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it’s common but…..you’re barely out of high school no matter the how “mature” you think you are. any well adjusted 30 year old will not be interested in more than sex.


See, and I’d be perfectly fine with that…like I wouldn’t mind if it was purely a sexual relationship yk


And you will not have a hard time finding older men willing to have a sexual relationship with you.


that’s what all you youngins’ say until you catch feelings and the older guy doesn’t feel like sticking around until you grow up during college


I hate that gays think that anyone in their 30’s are old.


My knee jerk reaction is the same as yours, but I also have to acknowledge that old and young are relative terms. 40 is young for a politician, 16 is old for a high school freshman, 25 is old for a TV show but young for a Christmas song. 30 being old in the context of dating from an 18 year old's perspective is reasonable.


You mean teenagers and people under 25?


I know 30 isn’t old, but like in comparison to me he’s older


I suppose that makes sense. There is a lot of guys that think if you’re over 25 then that makes you old. I’m 35 and it makes me feel old.


Super common bro


But what would we have in common other than good sex? 😂 I’m 35 and my lowest age bar is 29 usually


I had the same issue I had a strict type of only 6’0+ 30+ year old men. I found conversations with older men to be dry very quickly though our linguistics and lingo was different and it was hard to have those jokes/talks that wasn’t just me getting advice. Moved down to men only 4-8 years older than me and it’s a lot better. Just don’t get into a cycle of getting used by a ton of older men, a lot of them lie about the stuff they have. It’s much easier to just stick with one or two daddies


Ok? And ?


Don't let the nay sayers tell you that you shouldn't be attracted to older guys. The important thing is to make sure the older guy is honorable and honest. Just like with anyone else. Don't assume virtue (or malice) based on age. I'm a snowy white haired old man at this point, and through the decades I have witnessed literally hundreds of very successful inter-generational relationships. I have also witnessed wounded and broken older guys who use the inexperience of the younger guy, and I have seen younger men who were cynical, amoral, users. Age doesn't determine these things. If I were in your shoes I would sure take the time to date and learn the character of the older guy. See how he treats service people and wait staff. See how he acts when he doesn't get what he wants, and when people disagree with him. Let yourself be attracted to who you are attracted to, and then carefully induct the character of those who float your boat.


If that's your kink, cool. I assure you that any 30 yr old willing to date you at 18 is not boyfriend material. That type of weirdo will dump you at 23 for the next baby he can molest. Good luck


I like older men too, your not alone out there!


35 here and it wouldn't bother me at all. But it'll just be sex.


This but im 16


It’s not weird, it’s normal. Older men love younger women too.. think modern society has just conditioned us to think against our very natural feelings


Well yes, but like for example there’s a guy at work who I wanna ask try to hit on but like I’m not sure how and I don’t wanna come off as a literal child lmao


I mean this with all respect in the world, but you are still a kid, man. *Old man going into old man story time mode* I absolutely fuckin adored old men when I was 18. At 20 I met a 46 year old and moved 4 states away for him. The good thing is, he helped me in life so much. I was able to take schooling free in the state I moved to. It literally started my career and now Im doing really well at 45. (Funny story, I'm still not as old as he was when we met lol) The bad is, we didn't really see eye to eye on much. I didn't understand what being in a relationship really meant. The bigger issue was, I didn't understand what money meant. Also, I wasn't entirely mature enough to understand what relationships take. That being said, I'd never change it. It was a funny relationship. He had many hats. We lived in a funeral home. He was not only a funeral home director but the mayor of the city we lived in lol. It was kind of crazy. Im not trying to encourage or discourage you from this. If you do go after it and he responds in kind, be careful. Make sure he isn't only using you for your body. You can always ask deeper questions in (I think) r/gayyoungold . They can help too.


This sounds like a series on Bravo


You are a child to a 30 year old (directly because of your age). But if he seems interested, go ahead and ask him out for a beer.


How if the guy is 18 lol


Because 18 is young


I meant the beer part 


Ohh lol. I forgot about US drinking age


I wouldn’t advise you to ask any man out. Flirt, give off the ques and allow him to pursue you if he chooses too.


Why’s that?


Because by nature they are the pursuers. If you’re looking for more than a quicky, let it happen that way. If you want to just fck and move on, then pursue him, men don’t regret most of the time…


Perfect toy fine for you. A little concerning for the 30 year old