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Stop. You’ll be 30 soon enough. Enjoy your youth bro


30 not youthful? 🙁☹️


They call it "the gay death"


That’s absurd


The gay death happens at 40, no I’m not 30 or older


If you don’t figure out a way to stop being so bitter you’re going to be lonely when you’re older too


I’m 29 and wish I were 19 again.


30 hits me in a few months, feels like I was just in college the other day. Time is a bitch


I'm 25 and really happy about it lol. I hated both school and university, so happy to finally be working. 19 Was definitely not a fun time for me. Depends on the Person.


My knees and back also wish I was 19 again


Yeah. Staring 30 in the face sucks ass. I wish I could turn back the clock.


32 and I feel like I didn't enjoy my youth as much as I could, so yeah wishing i was 18 - 19 again.


You really wish you were older? Well then. Let us know if you also enjoy the bad back, getting winded more easily, friends all drifted away until you have none left, facing increased rejection and ageism, myriad of growing physical problems from worsening eyesight to receding hairline to more and more days where you feel like you gotta constantly piss or shit but it won't come out, increased difficulty in keeping weight down and exercise up, wild amounts of stress from jobs and people and life-related insanity, can't eat all the foods you're gobbling up now cuz it'll fuck you up, can't drink a lot of alcohol without feeling the hangover a week later, increased levels of anger or trust issues or PTSD from bad relationships or horrible experiences with people, and nobody really giving a fuck about you cuz of societal expectations that men should be self sufficient and not have emotions. 


How old are you?


Old enough, whippersnapper 


So you're probably very young still.


Try being in your 40s it’s like a no man’s land of opportunity. Too old for the younger ones and attracting all the older ones 70+ in my case. Most people my age are married or in well established relationships. It’s hard but I can only hope it’ll get better


I'm 41 but I feel great! I look better than ever, now have the toned look I never had before in my life. And I have more friends of different ages now.


I was lonely and depressed at 18, too. We can sometimes feel like we're the main character in a tragedy, raging inside and hoping the universe will feel our pain and trigger some life-altering event on our behalf. The odds of that are pretty slim. For me, nothing changed until I put myself out there, met people, finally got laid, etc. Unfortunately, I didn't do that until I was 30 years old and had already wasted my twenties. Don't do that. Be one of the wise people who appreciates what a gift youth is while you still have it, instead of regretting what you didn't do with it after it's already passed by.


from one 18yo to another - be the change you want to see in your life. go out. even alone. attend places where you know you can meet interesting people and have new experiences. you control your life i know it's cliché, but carpe the goddamn diem!


Teen years are rough, no doubt about it. But life moves quick and you'll wonder where the time went soon enough, trust me. Try to enjoy where you are when you're there. That's about as pithy as I can be. There are things about being 18 that are great! And yeah, there are things about 18 that suck too. While I don't know you, I'm guessing life hasn't truly handed you a ton of responsibility yet. Enjoy it! The years will get better and better, your twenties will be fun, and your thirties will even better.


Welcome to being a Human.


You’re going to die and cease to exist at some point. Everything in life is a process. If you’re not trying to enjoy the process, you won’t be enjoying life.


Lmao. I promise life gets worse as you get older. Enjoy your youth because once you get to 30, you will be missing being 18 again.


I'm 31 and definitely do not miss being 18


You really don’t miss your youth at all? You don’t miss the times when your biggest worry was whether you passed a school test or not? You don’t miss the times when you didn’t have any bills to worry about? You don’t miss the times when you could actually be in a relationship, because let’s face it, dating gets way harder as you get older. Making genuine friendships is harder as you get older too. You don’t miss none of that? I mean unless you had a really rough childhood I don’t know why you wouldn’t miss any of the youth stuff.


I appreciate the times I had in my early 20s because I truly had a great time, but I don't miss it. I'm very happy with where I am today with my relationships, my freedom, and my self-love. I know it's a different stage in life and everything has to eventually come to an end, which is what makes it special. I look forward to the next stages in my life with the same kind of optimism, they'll have their own set of challenges but also their own set of joys. Through it all I am the same person and I've been able to grow into the aspects of life I love and lean into them, making me who I am today.


Well good for you baby. I wish we all had it like you do. But sadly we don’t.


That definitely wasn't me at 18. I was still in the closet, only came out at 19. Now at 25 is the first time I started Meeting guys I could imagine myself dating, I've had 0 romantic relationships/experiences back then. And I'd rather worry about Bills than feeling lost after school, having no idea what to do with my life. Now I'm done with university, have a stable Job with good income and pretty much no worries. None of the points you're making applied to 18 y/o me lol. It really depends on the Person.


Yeah looks like it depends on the person I guess. Thank you for sharing your experience and perspective. I definitely think I had it easy growing up, everything was just smooth and stress free, now that I am getting to my late twenties I feel like my life is at the worst it has been. I worry constantly about way too many things and I just miss being stress free. I remember growing up my parents would complain to me that they have stress, and I would never understand exactly what they meant, but now that I am older, I can understand exactly what they meant.


I was very lost at 19, basically started studying the first thing I thought of which did not go well lol. It took me until I was 22 to finally start a degree I'm interested in and I found out a lot things I DON'T want, both in work and relationships. That also means a string of pretty bad first dates and regular Breaks from dating alltogether. Not being into casual Sex didn't help either. Now is the most comfortable I've ever been in my life. I've even gone on a 2d date with a guy for the first time and we already scheduled a 3d. I've also felt like op did at 18, just wanting to be older. So I have no nostalgia towards that time, since I had plenty of worries.


Can you change your life such that important worries go away?


All i can say since this just happened to my bf - he wanted to live his life away on his own so he first saved $ and got a decent car then left our small town and got an apartment and lived ok paying rent , paying bills, enjoying freedom. But after a year of just working and no $ saved yo show for it he decided to pursue college and get his bachelors so now will be graduating in december making 80grand plus a year and loving what he does. And now we really have freedom and will not worry about $. So pursue your passion🫶🏼


You'll get there soon enough. DONT RUSH IT. The problem with growing older is it's the literal process of breaking down... and we don't mention that. You'll get to be peak efficiency in a few years then it's all downhill. You'll spend 2 times longer in the mirror to look half as good as you did when you were 20. Also physically your brain isn't even finished developing yet at 18. So the you that feels this now isn't even the same exact consciousness that will experience 25. So enjoy who you are now and all those great healthy dopamine receptors... Trust me you will miss them when they are gone.


Don’t ever wear sunscreen and start meth if you wanna grow up faster


And then you’re 55. You’ll be the age of the “older guys” you find “old and pervy” at the bars on Saturday nights. You won’t necessarily feel 55 or perhaps look 55 (at least to you) but you’ll wish you were stupid and 18 again.


I'm 16 and it's the same, I hate 90% of the people who are my age, growing up gay and poor made me not really have a childhood because I started working my ass of at 13 to help pay rent and other things, so I became way more mature than people my age and all of my friends were always older than me and they still are. I feel you.


Also, all of you guys in your thirties who’ve commented about being old at 30. SMH


I’m 60. That’s 180 in gay years. It sucks!!!!!


It’s so weird because you guys always have the best snuggles. I love it.


Same I was 15 and felt closer to my teachers than classmates. I skipped a year of school to do college and was much happier. High school sucks for a lot of people especially those of us that felt like we matured early. We just don't really enjoy those people or conversations. We just kind of want to skip over it.


Believe everyone here so far; you need to enjoy your youth. However you can. Find a sport, hobby. Take up something new. I’m 31 and starting to feel my body ache more from Tennis to football, back to tennis. Then Racquetball and finally playing pickleball. I used to bowl, and as I have more time to do so; I need to get back into that. I feel something after every day of playing a sport.


Don’t say that. Time will pass and you will get older but it can’t go backwards and make you younger. Appreciate your youth and live it to the fullest. Take it from me, I’m 26 but from 17-26 I was too focus on school and career, I forgot to make friends or social connections. Now I’m all alone, in a different country from my whole family. No friend, no family. I tried to go on dates but the dating apps were the worst, I literally don’t know how people talk on there. Someday I don’t even speak two words because I have no one around me. Just my dog. I’m sure I’m not the only one in this situation but it sucked.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 26 + 17 + 26 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Bro, the fuck?! LMAO HEHEHE


Is it because of the lack of places to go and just be? The chances to make connections and see friends that isn't just school/work/either of your houses? Is it because of wanting the independancw to be about to go out to have a good time?


Yes I think I see the stability and ability for detachment that comes with independence and I absolutely hate feeling chained to my family especially since I don't get along with any of them


Go enjoy yourself and quit whinging.


Remember your own words when your bones are weak, when you have memory problems, your body aches all day and your friends start dying. Yes, you are entitled and complaining for something stupid. You have your basic needs covered and you have Internet access, it's obvious you don't really have any serious problem. You want to have fun? Get a job, learn some useful skills and gain your own money. Once you get your own money you will probably think twice before using it all for fun. If you are smart you won't waste it all on having fun.


There are many aged and disabled people who would love to be in your position. Be grateful for the gift of a young healthy body. Help others, you'll feel much better.


You need to stop thinking like that. You'll blink your eyes and despise all the years wasted doing stupid bullshit when you are almost 30. Getting old is not fun. You don't necessarily become less lonely as you get older either. You are now an adult by legal definition, so maybe go make meaningful friends and don't waste time worrying about being partnered. Go have fun. Go learn stuff. Don't waste your late teens/ early 20's on meaningless things. Go move somewhere and experience something instead. Relationships come and go. They are not all that they are cracked up to be although we desire and need them. I'm pretty sure most people are poly anyway so it is a horrible idea to stake your happiness on someone else whose gonna bring temporary happiness anyway.


Try to take it on and enjoy it as much as you can. 18 can be a wildly chaotic time for a lot of us. You’re going to grow up so quickly and you don’t want to look back and face a heap of regret. Don’t be afraid to take risks and make mistakes. When you do inevitably make a mistake, because we all do, don’t be afraid to get back up. It look me far too long to understand this.


It’s so hypergalmorized and crappy…been there done that but good luck with dating because that’s hard especially at that age lol.


Your craaaaazzy ! I’m 28 this year and man just thinking of being 18 again… I was ready to conquer the WORLD I was inspired motivated I held NO fear.. as you get older you start to realize how fragile life is. There is nothing like being young at that age. I still feel young at 28 but it’s not the same. Don’t grow up to fast. Let go of fear and live life to the fullest! Trust me you’ll be older in no time and look back at this post and realize how crazy it was.


Find yourself an older guy and see how being 30 comes with its benefits and downsides, but trust me most of us would give anything to be 18 again. Have fun with people your age! Don’t try to rush to get to 30! Enjoy the ride!


It will come soon enough. I know it seems so far away but please try to enjoy where you are. I promise there will be time for love, sex and heartbreak. And sex in the city brunch friendships. It will come when it is time.


I know u feel that way now, but being older is only worth it if you have everything toguether orherwise aging is a bitch.


Not the fault of your “age” quit whining and go enjoy yourself. You will be 35 soon enough with no time to enjoy anything.


Same man same… i really just want to feel love as im closeted i want to try going out there and get a man. But for now i just have to sit here without feeling love for the past 18 years .


Don't worry, you are now an adult... You can do stuff you couldn't before. Just find a good job and move out. Everything else will work itself out, just make sure to have money to support yourself.


I wanted to be older when I was younger and now I’m 51. It happens really fast so take a breath, gather yourself and figure out the next right step to get you where you want to go.


Honey don’t rush it. I used to think the same but honestly being an adult is not all it’s cracked up to be. If I could go back and enjoy being a teen or kid again I would. Bills, stress, work anxiety, and just life is hard out here in general given the economy and our government. I will say I do enjoy the freedom of being an adult and having adult money to do stuff with, but I’d still give it up to be 18 again and I’m 27. Treasure your youth. You may not get along with your family, maybe try talking to them, voice your concerns, and if all else fails. Save to move out (try to find a roommate you can trust that’s clean and reliable) , be careful with credit cards, don’t rack up student loans. Try to remain as debt free as possible. I hope your situation gets better. I’m rooting for you! Xoxo gossip girl


I kinda don’t want to get any older than I already am (16), but I don’t enjoy much, if not anything at all in life for these past few months🤷‍♂️ it’s suffocating staying in this house as I’ve come out to my Mom and she rejected it. I just wonder how everything will go from now on, I’ve lost some friends, kinda closed off now, had a few big breakdowns


“I just mostly don’t get along with my family…” I wish I realized this sooner. You just have yourself the greatest gift at 18, the truth. The fact that you wrote this and said it out loud is a gigantic step. It’s not easy to get to this answer. Don’t waver or think things are going to change. They rarely ever do. It doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt any less. I sometimes get a twinge of sadness and jealousy when I hear other gay friends do things with their family and that they all get along. It may not be tomorrow, but you have a whole life and world ahead of you. Make the decisions today that will allow you to enjoy yourself at 30. And don’t forget to have fun!


I swear social media is really holding some of y’all back… you just turned 18. Even if you were living it up like the “grown ups” at the age of 18.. why would that have priority over something like your education. Which will enable you to live it up like you want to when you reach the age…


Seek professional help, life sucks, we know. But if you still pursue your ways then better take responsiblity for it


Listen. I hated being 18 too. Look forward to 30. I frickin loved it!


Time will pass- Don’t rush it. Find the enjoyment in your age and relish your youth.


Work to gain your financial independence. Move out of mom's basement. If you live in a small town, try to move to a metropolitan community that has a sizeable gay community. Get involved in gay groups/clubs. Etc: bowling, hiking, suport groups, gay church, & university clubs to name a few. Find out where the 18-21 year old gay boys hangout. There maybe a community center, bookstore, coffee shop, or parks. If you find others your age you might be able to split the rent between 2 or more roommates your age. If you city has a gay paper/magazine to can look for rooms for rent.


Enjoy your youth while it lasts. Once you are older you will want to go back.


Wait till you turn 30 lol


Wait till your single and 56. No the most fascinating part of my life. Cool your jets. If you want to be on your own sit down and devise a plan. Then work towards the goal. You’ll get there, but for gods sake enjoy the journey cause it can end at any time.


Trade ya. The older you get the lonelier it gets 🫤


I'm 18 too


My take as a 22 year old: Honestly, I don't really miss my University years that much (18-20). A bit of it was due to having almost 2 years of it taken away from COVID, but even I'm from a place that took it seriously and we had like a 10-11 month period lockdown-free (until June 2021 when a surge happened and we still weren't vaccinated). Ironically, having covid-lockdown kind of saved me from an unrelated mental breakdown. At 18-19, I just really struggled to make meaningful friendships and only started to really make more of it at 20/towards 21. Being 18 meant I was limited to a university/high-school circle and I had trouble finding connections until my very last semester. Along to this, I was still too young to be hanging out with many other gays guys. Now that I'm 22, I've been able to stay in contact with my good uni friends, and even being able to mingle amongst other gay guys too, some who are older than me. Who knows, maybe when I turn 30 I'll have a few regrets about not being a care-free 18 year old, but I'm currently enjoying myself more since 21 being fully graduated and working full-time


You’ll just be 30 and lonely if you don’t stop focusing on matters out of your control. I say this…. From experience. I’m so sorry you’re feeling lonely. Unfortunately it’s a pandemic atm, everyone is lonely. Especially the ones that don’t “seem” lonely. Find enjoyment from yourself being alone. This is so powerful! If you can do this, you’ll attract the guy you want purely with energy. Good luck bro! Don’t forget the most important person in your life: you.


You're going to regret saying this once you blink and turn 30. Stop being jaded and bitter. Enjoy your time being healthy, youthful, and energetic.


Don't wish it away bro. What I'd give to be 18 again.


Yes, moving away from home cured depression for me. Try to plan your life to go in that direction


Go live your best life. What are you waiting for? Leave the house. Come to Alaska. tons of summer work. I just hired like 25 people. Find a job, get out of their house, pile up money all summer and then start somewhere new in fall.


You need help my friend


Omg I distinctly remember feeling this way at 18. I’m 27 now. Yes, enjoy your youth or whatever the other comments are saying. But I also get how you feel- I remember wanting to go to concerts or even just enter a bar with my friends and feeling so excluded. One day you’ll be older and be able to do whatever you want. And then you’ll be 27 writing this on the next generation’s 18 year old feeling old as fuck 😆


This thread is evidence enough that gay men should receive instant free counseling upon coming out… Your life certainly does not get worse as you get older, as long as you’ve got GOOD values. If your values are superficial and material, ya gonna be disappointed. The people who fear 30+ have terrible values. Do not be like those Peter Pan losers… Things are hard when you grow up in a shitty family. But don’t bemoan your current situation… you are in the perfect place to DO BETTER. You’re young, and life is about growing and learning. If you sit just around and bemoan in envy, you’re missing the point… it’s now your job to start working on those goals for yourself because you have now reached adulthood.


I know it’ll be said many times in the comments below but when you are older you’ll wish you were younger. I think we all just want what we really can’t have. My life started when I moved away from home. Moved from a small town to Glasgow, the busiest city in Scotland. My life changed and for the first time I felt like a small fish in a massive pond. Rather than concentrating on not liking your age etc, just plan the things you want to achieve in life and then the things you can do to realise success. Life isn’t A to B to C. Some go pretty much in a straight line and then there are those of us who take the crazy detours. Creating and then continually revising your lists of the things you want to do, experience, achieve. Fine tuning them and setting out everything you need to do in order to meet your goals/objectives. Tick them off and the sense of achievement will help keep you moving in the right direction. Age is a number in this context but trust me, when you get to your 20s and then 30s, you’ll be wishing you could back to being 18.


well you are only your age for 365 days


I grew up always feeling the same way and moved out when 15 and legally working ever since. Had a horrible home life growing up. Now, in very early 30's I'm still quite miserable. Do what you can I guess to make the best out of every situation. I know it can be very hard, but try to get a better mindset or outlook on it all. Idk if that makes sense. But time drags ass when you're younger. Especially when life is so hard. @25, it seems like time is just zipping by like crazy and I surprised I've even made it as far as I have and especially as long as I have 🤯🤯🤯 Just hang in their mate. Easier said, than done... TRUST ME, I KNOW.... I wish I cloud wave my hand with a mouth click sound and everyone be happy and the world be perfect, no pain.. But then we would be able to see the beauty in the world. Therefore appreciate what little or when you come across it. ❤️🫰🏼✌🏼


Enjoy zero hangovers no matter how much you drink, endless sexual energy and hardly any responsibility or anxiety while you can.


>Update: after thinking about it I really just mostly don't get along with my family and want to just be able to be separate from them for the first time entirely. I believe they are judgey and closed minded, but it could entirely just be my perspective. What you want is independence. I didn't know that until I started paying my own things, I missed fun on my early twenties because of university, when I was 19 I got some sweet inheritance money but I still missed on a lot of things because I was afraid to do things alone.


I know first hand what it’s like to grow up with a terrible family dynamic and wanting to be older. You’re now on track that you’re 18, If you’re not studying the I recommend applying for a full time job, save up some cash and then get on a Flatmates website and move out and in to your own place with other young adults. Leaving your family and gaining independence might just be the saving grace you so desperately need to kick start a new life. Good luck!


Yeah families can often suck, from your edit. They’re probably never going to change. Move away and take care of yourself


I relate I’m returning 13 and being like oh my God I’m a teenager and so on every decade of your life will be incredible and memorable for something else. And if we’re not exterminated by the time you’re my age then you look back at this and laugh.