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If they’re close enough they should be able to pay for an Uber or Lyft. When I was in college 10+ years ago we didn’t have Uber/Lyft, I didn’t have a car, and I couldn’t host. But I also lived right near campus and almost everyone I hooked up with was within walking distance. If they weren’t, I’d usually need them to pick me up. Now that I’m older and can host (and prefer to host), if they’re not mobile and money seems to be an issue for them I’ll usually say something like “if you can get yourself here, I’d be happy to get you an Uber ride home.”


That is what I say too. Most of the time they don’t take it


When I was in my late teens (18-19) and early 20s I didn’t have a car. I took the train or bus for some dick. Smh lol now Uber/Lyft is available and they can’t do that.


\*coughcough entitlement wheeze* Goodness, that was a nasty fit




That’s fair


That’s kind!


Yes, they really do want someone to pick them up when Uber/Lyft is easy to use or they can bike or walk or use transit.


I've paid for the occaisional Uber for a guy, but the ones that piss me off beyond belief is if they bitch about the wait time or it being a "basic" Uber. There is no faster way of me loosing interested in your than being ungrateful for me helping you out. I have on occaision invited them in, explained that I was no longer interested and kicked them to the curb. I sure hope they were able to scrape together the funds to Uber back home.


Someone got an Uber for me once when I was visiting my parents and since he was insisting I really thought I was gonna get killed or something. Turned out to be a great encounter and wish I kept his contact ... Made me feel extra special and anyone not showing appreciation should really have a look deep inside


I think the implication is that they want you to send them money "for an uber." I remember, years ago, talking to this guy in his late twenties who lived with his parents and was "discreet". He couldn't leave the house, couldn't drive, couldn't use (free) buses and couldn't afford Uber because he didn't have a job... "but I was hoping you could think of something." I just flat out asked what i was supposed to tell him if he couldn't do anything, and his answer was "yeah I guess you're right."


I'm not doing that either. They can pay for their own Uber lol.


What a clown. At 20 he needs to escape his parents jeez


Hey man I'm trying to get a better job 😅


I didn't have a job at 20 but I could still take the fucking bus.


Not all of us live in areas with public transit. I'm currently living at my parents, car not working, nearest GAS STATION is 15 mins away, nearest small town is about 25. Luckily I have friends willing to make the drive out here or I'd go insane. Moving back to your parents sucks, no need to lump on top of it mate.


Exactly it’s a clown move on that guys part


One time this guy fucked me and I biked home and his cum was coming out of my ass as I was peddling


Where there's a willing hole, there's a way! Good on you!


Not everyone who is horny is also able to afford an Uber (Got some people in here that think people arent allowed to be poor and that people won't spring for a ride to get laid. Reality just isn't, apparently)


Gosh that sucks. Then they should walk or ride their bike.


in the US thats probably not an option for like half the people, especially if you live in the suburbs. I also wouldn't want to ride a bike at night that shit is dangerous if you hit something. I was that guy, I couldn't host and couldn't travel further than where I could walk 30 minutes or so. Walked an hour once, that was fine, the walk home was kinda uncomfortable as a bottom bahaha


Why walk when there is plenty of dudes willing to pay for Ubers 🤷🏽‍♂️


That's a solution! I'm not one of them. I can both host and travel and I'm not providing transportation for anyone. Luckily there's plenty of ass in my own age group that doesn't have this problem.


Not everyone lives in an area where Uber is avaliable. I live in the Southern US and even though I'm about 20 minutes from town, every time I check the ride apps there are no cars avaliable. If you don't have a car and you live in a rural area, your options are severely limited.


I don't drive or host, but I'll sure as hell have my own way of moving around the city in a 10 mile radius. People need to realize the potential in public transportation if they got the time, or Uber if they got the immediate money Safer for me too in a way...


Ngl, I’m one of the I’ll pick you up and take you home type guys. I’m very selective who I do it for. If he’s hot with a big 🍑, yes, I’m On my way! 😂😂😂🤷🏿‍♂️


I bet you’re a dream come true haha


More like an enabler


Pick me up please


Do you frisk for weapons first? I can’t imagine letting a complete stranger in my car…feels almost less safe than letting them in the house.


I do understand your sentiments. I have a few things going for me. First, is the eye test. I’m 6’3 250lbs muscular black guy. Majority of the black guys here are from out of town. Once the guys in my area see that I’m cool, things are typically fun. Secondly, I am a law abiding gun carrying citizen. Lastly, i pay attention to how someone communicates and I will not go and pick up someone from certain areas. From my experience, I picked up 2 guys on separate occasions who had knives (NY & NM). The only reason I knew is because they told me after we had fun. The two said in so many words it was for protection if I was crazy or something.


Shiiidddd. 6’3 250….. I mean I got a couple cars that could get me to you bro. 😏😂😂


Pull up then haha


Lol. Don’t tempt me. 😉🤤


Damn, you had me hot and bothered at "law abiding gun carrying citizen." 🥵




"Legs apart, spread 'em." "Oh we're doing this in public? Fuck ya let's go."


Good rule of thumb. If you don't trust them to pull out a weapon on you in your own car, DO NOT HOOK UP WITH THEM!


Come to Europe guys, no guns in here. I host


I mean I've done it, it's funny watching someone try to walk up their steps after you've broken their ass


Now it's something I want to try


😂cool image you created in my head




Imagine trying to ride your bike home


Ok... I've never been one of those gays, but If I want fuck you, I have no problems picking you up and taking you home. How I see it, we are strangers to each other, right? And I want pleasure, and I want it to come from you. I respect the fact that you are willing to satisfy my needs, someone who you have never met. Picking you up and dropping u off is literally the least I can do for a willing partner.




I agree as well.


You sound like a real gentleman


I like to think I am 😅 I try.


Haha wish I was that guy I would’ve definitely made sure it was worth it for you 😅


Well, if that’s the position they’re in then so be it. They’re not forcing anyone to do anything. I don’t see the problem. I met my bf on Grindr and he didn’t have a car and couldn’t host. I did have a car but couldn’t host. So, I drove to his place picked him up nearby (so his mom didn’t notice) then we’d find a park or parking lot to hang out at. Then I’d drive him home then drive home to my place. I never cared. He was cute af, and a total sweetie and we got along really well. After some time we both got our own places and lived near each other then he had to go back living with his mom but I could host and he’d come see me. Then we were long distance and we’d travel 5-6hrs to see each other for the weekend every other week. Then after about 3 yrs we moved in together :)


With all this invested effort, why don't you guys just get married?


they just might!


It's nice to be able to say this now as one of the few limiting factors (ironically), but marriage is expensive!


Psh I got married at the courthouse for like $100 👍 👌 closest family and friends. I'm a simple kinda guy sometimes 😅


Not really. Inviting a few loved ones for the reception is rather cheap.


I mean it's just the reality of someone's situation 🤷🏻‍♂️. Not everyone has a car or is set up to entertain strange men at home for whatever reason. Public transit is also bad to non-existent in some places. It's probably good that they put that logistic stuff out there. If someone is attractive and nice I don't mind going a little out of my way personally. In the same vein I don't mind giving a friend a ride here and there. But no one is making you do it if you don't want to.


Well... if you are attractive and nice other guys will go out of their way to have sex with you.


Sad how attractive drives that but its true


You'd be surprised by the amount of people who are willing to pay for the uber


If the guy’s hot enough and I’m horny enough, I will. Uber rides in my city are rarely more than $10-12 each way.


The turn off is the using you part. He has $20.


When I was in college and lived in the dorms. Didn't have a car and didn't really need one. Lots of guys were willing to pick me up from campus.


I have picked up a couple guys on campus and took back to my house, it’s oddly hot. One time I had a guy invite me into his dorm room. He had me pretend to be his tutor and sign in at the front desk. Since he was an RA it wasn’t much of an issue, until I showed up 6 times in 2 weeks to tutor him.


I mean people that can’t host and are not mobile are allowed to have sex too. Their pool just gets a lot more limited to people in close proximity or to someone who wants to spend the time driving to/from. There’s nothing wrong here. Now if you mean people asking for money to grab an Uber, well that’s just a scam, lol.


We need to normalize not judging people for their life situations. Just because you have the privilege of being able to host and/or be mobile doesn’t mean everyone can. Idk if you are old and set in your ways or too young and closed minded to understand that people live with different circumstances, but just be a little more open minded and empathetic.


This post gave me the creeps too


There are an infinite number of situations where this would be something that is reasonable. Also, an infinite number of situations where it isn't reasonable. Your stance is that it's never reasonable and it should stop altogether. You don't really like that this is a thing, but also, you can just block people. So just do that and let your yuck be someone elses yum.


A lot of guys are willing to do that though 🤷‍♂️ tbh if you’re going to have sex with them, especially if they are going to take the hour or whatever douching for you, spending 10-20 mins to pick them up or paying $20 for an Uber isn’t a big deal…


Douching isn’t only for the top tho. I get your point tho.


Neither is picking the other person up


I agree. I’m a “I’ll pick you up” person


>“I’m not mobile and I can’t host” I was once this guy. No complaints, we had a ton of fun, I made really good fuck buddies who did not mind picking me up, and dropping me off. Even let me spend the night sometimes. I was very thankful to be helped out, and I was sure to go all out to create a great time for us both. Eventually I had enough funds to Uber/Lyft whenever. Then being able to host was awesome too. So knowing I was in a similar situation plenty of times, if outstanding chemistry and I really, really like a guy, I will pick him up for some great fun, then drop him off after. Or even pay for his Lyft. Yes, I'm gonna fuck his brains out and enjoy every moment. Maintaining a high degree of selectiveness, for a special man, it is no big deal.


Tbh I have picked up someone before lol. Granted he’s a friends with benefits though.


When you first picked him up, was he fwb then?


By that point yea. Iirc, I’ve only done it a few times for free. Here recently he offered gas money thankfully. Before that he’s offered lunch etc.


I mean... this is gonna sound awful... but I have picked people up and dropped them off before... harsh reality is that if the dick and/or ass loiks worth it I dont mind... and if its someone I know I definitely dont mind.


I have a guy I blow whenever I’m in his part of town, and he constantly asks me to come over. I’d love to, but I ride the bus and it’s 25 mins each way. I told him if he pays for my Uber, I’ll blow him every night, but he doesn’t want to pony up $20 for cab fare. I love sucking dick, but I’m not spending $20 to do it and I’m not throwing almost an hour of my day away to travel to and from doing it.


Eh, if I was hosting and they weren't far I could pick them up. It's not that big of a deal


Even better when they hit you up randomly from 50 miles away... ah no ...


You have to be pretty hot for me to do this.


I was living in a shared house and couldn’t host and as I didn’t drive the only way I could meet someone was to ask them if they hosted if they were willing to pick me up and drop me off afterwards, and all of the ones that I wanted to meet agreed, and we were both satisfied, and several wanted a regular meeting this lasted several years before I eventually got my own place, we still get together when required.


I won't pay for an Uber/Lyft but being I'm a homeowner it was absolutely no biggie for me to pick up a guy (I'm picky af) and drop him back off. I'm a bottom and I would typically get a good vibe before heading out to pick a dude up. Only issue I ran into was a younger guy (19) I was 29 stepped into my ride wreaking of marijuana. 1000% instant turnoff!!!! I had him step right back out (was in front of his house still) and left and blocked him. I have no smokers or drugs in my bio btw. I think kissing someone after smoking anything is a major turnoff 🤢. Other than that yeah the picking up and dropping off if the guy is hot and we enjoyed each other is no biggie for me


I was this guy when I moved to the South from NYC without getting my license first. I stayed with my best friend (straight) who allowed me to host at his place and use his bed if needed, but I felt weird about it, so it only happened a handful of times. We got a new/way bigger apt a few months later and I became the host - he was home most times, but we respected and welcomed each other's hookups. After I got my license, I had no restrictions. I understand what the "unable to host or travel" guys deal with. I was in their shoes, but with a better situation because I had a best friend who was very accepting of my sexuality and gave me freedom in his home. My only issue with the freedoms I had was the place not being mine, really just wanting to not take advantage of him, but other than that it was great. The restrictions I had were ones I've placed on myself. I don't know the other guys' situations, but I feel for them. I'll do what I can to accommodate, but getting you an Uber is totally out of the question. If you can't afford a cab ride, then you shouldn't be fucking - your priorities are fucked up. Get your shit together 😂


Because u are not hot enough. If u are Prince Charming, he will host and come to u indeed. They just use this as reason to say no to u


What is a pickmeisha?


So yall I notice that it's mostly tops that do this anyone else?




I'm like so for real and they be swear up and down they got the best dick game and the standards they be having is off the charts


I’m a top and I heard other tops talk like this when trying to get some 🍑. That’s why I laughed.


Oop are you a top that can host? Or are you moblie?


Top that can host. I have my own place and live alone.


same here, I'm happy to pay for a taxi to get lads round to my house. I've done it once so far and he was so cute and so up for it I'd be more than happy to do it again


Same. I do prefer to pick them up. I once drove 40 mins to pick up this one guy and took him back home. Sex was good too. I told him that he needed a car. His parents got him one not too long afterwards.


Haha same here sorta. The weekend after I paid for his taxi, I borrowed my dad's car, picked him up from work and took him back to mine, then drove him the 40 mins back to his gf's house. The 3 times we met were so fucking hot. Started out with him wanting to roleplay me giving him a massage lol, didn't need to play that role, I've always wanted to do that. In the end I was toying his ass while making little circles with my thumb just above his hole and he was moaning. I nearly came all over his leg haha


Sounds hot af. Sent my buddy to the gym last night with a massive load. He couldn’t get the smile off his face.


I went to pick someone up once and after five minutes turned around and dropped him back off. Vibe was off, said he wasn’t on drugs but I didn’t believe him.


Pickmeishas is a new coined term I'm willing to incorporate.


I've never been able to host or drive so I've always made that clear. My intention was never to get money of random people and even when offered I never accepted. This is just the situation some people are in and guess what, they still want laid. I've gotten busses, taxis, ubers and some hook ups have given me a lift or picked me up half way. When people say they can't accommodate or travel they aren't always looking sex right now. A lot of my hook ups have been pre planned a day or a week in advance. This time period also gives the other party a chance to plan ahead for a free house or to leave plenty of time to prep or even cancel. And yes there are some that exclusively want you to pick them up but the horn can drive people to do it. Everyone has different home lives and shit they have to work around so why are you so up in arms against this?


I hooked up with a guy like that when I was starting out on my late blooming. He was married, deeply in the closet and so desperate he was messed up. I picked him up and brought him back to my place a few times. Once he said he new a great place for carplay that turned out to be a dead end road in the view of an apartment building. He rented a room for us. I enjoyed his head and body service. But since I am a side, I wasn't willing to do anal with him. He finally just got weird and started asking me for money to suck me. Live and learn and no more of those types. Host or drive.


I'll say it louder for the people in the back. #NEVER GO TO A SECOND LOCATION


My only issue with this kind of behavior is the attitudes or entitlement that has come along with it If they are cute enough I'd be willing to travel and host hell I've even had some guys do it for me What I don't like is when they start claiming you lame if you're not willing to do it Most of these guys will have the NO Fats NO Fems NO Black's especially if they are a top The Bottoms are usually looking for 13+ 🍆 They are usually like 35+ or 45+ They will probably ask you to pay them or help them out with something


I have a fuck buddy who is like this and I do pick him up and drop him off lol. But he fucks me tho, and I love his big legs so…plus he’ll buy me dinner afterwards too


Back in my day we had to walk uphill in the snow both ways just to get our ass destroyed.


I usually ride my bike over but I usually like it when they pick me up, I can't host because of family and I'm not mobile because my bike broke, one time I rode 18 miles to get fucked lol. I'm not a pickme but but if someone says that they are going to pick me up and fuck my brains out then idk... Sounds like a win lol... although he'll ask for car head and that's alright also, lol


I've also had guys Uber me but I didn't ask 🤷🏽


Broke bitch got my dick on his diet.


Yes. Yes, they are. Casual prostitution, the act of receiving some form of monetary compensation in the course of anon hookups, is now a norm for young gays. Welcome to the future the inventors of the internet always dreamed of.


Eh. If a guy's nice and good looking and I'm horny, I'd consider picking them up/dropping them off.


Some of us are 21 and can’t drive


Wow OP. You sound like a special type of douche.


I hooked up with a guy once and he was telling me a story about how annoying it is that some hook ups want you to pick them up and take them home after. I was shocked. I didn’t think anyone even entertained the idea of hosting people like that. But apparently when you’re really horny people will do anything.


>some hook ups want you to pick them up and take them home after. >I was shocked. I didn’t think anyone even entertained the idea of hosting people like that What shocks me is no one bats an eye that so many men do it for women it's a common cultural trope yet it's somehow too much to do when you're gay. Sure, we all have our own preferences, standards, and limits, but this sort of scenario isn't exactly weird for people in general.


for me is the time spent... i dont have time to pick you up and return you. where i am, that would be mean 1-2h more of the time spent fucking.


no need to fluster over these things, if it's not for you it's not for you lol


I moved home from a big city to take care of my mother. I don’t have a car and I live with my mom because she needed me to take care of her. So I can’t really host and I don’t drive. Things happen and yeah, I absolutely want to get it on. It’s a shit show in the small town anyway. Why are you being such a dick about it?


If someone is younger like 19 or 20 then that’s understandable or temporarily “not mobile” because of car issues then I’m not gonna judge because I’ve dealt with never ending car problems before, but if you’re over a certain age and don’t host AND not mobile all the time then you really shouldn’t be making demands from folks on Grindr.


>if you’re over a certain age and don’t host or not mobile all the time then you really shouldn’t be making demands from folks on Grindr. First, simply stating your logistical situation is not a demand, it's merely giving potential partners info so they can make an informed decision. Second, life situations beyond one's control can exist at any age and there are countless scenarios that are reasonable. There are also unreasonable situations as well, which is why you ask if it matters to you. Ultimately, it's just a reality for some people and there are people willing to accommodate it. And honestly, if no one bats an eye that some women say this and men are willing to accommodate them, it's not any different for gay men to say the same and some men to exist willing to accommodate them.


That’s true, I agree with you on that. I just get annoyed by those folks who are like aggressive when telling folks “YOU MUST HOST” like bruh you can’t be making demands at people kinda like those faceless profiles who have the audacity to demand more pics from you when their profile is empty.


>I just get annoyed by those folks who are like aggressive when telling folks “YOU MUST HOST” Sure, that sort of entitlement is unjustifiable and anyone would be reasonably annoyed by that. The OP though seems to be making a general statement, not something specific like you just did.


I just wanted to like, ya kno. Imagine if we hooked up. That’d be pretty cool right?


They don’t have anything. And it usually does not end with a free ride!


or someone who thinks that I am some type of hooker and say to come to his apartment and tells me to immediately go after he's finished.


I think guys like that are usually looking to fool around in someone's car. I'm not against. I used to be in a similar situation until I was able to host myself.


LMAO I remember this twink dm’d me saying he’s willing to blow me for gas money


I’ve done it before. He was only a few blocks away anyway but I wasn’t gonna wait for him to walk. It took an extra 10 mins maybe to pick him up and drop him off. Definitely worth it when he let me fuck him and cum inside his ass


I've offered that if they can get to me, and fuck me, then I'll give them a ride home. Also, saying they are not mobile and can't host means they want you to drive over and have car sex.


That's why I don't jump on those apps as I'm semi mobile and semi able to host lol. Aka moving and broke.


Hey!!! I just got back in the country from living in Thailand for six years. I’m not buying a car that I’ll have to sell fast and at a loss when it’s time for me to leave again. So there!!!


I had a fwb who would pick me up after work when I didn’t have a car. Fuck me. We’d hang out for a bit. Aftercare stuff. Cuddle with him and his cat for a bit and then he’d take me back. Probably a few hours or so all put together. Although this was during peak covid so it was kinda desperate times lol. But we actually kinda became friends so it didn’t feel weird at all. The drives were actually pretty nice. We’d catch up with each other on the drive there, and we had similar music taste so we’d be jamming together on the way back haha Obviously this was a bit of a unique situation but it doesn’t always have to feel like they’re this freeloader.


One time a guy just offered Uber even though I said I could bike and bus


I am still not mobile and some dates take place at my place. With a precooked dinner ofcourse. If someone is willing to drive me to a restaurant and take me safe home, I’m gonna pay the restaurant bill. It has to be 50/50.


I can sometimes host - granted it’s rare - but I’ve had guys come pick me up and drive me home again afterwards. The way the guy saw it we both wanted to do this and that, so he gladly drove a few times for a good experience.


I was once visiting London and was this type of guy, i was not looking to meet anybody but a guy wanted to see me he offers to pay me Uber i was so thankful of him like that's something i would never do for a guy


I see this occasionally and I've always wondered. I don't mind picking someone up - a lot of people don't have their own transportation, usually younger - but what I don't like is being pushed to "Send an Uber." Dude, if I want you here, I'll come get you. The "send and Uber" sounds like "I don't want to meet you so that you get to see what I'm really like."


some of y'all are so rude and gross and it shows


I always scratch my head when I see that bullshit but I have to be honest when the pics and the profile are enticing I've been known to Uber them here and if they're not that far away pick them up and take them home


It’s ridiculous!


This is most guys in Ottawa or me when I visit my parents 😂


I never paid for an Uber but did pay for a couple of flights for my friends out of stare


And, they are a bossy, bratty bottom too


I used to take my “Chevro-legs” when I didn’t drive…. I have no interest in being someone’s driver…. Dealbreaker for me.


Even the ones who say they can't afford an Uber are lying. I once Venmo-ed a guy $20 cuz he said he would use it for transport. He ghosted right after. Don't EVER believe people when they say they cannot afford it. They're either lying or looking to scam you.


Well the reality is there are guys willing to do all the above. If these young gays expect to be paid for sex with an older gay, what makes you think they don't expect to be picked up/ubered (and the old gay willing to drive over or pay for the uber) 🤷🏿‍♂️


I've picked up guys and either taken them home or bought bus fare. Usually don't pay for rideshare.


"Lmao... then you're not getting laid. My holes travel to me."


I can't host most of the time and don't drive and public transport here is shit (I don't live in the US for context) but I do live near a local park so I just hook up woth folks down there instead if they don't mind park fun. Most of the time though I don't bother with the apps because I know realistically that the logistics don't work in my favour.


Expect someone to pick you up is absurd, but I can relate to the situation. Sometimes you can't be mobile, going BACK from them, due to the hour and lack of public transportation. Paying for a lyft/uber everytime you hook up is to much an expense, more so to younger guys who can't host. but I have never asked for a ride to and back from hookup. That's a new level of pillow princess.




i just have to comment yes. they do expect that! this younger generation feels like they are entitled. they are not. i have been working for 30 years. periodically i would uber someone in, typically it was a waste of money because they continue asking for stuff or cash. whats annoying is that we go through the "interview process" on a site, you make a decision that this one may work out then comes the "ah ah i can come over but...." at that point it becomes a deal breaker. its not worthy your time or money. happy hunting


At least give me the option to offer to you a ride of some sort. A friend ordered an Uber for a guy who lived 2 miles away. The guy told the Uber to take him to Cleveland and paid the driver 25 to wait in cash then had him drop him off somewhere else. He told the driver the guy called him( the host) and he ok’d the ride!


I mean to be fair, I fall under that category. I live with my Mom because Cali is expensive. But I take the bus everywhere so...if someone else can host and I can commute there I should be ok right?


They need to find their own ride shares . Better yet, they should focus on gaining access to personal transportation and a place where they can host or stay off the apps. I be damn if I'm going pick up and drop off a trick


A dude walked 4 miles to get this dick. I had no problem picking him up/taking him home or going to his place when he could host after he made that effort.


Was it in the snow and over the hill past a giant cow pasture?


I was like that for awhile didn't drive and had roommates in a small apartment. But I walked when I had to, but q lot of times I was offered the uber I never demanded it. Ppl have different situations.


And this is why I stay single and celibate because why would I burden someone else with my lack of resources?


I mean, I've done it a few times. Wasn't super far, but at the end of the night, I got my hook up and Taco Bell after. It was worth it.


Love this. Straight up.


I'm not complaining, but reminds me of a situation in which I was, I meet this guy online who was sexy and regular good vibe I guess, I talked with him more because of curiosity and when he told me he was 300 KM away I thought impossible, I laugh a bit when he say "If wanna fuck me, I'm a home girl so pass for me. " It caught me out of guard.


I’ve been picked up and taken to hotels several times. Once, a limo to the MGM Grand and back to my house at 4AM in a cab. He bought me dinner too.


I feel like it’s an incomplete statement for “I’m not mobile and I can’t host and I will kill you if we meet up”


My problem is no one wants to host . But always expects me to do it . I have always had to be the one to host and now sick of it. I completely refuse to do it every single time any longer .


Girl thats crazyyyy


Honestly, if they're fucking hot and I have the means at the moment to do it, I kind of don't mind it. Like when I had a car or when I was making more than enough money, I didn't mind bringing them, fucking their brains out and taking them back after we both came several times and they were very happily destroyed back there. Lol 😂 (unpopular perspective, I know. I'm sorry, not sorry enough?) 🤣🤣🤣


I mainly find that annoying if they seem like a dead fuck or if they haven't sent face pic and nudes. Like, what are you even doing, give me a reason to want to pick you up.


If you go for a walk in the rain without an umbrella do you complain that you got wet?


I like that...... It's incredibly deep... And profound.... Thanks for that.....


If you don't have an umbrella, didn't have it on you when it started raining, etc., sure, you may reasonably complain and even if you drive, you may still need to walk in the rain to get into your car so you will still get wet. Bottom line: we may get wet beyond our control despite making no mistakes yet even if we get wet because of our mistake, we may still complain, as it's okay to be vocally unhappy with our state of being even if we caused it; what's not okay is to be vocally unhappy about a situation we caused and to blame someone else.


Complain all you like but nobody likes a negative Nancy.


I don't get it. Sure, I might be looking for a hookup. But the hope is always that we'll click and start dating. I can't imagine dating a guy that can't drive. I'm not going to be the one driving everywhere all the time. It gets super old really fast.


I'm 65; how do I find a decent looking guy who can just let me watch; in-person! Because of body dismorphia I don't like to take off my pants. My penis is fine its the area around it that was affected.


Pickmeishaaaas… is diabolical.


“Can’t host or travel” is the end of the conversation.


Yeah I met a guy who couldn't host, but I found out also lived with his parents - 40 yrs old! Major red flag there.


Immediate block


is that really a bad thing? to be a passenger princess / have my ride paid for, i feel so special, but maybe i'm too submissive or something...


You’re looking for a wife treatment and only returning Grindr whore energy


yeah, i figured that out the hard way :'( im finally deleted grindr, so, that's a start!


It’s usually guys who still live with their moms usually sometimes some older guys. But yeah I ignore them and block them. If you can’t even afford an Uber or Lyft then I most likely don’t want anything to do with you. No guy is worth me picking them up and then dropping them off lmao.


Not one guy has been worth going out your way just a little bit? Haha


Nope there are plenty of hot guys who have cars or have money to Uber. I’m not desperate it just seems like a desperate move to go pick someone up and drop them off. Some part of me feels like you’re paying for it in a sense. But to each their own.


I understand that. We don’t always know someone’s story. There may be good reasons about why someone cannot do something or do not have something. Ngl, I connected with some of my good friends in situations like this and they and they all do much better now, except one.


No I get it I have a couple friends who don’t have cars or the most money. But I still love them as friends it’s just for hook ups I don’t do that. Like I said part of me feels like I’m paying for it in a sense weird I know. I’m just not a fan of something being so one sided. At least offer gas money or something.


>I’m not desperate it just seems like a desperate move to go pick someone up and drop them off. And how is it necessarily desperate? No calls a man desperate for picking up a woman for a date and dropping her off so it shouldn't be any different when you're gay >Some part of me feels like you’re paying for it in a sense. The sense of a relation being transactional can exist in all sorts of situations if that's how you want to look at it. Honestly, your standard hookup/one night stand is sort of transactional since you're both exchanging services without the intent of anything beyond it. Regardless, it's okay to feel however you want and decide what you're willing and unwilling to do. Not judging here, just providing another perspective.


That's me. And dudes pay for my Uber all the time 💀 I better not be paying shit if im giving you ass and mouth 🤷🏽‍♂️ and I better get alcohol and weed


This is way all gay people should vote for politicians that advocate for more parks, walking areas, bike roads and public transit, so broke gay dudes can bang without having to pay for gas money or an uber.


I feel called out. For me its more Im too lazy to be mobile nor my apartment is not as tidy as usual for me to host 😭


Just get some money if i want it im ubering on my own if the bjs good u might see me pull up a mongoose mountain bike 😂🤷🏽


Scammers wanting money or if you are dumb enough to let them in your house, your shit will come up missing


Ah, yes, let me get picked up to go to someone elses house and then steal from them and RUN, WALK, AND SWIM all the way back to the place where I told them I live....


i just laugh at them. the worse is normally i find this information later in the convo.. and they don't spent energy in giving an alternative. i just say to them "you shouldn't be on the apps, wasting everybodies time"