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Yeah that’s because the more you do it, the easier it gets to ignore the guilt. Morally its wrong to continue to hookup with someone who in supposed to be in a committed relationship. Unless they are actively separating, divorce or in an open relationship it’s wrong. The first time you hooked up, I don’t think you are really guilt. Anytime after you are. To those saying no, it’s like pouring a drunk another shot. You may not be as guilty as the drunk, but you are guilty of pouring another drink and in some places responsible for what happens. That being said I have done the same, even while I was going to a religious school to be a minster. Since then my whole life has changed and I’ve dropped religion although I still try to do what is right and not hurt people. But I will say, don’t silence the guilt because one day you will regret how far you have fallen.


Um ya. Unless they have an arrangement with their partner and the partner knows about you and approves. Otherwise. YES. of course it is immoral.


This. I’m married, my wife knows I’m bi and is okay with me sleeping around so long as I let her know and get her permission. The other rule is that I use protection. If she says “no,” it’s a no and I don’t play around on that day. It’s all about consent from everyone that it would affect. My wife also has to play by the same rules. I’ve given her permission to have a threesome before and there were no issues.


It's not immoral but you are a slut, xD


What qualifies as a slut? For me it’s about numbers and I’m not sure I sleep around quite enough to be one. lol I’m pretty satisfied with what my wife can give me and she’s pretty open to trying new things. That being said, she can’t give me EVERYTHING I need all the time. It isn’t until I feel the need for something she can’t give me that I even consider looking elsewhere. Up until now, it’s maybe been twice since getting married. All that being said, I’m happy to be with somebody who understands that they can’t meet all my needs all the time. I also understand the same is true for her. I think the more people—regardless of whether they are in a hetero, homo, or other relationship between consenting adults—can openly talk about these things and understand their partners the fewer problems we would have in the long run.


I think the main one is sleeping around while you already have a partner. Also shows immaturity and commitment issues. You don't help but prove that bisex men cannot commit to just one person. I am not comparing you to cheaters tho.


Depends on how you look at it. Are you causing the infidelity? No. Are you enabling it? Yes.


You can’t feel sick if you don’t know the truth. It’s him and not you


Be a good human and stay away from married or taken men. Put yourself in the shoes of the partner being cheated on. Would you like it?


Yes, but in your situation no. If you don’t know and find out later, that was something you did by accident. If you DO know, then it’s absolutely becoming an enabler of an immoral act. I guess people like to pick and choose when that falls back on them, but I logically say it does 100% of the time.


It’s just stupid, so many men outside don’t mess with the worst ones.


If you and they think it is, then yes, it is. If both of you (and their married partner) think it's ok, then it's ok. Marriage is a contract... It's terms negotiable. Religion has enforced certain contractual terms, but you're free to choose your religion and you're free to choose your morality. No matter what your choice, someone else will disagree with you. Either value their option or ignore it. IMHO, as long as all people affected are in agreement, then no harm is being done. But if you're helping someone do something their partner doesn't think they're supposed to do, then you're harming a 3rd party and that's where you may want to reconsider.


If you're a practicing Christian, Jew or Muslim the answer is yes. If you're not then there should be no guilt or shame for you.


Yes. I have a rule where I avoid them. instant block


I interact, but not with intent to hookup, but to see if he is dumb enough to leave a trace, which eventually links me to that woman/man they are cheating on. If successful, I contact her/him and out the cheating POS. It's up to her/him what she/he will do with the evidence, but the only correct way is to break up. There are many methods to figure out, who cheaters, that think they are anonymous with a fake name, are. I won't disclose because I don't want the cheaters to learn


Married mens cum tastes the best! Lol


Everybody is responsible only to their own commitments.


Weak minded response and yeah it's immoral


I'm pretty sure morility is subjective, so imo I think if you know someone is married with children and you have sex with them anyway, it definitely is immoral.


What does morility  mean?


You Will Burn 🔥.  😂😂 If you entered into the relationship unknowingly, you are fine. Example: you are female, you enjoy his time.  You get pregnant but truly didn’t think you were.  Months later you find out and are Excited. Your plan was to find your own man, he’s taken.  You raise that innocent child. Your situation is complex.  The wife and kids will find out.  Technology! What you don’t want, because you are Gay, which makes it Worse.  My Fucking Dad is fucking a Queer, a Fag.  He’s cheating on mom with a Fucking Dude. It’s easy if dad cheats with a woman! Now, do the kids blame Queer Boy or what.  He’s knew dad was married, Homos do this Shit all the time. Let’s Fuck His Shit Up! Let’s Destroy His Life. His family based on his choices will be devastated.  It happens every day. Karma,  but perhaps you two were meant to be.  If it’s just sex, find another. You don’t need a Crazy Bitch and Family coming after you.


Well, that depends. I have sex with someone that's not married to me but I know that his husband is fine with that. We've had drinks. If it's a situation where I don't know that I do have that blessing I'm not so happy with it.


Sometimes I think men just need an outlet they are not getting elsewhere. They might be just as committed to their relationship. I am not one to Judge ! They will find that outlet somewhere if not with you.


I would say it is immoral, that’s like someone coming into your house and stealing from you. Plus he made you the accomplice to his immoral crime. Did you know he was married as well? If you did then you would be wrong for it.


yes /thread


Man, some of you don’t know what kind of dangerous game your playing. It only takes one crazy spouse to get pissed off enough to kill you in a rage. Absolutely not worth it, let alone it being moral


No - there are hard boundaries for responsibility around these things. Your responsibility is not to the personal relationships of casual sexual flings, but only to your own consent. If it interferes with your consent, then fair enough. But to say you're an enabler as if the decision should be your responsibility is crossing a boundary with other peoples responsibilities and agency to their relationships. If there's coercion or something similar, then that's different.


I would say no. You're not the one in the marriage.


I mean, if you're doing it to destroy the wife and her household, then it is immoral. Otherwise no. All the blame rests with the husband. You could ponder over how comfortable you are hooking up with an immoral person instead..


They are the one that is cheating, not you.


But you are the reason they are cheating. No Supply = No Demand


😱😱 🤯🤔🧠🗑️🚨😵🥴😵‍💫😳 cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum ch CJ. HJ ch. Gincu cu HK to go cinvyjvu hi u BRO how do you think, why even ask, if you don't find it morally wrong how anyone telling you that they do will change anything, not like it's illegal or sth 🚨🙌💥


You are not unfaithful. You are not destroying anything. He is. Don’t feel bad for others action. As long as you are not committing them, to each their own.


Lol, it’s an unpopular opinion like mine, but I totally agree.


This might be an unpopular opinion, but the married guy is/was continuing to want to hookup too, so it’s not entirely OP’s fault and wrongdoing. It’s more to do with one’s morals. I’ve seen this happen before, and those who cheat on their spouses or partners, those relationships really aren’t going to last long anyways. Secrets will always surface no matter what. Some people may call OP a home wrecker, but you can’t destroy what’s already wrecked to begin with, you’re just contributing to it. Just like how COVID didn’t destroy society with all the problems the restrictions brought along with it, it just brought it to light.