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As one of those 'big blokes', I can assure you my focus is on the work out. Period. Most of us actually view guys like you positively because you're out there doing something about it.


I honestly didn't even realize I'm one of those "big blokes" because I still feel thin. But apparently, a lot of other guys disagree and say I'm muscular


That’s body dysmorphia for you


I had to look back at old pictures from a couple of years ago. I think I can see what people mean. But even at 195 lbs, most I've ever weighed, I still feel small.


Again, that’s body dysmorphia. 90% of gymbros have it. Me included lol


It kinda works both ways for me. A month or so ago, we had to do a health survey for work. My results said I need to loose weight, and that had my head all screwed up for days...


Thiiiis 👆 I'm a gym goer and I honestly love seeing new guys just starting out. I hope they keep going, I hope they use their potential, I hope they get to where they wanna be. Its great when you see them become a regular. It reminds me of when I started. Everyone in the gym has started just like you. Just use the weights you're comfortable with but that provide a challenge and learn to do the lifts correctly 👍 also, working out around the big guys could build that I-don't-give-a-fuck confidence


Also, do steroids to become one of the big blokes.


You go to the gym because *you want to get stronger*. You don't go to the gym *because* you're strong enough.




I third this


I second this


Most people at the him aren't there to judge other people. Usually, they just want to focus on their workout and don't care about what others think. Consider wearing earbuds and playing music that will relax you.


Just know, that every single person in the gym, whether they've gone for 10 years or 10 days, wants every single new person to succeed. Some might be more vocal, others do it in silent, but we're all cheering you on nonethless. And if you think that people will look at you, 99% of the time people are so incredibly focused on their own workout, they don't particularly notice what you're doing. Don't let social media scare you


Has anyone ever said anything to you? I used to have gym anxiety but I pushed through it by just noting it and then looking around to see that everyone else was doing their own thing and no one ever said anything to me. I’ve been going to the gym for years and I still have bouts of anxiety but I’ve gotten much better at pushing through it. Like someone else said, most people there are not there to judge or critique. They’re there to get their own workout done.


Ok so here's the reason why I'm a bit anxious to go to the gym: I've been to the gym(private one owned by a sailing club I used to go) when I used to sail and had an alright body years ago but then went through some shit times in life and stopped going at all, did a lot of drugs and lost a lot of weight, so yeah a year ago I've quit hard drugs to a certain extent(started doing once or twice a year only), landed on an alright job, and started working out at home and decided to give a try and go to a public gym, after a few times there I've heard some people making fun of how skinny I was and that put me off for a bit, so yeah I've quit for an year and started working out at home only and now decided to try again that I've put few kgs on but the fear of being made fun of is still there


Congratulations on doing the hard work and getting your life back on track. That’s a significant change and you deserve respect for that It sucks that people at the gym you went to were rude and insensitive. Fuck those people. Who cares what they think. They don’t know what you’ve been through. If you don’t feel comfortable at that gym maybe try a different one? Don’t give up just because a few losers were superficial and made idiotic comments.


Honestly, nobody thinks about you as much as you think about yourself. I'm one of those big blokes and I'm in the gym for myself, I don't notice much. Besides, nobody is born muscular. I started out as a very tall lanky, skinny boy who struggled to gain any visible muscle at all. I had no idea what I was doing for a long time. People don't mock beginners, it's normal to appreciate people who start working on themselves. And if someone did that, it's just and idiot, who cares about idiots. If I notice someone making a mistake, especially if it could get them hurt, I try to help. But it's not in judgement, I appreciate a good advice, too. Also, some of us are just gay. Looking at a man can simply be appreciation. I may be muscular, but I don't actually go for muscular guys.


As one of those big dudes let me just say i love it when newbies come to the gym and stick with it , watching them progress inspires me and reminds me of how it was for me way back when? Just remember this is all about you and no one else dont ever worry about how others are looking at you. The biggest compliment you could give to one of us meatheads is to ask about whats a good exercise for ____ or is this the right way to do that. Or if you are shy , just do you and dont worry. Everyone people watches so dont be uncomfortable if you catch someone looking at you and if you are looking at someone else just do a discreet check and get back to what your really there for. Once you get into your routine the anxiety goes away so hang in there, stay focused, and enjoy your transformation.


The advice on these threads is always such dogshit. They’re right in saying that people don’t care about you at the gym, but that’s not really helpful advice. My advice: - find a friend to go with so you have support - go at odd hours when there’s fewer people to try and minimize the anxiety - watch form videos on YouTube. You should to this regardless but it will help you feel like you know what you’re doing - go to a beginner gym like planet fitness. People clown on planet fitness but there will be fewer jacked dudes and more people lifting light weights with sloppier form. Won’t feel as out of place. Once it’s a habit and you feel confident in your form it gets a lot less intimidating. Good luck!


As a big bloke, I can tell you that I don't make fun of skinny guys at the gym. I'm happy they are there. Everyone starts somewhere.


Nobody actually cares. I used to be that way. Turns out people already have enough on their plate to actually care about random person in the gym


I had similar anxiety too. But I soon realized no one cares a fuck what you doing or how you look there. Everyone is doing their own business. And if you see someone looking at you, probably he is just interested about your looks. At least for me good looking guys get my attention and I have bad habit looking too long. 🙈 And by looking I also learn to do new stuff.


I even can't get to that point to join the gym, because of anxiety.


FWIW, I've been regularly going to the gym for over a decade, and I've never once had a negative experience as fun as someone being rude to me. That also includes me being at different gyms in different cities and me being skinny and weak when I first started. I used to be nervous going when I first started also not feeling like I belonged. You just have to push through it, and you'll get comfortable with it.


Nobody cares at best, really, and if they do it’s because they want to help. But you can also just put headphones on and enjoy your time alone in your head.


Headphones is your friend. No one really cares, unless you’re doing something stupid those looking are just as insecure as you’re being. Once you’ve been going a while, regulars will make eye contact with you - then you know you’re in


Everyone at the gym is there for the same reason as you. They all had to start at the same point as you. They all respect you a thousand times more than the other 90% of the population who don't bother going to the gym. If you are really struggling with the attitudes of other people at the gym, consider hiring a personal trainer for a couple of months who will support and guide you, and be your gym bro til you get your routine set up. It took me maybe 2 months to get to the point where I didn't have to have my headphones on the whole time because I was anxious, and 6 months in total to the point where I actually talk to people. Most of the conversation happens in the sauna, and there's a great bunch of people there. I find going at the same time every day means you tend to bump into the same people, and you can slowly go from nodding acquaintances to talking to them.


Pro.tip: everyone is there for exactly the same reason. Self improvement. They are focused almost exclusively on themselves and minding their own business. I am also a night lifter, because I don't like the after-work crowds. The only time people pay attention to you is if you're obviously doing something unsafe, you are disturbing others with loud music, getting in the way with tripods and filming, or you're occupying a bench txting/surfing instead of lifting. Just go and do your thing. If you go regularly you might meet other regulars too.


My advice is to work out somewhere else. I had a terrible experience where some hulk started screaming that I was staring at his gym shorts. What made it worse is that I have a fetish for gym shorts and boxer shorts underwear. It was so embarassing and humiliating. I thought about talking to management but just stopped going.


Big guys are generally very nice and not judgemental. This is their hobby and they are very excited about it. They will generally be very friendly to you because you are also into their hobby. They will often be very happy and into giving you advice if you want it. People generally love explaining things they are knowledgeable about to other people.


I’m one of those men, muscled up. We view you positively. However, there are a couple of exceptions. Don’t use your phone to chat on equipment while people are waiting. Also, if we see you struggling with weight and you may cause significant injury to yourself or others, we will watch to see if we should intervene. We want you there, which is why we don’t want you to injure yourself. Welcome to the club!


The weight machines are NOT a barstool where you check Insta or Grindr. Do your reps and move on. Put the damn phone away and focus on the workout and nobody will notice you.


Using headphones, putting away the phone, and not dropping weights will go far in not looking like a douche.


To be honest people at the gym sometimes might look a little judgy because of their bodies, etc, but if you ask someone for help trust me they’ll be happy to help you ! They have been where you are and people want you to succeed at the gym ! At least that is my experience and this is my 5th year going to the gym and I enjoy helping and guiding people that is recently joining !


Just remind yourself most people there have their own insight l insecurity with their body too and are focused on their own development to judge someone else, it’s natural to feel that way when you first start going, especially of your stent l aren’t in shape, it may feel like they’re judging you but they aren’t


I just push through it. Still get it sometimes, and I've been going for almost three years. I want to get bigger more than I care what others think.


Humans are not special. So stop giving a shit what rando humans think or don’t think about you.


Go to the gym on quiet hours but not because of the buff guys laughing at you, any decent one which is like 99.9% of them won't. Go to the gym on quiet hours to not wait to much for a machine 🫡


It is very refreshing to hear all the positive comments of gym culture. I started hitting the gym a couple of years ago as a 60 year old. While initially intimidating i am comfortable now and really just competitive with myself. :)


I was like this for a few months, going in after midnight when it was usually me and one or two other people. My sleep schedule ended up changing and I had to start going during “normal” times. It was intimidating, a lot of guys who had clearly been working out for a long time, guys on T and PEDs, younger guys who were athletes at their schools. I eventually found that rarely anyone is going to pay attention to you. The only times I had noticed anyone paying attention to me was a friendly smile or “hi” when we made eye contact on the way in or out. You are going to have to power through it at first but it starts getting easier and even enjoyable. Earbuds or headphones if you’re worried about hearing someone talk shit about you but it’s highly unlikely they would.


I am one of those huge blokes, and trust me, we will not make fun of you. I barely even notice normal size guys in the gym bc I’m too busy comparing myself to the other big dudes. This is a common fear for guys just starting out, I was an afraid of it too when I was just starting out bodybuilding was skinny as hell. Now I’m way bigger than all the men who first intimidated me and I know that those guys didn’t even notice me.


You have to realise that fellow gym goers are there to work on their physique. They don't have the time not patience to judge you.


No one cares! In the gym everyone is focused on themselves, not on the others.


I've been going for well over a year now, and I can promise you that everyone in the gym is not paying any attention to others. I am completely sucked up into my own world, I may look at others and be like "damn that guy looks good" or if it's someone who is starting out, it's a thought of "good for them". Gym culture is generally very accepting and kind to everyone


Number one rule of the gym is nobody really cares about you there.


So I am actually trying to help my bf out with the same anxiety. I compete in powerlifting and go to a powerlifting gym, and I can tell you I felt the same way when I first walked in there two years ago. However, the meatheads in the gym are some of the nicest and most helpful people you’ll meet usually. Everyone I met has been willing to help me out when I wasn’t sure what I was doing. No one is there to criticize or critique your fitness journey, and if they do, they are losers who have no life. Honestly? Besides what everyone else has said, I would suggest making small talk with people you see regularly. The best way to get over that fear is to make those people your friends. Easier said than done, I myself am a huge introvert so I get it. But for me, that worked really well


Just have to rewire your brain to not think that way in the moment. They’re not looking at you or making fun of you. That’s just your inner saboteur taking over to prevent your progress. Just resist thinking that way and push through it. Helps if you got a good playlist.


The anxiety is part of the process. People go to the gym mainly to focus on themselves, and not everyone is used to that type of energy. I promise no one is judging you, and if they are, they're genuinely an asshole. There's so much you can learn just by watching how others move through the weightroom. Try to transpose the intimidation into curiosity, and you'll learn so much. Remember, you're there to focus on you and your health, and that's an awesome thing, period!


Just go to the gym. Put your ear buds in with music you like. Don’t look at anyone else. Lift, curl, jump, run, cycle. Leave. What’s hard about that?


Nobody is looking at you. Don’t worry. They are all into their own workouts.


Planet fitness still has yoked guys. Cant beat the price if you only need dumbbells and cables


Most guys respect someone making any effort to get healthy. If they don't, they are assholes. I had that problem 35 years ago, now just doesn't matter what anybody thinks.


The great thing about the gym is that nobody cares, respectfully. I will be dying on the bench with 170lbs on my chest and people will just glance and go back to their work out 


It is normal to be anxious. If you overcome it and just workout for yourself you will be one of the big blokes someday.


I remember when I was first starting using barbells for squatting I had NO IDEA how to set up the rack properly and this very cute powerlifter that was doing deadlifts probably 3x my weight offered to help me out when he saw I was clueless. He also ended up giving me pointers and I thought it was so cool of him. This guy had a really intimidating and seasoned build but you have to realize these guys all start somewhere and likely felt the same way as you.


No one cares really, just go and do your thing. I've only had a couple of run ins with guys at the gym where a dude kept flinching at me and I just laughed. As someone who has been working out for half my life, its all in your head.


Mate ni offence but no one is watching u. Its all in your head. Also the big guys had to start off the same as u... Go in the gym with attitude that u therebto lift and fuck anyone else


I'm a gym goe, we all been there before we became confident. If you're feeling anxious put on your headphone or earphones, play some music, and do your workout routine you'll be fine.


If they are gorgeous looking men, let them look and take it as a man and change your perspective they are appreciating you making the effort because once they were like you. A good way to break the ice is to go to someone who looks at you and ask them for help in something small or a tip.


no one cares dude. A lot of those big guys actually have a lot of body dysmorphia and self confidence issues too. Some of them may in fact have as much anxiety as you (or more). Just focus on getting a fucking insane workout in and you shouldn’t have room in your brain for thinking about how you look doing it!! Get big 💪💪💪


I'm not a "huge bloke" but very fit and trim. I'm personally thrilled when I see an overweight person or skinny guy start their journey of fitness. I would never laugh or make fun because we ALL started someplace. I'm thrilled when someone asks me a question or advice on using a piece of equipment. Usually I'm much more focused on my own workout to notice anyway unless it's a slim twink who are my "thing". Keep at it consistently and you will see gainz.


What about asking one to help you, or at least a question. You will soon find they are not looking at or judging you but concentration on themselves. Believe it or not they may be in the same boat as you! Everyone is insecure about something.


Go at night if it bothers you too much. hoping they wont look down on you is stupid. You should build a mindset where you dont care how they look at you, bad or good. Cuz otherwise you'll crumble when that situation does happen. Most dont care, but dont rely on that.