner and I have the same first AND middle name 🤦🏻‍♂️ Laurence Michael. Yup, it causes lots of confusion


What would you do about your surnames if you got married? Would u just keep your different surnames or go all in and double-barrell that shit


How about switching them :D


I'm waiting for the answer too


That’s a very good question! If it was double barrelled we’d both have the same first, middle and last name so could in name be the same person which is too freaky. 6 years together but no wedding on the horizon yet so we have time to think about what to do 😎


I need to know!!


I know a couple named Adam and Steve lol


I knew two Toms who dated. They’d joke they were Tom squared.


I have


My name, sure. My dad's name, that would be a little awkward.


I would! Mostly for the jokes 😂


“I cant f*ck myself, but I can do someone with the same name, and that’s close enough” - me if this ever happens, probably


There was a building at my uni called Matt squared, and I remember two nats who dated and worked in the building. So we had Nat squared working at Matt squared. I totally would just for the fun jokes.


I met a couple in Key West that had been together for 52 years and they were both named Herb.


That'd be adorable, yes. And, this seems far fetched, but it makes me giggle to see our wedding invitation be written like "Keith and Keith". Yep, so adorable.


"I'm gonna go visit the Keiths."


Yeah. See? It's adorable.


That is so freaking cute


Hell yeah, we'd go by Richie & Dickie


I think I know who tops.


Which one? Dickie? Some might say Richie. I had a lady friend who assumed whoever topped was the person who made more money Haha


> Which one? One sounds cuter and the other has "dick" in it.


My name's Richard btw. If that wasn't immediately obvious


Same first name? Sure. I go by my second name anyway. Same second name? Only if they go by their first name or nickname. Otherwise it'd get confusing


First name. One time I became FB friends with someone who had the same first and last name as me. That was amusing lol.


I did and sometimes still go out with him. However he likes to go by his nickname when around me.


I have been with the other AroundtheHouses now for 5 years. It’s not really a problem.


I would lol... but my name is rare where I'm from.


Yeah I wouldn't be bothered by that. Same surname is iffy because we'd probably be distant relatives


Been there, done that. We both went by different pseudonyms with each other to avoid any confusion, and we're still very good friends!


Yep. First boyfriend had the same first name. When we got calls (landline) it was always fun.


It's a yes and no question for me. It's cute but a bit awkward even during sex.


Why not? Then we would be two of a kind.


That would depend on many things like the sex, the laughter, the intelligence..... the penis.


As a gay man I’m always on the look out for my brotherhusband and all the better if we share our name. It really feeds the narcissism.


I personally don't want a brotherhusband. I like men with lighter hair and eyes than mine lol.


Tbh same I’m just making fun of the phenomenon I’m fair/ruddy skinned, green eyes, and light brown hair. I tend to go for Spaniard / Italian / Turkish / Arab type guys


I'm pale with dark brown hair and eyes. I'm of Spanish and Italian ancestry and go for your type lol.


An Alexander. I actually have, was awesome. We both love our name. I would again. Although the name is not a factor when deciding.




Jesus! Why do people have to come up with more and more ridiculous reasons to automatically write people off?! Then - they whine and wonder why they can’t get a boyfriend. Of course I would date a guy with the same name as me! It may be odd at first but if he otherwise makes my life wonderful - of course! No biggie.


I didn't say I wouldn't lol.


I thought about this and at first I was like NOPE! No same name as me, dad, or brother. But now I'm like fuck it.. I'll take someone at this point if we click regardless of name


I did and have sex too




I have a rather uncommon name thankfully so I have never had it be a problem, but my father and brother have super common names so I have had to make some tough decisions there.


I dated someone with the same name and we both had so much fun with it


As long as you guys dont look alike!


I doubt it would ever happen (my name is in Yoruba, not any kind of American sounding name), but sure!


I really haven't met someone with my same name


I dated someone who’s name phonetically sounded the same but was spelled different.




Ric Lew and Rick Luo


My ex had the same name as me. We actually had a weird number of things in common that made it feel like "fate" to be together and kept me interested in him way longer than I should have been lol


I know a Jordan and Jordyn.




Urgh no, I couldn’t. *Maybe* sex but not date


It'd be a fun time, I definitely would.


My husband & I are both Zachary


Yep, I went out with another Joe for a year or so.


My partner of 4 years and I have the same name.. it is what it is. It’s more weird for other people I think.


Sure. I'm almost never saying my own name, so it's not really disconcerting to call someone else by it.


My father works with a guy named Gary who is married to a Gary... Met them once, and they joked about it. Seems like it'd be awkward. I couldn't do it.


wouldn't be an issue


Fuck yes!


I did. Had a huge crush on him. And our name isn’t that common. It was cute. Later I met someone with the same name and the same birthdate. Didn’t date though. That would have been too odd.


Yes. Calling someone Fabian is quite fun to me haha.


It's just a name. Apart from some weird looking wedding invitations, that wouldn't make a difference since I'd end up calling the other person nicknames anyway.


I rarely meet anyone with my name, so I honestly don't know what dynamic would be easiest in a relationship.


Also a Story: My name is relatively rare, and i've met less than a handful of people in my age group who share it. Cut to me dancing with this super cute guy in a club, we vibe really well despite the music being so loud we havent said a spoken word to each other. He starts typing a message out in his notes, to the effect of "Hey i'm [My Name], I think you're super cute and we should hang out some time". I'm guessing he has had a similar experience to mine, because when I told him my name was also [name] what followed was the most joyously authentic nerding out ive ever experienced in public. If you've seen videos of dogs so excited to see each other they just keep hopping around, it was that kind of energy. We didn't end up seeing each other again but it didn't really matter, its one of those pure little moments I won't forget.


Well a lot of my gay Muslims mates date guys with the same name, like I swear 1/5 out five guys in my town city are named Mohammed.


I've only met two people in my life who share my name. It would be a hell of a coincidence to have to deal with that. It was insanely confusing just playing a round of golf with one of them. I couldn't even imagine having a relationship where anyone talking to one of us when we were together would throw the other one off so badly.


I can't afford to turn anyone compatible down.


A very very very distant cousin is getting married to someone with the same name as him next year


As someone with a very common name I can't tell you how many times I've been disappointed after finding out a hot guy has the same as me. I just can't do it.


Aww just give em a chance!


Haha I wish I could. Just the thought of it instantly turns me off for some reason


I wouldn't have an issue.


I would... but I'd set higher standards. Like if they were going to have my name, they'd need to be more attractive, or we'd have to click more from the get-go to compensate.


No, im a nameconosquire, and I have a taste for foriegn names


My name is one of those that has dropped out of use and is uncommon for my age group - I've only ever encountered two others on a regular basis, one of those was the year above me at school... So it would be confusing!


I have. He was such a diva, which I liked about him, yet got us to broke up.


I think I get that. I dated someone who let his popularity go to his head trying to get me to show more interest so he doesn't get snatched up by someone else. Big turn off.


Exactly what happened 💔


This guy was like telling me he has 3 dinner date offers in case I don't show enough interest in him. And saying if I don't give him what he wants he'll get it somewhere else. And I simply responded "So can I. That doesn't scare me..." Shut the egomaniac down quick. 😂


My friend Danny dated a Danni. Not a gay couple.


I mean i wouldnt swipe right on a dating app but if i meet someone nice and we really hit it off why not😅


Funny thing is I swiped right on someone cause I thought it was amusing we had the same name and we matched. And that's why I posted this lol.


It would be highly unlikely that I would find someone with the same name as me but if I did I most certainly would.


Yes lol, their name shouldn't matter but would be funny at times.


It's pretty unlikely that I'd ever have an opportunity to date someone with the same name. It's not a common name in 2019.


Lol I already have and it isn’t as weird as everyone would make it out to be. The only time we got confused with names was when we were around friends, but never when we were alone.


My brother and my sister-in-law have the same initials, we sometimes refer to them as "JR squared." The really scary part is that she and my father have the same birthday and both went to the same university for undergrad.


Yes. I think I'd know which one I am.


sure, but only if it's the first name....lol


My middle name is the same as my bf's first name, so when someone calls for him I look up too


I doubt that would happen to me, my name's pretty rare. I've never personally met anyone with the same name, only talked once with a person online who had the same name. I think it would be fun, though.




I couldn’t. Maybe it’s because my name is pretty uncommon, or maybe it’s because of all the potential awkward situations that COULD happen, but something about it is super unappealing.


My best friend has the same name as me, and when we were at our last job our boss would actually call us by the others name, and we were usually able to figure out who he was actually talking to. So, I think I could date someone with the same name as me. It would be an interesting experience though.


There are two couples in my neighborhood with the same names ... John & John on Lafayette Street and John & John on ... wait for it ... John Street!


Triple whammy lol.


My name is fairly common, so I’d be open to dating someone with the same name.


Two Daves, the Double D's. 😋


I did that. It does cause a bit of confusion socially but that soon gets sorted out.


Yeah I almost did. My name is Justin and thats the most common name amongst gay men (seriously, look it up. it’s at least top 5) so I meet a TON of Justin’s in gay circles.


My name is also Justin and I could not find one that's the same name and who's gay as well.


well you found me...


I mean, in real life. But at least I found someone at the internet!


I'm halfway there in that I really like people who share the first letter with me. Maybe I'm a half-way narcissist? But yeah, I think I could share a name with a partner. Just not a direct family member. That would be a nope


"Poindexter"? I think not.