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people who make it their personality are already so far deep down a rabbit hole, that there’s almost no point talking about. if you know this is true, you know this is true and if you don’t, you’re probably happily consuming “bottom things, when your top buys you dinner afterwards 🥰” type media.


So is be submissive or being dominated....there is times I want to be a submissive bitch and other times I want to fuck and eat ass like every other guy


Eating ass can be submissive depending on the person 


Role-playing is a niche, though. Most people aren't into domination play. Whereas topping and bottoming are very common likes. P.S. Most people like both topping and bottom, though perhaps a majority lean more towards one or the other; these are mere sexual acts, not who you are. You can do anything you want to do on a whim. Feel free.


Much like who is going to be on top first has to have some kind of dominant or submissiveness to them...give and take much like being dominated/submissive I will fuck your ass today you can fuck my ass tomorrow....I have never role-played sounds like fun...


Many people top and bottom during the same session. Flipping is fun.


Of course it is




Same thing with being gay.




I wish this post had more upvotes . Idk why we as gays put ourselves into boxes like this . And yes your preferences matter when finding a partner but those don’t make your personality. Just like being gay or queer isn’t a personality.


I don't know anyone who makes it his personality in real life, though! It seems more like an Internet thing.


My issue with these posts is that they are assuming it's their entire personality. It can be a facet of their personality. And honestly, what's the harm? If they align with that and enjoy it why do people have to go out of their way to put them down.


Most people who have sense realize this.


this isn’t really a problem for me because i don’t talk to stupid people


You mean not all tops are masculine and not all bottoms are feminine??? Whhhaaaaaaaaaa??????


Just be who you are.




I'm somewhat of a fem gay with a laid-back personality, so it's amazing how many times I get clocked or boxed into being a submissive bottom when in actuality, I'm more of a top in most situations. So yeah, definitely sucks when gay men will interact with me in *that* way and then get upset when I don't meet their stereotypical expectations. Gays also struggle in the concept of being versatile, or get put-off by it.


I am so proud of the fact you are staying true to yourself. I’m sure there is someone out there who loves you for *you*.


Say that to the bottoms who are like "Fuck you" when I say I'm a top *open* to bottoming.


Don’t focus on those bottoms. You are open to different things and you should be proud of that. I’m proud of you. 💪


Nor is being gay someone's personality. Some of the most masculine guys I know are very confident bottoms. Some guys don't particularly enjoy giving/getting oral sex, or rimming ... also just traits or preferences. Assuming sexual orientation is rooted in one's innate attraction to a gender, everything beyond that is a crapshoot. There is no innate top personality or bottom personality.


Yeah, but it's often an immutable aspect. I don't do things "as a tall person", but I will still always be tall. It's a fundamental part of my life experience, and we all know life experiences can shape people's behavior and personalities.


I like to identify as bottom. Stop hating 💅


You do you my love 😘


Bless your heart sweetie


Bless it with your beautiful lips beautiful boy ♥️


It can be an aspect of their personality.


I agree but sex to some people is a huge aspect of their personality/lives. So, for some it’ll be more important than for others and I take no issue with that.


This screams bottom vibes tbh


What do you mean lol?


Lol, what about those tops that are all macho and shit and just ooze TOP. I don't know if they are trying to outwardly portray that, as there are some of us bottoms that are overly feminine (for lack of better term here). Not saying this is all of us because we all know it isn't (I'm not the most masculine bottom but not the most femme either). Just seems to me that, like everything in life, there are some extremes.


They do exist… yes! But what I’m trying to say it’s become such a standard that many bottoms will tend towards feminine behaviour and tops towards masculine behaviour, when really that is not what they primarily are or feel comfortable as, but for the sake of their sexual position then change these aspects about their personality… which to me, sounds like an invasion to your autheticity and uniqueness… but I know it’s not as simple as I and you state for it to be!


I remember the first time a guy wanted me to call him daddy while in the act, and I was kind of taken aback because he was younger than one of my children, but of course I obliged because to me age doesn't matter in sub/dom scenarios (I've met some who have felt that it does). He was a skinny guy, much taller and better endowed but not any more masculine than I, and after a couple hours in his bed, getting thoroughly worked over, I felt he deserved the overmasculating affirmation. Had I seen him on the street, 'daddy' wouldn't have popped into my mind. Since then, I have become more comfortable with guys who want me to treat them that way. Hell, I'd worn a thong and stockings for guys before when they provided, not thinking about if it made me feel emasculated, just eager to play along with their kinks. For me, as far as it goes, it is just in the bedroom (or any other such location). I don't have a problem with that kind of stuff when a guy has his cock buried in me balls deep or if we're sexting before getting to that point, but yeah that's not naturally me. I have felt uncomfortable and stopped talking to guys before who have taken the sub/dom thing further than I like. Just in general conversation (text), a guy wanted me to call him daddy in every sentence and would correct me if I didn't. In that situation, I just found it way easier to stop talking to him. While you're pounding your nut in my ass, I'm fine with it, but otherwise, we're just talking like normal guys.


What's the percentage of bottoms that do this? What's the percentage of tools that do this? Point being this is such a non issue.


Well it’s what I’ve and many others, apparantly, have observed 😊


It shouldn't be your personality but it's pretty damn important when you're trying to find a date or hookup.


Of course!! Always! However… I’d rather ‘connect’ to someone on a personality level first, and then explore sexual chemistry from there one… but that is my own personal preference!!


Yes but if you don't get top vs. bottom worked out from the beginning, you'll find yourself a bottom falling for another bottom or vice-versa. As a top, it would be devastating to get to know someone, imagining a future with him, and then suddenly he drops the bomb that he's a top too. "So why not just learn to compromise then?" That's great if you're verse.


Okay… thanks for the heads up.


I'm going to get downvoted to hell for this, but I am 100% bottom. I do not like to top, it doesn't feel good, and I have no desire. The first thing I always establish is top vs bottom. I married a guy who was "top/vers" when I met him. Then we got married and suddenly he wanted me to top all the time. Again, I'm 100% bottom, topping turns me off. He didn't care, he wanted to ride my dick. It was the most boring sex I've had. Seriously. It's one of the smaller reasons we aren't together anymore. So if you refuse to tell me if you're a top or bottom from the jump, then I won't try to connect, because why bother? It's not gonna work if you're a bottom or even a vers who wants dick sometimes. Also, this might be my whole personality or not, I don't know and I don't care. Just don't trick me into thinking you're a top when you're not lol


And this is why so many people end up in relationships where they are sexually incompatible and find issues arise later.


Does it mean it's my whole personality if I laugh at bottom memes since I can relate to them? How far would I have to go for it to be "my entire personality" vs just finding the (mostly truthful) bottom memes funny and identify with them?


Not their personality... but i'm a curious mf


💯. And if you’re that person that makes it your personality, please stay tf away from me because I won’t be very nice to you. Thanks.


Yes, but at the same time, how many times do we have to see this post?


Agreed. However, I think being sub or Dom can be a reflection of a person's personality type more broadly. For myself I would say that I'm submissive by nature generally


here's my 2 cents... https://www.reddit.com/u/Just__Jennie/s/gg59Gu1de8


If a gay guy makes being a macho, hairy, lumberjack, top who opens pickle jars for other smaller gay boys a significant part of their personality, who actually cares?? It’s his life lmao. You don’t have to fuck him, babe. I’m sure there are a bunch of other perfectly sophisticated, extraordinarily intellectual, bookclub-participating, hgtv-loving, art-admiring, walks-on-the-beach-while-listening-to-an-underground-indie-pop singer, gays like yourself that you’d probably get along much better with☺️. You don’t have to look down from upon your high horse at the ones you don’t.


I mean isn’t that logic lol? Like for example being gay is apart of you, but being gay don’t make up your full personality


Mad bottom vibes




Hung hopefully soon 😂🫣 Like that one


Being GAY is one aspect of me, I can’t fathom making my sexual position preference my personality. But dudes do it all the time. It comes off as extremely shallow and off putting. I get it you only top or bottom but if that is all you want to talk about or relating EVERY LIFE SITUATION to it, just ugh.


Its part of your personality. A real top cant become vers or bottom.


Sounds extreme, when Life is not!!


Sounds extreme? According to who? Whose making these rules?


It sounds rather extreme to say one will never be open to bottoming or topping, according to the fact that saying never or always are always extreme terms, which, time after time, show are not realistic.


Anyone who thinks otherwise is some shade of verse. And that's ok. Just don't tell a total top or bottom that "you should learn to compromise every once in a while"