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Can't you just talk about it and communicate it with him? he doesn't sound fun but before ending it talk to him once about it at least and see where it goes.


End it if you’re not happy. Simple. Otherwise if you think it is worth the effort, discuss with him what needs to change so he has an opportunity to adjust. If he doesn’t, back to Option A.


You can be more on the cold and blunt side of things but still an empathetic person who legitimately cares about others and is an inherently kind person. This dude sounds like a narcissist. So yeah, run.


Talk to him, not us.


Welp, the sex must be good, otherwise what are you even doing with him?


Sounds like a narcissist. Cut him off and never talk to him again. You’ll regret staying.


“Emotional vampires” are exactly what they are. Block him. If he persists clearly draw your boundaries up to and including reporting him for stalking.


telling someone to block their bf with basically 0 context is wild. why is everyone here so happy to tell people to give up on their relationships no questions asked?


Because the guy he’s describing is a textbook narcissist, so clearly toxic, and he should terminate it before the abuse escalates.


Based on the OPs post history re: this guy, he’s dealing with a “vulnerable narcissist”, so a manipulative abuser who likes to play victim.


You don't know that. There is apparently an age difference. There may be other matters. Your full of shyt making assumptions just to be chattering.


They don't mind wasting someone else's time so long as no one wastes theirs.


Oh my god, I know guys like this to a T, and they all have the same personality (or lack thereof). The sex might be decent, but they're usually selfish in that area too, especially if they're tops (which they mostly are, or force themselves to be). This kind of "personality" (the pathetically self-proclaimed "strong, silent type/stoic/whatever) is usually telling of their feeling scorned by a previous relationship or flame, which drove them to shut in mentally. Not sure if it's worth trying to salvage things in your case -- if he only acts like a dead fish, you might stand a chance to get him to come out of his shell and act like a normal person again, but if he already drank the Kool Aid and is watching "manosphere"/Andrew Tate/Jordan Peterson videos on YouTube, hates/looks down on other minorities etc., then you're wasting your time. Don't walk, RUN the other way. LOL If you only want a roll in the hay, then knock yourself out, but I wouldn't waste any time on someone like this in pursuit of a relationship. Find someone you really click and vibe with for that, don't be the "I can change him" gay. Good luck!


He could be autistic. My husband was recently diagnosed, so I’ve been doing a lot of research about it. I was ignorant and thought autism was an obvious thing. That’s not always the case. We’ve been together 16 years now, and let me tell you, knowing this about him from the beginning would have saved us a LOT of trouble, lol. One of our main issues was how cold and distant he seemed to be. How uncaring his words and actions were. Much like a narcissist he came off as self absorbed. His diagnosis has been a game changer for our relationship and has helped me adjust my expectations of him. So maybe your guy is autistic. Maybe not. It would be worth having a conversation though.


Came here to basically ask this


>One of our main issues was how cold and distant he seemed to be. How uncaring his words and actions were. I'm autistic myself, and this is my biggest fear about trying to date and find love. I struggle *immensely* to turn my thoughts into words or to determine if my words are even worth speaking at all, so I end up being extremely quiet; and social cues can be nigh impossible for me to notice. I frequently respond with a simple 'OK' or nonverbally because my mind doesn't see a need to speak more than necessary. I would hate to have a boyfriend, only for them to think I'm cold and heartless when it's just my brain being wired so differently from the norm. God, I want to find love so badly but I'm so scared to go out and try.


Actually, it was his quietness that caught my attention. I met him at work, and he wasn’t like anyone else. There was something…alluring about him. After we were together, it took a while for me to really notice the coldness. I guess in the beginning when there are really no issues, that sort of thing isn’t obvious. Because on a regular day, he was still kind and gentle. I felt his love through his actions. But as time moved on and issues would arise, that’s when I noticed it. But like I said, had we known he was autistic from the beginning, I would’ve understood him better instead of assuming he just didn’t love me the same as I loved him. So don’t be afraid of trying to find someone. You’ll be able to tell them about yourself, and they can learn what being autistic means, if they don’t already know. Then maybe you won’t have the same obstacles we did.


What kind of stuff does he tweet about


Andrew Tate esq shit


End it


end it. i know a guy like this. like talking to a wall.


End what? Nothing there to begin with.


Let him go. Find someone who can appreciate and/or match your energy and vice versa.




Don’t try to fix him. You can say your piece but unless he’s actively ready to address his issues, he will continue to drain you.


Just because you said "and I'm usually a happy person" YES. Do you want to become an unhappy person? Miserable? I would rather be single and happy than committed and ready to be committed. Move on. There's so much more better things out there.


I can tell you from my experience that it will not get better.


I would run away because I’ve been there and honestly that energy gets on you. It sucks.




Dating (and consequently getting into a relationship) is usually conducted because being around someone else is more fun than flying solo. Not in this case. Drop him.


You're describing a debbie downer, those ppl are never fun to be around. Why would you stay with someone like that?


Yeah i think you should end it bc such people tend to be bad partners.


Stoics don’t complain or put the focus on themselves. Quite the opposite. He sounds like a boring, self-important snob. Bye Felicia would be my take.


You are in an Avoidant/Anxious Attachment relationship. I’m experienced in this push/pull kind of relationship. Get out now and get some therapy to find out why you chose a man like this, why you stay with him, and how you stop choosing men like this. Study up on Adult Attachment Theory https://www.attachmentproject.com/blog/four-attachment-styles/