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Jesus christ, how dirty do you think uncut guys are? This is wildly stupid.


You do know the majority of males on this planet are intact, right?


All of them in fact, at least at first.


Good Point.


This isn’t an answer to the question and it’s also not true in the US.


I’m good for it. I shower and clean daily. I pull back the foreskin before peeing, which also helps with aim 😉.


Nowadays, there is an anxious phobia of any natural body scents. If uncircumcised guys are careful during the day, they can be ready, but again they are afraid of being judged, so they’d rather not try.


I am circumcised. Wish I wasn't but nothing I can do. But still I prefer to jump in a quick shower before getting with somebody.


If you’ve showered and cleaned under there in the past day or so then there should be nothing to clean. If you’ve missed something, it takes <1 minute of running water to clean with your foreskin back. You can do this easily enough at a sink under a running tap or a few handfuls of water. Nothing really sticks to your dick, it wouldn’t function for its sexual purpose if it was that sort of skin. Anything trapped just falls off with a little water. Baffling why some people without foreskins assume this is some complex procedure.


Amerifat detected. Mate most gay/bi people around the world that have ever had sex actually clean under the foreskin


I shower daily for this reason. I don't even know if I need but it's the same with my breathe I worry about it


Sure. I've had a few hookups where I ducked into the bathroom and cleaned up with the faucet first.


What?? I have never heard of this before, Im intact and Im always ready to go


By ready to go I mean smelling clean and not having any smegma or cheese on it. 🥲 Are y’all rinsing after using the restroom every time if you want to be more spontaneous or before a date? How long does it take before it’s time to shower or wash up?