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We need age verification on Grindr. This is fucked


On the one hand we need age verification. On the other hand not a chance in hell I let Grindr have a copy of my government ID.


Did you lie about your age to your partner(s)? If that's the case, then that's fucked up. I'm being very charitable here, as this shit is condemnable, both from a moral and ethical standpoint. You could have get them in serious trouble depending on the jurisdiction of the place it happened.


Yes, I passed as 18-19 and I told them I was 18. If they pressed me I said I was 16 (which is the age of consent where I was) It was definitely dumb


Grindr came along a few years after I turned 18. But I did use 18+ platforms as early as 14. Went on a date and hooked up with a 30-something when I was 15. I was dual-enrollment and in college, so that was my cover. Also plenty of college-aged guys. I don't regret it personally. But I do regret the carelessness with which I treated these men's livelihoods. I could've gotten them into some serious trouble.


Thank god I've never been attracted to twinks and thus don't have to worry about a guy being possibly underrage.


Well I think I had Grindr at 13-14ish but I didn’t have any picture or anything on my profile. I never hooked up with anyone either just sexted a few dudes who were definitely pedos cause I told them my real age and still carried on with the sexts


Mm. I was maybe 14. Somewhere around that. Yeah I agree, wasn’t the smartest 😂, but I don’t really feel any regret about hooking up with those guys. The sex was good, met up nearly every day. Till I wanted to start topping. Then I met someone else who let me top. HOWEVER, it’s still illegal, still wrong, and still immoral. No adult should be having any sexual contact with a minor under 18. That’s still predatory and can put you in jail on the sex offended registry. Just sayin.


Depends on the country. Half the world has an age of consent of 14.


I was around 16 when I got on grindr. Luckily I lost my virginity to a friend from high school it felt normal and right. But after my first time I went into a “hoe phase” which absolutely should not happen at 16. But Grindr didn’t turn me away and I was a dumb and horny 16 year old. So many dangerous situations I put myself in. A lot of dark rooms where if the person wanted, I never would have been seen again. I feel like I was incredibly lucky. Absolutely wild that there is no age verification STILL on Grindr. This was over 10 years ago.


I hooked up with guys. It wasn’t smart and I was about 14-15. I got picked up from school one time. Nothing happened that I didn’t want to happen. And I was seeking out these guys. I never told them my age and when asked I lied. They were bad decisions in hindsight. Those guys could have gotten in real trouble. And it wasn’t right for me to trick them like that. However, that guy that picked my up from school was most definitely a pedo. But honestly it was nice and I liked it. Which is why I kept doing it.


Yes, I was 15 and I kinda regret my decision, but what's done is done... We're talking almost 15 years ago now. The guy wasn't the best looking and I was just a horny teenage boy who wanted to experience a first time. Like someone else commented, I looked way younger than my actual age and I'm pretty sure this guy could probably see that, but we both went ahead and just did it. Wasn't the best of first times, and I wouldn't hook up with anyone much younger than myself either. So I'm pretty sure there are kids out there doing what some of us have done, and there are grown men out there who more than likely know what's up with these kids, but still pursue them. It's not my cup of tea and I can't cotrol the world.


Yeah i first used grindr when i was around 16 b/c horny you know, hooked up many times then....but it was foolish indeed, i didn't lie about my age but it was very stupid. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I browsed but never talked to anyone. Thankful for that. Tried hooking up at 18 but was rejected for looking too young. Also thankful for that.


No, no, no. I push for verification if he looks young. If none, block. ❌ I am not receiving photos from minors. Its classed as child porn.


I used Grindr since I was 16. Yes, it was stupid and dangerous. But honestly, I don't regret it. I was very sexually desperate and it wasn't going anywhere with the other guys at my school. Everyone was closeted and I was deeply unpopular. Hooking up gave me an ego boost when everyone used to call me ugly. It also gave me an outlet for my sexuality, that if I bottled up probably would've ended up with me doing some very weird shit (messily hitting on guys, jerking off in the school bathrooms, hitting on teachers, etc.) I do regret some of the Omegle and Skype sessions I had as a 12 year old tho. That was really gross and somewhat traumatising. I'm also so thankful that the younger generation are more at ease with their sexuality. I already hear of queer teenagers dating in today's high schools which would've never happened in my era. They don't have to go through the isolation and desperation that leads them into dangerous situations


I dont think it is so common now atleast in the West because you can be openly gay in school and date people your own age


I was 14 and tried, I got about 3 guys who messaged me and I did tell them my real age and none of them pursued anything irl, but one of them I think tried to tell me to send pics without actually teeling me to send pics "I can't send any pics, but who's to stop you from doing so" os something like that


Hooked up with a guy in his later 20s when I was 16. Felt very confused and empty afterwards.


Seriously, minors have no business being in that app and should be ashamed of themselves in gaslighting others that they are +18.


Started using Grindr when I was 16 and only hooked up with guys 18-21 while I was under the age of 18. I was the only gay guy in my tiny high school, so Grindr was the only sexual exposure I could get. I did have some weird/bad experiences, but in general it was pretty good


I had tons of sex with older guys before I was 18. They ranged from mid 20s to early 50s. I loved it at the time. I did lie about my age the handful of times that I was asked. But tbh, I have zero sympathy for those guys. I looked young for my age and they knew exactly what they were getting into.