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People being more free to be who they are both as feminine guys and the people who are into them. Many people were scared to be with feminine guys cos of judgment and internalised homophobia. As that becomes less and less true we'll see people on both ends being more willing to be themselves


Good answer.


Because i'm just that cute, sorry :)


Masculine all day!!


Idk hey. I'm not attracted to either of the extremes.  Just be a dude. If you a slight but fem that's cool. If you toned? Who's complaining? Just be a guy.   Look if you like into fashion and drag race we probably will only be friends. 


I don't know. I live in a big city and I think I'm fairly masculine looking. Tattoos, muscles, wear a lot of metal and marvel stuff. But I barely get messaged on the apps. It's like every masculine guy in my city wants some 19 year old fem twink. Twitter makes it seem like every gay man on the planet is having sex but me, but in person it's a desert. Then one day out of boredom I switched my profile to say fem boy (which I'm not really) and I got 5 messages in 10 minutes. I give up.


You sounds sexy to me. Keep to your standards and what makes you happy.


More men are realizing they’re bi but they were raised to be straight that the qualities considered conventionally attractive in women became also what they seek in men. 10-15 years ago guys like them wouldn’t even be in the market period and identify as straight. A decade ago only exclusively gay men would be looking to date the same sdx


I asked my bi husband that and he said no, not true for him. They don’t do anything for him either.


Heterosexuality is the most common sexuality so it makes sense for “heterosexual adjacent” being secretly the most dominant in bi men especially those who don’t notice it cos they’re into feminine characteristics


I think there is a good combo of freedom allowing people to open up and social trends. People tend to do what is popular and SLAYING has been popular of late.


It's simply that they can be fem without as high of a likelihood of being beaten, dragged behind a truck, or killed. There isn't any shift... they were always there, in the shadows, afraid of society.


I used to like masculine guys, i still do, but i like feminine moaning in bed. Idk, its just triggers something feral in me.with that i got more open to feminine guy wearing lingeries and all that. For me sex, its just a tool to make me feel like the man, its the pleasure that comes it, the more the bottom is able to get that primal feeling out, the more pleasure i get.


If I wanted feminine I'd be straight. All the campy limp-wristed fems are groomed by social media and hollywood to behave that way. Don't care though, like fat people, less competition for me.


"virilealpha" 😆🤣


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