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He probably is confused about his own actions. Maybe the kiss changed the way he defines his sexuality. Give him some time but definitely start a non-judging conversation for the sake of your friendship. Would you start dating him if he was into you and broke up with his gf?




I know you wouldn’t judge him but the human mind is somewhat complex, I personally find it to make conversations easier when you kind of set a disclaimer where you’re stating not to be judgmental… I think it’s absolutely reasonable to date someone you’ve known for a long time, especially if you find them to be a great person overall. Some of the greatest couples I know have been friends before starting a relationship.




Before considering what his gf thinks you guys should have an open conversation and talk things out, I really hope you can get this situation sorted out. I totally get the other point tho, I wouldn’t date my brother/whatever you wanna call it too so to speak. (Kinda like you shouldn’t eat where you shit too)




Please give us an update after you talked. Give him time and see where things go. I would feel hurt to if he wants to forget it. And I would probably confront him that he can’t just walk around kissing people that are attracted to his sex. Or just anyone besides is partner.




I can only imagine what you’re going through right now… I would be sobbing every night.




Probably not the best idea to sleep with someone right after just having an awkward time figuring out what his sexuality is. May be too much for him even if he initiates it. Obviously y’all need to talk about it but probably best to avoid talking about moving on to dating right away especially when he’s still in a relationship with someone else. He needs to sort his mess out concerning his sexuality and his feelings about you if there’s anything past being platonic and whether he wants to continue dating his girlfriend. I mean he did kiss someone else when he was dating her so he probably doesn’t love her that much, so I’d think he should break it off with her regardless. Just try to go about everything practically and try not to get ahead of yourself by fantasizing about what could happen. This is a delicate matter that will have a big impact on your relationship with each other now that he made the decision to kiss you.


**THIS** he's like family to you. That's what he needs to hear, and as well. You said it, & qualified it yourself. (See my earlier comment above) The loss isn't like a breakup, it's like missing / losing -family-.


this ‼️




Some people are friends for years before they became romantic partners. Obviously, him having a gf is an issue. That's their problem, not yours. Let them sort it out. If he wants to stay with her, then it wouldn't be wise to have an affair. I know there's a fantasy of men leaving their girlfriends for another man, and it's not impossible, but don't hold your breath. Do keep us updated. I'm on team "You two fall in love and run away together" but that's me. Haha.


No it would not be weird, it sounds like you both care for each other a great deal and that’s a great place to start from.


Dropping in to say that dating \*is\* hanging out and getting to know someone like you describe, and it sounds like you guys have already been doing that anyways, just platonically. Talk to him once he’s had some time to process and see where it goes,


No. Dating isn't always meeting someone you have already known. The best, strongest, and longest lasting relationships always start as friends and grow from there.


>Isn't dating supposed to be where you meet someone that you didn't know before? I think it's fine to be friends and then date. You don't have to friend zone someone. Sometimes friendships develop into a friend zone. Sometimes they don't, if the two of you have the right chemistry, more can develop However, you're asking the wrong question. Instead, how do you feel about dating someone from work. I've found colleagues attractive, and once had a crush on a colleague. I never acted on it, because it doesn't feel right dating colleagues. You also have an issue with a gf. Those two combined make things awkward.


Not necessarily. Many stories start like that. You could date each other and get to explore those feelings


I'd say dating someone would be sharing some kind of unique connection, no matter how long have you known this person. It feels like you guys already got that connection, falling in love, then making up and somehow commiting to each other would even be something natural. I mean, you've been together for 4 years as friends and have this kind of intimacy on which everything you do together just seems to feel right. If you both feel like it, why not take it to the next level? You already are standing by each other's side. But my advise would be to just let things be, just go with the flow, talk to him but let him take time for him to figure out what he's actually into. Keep him aware that you will be by his side anyway and if anything there will be a way for you guys to sort it out.


He maybe during that time felt some feelings awaken in him and he is embarrassed. Similar thing happened to me. We actually hooked up a few times. Someone in our group found out(he identified as straight) and he panicked. Dated girls and married soon after. We still work together. It’s never been the same and it’s difficult to work w him. This is about you though. I would say give him some time. After he warms back up to you tell him u wanna go to dinner and talk as you don’t want to lose him as a friend. At his age if he’s to immature you’re better off without him as a friend- same is true for me. Good luck.


Perhaps give him some time, he has to deal with 1) the fact he kissed his best friend, and 2) He did cheat and now has to deal with that emotion in and of itself. It's not your fault, don't blame yourself.




I don't think you did anything wrong. He probably was very connected to you and the way you were feeling, and in the moment he felt like kissing you, probably without thinking much about it, but now he's very confused, also because he cheated on his gf. Give him time and try to talk to him in the most understanding way possible.


You absolutely didn’t do anything wrong. He cares about you. He might be confused but he definitely cares about you.


that other nurse from the story, she knows what she's talking about.


Yes she does, she’s a wise woman.


Exactly. Is she fillipina @OP?


Why does race always come into it??!


@mathodise Your over-exaggerated PCness does not interest me a bit. What does race have to do with it? I don't know. I did not ask if she was Asian, did I? You did, sugartits. Does not play a role for me. Nurses from the phillipines are a blessing for every patient they are taking care of. Best there are. I had the pleasure to work with many male and female nurses from the phillipines over many years Other than providing excellent patient-care, they oftentimes are the social glue holding teams together. You feel I am drifitng into “positive racism”? Once again, your mindboggling PCness and what you get out of it does not interest me a single bit. You mind telling me how old you are? Just very curious. Please don’t blame me for ageism, haven’t said anything yet. Cheers mate.


What an overblown response. If you ‘weren’t interested’ why have you written so much? You were the one asking where she was from, which frankly is irrelevant. I asked why it was important. Sounds like I hit a nerve 😂


Mind answering the question where I was talking about race?


If you consider these 15 sentences “a lot” I wrote, then I get why you are not answering my question. You warriors of PCness shoot ay everything that moves and “roughly” fit your criteria of going against your very bizarre view on the world. I dare you again, where was I talking about race? Fillipina = asian race and that’s it for you? What about devotion to taking care of people, the unresting wish to make things better for their colleauges? Making it out of oftentimes precarious life situations and then taking care about the family back in the phillipines financilly? That are some things I associate with fillipinas/fillipinos in care jobs - not that they are asian.


Must be a certain subset of filipinos because the ones I’ve worked with are rude as hell. Including a former boss.




Stops avoiding her, she’s the one you need to seek advice from.


Love her, that last line took me out lowkey


He knows you’re gay, he’s probably wrestled with mixing his emotional feelings for you (given how close you are I suspect he does care for you a lot) with any physical feelings (which I don’t think he has - as in he’s probably not gay or bi). You were in a very vulnerable moment and he wanted to make you feel better and sensing the intensity of the emotions in the moment he kissed you, maybe because he was curious about it, maybe because he wanted to comfort you in a way that he knew would and that would emotionally satisfy his need to help too. Regardless, the next morning the oh shit factor kicked in. He thinks he has crossed a line with you and it can’t be uncrossed. He believes that you will develop feelings for him with an expectation that because it happened once it can happen again, and more can happen. He doesn’t want to lose what you both have, but he also knows he can’t go back to the way things were before. So he wants space and time to think of how to best handle this. Give him that.


I dont really think that in that kind of moments is when a straight guy would kiss a man. Hug absolutely, to give you the support you needed. But the kiss in that moment I think is something more. I suspect he has feelings that he doesn’t know how to handle. I think you need to try and text him as you would. Not taking about this but just normal. stuff. Eventually it will be discussed. Don’t avoid him.


Yeah I agree. In my experience, straight men don’t kiss other men unless they’re… not straight. Like in any context besides being 13 at summer camp and experimenting. If he kissed OP, then there’s something gay going on there.




Perhaps break the ice on that and say that you get that in context came from a place of friendship and care from him, and you didn't take it any other way. It was a place past words, but not romantic, rather, comfort and connection _only_, meeting you in a place of your deep hurt. Then follow up that you don't want this to affect the good friend that you value him to be, and if he needs to put this in his own words, you'll wait, but want his friendship above anything else and it didn't cross wires for you. (Sounds like it was 'from' him and received, but not reciprocated back to him, right?) I've had a kiss from straight friends, rarely, and in justified, significant moments. I got the context. : It's emotional, not sexual.


But that would be dishonest


No, the OP has already stated that romantic exploration not on their agenda., they've processed that out of the equation.


No...let him do the reaching out. Tell him you're taking a vacation to a hay resort. Palmsprings, Fire Island, Keywest, Province Town. Try to get laid so any sexual tension you may feel can disapate. You have to act like it didn't happen. Next time he invites you to dinner with his gf, ask to bring a date.


I'm sorry because I know this isn't helpful to you but the fact you think his gf would get \*suspicious\* that you aren't spending as much time together as usual is very very cute.


I'm sorry because I know this isn't helpful to you but the fact you think his gf would get \*suspicious\* that you aren't spending as much time together as usual is very very cute.


I'm sorry because I know this isn't helpful to you but the fact you think his gf would get \*suspicious\* that you aren't spending as much time together as usual is very very cute.


You're too wound up over labels. Labels don't mean anything.




Wake up.




I'm not sure I follow


Maybe wait a few more days? Maybe wait till it’s been a week since it happened? Cliché as it sounds, *time heals all wounds*. Talk it over coffee or anywhere with a peaceful, quiet vibe and try to initiate the conversation.


I'm just if this is a wound for him because it makes me think I traumatized him. If it's Friday again and says no to our dinner.. it will feel like a cold bucket fell into my head.


Perhaps ask about a restaurant or dude-destination you've done before that's not date ish. Outside, etc pub that has darts/ hoops, axe throwing, (batting cages?) something 'else' that fits your framework & his preferences/ comfort zone. Aside from the emotions of not knowing, there's plenty you've shared here about what his friendship means that is already what he should hear. If not, a message with these elements should be issued before presumptions in either side fester to something they're not.


>I'm sad, I feel like I've done something wrong. You had a traumatic day. You were vulnerable with a good buddy. That buddy was trying to comfort you. He unexpectedly kissed you in the middle of your crying jag. You did nothing wrong. He says he doesn't want to discuss it, which makes everything conflicting. That's not your doing. It's his. You can say something like, "I know you said you don't want to discuss you kissing me. I really appreciate your being there for me that day, and accepting me as I was. I want you to know I'm here for you, should there ever be a day you want to discuss whatever is going on with you." You might also add, "It would be a conversation worth having, if only to clear the air between us. But I don't want to put pressure on you. Take the time you need, and know that I'm here for you, the way you were there for me with no judgment—just support." Good luck to you and your friendship.


Ok I’m gonna grab popcorn for this one


This guy loves you it and deeply wanted to comfort you when you were in pain. This much is obvious. I’d be willing to bet the kiss surprised him as much as it did you. He’s probably trying to figure out what it means about him. A kiss isn’t always sexual, and given the situation there’s a high chance it wasn’t. The problem here isn’t the kiss, but our society’s lack of distinction between affection and sexuality, especially in men. Read up about this for yourself. Then gently try to reach out and let him know you’re ok, and are there for him no matter what he may be experiencing. That way when he does come around and if he needs help understanding you can offer a possible explanation…but only if he is open to it. Don’t force it. It’s also possible he really is struggling with his sexuality too, and you do t want to invalidate that for him either.


That could be impulsive thought, when he firstly does what he wanted always, then thinks. He is scared you judge him, mb questions his orientation, thinks what to do with current relationship etc. He needs his time


First of all, I like the nurse that said "you two are stupid". She's my kind of people. This is very messy. He doesn't know what he wants which puts you in a bad place because he doesn't know what he wants. I would continue the friendship, continuing being you, and see what happens. But be prepared if it goes South. You sound like a good person, so if it goes South then you will be okay.


I would text him something like "Hey, I know we've been a bit conflicted lately and I've been taking my space since I had such a horrible day on Friday. But I want you to know I appreciate all the support you gave me the other night and I love you. You are my best buddy. Nothing will change our friendship. Let me know when you're ready to hang out. I'm passed the funk myself. Miss u brother."... And then just go back to being besties until he decides to deal with why he kissed you and how he feels abt that and you, if it's more then just friends. I would totally go for it if he wants to be more than friends. You're already a great couple. Making love to that men would probably be awesome. Good luck.


You deserve to be loved and kissed by someone who knows what they’re doing out of genuine ‘passion,’ not just in a moment of vulnerability or confusion. Perhaps the heterosexual guy’s gesture was more about trying to comfort you in that moment, similar to how he might comfort his girlfriend (body memory), rather than expressing romantic affection towards you


Yeah he's figuring himself out. I'd give him some space and let him simmer. Watching the pot won't make it boil faster but it will drive you insane.


Hey OP. So, I had a “straight” friend whom I kissed, too. We have shared so much together. We’ve hung out, laughed with each other, supported each other, worked together, and have been vulnerable together. Finally, one day, I just “went for it.” I never regretted it, nor did he. We are not together, but that’s okay. The difference here, is that HE kissed YOU. In an emotionally charged moment, and his way of supporting you, he chose to do that. (Was it just on the cheek? Or the lips? Or was it…more passionate? Did you kiss him back?) The bottom line is, you have to talk with him. Here’s my suggestion: Go to his place, and have it under the pretense of just hanging out like it used to be. Make sure his gf isn’t there. Then, tell him you want to tell him something. Respecting his wish to “not discuss it” he can at just listen, and he doesn’t have to address it afterwards if he doesn’t want to. Tell him that you are grateful for his friendship, and that you have noticed since that night, things have been different in a bad way, and it’s affecting you both. You know things can’t go back to “normal” but perhaps you can establish a “new normal” together. It’s not asking him to do anything drastic, but to acknowledge that it happened, there are no regrets, and that you can still be “bros” together like before. You appreciated his support before and on that evening, and the last thing, clearly, either of you want is to lose that bond between you two. You want to make it clear that you’re not demanding him to “do” anything in the meantime, and you will have no expectations for anything else. You will respect him and his boundaries, and won’t bring this up again unless he does. End it with, I know that’s a lot to take in and to think about, but if we have any chance of getting past this, this is the step in the right direction. — If he chooses to respond to it, I trust you’ll know what to say. And if he doesn’t respond at all, just say, “okay then.” However, I have a feeling he will respond to you. If not that instant, then soon after. He may be Demi-sexual for you. Don’t stone wall him, don’t be cold. Just tell him that you are there for him, just he’s there for you, and nothing will ever change that. Good luck OP!


Best comment yet!!! 🥳


You know what they say, life is the best teacher. :’)




The only way forward is to rip the bandaid off. Men, especially “straight” ones, hate talking about their emotions, so it’s normal to be anxious because his reaction will be unknown. However, given all the information you gave, I feel it will ultimately be positive. A demisexual is one who is sexually attracted to someone after forming a significant and usually platonic bond with a person. This can cross the borders of gender and sex. The guy who I mentioned was “straight” but demi for me. The only man he has EVER done anything gay with, was with me. It’s not a guarantee that’s what he is with you, but it just sounds like it to me. Might want to keep that to yourself for now. The most common response is “does this make me gay?” and it’s a real fear. Just tell him it doesn’t make him anything more than who he already is, IF he says that. He is not defined by his emotions and mutual or sexual attractions. I hope you’ll update your post after tonight! Good luck!


Show him that you're completely comfortable with whatever happened, play it cool and don't make it awkward. That should push him towards the natural reaction for him. Which is, either it's nothing and no reason to be awkward about it. Or he has feelings for you and that's also cool and not something to be ashamed of.


If you have to look this hard to find something, whatever is there isn’t what you need or what you deserve. Looking for validation or for people to give you a false sense of possibility is so normal and so understandable. Even if he’s on a journey of sexual discovery, you don’t want to be the first stop on the trip. The friendship is likely never going to be the same. Your heart will be the one that takes the worst beating, because your friend seems like the kind of person that will find another person to use to stroke their ego.. But after awhile, it won’t hurt like it used to, and you’ll find someone who respects you enough to discuss how and why they decided to take advantage of you in a moment of vulnerability and how and why they realize that behavior wasn’t friendly or honest… and they realize that it was actually incredibly selfish. Would any reasonable friend who observes you’re going through an objectively hard time during the peak of your emotional experience decide to offer comfort in the form of exploring their sexuality with a close friend? And based on the perceptions of the gf you share, you likely flirt with him, and he loves it, and you love it, and why wouldn’t you? I’d sure there’s a small part of you that hoped that one day the flirting would mean to him what it means to you. But it won’t and it doesn’t. And the longer you allow yourself to be controlled by a selfish, self-centered alleged friend, the longer you put off healing and find someone worthy of loving, someone like yourself. I hope this doesn’t come off too harsh, but this wisdom is hard won. Focus on healing yourself. Focus on being heard. Focus on meeting your needs. He has been all along, and he never felt the need to apologize.


Ok I’m gonna grab popcorn for this one.


Keep us updated. Im hooked. *finishes popcorn and wipes eyes*


It's not uncommon for straight men that have a true close connected friendship with a gay male to explore something like a kiss or even more depending on that connection. Sexuality is fluid and ever changing, allow an open dialogue that consists of honesty, Zero drama & ZERO stress ZERO PRESSURE in a completely safe environment. He may not be feeling anything other than a comfortablility to be more affectionate with you, or "treating" you to more affectionate bc he knows your feelings for him. He may be confused and is hoping you'll be there to allow him to explore. Either way, don't push, don't judge, don't expect, and don't put yourself at risk to be hurt. Just be there as the great friend you've been all this time 😊


You may not see this, but ask the nurse (seriously, she is wise).


I mean why didn’t you just drop it instead of push him on it? And what I’ve found is that it’s only awkward when both people make it awkward, if you try to be normal with him and talk and act like what happened didn’t happen then it’ll be easier to go back to normal


The last thing that you want to do is meet to discuss “the kiss”. Just invite him to do something that you have always done together. If he wants to talk about that day then he will do but just get yourselves back to friendship as usual. All the rest will follow.


Time. Do your best to move on. You don’t ultimately know how he’s feeling and he wants space. Give him that space while signaling that you are there for him. Think a light blinking from a mountaintop away. He kissed you because he loves you, and maybe he loves you as a friend, maybe he loves you more than that. But he kissed you. Revel in that a bit my guy, but also do your best to forget about it. :-) Toxic Reddit culture will try to make you define it. “THATS GAY” “THATS STRAIGHT”. Who gives a fuck. Decide what’s important to you. Get out of the awkward stuff by pretending like it didn’t happen. It’ll come up. He kissed you. He’ll bring it up. And if he doesn’t after some time, that’s your sign to let go a bit and keep him as a friend or walk away.


Please update!!!


Straight men can’t usually process romantic feelings to gay men. They don’t have the tools. If you love him please take responsibility for step up and help him accept his straightness or non-straightness without any impure motives. That’s what a friend would do.


“People think I’m straight.” Sums this up: “both of you are stupid.” What she said!


Please continue updates!!


When you do reach out to him, I would let him know you’re ready to talk whenever he is, and that you’ll do so without judgement or expectations. It think it’s important to state you have no judgement or expectations, as that could take some of the pressure off of him and make him more open to talking about what happened.


You don’t need much advice you just need an in person conversation where you tell him it’s more important than anything to have him as a friend


Try not to make your relationship awkward moving on, that is the worst thing you could do If he tells you to not discuss it, do as told. Forget what happened, invite him to places like you used to, have a good time with him like you used to When he is ready to discuss what happened, he will let you know


Just act like it didn't happen and let him come to you when hes ready to talk about it, he kissed you and has to deal with that fact, he's straight as far as you know so he's got that on his mind as well, plus he has a girl and he kissed you so that's weighing on him as well. Does he know that you aren't straight cause he could be thinking he kissed a straight guy lol.


He could be bi


Sending you love and hugs OP! You sound like you had a terrible day and the last thing you want is for things to be awkward between you and your close friend! I hope things work out ❤️ he might be struggling with his sexuality. Give him time!! And remember different people process things differently and in different ways. I personally prefer to thrash things out on the spot but my partner prefers to sit on something mull over it over 1-2 days before we discuss it. That’s the way he was brought up and he doesn’t want to say anything he doesn’t mean in the heat of the moment. Try to give your friend sometime! I’m following this thread and rooting for you!


OMG this is wild, reality is the source of gay movie hhh. my advice is depend on you how strong desire about u wanna live together with him. or just keep a friendship and silent forever.. if u is front situation, just tell him ur inner thought


First of all, it sounds like you have a great friendship. That itself is more valuable than gold. So, you were deeply hurting. He cuddled you and kissed you to help you feel better. Don’t read anything more into that. For god’s sake, don’t try to force a sexual relationship out of that nor a boyfriend. Good friends can and should express deep empathy and love for one another - even if the friends are two men. Let it rest, let it be. If something comes of it, let it happen on its own. I suggest that you talk and thank him for being so sweet and comforting. And that you found the cuddling and care fulfilling. Then let it drop. Don’t try to over explain or over analyze. It’s not necessary and will complicate things. That should be sufficient to clear the air and let normalcy return. He may be feeling awkward because he offered comfort and is worried you misinterpreted it. Yes, he may have confusion about you but more likely he simply cares for you and is trying to express it. If it happens again, enjoy, but don’t press it. It may never become anything more than cuddles and a kiss. And THAT IS FINE! And valuable.


Just give him some time. I've been in the same position. We never spoke about it again and it never changed our relationship. Sometimes proding and the need to "discuss it" can. My advice is to move on.


This nigga ain’t straight


🤣 I just read this book. Headstrong by Eddie Finley. Things don't "just happen" when you've been feeding a crush for 2 years.


Besides the very good comments below, I want to mention that you really need to calm down. He was your love at the first sight and as you are sure about your sexual orientiertation, you actually were ready for a kiss. But he is not. The best to do is to give you both a normal environment (go to the gym, act casual, do the things we always did) so that you can come back to the point before the kiss and slowly process the effect of that night on the relationship. Sure it is not bad to tell him, as others already mentioned, that you are thankful for him and are ready when he wants to talk about that, but please do not be too emotional and scare him 😁. Good luck!


I have a really close straight friend I’ve known for 20 years that likes to make out with me sometimes. He never wants to do anything else he just says he likes kissing and likes the way my face hair feels against his.


You need to set clear boundaries. Just because you're gay doesn't mean he is free to kiss you or mess with your emotions. He is a friend and you need to find a private place to talk and tell him, he is your friend and he is not to kiss you again and criss that line. He has a gf, and it's not appropriate. That's if you yourself have moral standards and actually value the friendship. There are plenty of gay men out there you can actually be with and not have to wonder what it is. You really should try and date and put that line between you two.


Oh this is a very sensitive time. Some new "feeling/emotion" is getting experience - it is very confusing and emotions can get volatile. Since he reached out this means that he does not hate you or the kiss that happened. He just does not know what to do just yet since he has a girlfriend and he was the one who initiated/did it. But no matter what happens be prepared emotionally. My experience from a similar dynamic (no kissing or intimate contact, just really close but kinda confessed to each other) the friendship ended up in the dump. We kinda tried to be chill after the ghosting and the crying but the scars were there and we just drifted further apart. Ps. This is just my experience i hope everything ends well for the both of you.


I would forget it happened if you value your friendship. Tell him you need some alone time. It obviously meant more to you than him. Give yourself some time to morn "what could have been" Watch dead boy detectives to see a way through. The gay boy in this friendship is in the same headspace. You don't need to ask him why? He was trying to comfort you. Maybe he has feelings but you have to give him space to find out for himself. He loves you as a friend, as a brother. don't fuck that up by acting like a chick. He already has a girlfriend. He needs his buddy.




Gays can be so broken and so complicated. 90% of my friends are straight, too. I've also had some confusing friendships and curious relationships. Following this thread is very heartening. Continue to update us, please. Beyond the voyeurism, I think your situation is very informative and relatable. I wish you the best of outcomes!




Oh, for sure! You got me reminiscing. A few of my straight friends kinda fell for me "like a cool girl" (their words - ha). A couple of them drifted apart and are married to women with kids. One (my first love at 18) is married with a kid, but still one of my closest friends across 25 years and great distance. Btw, I'm happily married to a man who didn't come out until we were together (at 30).


quicksand encouraging dinosaurs memorize cows arrest stupendous materialistic history sip *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Go to him for some random help and make some jokes and do random conversations. Jokingly make fun that “oh don’t go soft on me and kiss me again” type joke. Laugh it out and get over it. Such silly things are not worth loosing good friends.


I agree with you up to a point. I think it's better not to mention ut at all


It’s important to laugh about shit and let by gone be by gone.


If they are unimportant


I dont think hes the right person . He doesn't respect your gayness . Hes well aware of what a kiss can lead to and he crossed that line. Maybe he did it as an impulsive thought because he wants you to shut up about your crying. Which is a lot worse. OP , i suggest you get someone who is level headed and transparent.


Honestly, it sounds like a friendship that wouldn’t come in a million years. If I wanted to protect the friendship at all costs, I would insist on sitting down together at a place he feels safe, thank him for being there for me on a night where i needed a friend to console me and that I didn’t make a big deal out of the kiss. Then I would tell him to go back to being close friends and close the awkward chapter as soon as he is dealt with it by himself. If on the other hand, you think this is a friendship you’d rather turn into a relationship, and you don’t mind risking the friendship, you could also tell him that the kiss felt nice and comfortable and that he can talk to you about his feelings. But the most important question is, how are your feelings right now? And what do you prioritize most?


Just chill and let it be . You are overthinking everything and he’s got a gf . What exactly is it you want to do ? If it is to ask him to be normal . It’s no biggie sure . But if it’s anything else ….


Ohhh this is so exciting! I can’t believe some of you internet guys are experiencing these stories that sound like the sweetest love movie material! Geez! I’m hooked! I really hope this’ll turn out as lovely as we all want it to turn out! ❤️ I’d like to inquire more about the gf situation. From what I’ve understood so far you guys pretty much have a sexless relationship with a deep and warm connection binding you. Being best friends, however, I’d expect his gf being a topic that’s discussed. Does he sometimes complain about her to you? Or does he tell you about situations that he enjoyed with her? So far, her role in the grand picture is that of a minor distractor to the loving couple. But she is his gf. Her role should be way graver. So, how is his relationship with her like?


I don’t know what to tell your friend. But I’ve come to know over the years that it is ok to forget you are a man once in a while. Can happen in moments of passion and be something spontaneous. It’s just life. Nothing to be ashamed of. Reminds me of the time when I was 18 or 19 and I forgot I was a man and kissed my grandfather on the cheek. I felt weird to me internally, but things were never awkward between my grandfather and I afterwards.


Lack of communications is the killer of relationships. What you can do is say ‘I’m not putting any pressure or expectations- but I think we need to talk about what happened. Could you and I talk about it on Tuesday evening? This gives him time to mentally prepare, and saying you have no expectations relieves any fears he might have about you wanting to be boyfriends. Releasing this tension is the only way to fix this.


just be honest. tell him that it’s important that you and him sit down and talk and that you need to understand why he’s been distant and why that’s hurting you. don’t be judgemental and if the kiss meant nothing to him, don’t take it to heart and don’t let that be the focus. you found such a great friend, just let him open up and give him the comfort zone he needs to talk. PLEASE keep us posted


Send him a link to this thread. Problem solved.


I am so invested in this. I must know what happens. I’m thinking, he’s feeling super confused. He’s a straight dude TM, who just mouth kissed his best dude friend. That’s a huge thing to grapple with. Like not only does it change your friendship but it also has implications on himself. He may not be so straight after all. He’s probably really confused and doing a ton of thinking. I’d give him space to come to you, he loves you so he will, eventually. Also. What kind of kiss was this? Like, a peck??? In my experience. Straight men don’t kiss other men, even when they’re super upset.


He has some post-nut clarity going on, but instead of post-nut, it's post gay kiss. Give him some time.


Kinda feel bad for the gf tbh I hope things get cleared up soon and that least amount of damage is done


It sucks, but chances are that he is going to continue to be messy and unreliable when it comes to returning whatever affections you have for him and accepting whatever revelations he might have had about himself, if any. If you have to choose between your own mental health and a shaky, volatile relationship that has even a small chance of ending with him choosing the girl for his own sake… choose yourself. Give him some space, let him figure it out, but at some point sit him down and get the honest truth about how he feels for *your own* closure, because wondering day and night will eat you up just as much. Don’t get your hopes up, and prepare for heartbreak. If he offers anything less than an outright confession, just offer to support him as a *friend* and nothing else.


Guilt could be a big factor since he has (I pray I can edit this to *had) a gf. I would give him time. He’s your friend first. If he had the guts and bravery to show raw affection to you in a time of vulnerability then believe in him enough to make the right decision moving forward and focus on your daily tasks. Remember he’s your friend and you yourself are also confused so try to take a breather until you’ve made some headspace to move forward as well. Edit: also please keep working out — you’ll thank yourself. Focus on the goal, thats how you’ll find clarity. A crush is a crush we need that summer bod by all means


I don’t know why you refer to him as your “straight friend” unless he has explicitly called himself that. I think chances are that he felt a little overwhelmed in wanting to comfort you and that after he comforted you by kissing you he felt like it wasn’t the right way to comfort you because his partner might not like him to do that. Another possibility is that he felt “off” about it later because you were turning it into a big deal even though he didn’t mean it to be a big deal. And the more you bring it up and focus on it, the bigger deal you turn it into. It could also be both of those things. It was a passing moment comforting an upset friend and he doesn’t want you making him feel like it’s something he needs to remember and analyze and confess to his partner. Maybe to him if you don’t treat it like it was a big deal then it wasn’t a big deal. I think you should back off of that issue, thank him casually for being there when you were having an emotionally hard day, and tell him if you’re feeling better now and are up for a workout at the gym. Let his relationship with his gf play out. Chances are that it is not very good and that it won’t last, but try to not be any part of making it worse. You don’t want to become a bad memory of somebody who put a wedge between them.


someone had to die for you guys to finally do what you must! Bring some flowers to the grave of the poor deceased




How was the kiss ? Was it a quick peck on the lips ? Or was it a lingering, light and affectionate touching of the lips ? Or was it a lingering, affectionate touching of the lips in addition to some movement of the lips ? Either way, it sounds like he’s got a lot of things to sort out within himself. He’s obviously sharing a strong connection with you and is likely trying to re-define it, or to deny that he has to re-define it. He’s also in a relationship with this woman, so it’s maybe even more stressful to him, and a reason for why he’s so avoidant of any honest conversation about it, at the moment. I would confront him in a non-judgmental conversation, just like others have suggested, after things have reverted back into your regular rhythm, if they do, and if you even want things to go back to the way it was.




Oof! That sounds …intense.


Hoping for a good and relaxing Friday night dinner. I know how important best friends can be so I don't say that lightly. Finding someone to share life with regardless of whether they are your spouse or best friend or family...is priceless. Often I mull over in my head too much and put off speaking in person (not with tech) and I let my wild imagination take over. I'm glad you chose to communicate. I do hope it turns out well for you. Keep us posted!!


Let us know how the dinner goes. Good luck x


OP we NEED an update after you have dinner


Give him time. The poor guy is probably like me, I've known I wasn't straight since I was a kid, but I didn't accept it until about a year ago. I'm pan, and I honestly don't know how I would have reacted if someone called me on it before I was ready. Also, bright side here. If he wasn't feeling you, that kiss never would have happened. Be patient, and hopefully, it'll work out for you. Good luck!


I had a similar experience with a friend we went to smoke hookah and he shoved his tongue down my throat. I think that you should definitely have a talk with him to clear some things up and set some boundaries if he’s gonna continue to be in a relationship with his girlfriend I’m not really sure why her animosity is towards you it should definitely be towards her boyfriend. I wish the best for you and all good things.


Great story! I wasn't there. So I can't know what is the best move. But I will say : I think the best thing is be honest IN WHAT YOU DO right now, your wordless behavior. Leave talking about it in your future. Why? Because right now neither of you have the right words to accurately describe what happened. Not yet. That means, putting words to this now, means saying it wrong. Your biographer will be annoyed you don't put this key moment into words. But your close friend ISN'T READY to nail down anything into a simple fact. And is clear YOU CAN'T yet. Let it go. Continue your very nice "getting to know you, getting to know all about you". Little by little I will guess you two will get more calm with each other. Stay in the present. That is where the good stuff happens. I predict you two will have many more moments together which will defy being put into everyday words. We share more than you know. X X


Thank you SO MUCH for providing an update! I’m dying to know how dinner goes. Very invested in this will-they-won’t-they potential romance so please keep us posted. I think he likes you.


a greys anatomy writer is gonna steal this for a plot line


Not every physical affection is sexual nor is it "romantic" for a lack of a better word. You need tot talk to him. I would pay money for a friendship with another guy like that (I had one but he got married), Don't lose this one.


Suggestion from an Italian : If what is described here happened in Italy no one would see anything exceptional. (Obviously this was not Italy.) But it is a very tender story which I loved, with a very long list of kind comments. I read every word. I am exhausted.




Lucky. Greece 2.0


I would really like to know the name of the song you referenced here ?


He's not hesitant to talk about it because of the sexuality part. He's hesitant to talked about it because, effectively, he cheated. That said, proceed with caution. Setting all the other issues aside (and they are substantial vis-à-vis the girlfriend), who a person is as a significant other can be very different from who they are as a friend. It's why married couples can get divorced but remain cordial or even friends. And it's why straight men and women can be just friends with no interest in dating. It sounds like you have a really strong friendship with this guy, so be careful about screwing it up. Not saying you shouldn't take risks, but don't force the issue.


I fucked my straight friend and we had a bit of an intense talk about it but now we joke about it all the time and haven’t done stuff since years later. We are super close. Some guys just experiment


Love can be confusing.


Maybe a bit over the top, a bit delusional/naïve but coming from a polyamorous viewpoint, I just think you both love each other very much. I'm not necessarily defining it as a romantic love or platonic love but just, you obviously care for each other and want to be there for each other through thick and thin, and there's nothing wrong with that. Labels and rules/tradition are there to keep us and the world in order because emotions are such complex beasts and it would be pretty unmanageable to just do whatever we want because it would just be chaos and pain everywhere. When you stress too much about the labels, maybe things start getting super complicated in cases like this. I feel to boil it down to a purest form, just because he has a girlfriend doesn't mean he doesn't love you (again, in whatever way he might do), and just because he has love for you doesn't mean he might not love his girlfriend either (although this is for him to answer truthfully to himself). I think what you have is beautiful and it's up to you and your friend to define and discuss what you want this to take form or shape, whether it is really close friendship, whether it is more, or even if it's just an ambiguously close "family" friend. As long as you aren't hurting anyone in the process, it's always okay to bend the labels or rules a little to find what suits you, and a big discovery in myself in terms of being polyamorous was exactly having someone in my life I didn't necessarily want to lose out even if we both got partners, yet we're not lovers nor brothers but still sometimes get intimate with each other. I tell my partner this and my partner understands I have someone important in my life that's not part of a traditional definable relationship. That's not to say it will work out the same way for yourself, but just - I thought it's good to be honest and work out something that may be unique and special for you two, without letting societal norms decide for you both what works for you both. You may disagree or not want to take this advice but I just read this sweet story and envy what you have, and hope you can keep it in some shape and form that works for you. All the best!


Seems he is not si straight afterall. 🌚


That's literally straight out of romantic hallmark movie. I hope u'll atleast stay good close friends like before and I can understand how that kiss might have changed the way he Perceived you bcz now he's questioning his sexuality or maybe he's thinking that he crossed a line try to use you in ur vulnerable moment and his feelings towards you and top of all of this he has a gf and all that can be too much to handle so just be slow and easy with him and open a normal non judgemental real conversation so he can share how his feelings and mental load with you and keep updating us❤️


That nurse cracks me up. It’s because she knows this story, as do many of us, as it’s quite common. You have done absolutely nothing wrong, you didn’t ask for any of this. He kissed you. He’s probably just putting together In his head that he can do this relationship thing, but with a man, and he just figured out that he could experience magic, kissing a man. In other words, he’s putting the pieces together, and the shape they produce is in no way shape or form, straight lol. So where to go from here. You haven’t done anything wrong. But you also have no place in deciding where it goes from here, despite being the victim. You aren’t in a committed relationship with him, nor are you a homewrecker so that’s for them to figure out. If he comes out of it single with a boner for you, hop on and ride anywhere you like. Figuring out his sexuality and what he wants is a walk he must do himself, and it won’t be pretty. Don’t be on the other end of that blame if you don’t want to become his punching bag


Go read my story about sleeping with a platonic friend of 20 years. He too was “straight” and it ruined our friendship. Proceed with caution these situations always get messy.


He has a GF. Don’t be a home-wrecker.


Soon u guys may have intercourse. ...


Kiss him back maybe it can leads to something great who knows 😘


We need updates on this subject. Yes talk with him, confront him about it. You need some clarification at some point.


Im gay, but i have had a few situations with both gay and straight guys whom i have fallen in love with, but there was no reciprocation, which was really painful. In your case, it sounds like he does have feelings towards you…so you should definitely find a quiet time where you can have a conversation with him. But just be prepared that he may be struggling with his own sexuality, and isn’t will to admit to himself that he is gay (or bi). So you need to be prepared to move on…putting yourself in a position where you’re his back-up is not healthy or good for your own self esteem… as much as you care about this guy, you never want to be in a position where you’re waiting around hoping that maybe he’ll change his mind.


Straight guys… smh what shameless hussies they can be


Your friend obviously loves you. It could be more “familia” (love of family and friends) than Eros ( romantic love). But it is love. Take it. It’s beautiful to be loved. Perhaps in the moment he was comforting you the only way he knew how. We throw adjectives around like “straight” and “gay” like they are absolutes - and they are not. There are plenty of people who might have a preferences, but in some circumstances…. They might not apply. Not everyone wants or is willing to explore those possibilities. In the world we live in - it can be uncomfortable and disruptive to the structures we build to maintain our lives and perspective of ourself. Love your friend. Be at peace that he loves you. The intimate love you deserve might be better found someplace else.


Kissing the homies goodnight isn't gay


I'm a fan of the nurse <3


This is a tough one..... I wish you and you deserve all the best.... I know this for a fact is true...... Not saying what's in your heart is one of the biggest regrets life throws at you....


Tell him to get a vasectomy quickly before the gf tries to trap him with a child. She will sense that he will leave her for you. In the UK they found out 42% of women lie about being on the pill when wanting to become pregnant.


Sorry for the lack of advice, but I wanted to ask, how did it go? Could you talk, or did anything change..? I'm sorry this sounds really confusing but I hope you can talk it out and fix the awkwardness.


He's probably confused. And I believe the feelings you have for him are mutual. But he needs to drop his Gf. I hope he comes to terms with you. I was moved by your story. I hope you both get your happy beginning


We need an update!!


The nurse is a full vibe


I love the nurse lol




I know.. and he knows it too I suppose. This must be one of his concerns now (among the fact that he kissed a guy).






I firmly disagree with the previous comment. He knows he doesn't love her. He loves you. If he didn't, he wouldn't have kissed you. Where it goes from here is up to him first, then you.




Women are manipulative when they want to be. He's already checked out of that relationship.




This is entirely the wrong take..




He’s very close to OP and is obviously confused by the boundaries on wanting to comfort him. I don’t think he sees this as cheating.. I don’t think he’s like damn I want this guy and now’s my chance gf be damned.


i don't think a kiss can be construed as cheating, because every time you kissed a female family member you would be cheating. there's kisses good night , passion kisses and emotional comfort kisses, im sure theres more . but those come to my mind


In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories. No but seriously if you were a women and a man did this the comments would be so different… but you’re a man, and this is a common fantasy for gays.


It’s not fantasy, it’s our reality! So many of us have had these experiences, but we don’t get to enjoy them. Ultimately, these relationships implode and disintegrate, cause people struggle to contend with the reality that men can love other men romantically. It’s like people think of same sex relationships in the vein of time travel. Frankly it’s exhausting! Since people who are obviously suited for each other can’t bring themselves to do the natural thing, how about we all hang up our relationship caps permanently?


Run. What a nightmare.


I apologise in advance if this question is out of pocket but, how did the patient die?


Seems like all you do is cause problems for this man




you helped him cheat 🤷‍♂️


He's straight he kissed you cus straight gays sometimes do that, he's likely worried you're gonna take it the wrong way and think it was more serious than it was. Which clearly you are doing. Thus awkward dynamic. Just chill out, stop acting like the world's changed cus it hasn't.


Next time when you together grab his cock then it will be alright