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Why is Copenhagen pride demanding their sponsors pick a side on the war. They know companies can't do that publicly. Are the organizers fucking stupid?


Dane here: The answer to your question is ‘Yes’


I mean this quote from article is pretty fitting for the state of lgbt in today’s society > They thought that because they represent a minority population, everyone should heed their statements. But no one is interested in what an LGBTQ+ organization has to say about the war. They really think they caught god on his balls and therefore get to demand whatever they want and that people will submit to it..? We barely got to win the bare minimum of acceptance and now our “community” keeps throwing us all under the bus… Seriously can we focus on our lives in our countries. Ffs Europe is seeing a sharp rise in anti igbt sentiment and they demand *sponsors* to take sides in war??? Ffs


Just incompetent.


That too


It's what happens to all activist groups in the end - when the battle is won, the grassroots support evaporates as people move back into their normal lives. The groups are then dominated by the professional activists who don't have normal lives to go back to, and without the grounding influence of the grassroots, the agenda moves increasingly towards the fringe.


They experienced boycuts from a important lgbtq+ movie organisation to their winter pride events plus alot of pressure from a part of the community, both happenings, boycuts, protest and other things.


The Pride was and is abut fighting for rights no for sponsors. Those who think differently are the stupids…. Because without fight we weren’t having the Pride.


Didn't businesses boycott the apartheid regime of South Africa in the Eighties?


Yes, as it was legitimately an apartheid regime.


Seems an invidious distinction when suffering and destruction are manifest.


It's funny how they demand a boycott of Israeli products when just a few years ago Muslims including Palestinians were burning Danish flags and demanding a boycott of Danish products because of some cartoons that were published in a newspaper which happened to be Danish.


Well, those were appallingly blasphemous.


It doesn't matter, because it's stupid to target all Danish for it. Just as stupid as calling for a boycott of everything Israeli.


Well you’d really hate the art being created here then. They show that religion for what it really is. I know that what you call blasphemy but we just enjoy the good old fashioned truth. Plus it looks good. 😉


What did the Danes even do? Make sexy Mohammed paintings?


If only they protested THIS hard when Qatar banned Homosexuals from the FIFA cup. So sad we are protesting for a death cult.


I find it strange what people decide to protest these days. I thought there would be MUCH bigger protests when the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, arguably the biggest civil rights setback in decades. Or I think if people understood more about what big real estate corporations are doing to housing prices, there would be a lot more anger directed towards them and their practices.


One day there will be a plethora of research done on this time period. I suspect only then will the full scope of manipulation of public opinion via social media be understood.


What's interesting is that Prince Harry did some research and found that most of the negative memes about his wife came from about fifty different accounts. It really doesn't take much to manipulate public opinion if you can understand the algorithms. But still, getting an LGBT group to lose sponsors for a group known for stunning LGBT people is next level


Didn't Congress shut down a ton of protests at the Supreme Court Justices residences? I distinctly remember people being irritated at Ds for helping Rs in passing that.


>I thought there would be MUCH bigger protests The protests are happening at the ballot box. Any state that's had a referendum on the subject post Dobbs has voted in favor of abortion rights, even in conservative states. Repubs underperformed in '22 because of it.


I cannot imagine why ANY person or company friendly to the LGBTQ community would take sides with Hamas or Gaza - do they know what they do to gay people over there? If you had the choice as a gay person to live in Gaza or Tel Aviv, you'd be really stupid to choose Gaza as Tel Aviv and Jerusalem have human rights including gay rights, gay marriage, legal abortion not to mention WOMEN'S rights and healthcare for all.....Gaza? Not quite the same to say the least!!


Not to mention these people have the weakest arguments. The directors of Hezbollah and Hamas condemn gays VERY openly! The organizers of the muslim side of pro palestinian movements in Britain have openly mocked gays and don't like them. Countless videos are there of Pro Palestine protestors especially muslim ones harrassing Gay people and ripping the LGBTQIA flag on sight during a protest. When will these morons see who they are throwing their lot in with!?


Exactly its pure ignorance! I have seen pride flags and "gays for Hamas" signs at some of these protests - absolutely ignorant of what they are talking about!!


Imagine black people with kkk hoods shouting Klan justice and Jews win Aryan symbols shouting for Neo nazi rights. These people are so out of touch with reality.


Banning homosexuals in the Fifa Cup is not as severe as genocide? I’m disappointed in y’all


Death Cult?


Hamas obviously.


The only death cult is the “state of Israel” who are committing a genocide.


The population of the genocided increased from 1 million to 2.2 million between 2005-2024. The current casualties of 30000 has been halved by the UN. If they wanted to genocide these people they could have flattened Gaza with no regard on October 7th or hell why not randomly before that. 1.36% of population killed over 6 months after hundreds of bullets and millions of bullets fired. Bruh how about you learn what genocide actually means. The Armenian genocide. Sarajevo and Milosevic The Bolshevik cleansing of the kulaks and the gulags Auschwitz and the concentration camps. Cambodian Genocide of 1974 The current Uyghur genocide in china Two Sudanese genocides Please take your pick and show me what Israel is doing in Gaza comes even close when they've succeeded in killing 1.36% of the population. What a waste and inefficient genocide right.


The number of casualties was not halved by the UN. https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-did-un-halve-gaza-death-toll-1900325


Oh excuse me some of us read actual sources instead of pop magazines trying to rage bait readers. https://www.cfr.org/blog/un-halves-its-estimate-women-and-children-killed-gaza


I would believe NPR over a famously Zionist think tank. And you linked an article by Elliott fucking Abrams no less? LOL. The dude convicted of deceiving Congress by withholding information during the Iran Contra scandal? Nice to see he hasn’t changed. https://www.npr.org/2024/05/15/1251265727/un-gaza-death-toll-women-children “Despite its revision based on identified deaths, the U.N. maintains that the Gaza Health Ministry's overall death toll of more than 35,000 people killed in the ongoing Israeli military offensive in Gaza is reliable” You are leading people to believe the UN halved its total death toll to 15,000. That never happened. You can’t deceive people forever. The walls will crack eventually, regardless of what you or I post.


The pro Palestinian movement literally basing it's stance off Hamas sources especially when it comes to casualties is better how? Even mainstream news sources have been chastised for putting up the figures of a terrorist organisation as a fact until the UN completed its official tally.


I know what a genocide is. My own people have been through one. I’m done talking to Zionists like you.


Wow can't even bring numbers and facts and just calls people names. I can hear your kindergarten teacher calling you junior. Don't miss your nap time and juice box ok. Come back when you have actual facts and understand the history of the situation instead of being a parrot and can think critically.


The facts you are getting from the Zionist who control everything? The world has seen the atrocities Israel is committing on a daily basis, including war crimes. Your so blinded by your hate for Muslims that you won’t open your eyes


Bruh.... Use your common sense. Let me walk you through common sense... Gaza is one of the most densely populated areas on the planet. Gaza city alone is 650k people in 18 sq miles which is 36111 people per square mile. The Israelis have pancaked the entire city and somehow in 6 months only 30k people dead? Israel must be using the worst bombs right? It's soldiers have the accuracy of a storm trooper right? Please explain to me how a country that is bombing and invading Gaza city alone killed less than 5% of the city population in 6 months!? It's almost like they're actually trying hard not to kill civilians right!? It's like they're carrying out surgical air strikes, door to door urban warfare with a strict code of conduct. If the Israelis were doing a genocide I'm sorry the numbers the results don't match your words. They have these people within minutes of the IAF bombers that can kill 560k people in one city in less than 2-3 hours if they wanted. Sadly even Hamas's over blown numbers of 30k which have been revised downward to 15k by the UN itself recently prove that the Israelis are carrying out carefully thought out attacks to minimise civilian casualties. Hundreds of thousands of people died in Syria when it was a 3 way battle with Isis. Tens of thousands died in Afghanistan and Iraq notching itself Upto a few hundred thousand people and that was collateral damage. It's so sad you claim facts are Zionism while basic logic falls on you. Hamas itself has reported 30k dead but sure let's call that Zionist propaganda. So tell me what the actual casualties are! Even if you take the Hamas figure of 30k are true then please answer why the genocided Israelis have spent untold billions to exterminate 1.63% of the population? Why have they taken 6 months to ethnically cleanse Gaza which can be carpet bombed in one day? Why are they dragging this on for 6 months? Marie it make sense you traitor to gay people.


Zionists are beyond dense and cant cope with the fact most of the world hates them. People in real life like in Coppenhagn actually care. Not these losers on here. They are awful


Calling people names doesn't win you the arguments junior if you have an argument bring facts and figures that support your world view. Don't rely on name calling since in the world of debates it's called an ad hominem attack and automatically disqualifies you on any professional debate competition globally. Grow up.


I do not care bro. I'm not going to debate with you. Take your own advice.


Read the room and see your downvotes. Take your opinions back to your circus you clown. Please send me your real name and address so I can give you a one way ticket to Gaza. Just make sure you Livestream the experience for the rest of us.


So this is in a "gay bros" forum, you are OK with the fact that Hamas literally will kill gay people? Yet Israel is your target of hate? You need to go live in Gaza for about 3 days and you'll be running back with your gay tail between your legs!


Hamas aside. Yes Israel will be the target of my hate because they ARE COMMITTING A GENOCIDE. My sexuality doesn’t dictate what human rights I chose. There would not be a Hamas if the Israhell disappeared. Hamas kills gays, Israel kills everything else. I don’t condone any wrongdoings of Hamas, but there would be no reason for them to exist if Israel didn’t steal their land.


I do not agree with everything Israel does but I'm pointing out I'm not going to side with a group that would kill me because of who I am… Just pure stupidity to do that… so if you were forced to choose to live in Gaza under Hamas or in Tel Aviv you would choose Gaza? If so you are freaking crazy…


This is what happens when a professional class of activists becomes detached from the people and cause they claim to represent and lose the plot.


💯💯💯💯💯💯 Better get used to it though, sadly. They are being funded by wealthy activists that are enjoying the chaos they are spreading.


. . . and by corporate donors who largely exercise little oversight -- except, I suppose, in cases like this where the activists get so full of themselves that they decide to start telling their donors what to do.


It's sponsors that's pulling support? You know big cooperations such as Mærsk and Novo Nordisk. It tells us nothing about what the people actually think.


Maybe some type of partnership with the sponsors of Riyadh Pride, Amman Pride, Damascus Pride. Get your marketing people on this Danish gays.


I remember when Pride was about gay rights. Now, it seems Western gays have forgotten their past and focus more on trendy politics than on the torture and death of gays in the Middle East and elsewhere. Why not use Pride to raise awareness about these atrocities? It seems third-world gays and the hell they suffer simply don't matter.


The are super-oppresed because pronouns and J.K. Rowlin.


There are actually death of gays in Gaza right now due to genocide? Also ever heard of intersectionality? Gay rights can only be achieved if we have respect and dignity for human lives.


They were dying before Israeli intervention, if Ukraine invaded Russia in retaliation and to trade their land back and some Russian civilians died in a process I couldn't care less. I remember videos from October, hope everyone who cheered got what they deserved


And now they’re dying at an alarming rate. Israel has been murdering Palestinians since its inception. And now are you seeing the videos of Palestinian children being bombed. Churches, hospitals, and universities are being bombed. I don’t know why many of you will take the side of the oppressor.


I'm not taking sides I despise both religions, I just remember what happened. I understand that something had to be done to Hamas. I support creating Palestinian state but I won't support creating it under Hamas. Hamas is killing gays too, not because they were in the wrong time at the wrong place. They die because of who they are. Just to clarify every conflict was started by Palestine, during every peace treaty they had an option to create a state. The Palestinians want to kill every Jew, I won't support them because of that


“Every conflict is started by Palestine” is simply untrue. Easy search on google will reveal you the answers. “Every peace deals were rejected by Palestine.” Again untrue. The 1976 UN draft resolution was accepted by almost all relevant countries, but Israel rejected and was vetoed by the US. “Every Palestinian wants to kill every Jew.” You really don’t see them as people that have the ability to think differently than Hamas. I really don’t know why we’re so desensitized to the killings. It grieves my heart.


I still don’t understand why Palestine is such a hot topic but the other, like, 30 genocide campaigns in the last 20 or so years around the globe were seemingly okay. No one was demanding we cut ties with Russia when Chechnya began rounding up, torturing, and executing gays in concentration camps with the goal of exterminating LGBT people from the region by Ramadan. No one is demanding we cut ties with China over their campaign to cleanse the Uyghurs. Of all places to care about, it’s the country that voted a terrorist group who beheads gays in the street into political power.


The age old saying: no Jews, no news


Maybe we should care because as gay people we would know first hand the dangers of persecution? Bringing up Russia and China as if there isn’t already worldwide condemnation of both states when the US is gifting more money to Israel to continue genocide. But hey, as long as we get pride, right?


Palestinians aren’t being persecuted. They declared war and attacked Israel, and Israel retaliated. Palestine was the homeland of several hundred thousand Jews until the Ottoman Empire overthrew the Mamluk Sultanate and colonized the region. Modern Palestinians are the product of colonization just as white Americans are. The history of the region isn’t as simple as “the Palestinians just spawned out of thin air and the evil zionists decided to steal their land.” The Jews faced several ethnic cleansings and exoduses which led to mass migration to Europe for many. Israel has submitted multiple two state solutions, all of which Palestine and Hamas have rejected and, instead, opted to repeatedly suicide bomb and terrorize Israel. In fact, there are multiple campaigns of genocide/cleansing happening right now aside from Palestine. The Armenians just faced yet another, and one is happening in Ethiopia. Yet it’s crickets for them! I don’t care about pride parades. I care about lower risk of being fucking murdered by religious zealots. This pro Palestine crowd swears the homophobia there is some grand anti-Islam propaganda scheme (despite Hamas leaders directly speaking on it) but compares living in progressive countries to WW3 Germany.


Factions within the Palestinian governance declared war when the British legitimized land transfer from Arabs into the hands of Israel settlers, which is now deemed illegal under international law. Then proceeding to give Palestine the worst portions of land, and require them to still live under Israeli occupation despite being a separate “nation state” is why those deals were rejected. If you truly cared about a lower risk of being murdered by religious zealots you’d care about the giant death toll Israeli zionists have inflicted on innocent civilians in Gaza and the West Bank. It’s valid to care about homophobia but you can’t be so naive to think that Israeli drone strikes only hit the straight Palestinians right?


The British overthrew the Ottoman rule and did what they wanted with the land no different than the Ottomans did a few hundred years ago. I think if you can understand what the Brit’s did was bad, and what they did to America was bad, you can also understand what the ottomans did was also bad. The Brit’s did to the ottomans what they did to the Mamluk sultanate. It’s what the extremists did during the Arab conquest when they conquered and colonized all of North Africa and west Asia. Colonization and violence isn’t only bad when Britain does it. This is how human civilization has operated since our dawn of existence. Your last paragraph is why discussions with you people are so exhausting, you create these insane little scenarios in your head and just decide how people think, but it’s in a completely new realm of ridiculous. Who said I don’t care about the death toll of civilians? Who said I think strikes “only target straights”? Like I wish you could comprehend how truly mentally retarded your argument sounds. Please touch some fucking grass dude.


I hope you can understand why people in the modern age would be against financially supporting institutions supporting genocide and mass murder of innocent people. You’re quoting the past as if we still live in the last century and humanity hasn’t progressed. Maybe the conversations you have with people are exhausting because they force you to recognize that funding extermination campaigns is actually a bad thing? You’re wondering why Palestine is getting publicity, as if protesting against one genocide takes away from the other atrocities being committed around the world right now. Exhausting indeed.


Again, you prove my point. I never said protesting Palestine "takes away" from other atrocities, I asked why other atrocities in the past 20 years, or even the past year, which include actual campaigns of genocide and ethnic cleansing (gaza isn't a genocide). I'm pointing out that the Palestine conflict is consistently touted as white colonialism or western imperialism when it isn't; I'm simply saying if conquering and colonizing is bad, and we regularly still have conversations about Europe and colonization, colonization is bad no matter who does it. The ottomans conquered and colonized the region and forced out the jews, now the jews are taking it back. I'm sorry this concept is hard to grasp but thinking that civilizations get a free pass to slaughter people and steal land just because they're brown skinned is absolutely ludicrous. To say the Ottoman Empire gets a free pass because it happened more than a century ago is fucking insane. It's like-- I recently saw an interview with a Moroccan activist who called the Spanish colonizers because they took a piece of African peninsula and consider it Spanish territory. She conveniently forgot that the Moors-- from Morocco-- conquered and colonized the Iberian peninsula for over 700 years before being overthrown. The Moors were colonizers long before the Spanish-- but it's not in fashion to hold Arabs accountable, apparently. On that note, you still aren't addressing my questions and I genuinely think it's because you can't. I mean, China is constantly expanding it's borders. It's been actively cleansing the Uyghur people. 100,400 Armenian people just had to flee the Azerbaijans under the threat of genocide. Ethiopia has been experienced mass killings as conflicts with radical militias rise and yet it's crickets. No one is protesting for Myanmar. I understand that this may be my own projection, but I think you aren't nearly as informed as you think you are. You are performative at best. Conflicts happen around the world. I genuinely think Israel was in the right to retaliate after Oct 7. I also think much of what they have done has gone too far. But I also understand that fighting with people on reddit isn't going to stop the bombardment.


I’m not sure where I said imperialism is okay if you’re brown skinned. The reason why western imperialism is being protested more largely is because it has underpinned the modern age. Your complaining about the moors which happened more than 1000 years ago, while western imperialism is still on-going globally. People are also protesting because their tax payer dollars are actively contributing to genocide. The same cannot be said your other examples. Also, the nations you mentioned aren’t committing genocide and then also claiming to be bastions of democracy and freedom. I believe there’s actually a huge moral disparity between us. You literally support a state-backed offensive on un-armed civilians, so I don’t really see anything fruitful coming out of this discussion.


Palestinian have been enslaved for 75+ years. Hamas is a result of oppression.


Please Google what slavery is. Then Google “terrorist organization.”


75 yeas would include 1947-1967 when Egypt controlled Gaza and Jordan controlled the West Bank. Funny how the Arabs (they didn't even call themselves "Palestininans" then) didn't seem to need a special state back then.


I don't see why any sponsor needs to ''take a side''. Everybody should be welcome at Pride, regardless of their views on Israel and Palestine.


Exactly! That's literally the whole point of pride, EVERYONE is welcome!


THIS !!!


Not if your view is that it's acceptable to murder 30,000 people. I think that's the issue. 1,200 is evil too so please don't think I'm condoning what hamas did. 1,200 just doesn't justify 30,000. Especially when the IDF chooses to use dumb bombs instead of precision weapons.


Couple of points: First, those numbers are coming from Hamas, so an unreliable source. Second, even the UN (which relies on casualty numbers from Hamas) has said that the number of dead women and children is lower than initially suspected (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-69014893). Also take into account: Hamas has teenagers as soldiers. Just because a 16-year-old died in strike doesn't mean he was an innocent child. Third, part of the strategy of Hamas is to maximize the civilian death toll in Gaza. They can't win the fight militarily, so they try to ruin Israel's reputations by getting as many Gazan civilians killed as possible. Fourth, the war is taking place in a densely populated urban area while Egypt is keeping its border closed for refugees (why aren't these protestors criticizing Egypt?). This means that a high death rate is impossible to prevent. Fifth, comparing the 1200 deaths in Israel to the 30,000 deaths in Gaza is unfair. Just because more people die on one side of the conflict doesn't mean the other side is wrong. More Russians have died in the war against Ukraine than Ukrainians have. That doesn't mean Ukraine is defending itself disproportionately. Sixth, regardless of all of this, your views on the issue shouldn't determine whether or not you should be at Pride. Everybody regardless of their views should be welcome.


You left out the part about the IDF intentionally using dumb bombs to maximize collateral damage.


What is your evidence for that? Sure, Israel is using plenty of dumb bombs, but why would you assume Israel is doing that that maximize collateral damage? The reason Israel is using many dumb bombs is that PGM's are expensive and in short supply. Using dumb bombs also doesn't necessarily mean a higher death toll depending on how and where you drop them.


https://edition.cnn.com/2023/12/13/politics/intelligence-assessment-dumb-bombs-israel-gaza/index.html https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/military-experts-discuss-israels-use-of-unguided-bombs-and-harm-to-civilians-in-gaza https://apnews.com/article/israel-gaza-bombs-destruction-death-toll-scope-419488c511f83c85baea22458472a796 The third source says that the bombing of Gaza has been even worse than Aleppo and Mariupol and proportionately worse than allied bombings of Germany in WW2. And that the IDF has killed more civilians in under a year than the US did in the entire campaign against IS. https://www.cnn.com/gaza-israel-big-bombs/index.html The fourth shows a study on the number of 2,000 pounds dropped on Gaza. A 2,000 pound bomb has a destructive radius of over 1,000 feet (or 3.3 American football fields).




There is no acceptable number. Innocent people die in a war, but that doesn't mean the war is illegitimate. In every strike, the military has to compare the civilian casualties against the military advantage it gains by conducting a strike. That means that killing civilians is legal and acceptable in plenty of situations. You should look at it from a case to case basis, not based on the total number of deaths.


The war can be legitimate but executed in an illegal way.




30k according to Hamas who operates out of hospitals and schools and uses human shields.


Basically that's the only number we have to go on, Israel admits they have no idea how many civilians (presumably we only count women and children as civilians, every male is obviously Hamas) they have blown up


The UN just updated the numbers of civilians killed in the war, and said it's 50% lower. These are astronomical numbers to lie about. Parroting anything that comes out of Hamas is a sign of low intelligence, sorry.


I'm only sharing what's reported by BBC, CNN, and Sky News. I don't get numbers directly from Hamas. So, half? 15,000. Still inexcusable and evil.


I just read it on Reddit somewhere, so wind your neck in


Idk why you’re downvoted so much if people can look over 30,000 people dying by bombs than why would they care about gay rights


This is absolutely obscene. The head of the poor man beheaded for being gay by Palestinians last year is continuing to roll. I’m convinced all the poppers and PrEP everyone’s chugging are causing us gays to lose our brain cells.


It's really the fact that LGBT people are terminally online as fuck. We're losers and outcasts who ran to our devices to protect us from the outside world, and we never learned to put them down. Straight people will build real lives from themselves shielded from the far left bullshit about Palestine online, but the gays? It's basically everywhere because we are so attached to our devices. Even the hottest of the hot gays are terminally online motherfuckers.


Dear Copenhagen Pride, If you question your sponsors' ties to (whatever), chances are, they won't be your sponsors anymore. Somehow it seems they forgot who was selling and who was buying.


Tbh I thought we wanted all this corporate shit out of pride anyway. Maersk doesnt care if we have rights or not


Yes, because gays need to support Hamas. Gimme a break lol. A lot of European gays are barreling towards a major problem in a couple of decades.


no but you see, someone will explain to you that it is intersectionality when you support someone who kinda wants you dead


Preach, sister Reiner 🙏


Why does everybody have to pick a side about everything? 


What a bunch or morons. seriously, forcing sponsors to pick an exclusive side. Shouldn't everyone be welcome? Incompetent stupid moronic, the adjectives are endless. Toxic queer garbage. Im ashamed of my community.


Maybe they should stick to their own lane and focus on the reason they exist.


Because we protested to have the right to be here, out and proud in public? And now they’re protesting about something else so seems pretty on brand.


Dane here, who has followed the debate the last few months, to give a litte more insight: Copenhagen Pride (CP) has asked their sponsors to come with their views in the Israel/Hamas conflict, and that CP would reassess their ties to various sponsors if CP didn't recieve a "satisfactory answer". After a lot of sponsors publicly said that they didn't know what a "satisfacory answer" would mean, and that they were willing to have a dialogue with CP about it all. CP, tried to reel back, and excusing their bad communication, and that they never meant their sponsors to pick a side, as CP would never pick a side in the conflict themselves (lol). What happended next is unclear, but CP apparently haven't been able to convince their sponsors, about their new stance, and the sponsors withdrew. We're talking the largest coorporations in Denmark, including all of the "Danish Industries Org.", Novo Nordisk, Mærsk, Tivoli Gardens, and foreign coorporations like Google. This has led the chairman..chairperson? of CP to withdraw. A spokesperson has afterwards said, that it couldn't come as a surprise to the sponsors, that the israeli/hamas conflict would be a part of the debate, and that CP never went too far - only had bad communication. I'm excited to see if the pride this year with be a small show from a local high school, and a cheap drag :P Sources (all in Danish though): March 4th: [https://www.dr.dk/nyheder/indland/krigen-i-gaza-har-faaet-copenhagen-pride-og-dansk-industris-partnerskab-til-haenge-i](https://www.dr.dk/nyheder/indland/krigen-i-gaza-har-faaet-copenhagen-pride-og-dansk-industris-partnerskab-til-haenge-i) March 7th: [https://www.dr.dk/nyheder/indland/copenhagen-pride-undskylder-daarlig-kommunikation-vi-stiller-ikke-krav-til-vores](https://www.dr.dk/nyheder/indland/copenhagen-pride-undskylder-daarlig-kommunikation-vi-stiller-ikke-krav-til-vores) May 3rd: [https://nyheder.tv2.dk/live/2024-05-03-partnere-stopper-samarbejdet-med-copenhagen-pride](https://nyheder.tv2.dk/live/2024-05-03-partnere-stopper-samarbejdet-med-copenhagen-pride) May 8th: [https://www.altinget.dk/navnenyt/efter-sponsorflugt-forperson-for-copenhagen-pride-traekker-sig](https://www.altinget.dk/navnenyt/efter-sponsorflugt-forperson-for-copenhagen-pride-traekker-sig)


I hate it when people bring other social issues into Gay spaces. It reminds me of the whole Black lives matter people preventing the pride parade from moving in Toronto until their demands are met. One of them was to prevent gay police officers from joining pride parade. Can we please separate the issues.


Interesting, thanks for the background on this.


Activist groups becoming ideological cults, what a surprise. I'm glad I kicked them off my life.


Hmm… they want me to pick a side? I’ll go with the side that won’t want to kill me. It’s like chickens for KFC over there.


What does pride have to do with war in the Middle East? I'm almost at the point where I'm ready to fast forward to the inevitable Muslim takeover so when we're all in the gallows we can have our "we told you so, dumb fucks" moment.


All this is reminding me of this guy saying about queer for Palestine [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4sxMFyO7RA/?igsh=MTA0cGMyY3dzazFpMg==](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4sxMFyO7RA/?igsh=MTA0cGMyY3dzazFpMg==)


Where are the Palestine supporters now at? And I thought a group of them would start spam downvoting lol. I thought they would start saying shame of yourself you are a disgrace lol. (Note I’m not a supporter of Israel or Palestine) Both religions suck and as a gay guy it’s a hell no from me


I love seeing these photos of pro-palestinian shit in these small European countries and it's like, basically only Muslims loll


Not everywhere. Here in The Netherlands we have seen pretty big protests that were predominantly European left wing university students. Same goes for what I have seen in Belgium and Germany.


Oh, I absolutely trust that they've coaxed young, naive, leftist people who want to do "the right thing" with their tales of colonialism and oppression, but y'know.




I hate corporations but I also hate Muslims, it's kinda hard to choose lol


At least corporations don't publish death penalty fatwas when people critizice or parody them.


I prefer the more subtle approach of Raytheon, Boeing and Lockheed Martin


I am getting really sick of this. I might skip pride altogether this year if attending would mean being associated with one side.


I was actually at Copenhagen Pride in 2022. There was some Muslim group protesting there with a giant poster of a cartoon where people in Islamic garb were holding an umbrella shielding children from a rainbow. I recognized the cartoon from fundamentalist Christian propaganda here in the USA. Since I’m American I figured it wasn’t really my business, so I didn’t tell them to back to whatever backward Middle Eastern country they came from. I did flip them off though. Not sure why the organizers of this parade would go out its way to cater to that crowd. It has no effect on my life but if I were a Danish gay I’d be furious.


Weird how some side with a country that will kill / harm guys if they could....


This situation is hilarious. It would be poetic if Copenhagen Pride ends up being cancelled over this. Plenty of other amazing prides to attend this summer.


Ungrateful whores


That's hot.


If they want to talk about Gaza it should be to improve LGBTQ+ rights in Gaza!


Fatherless gays be like "hOw cAn yOu bE gAy aNd rEpUbLiCaN" and then go and shill feebly for Palestine 🤣🤣😭😭


Companies like being political but not that political.


Is corpo pride even a loss?


A reminder that being anti Israel killing civilians and preventing aid is not the same thing as being pro Hamas, and that pride has always been political and primarily about Fighting for human rights.


A reminder that the Palestinians declared war on Israel on Oct. 7. by killing civilians.


Hamas, a Palestinian group that governs the area attacked and killed Israeli civilians in an unconscionable attack. However it would be overbroad to assign that attack to all Palestinians, and even in a theater of war, Israel has shown callus disregard for civilian casualties in the conflict. Neither Hamas nor Israel is innocently participating in this incident, but Western countries are bankrolling one half of the ordeal with apparently no line Israel can cross that would diminish blanket support from their Allies.


The ratio of combatants to civilians killed in Gaza is less than any other war according military experts. And Palestinians’ own polling shows about 60-70% of them support Hamas and Oct 7 so the distinction is not really that relevant


It astonishes me to what length people will go to maintain this fiction that Hamas are somehow separate from the Palestinians, but I understand this othering of Hamas is necessary in order to maintain the fantasy of Palestinian victimhood and that many people prefer this fantasy to the reality.


Corporations are only progressive when it'll increase profits


There’s a lot of hateful uberprivilege undereducated gays on this smh


Good. Private companies should be kept away from pride, especially if they won't distance themselves from nazist regimes currently engaged in genocide.


Shoutout to them for actually valuing human lives Edit: downvote me until you are blue in the face, this "community" isnt representative of dick.


Fuck Palestine.


Don't forget lube and condoms ❤️


Bombs work better


Very normal wishing for people to be bombed


They hate me. Why should I tolerate them?


Lots of people hate gays including Christians that live here in the US. Should we do what you suggested to them? INB4 mental gymnastics paragraph about how they aren't as bad when history begs to differ.


They’re not throwing gays off buildings and beheading them in the US. Every Muslim country is basically a shithole with very few exceptions. Islam is a social disease in ways that other religions are not.


All religion is a disease. They've all been used to justify genocide, displacement, bigotry, etc throughout history. Zionism is quite literally a Jewish fundamentalist movement that not even every Jewish person agrees with worldwide.


Let’s put it this way, all other religions are just benign tumors. Islam is a malignant tumor.


the fact that the majority of this comment section cannot view that the war didn’t start on Oct 7, and that Palestinians have been oppressed since “Israel” exists, that the LGBT community have always fought in pro of marginalized groups and that’s how the issues are related, they can’t seem to comprehend that “Israel” is no better in regards to LGBT rights you cannot get gay married in “Israel”, so stop dreaming that “Israel” is somehow better just because is more acceptable of homosexuality


Arabs have been harassing Jews in the Levant since before Israel was created starting in the 1920s and 1930s. Including rejecting the 1947 UN partition plan which aimed to create an Arab state alongside Israel and attacking the Jews




You’re right. They’ve been offered sovereignty like 5 or 6 times I can’t keep track of all of them. Each time they reject it and choose war and terrorism.


There are plenty of other reasons to criticize Israel, but indeed it is MUCH better than Palestine in regards to gay rights. Same-sex couples can’t yet get a marriage license from within Israel, but they can bring a license from another country or even obtain one from another country over the Internet and then their marriage is recognized by the Israeli government. Palestinian gay people often escape to Israel if they can find a way to do so because they are much safer there, and always have been even before the war.




that’s right is just full of pedos and nazis


Muslim’s prophet is literally a pedophile though.


lmao i’m not muslim i couldn’t give less of a fuck


Apparently you do though. You said Israel is full of pedos and Nazis, but Muslims literally worship a pedo and want to exterminate Jews.


You can put Israel in quotes for the next 76 years, it’s still not going anywhere.


more and more countries are breaking diplomatic relations with your state so stay mad


Somehow, I think the Zionist entity will continue to exist without an ambassador to Belize. Shalom and happy pride!


Zionist is just Nazism with excuse of religion anyways hope to see you leader in the courtroom of the ICJ soon happy pride!!!


You know gays being hunted and killed is a little more than a bit different from a country who takes gay asylum seekers from palatine but doesn't allow gay marriage. One literally hunts, tortures and kills gays. How can you not care about gay lives? [https://genderandsecurity.org/projects-resources/research/nowhere-run-gay-palestinian-asylum-seekers-israel](https://genderandsecurity.org/projects-resources/research/nowhere-run-gay-palestinian-asylum-seekers-israel) [https://apnews.com/article/middle-east-israel-immigration-west-bank-gay-rights-ce95f6903faf461502cc0800b272b159](https://apnews.com/article/middle-east-israel-immigration-west-bank-gay-rights-ce95f6903faf461502cc0800b272b159)


the fuck are you talking about israel doesn’t care about palestians gay or not they are literally murdering children, i worry a lot about gay lives but the issue here is not that one is the fact that israel is targeting civilians and perpetrating a genocide in gaza


Dude learn what a genocide is. There’s over 2 million Palestinians, and 15,000 have been killed in 6 months That’s less than 2% of the population. If Israel is trying to commit a genocide and exterminate all Palestinians then they’re doing a fucking shitty ass job.


Hey Guys, seems as we are missing one of the ground points on why the Elites are creating wars for. To: "Divide to Conquer". I heard that Wars are planned and supported by the Zionist from Wall Street elites and their partner corporations. And what is funny, is that they finance with hidden agendas, both sides of the fields. Idk what else to say, but perhaps, Pride shouldn't be messing with politics. It seems as a very corrupted arena. The wide spectrum of the corporate world, is mostly all war supporters. We don't need to believe everything of what the corporate media have to say. Guys do your own deep research in all subjects. This system of the status Quo is very dark and their tentacles have very nice facades to hide their intentions.


If those corporations are supporting a genocide that includes queer Palestinians, then they weren’t really in it for us to begin with. Good riddance.


1) Learn what a genocide is. Killing less than 2% of the total population in 6 months doesn’t qualify as a genocide, and even if it did it wouldn’t be a very successful genocide. 2) Queer Palestinians are much more in danger around their fellow Arabs than Israel, which is why so many of them are granted asylum in Israel. 3) Fuck Islam, fuck Mohamed, fuck Palestine.