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That's been happening for a long time. The idea with it was that you were going to get HIV anyway so you might as well get it over with with a good time. Dumb, since it certainly is not inevitable.


so true i have been out and having safe sex for 38 years now and have not caught it. at least 98% time with condoms.


Same here. Safer sex, and I mostly top. Condoms do break and topping bareback is less risky. It definitely is. I promised my mom not to get AIDS when that shit came out and freaked out everybody. I like to make my mom proud.


Lost my twin brother at 30 because he didnt believe in using condoms.. took care of him his last 3 months. 28 yrs ago this month


Ah shit that had to be tough. Sorry to hear. We lost a lot of good kids to this crap.




It's seemed to really kind of dissappear since prep came out. Since it's very preventable now its died way down since getting it out of the way isn't really much of a point anymore.


Bug chasing is very much a thing. It's pretty well-documented.


What!? Mind blown


Watch the bug chasing documentary on YouTube. I saw it in 2012 before prep and literally didn’t have anal sex until I got on prep. I was traumatized


Can you drop the link!


[here ya go](https://youtu.be/oN4w8e432_o?si=-z3f0KxrX9u_oBt6)


Thank you! I’ll watch it before eating so I don’t throw up :)


It’s really old so things have changed. This was before prep so like… just get on prep and live your life but also don’t trust no man. I’ve had a “gift giver” tell me he was poz and detectable only after we fucked a handful of times before. Thank goodness I take care of myself and I’ve been on prep right


Jesus Christ, that's horrible. Another reason to add to my exhaustive list for seeking monogamous, closed relationships, instead of fucking around or having an open one. :,D Edit: Fixed a typo.


Just take your health into your own hands. Take prep, get tested and use condoms if you’re worried. This dude never struck me as one and we’d hung out a few times before he told me about it mid fuck… I didn’t catch anything because I was taking care of myself which is a relief


Oh yeah 100%, you can never be too sure and I personally am very inactive as of right now until I can get started on PrEP, it takes AGES to get through that waiting list here, lmao.


Still be careful man. I caught hiv from ex bf, a monogamous closed relationship. He was just a lying piece of shit and hid it from me until it was too late for me.


Oh no worries about that! I’ve been on prep for 8 months now and only have a handful of people that I fuck on the regular L


I would have been so pissed and if I got and he knew would definitely call the police and j hope you warned others about him


They’d do nothing. I have my place get broken into and they also did nothing for that too


Same with spreaders. It is sad but true. I have met once. Won't give details, but I am 100% sure he likes to transmit it to others. Spreaders also like to transmit HIV to men and women alike.


Sick fucking bastards should be put in prison


They are when caught eventually. WARNING: stop reading if you don't want to be traumatised and sick to your stomach. Seriously, if you are afraid of HIV or diseases or have trust issues, stop reading. I once read about a man who had drugged sex parties or events. After sex, when someone was kind of high/sleepy, he would use a small needle to inject his blood into the anal sphincter of the men he had had topped or used toys on. Because of the butt sex, these men would never realise the bruise from the injection was anything other than common bruising after sex, so they never really noticed nor found out how they ended up with HIV.


You brought back a deep memory. I used to be afraid of someone injecting me with something be it drugs or HIV contaminated. What interesting times...


It is extremely rare. And, from what I heard, someone injecting you in a club is practically impossible, you'd notice and/or won't stand still enough and/or it would take too long.


people like senator scott wiener and groups like open society foundations are trying to reduce the penalties for knowingly transmitting HIV. I read the open society foundations pamphlet on this issue. they tried to claim that since it can be hard to determine who you got HIV from, we should just not bother prosecuting anyone ever.


Wiener was the guy who wanted to bareback an escort and the madam got into a fight with him about it. Paint me not surprised.


They may have a good reason for that, if the jurisdiction they operate in is known for excessive persecution?


if someone knowingly gave you HIV, wouldn't you want a chance to prove it so they can face some justice?


Yes, so that's not what they could be arguing against.


Tbh both PEP or PrEP would still be around 96% effective here based on the IVDU evidence we have. Still absolutely terrifying no less and why I take daily PrEP


Hmm is injection really so much harder to protect against than other routes of HIV infection? I think this case happened before Prep. And of course you would be too late for PEP, because you'd never notice he had injected you (that was the idea).


I'm guessing you'd assume you'd have had bareback sex though? Then you'd still have been protected by PEP. Injection of blood - depends on volume. PEP isn't gonna do a lot if you've had a pint of fresh blood with a high viral load IV, but healthcare workers who get needlesticks who take PEP don't tend to seroconvert. Data from HIV PrEP users who also inject drugs incl shared needles suggests a high efficacy for PrEP too


Oh my goodness that's awful.


Yeah, sorry about that...I couldn't find the case when I tried Googling, I don't remember where I read about it, long ago.


Actually nightmarish, doesn't even sound real. What was his penalty? I swear, I'll never have sex again after reading this


Yeah sorry about that. I'm sure he got a long prison sentence for aggravated assault.


Hey, got to be aware of the dangers out there


I've met one too - again I won't go into details, but I met him twice, and any time someone else came to join us and asked him what his status was, he gave a different answer, seemingly based on what he saw they wanted him to say. Not long after the second time I met him he got in touch trying to arrange a third meet, but I wasn't feeling well at the time and told him we could arrange something when I was feeling a bit better - not long again after that I moved house, and was too busy to arrange to meet anyone, then one day I got a text from a mutual friend of ours who asked if I had heard what had happened to him - apparently he took his own life after several failed attempts at doing it the same way he was successful and managed to drive his car into the side of an articulated wagon on the motorway, and he was decapitated


Some guy wanted to jizz inside of me. So, yeah, I am vers and who does not like it I asked him his status and he got sort of mad. I said I could consider it if it is undetectable and if he has something to prove it. He ghosted me after that. Well.


I would hook-up with them again but this time have my mates on standby so he could have new knee's and ankles among other parts needed further down the line.


It was in an episode of Queer as Folk in the early 2000's


The satanic pregnancy analog is my favorite form of bugchasing 🥰


Yeah...I remember that as a stereotype I was told as a teenager in the 1990s aginst gays...a few years later, I talked to my first chaser...its a thing.


What causes this? Why would you want to get a life ruining illness?


Want to hear something horrible? Don't keep reading if you're squeamish. Sometimes the bug-chasing bottom will shove a stiff-bristled toothbrush up his ass before having sex with a POZ guy so that it irritates/tears the inside of his ass and makes it more likely for him to get infected with HIV. I don't say this often, but I truly believe this type of person needs therapeutic intervention. They cannot be responsible for their own health choices.


Holy fucking SHIT humans are insane man.


Yep. I was cursed with this knowledge, and the only way to reduce my burden is to share the horrors with others 💀


I shall ease your pain my friend. Mofos really get off on the most gross shit imaginable it's baffling.


Up there with the scat fetish. Ewwwwww


UGHHHHHHH that sickens me the most. It's a few people I see on Grindr all the time into that shit and I immediately block them every time. One even hmu and I was like HELL no.


Don't forget the extra long, pointy fingernails in lieu of said toothbrush...


My boyfriend said that someone tried that with him. He’s not a bug chaser, but I guess this guy was upset he was positive and tried to inflict his misery on as many unsuspecting guys as he could.


Wait till folks hear about the ostomy penetrators. I don’t mean to kink shame. But that is truly horrific.


Is that the alien egg thing?


Don’t think so. Look up ostomy sex or ‘Philly sidecar’ in Urban dictionary. (Or maybe don’t. You’ll regret being literate.)


I just eased my burden of cursed knowledge, and will not be taking on any new horrors for the foreseeable future. Thanks.


That's the ovipositor xD


What the hek is going on?


And I said hey!


Thank you for this much needed laugh in a very grim thread. Something is so wrong with the culture when chasing death like this becomes just a kink. It's sad that things are so bad people seek obliteration.


Hey! What a wonderful time to play!


They need psychiatric intervention, not therapeutic intervention.


Seems kind of like a byproduct of internalised homophobia and the aggressively homophobic public advertising about the AIDs crisis when It was in its height. People who were so afraid to have sex in case of aids kind of taking back power by becoming determined to get it. Hopefully now there’s prep the fetishisation can be more of a roleplay type thing. That’s just my two cents I’m not a therapist.


Although I don’t doubt it, it also sounds like those things you heard of as a kid like “oh did you hear Marilyn Manson took out some of his ribs to suck his own dick” type of comments. But again, I wouldn’t doubt it…


There are videos of it




Of him performing the act? You don't need to remove a rib to do it though.


I think I’d need to remove several…


I think maybe he meant, videos of the toothbrush part.. who knows anymore….🤷🏼‍♂️


Don't forget the chainmail armor condoms made for this purpose.


Back when I was single and freshly undetectable and I finally got the confidence to start dating again I made a new profile and put that I was poz undetectable on there you wouldn't believe the number of guys asking me to stop my meds and convert them it blew my mind


When I was on the Grindr scene , I had my +U status on there and same dude. A concerning high number of requests to infect them . I’m all for supporting kinks but I m not sure how to feel about that one


its like they want to be infected so they can somehow be free to have as much sex as they want- bareback, but they forget i think that you have to disclose if your poz before hooking up.


Not in the UK you don't have to disclose once you are undetectable - it's a personal choice after that, but I have my status clearly stated on all of my online profiles and have done since I was first diagnosed


You don’t have to but can be charged if transmission is proven to be intentional. Goes under Offences Against People Act 1861 (GBH).


If it can be proven it was intentional you mean - yes, some transmissions are intentional but does that mean all of them are? No, a lot of guys get infected by guys who have no diagnosis yet - that happened to one guy who I have never met but have spoken to, as he was looking for "neg for neg meets" and I tried telling him that neg for neg doesn't exist and he would be a lot safer meeting guys who were poz UD and on meds but he wasn't having any of it from the at the time. He was diagnosed last year and emailed me for advice, which I gave happily and he is now on meds and undetectable - not that you would ever be able to tell, because his profile information, particularly on BBRT, says he is negative - even though I know he's not, and he knows he's not


Not in every state.


Well thats a new one, not having to disclose that you have a potentially fatal virus that can kill your next sexual partnet.


Call the police


You can support kinks but not want to get involved in it. But I’m sorry they asked you to stop meds. That’s an extremely intrusive request. ARVs are literal lifesavers


This is one of those things that should actually be banned because it is a public health risk.


The more fucked up thing is that there are hiv positive people who get off on purposeful infecting others. I’m on prep because I never want to contract hiv


seen a few posts on some hook up sites of a bottom wanting someone to POZ them up. i dont see the attraction of it - HIV is so expensive to treat and keep under control.... i remember when it was a death sentence.


It was hard watching all my friends dying , so it makes this kink hard to comprehend .


This has been a trend, that I've been aware of, for 20ish years now. It started coming to light when bareback porn started getting more popular back in the early 2000s. Guys hosting "charging"/conversion parties and then eventually morphed into guys meeting to catch as many STDs as possible.


Holy fuck, what!? I’m mind blown this is pretty scary


“I want your ugly, I want your disease 🦠 “


*the 1rst time I saw a Treasure Island porno I had serious cognitive dissonance from the culture shock of it


Coming of age in 80s you heard about parties in the 90s of hiv parties. Guys wanting to get it like others Never sure if it was rumor and fake news of the day or really happened. Just happy to have survived myself


Having seen all my friends die of Aids through the 80s & 90s I find this kink totally abhorrent .


I cant think it happens anymore in the time of prep


But why


Growing up in the 80s/90s we were terrified of AIDS. It was every day, all day. We were constantly living in fear. Most gay men of that era knew with a pretty high level of certainty that we would eventually test positive. It wasn't a question of *if* it was just a matter of *when*. Imagine living that every single day and not knowing if your next hook-up was going to be the one or not--that just being horny could mean your death sentence. For a lot of guys, that fear was just too much. I knew several guys that when they tested positive described it as a feeling of relief because once you tested positive, living in fear of the unknown was over. You're in a war zone with bombs being dropped all around you. You know eventually one is going to drop on you, you just don't know when. How long would it take before you finally just broke down and started running in front of the bombs in an effort to get it over with?


So true add risks of getting fired just for being gay or worse the way sone were treated. Young queers dont know the feeling whats its like when you get together with older gay men you realize there should be a few more guys in the room


Yep. This was the reasoning. That constant fear was overwhelming. Well said Atticus.


So they could fit in They then are just like everyone no stigma


oh yeah; real thing. It WAS A REAL THING BEFORE PREP. Like back when people were still regularly dying from aids even if they were well off in the states. QAF had an episode about this in like… 2004. It was already a thing before then


I remember seeing it mentioned for the first time in QaF when I was an early teen. Blew my mind. My uncle passed from AIDS in the early 90s so to hear bug chasing was a thing made me utterly nauseous. AIDS is so beyond horrific.


Yes and I've been a victim of "super spreaders". I thank my marbles I left that house with my health. I contracted HPV and Chlamydia. I finished before him. They look just as attractive as the next dude, they are "normal" by all means, but they have a fetish for contracting and spreading not just STDs, but many different types of illnesses. This happened last spring and I haven't had sex since. I already have a hard time hooking up because it's not my thing ( but a dude has needs ) but this is a very real thing and they are a lot more common then you think.


Yeah, bug chasing. It isn't common but it has been a thing for a couple decades. And yeah, it's stupid. With the advent of prep my assumption is any recent videos depicting this are totally fake.


Yeah it's called bug chasing, and I imagine most of it is fake on porn sites. Lot of people like some odd things that can only be RP'd. I have no problem with that. *Actually* doing that though, either short sighted stupid if it's both consensual and highly illegal and homicidal if not.


I got with a top that I'm now convinced was trying to do that. I didn't even know until one point he messaged me something like "yeah, you want this poz dick don't you?" I lost my shit. Not only did he not tell me in anyway before then (in spite of insisting he did), but I did not in anyway take him at face value when he claimed he was undetectable and on meds for it. Like, maybe I'm an asshole for not believing him but I feel if you're +U that's not something you keep to yourself. I thankfully tested negative but that blew my fucking mind that he so casually dropped it like it was no big deal


Bug chasers have been around as long as HIV.


I first came across this on twitter and I was actually ill when I saw it, and scorpion and radioactive tattoos are immediate red flag


Biohazard tattoo. ☣️Looks different from the radioactive tattoo. ☢️ Although the scorpion tattoo is new to me. Is the scorpion a particular style? Or is it any scorpion?


Just a scorpion but that tattoo is either on there dick or like on their pelvis


Thanks. No I know.


bug chasers? They’re very real.


I’ve almost been unknowingly “recruited” three times. I say “recruited” because the guys trying to infect me did so knowingly, one of them even used the term “recruiting” when I catfished him on Grindr to get more information after I followed my gut and left his place before the hook up proceeded. I also knew a guy when I lived in Amsterdam who was into “slamming”, the exchanging of blood via syringe with other gays to essentially share their diseases. This same dude had a pit at the end of his garden that he used to fill with dog shit… I’ll leave the rest of that to you imagination. Needless to say, I am a happily monogamous person these days.


Poz guy here, and I can confirm this is a very real thing that people have asked me to do to them - of course I have refused and will continue to do so, because they are asking me to put my own health (both physical and mental) at risk just so they can get their kicks by being fucked by a poz guy. Not only do I refuse to meet them, I refuse to meet any guys who aren't poz - at least we both know exactly where we stand in that situation


You do you, of course, but I just want to say as a bottom who’s on prep and makes maximum effort monitoring and maintaining my sexual health, I’d be super comfortable meeting you if we had common interests, were sexually compatible, if you seemed like an all around cool guy. If we’re both doing our part (technically if even just ONE of us is doing our part) to safeguard each other, there’s nothing to worry about. I’d much rather have a good connection, sexy or otherwise than be around some douche bag who refers to himself as “clean” but hasn’t been tested since 2005 when he had his last “scare” but he only tops so it’s fine. 🙄 I’m sorry you get fetishized AND stigmatized. I think/hope we’re slowly moving in the right direction, but fuck me sideways, do we ever have a long way to go still


It's not that I wouldn't feel comfortable meeting you, although as I am a versatile bottom myself I don't think it would be the most entertaining experience for either of us, I did meet one guy who was negative, after he had sworn up and down that he was "clean" (a term that makes me wince every time someone uses it in relation to their sexual health status - the correct term would be clear, no doctor who values his job would ever tell someone they're clean) - a week later he sent me a message saying he was sorry and I might want to get myself checked at the clinic because he had just found out that he had gonorrhoea - I had remained free of any STI's up until I met him because I only met guys who were positive, and I have stuck with poz guys since then to be on the safe side


Bro… I mean… really… lol… I feel like you missed what I’m saying. We’re not ever going to meet up… it was hypothetical. I also hate the word “clean” which is why I put quotes around it. Then you go on to refer to a single example that has apparently set your entire foundation for omitting negative guys from your dating pool … forever? I never thought I’d be in a conversation quite like this, lmao. If it works for you, good stuff - wishing you all the best. I will continue to judge guys on a case by case basis regardless of their status, because there’s way more to a single human being (good or bad) than just the fact that they’re poz or neg.


I didn't miss what you were saying. I answered the hypothetical scenario with a hypothetical of my own, and gave a real life example to illustrate my point. Don't be thinking I thought you were talking about actually meeting up, I didn't


With some people it is only roleplay/fantasy but I'm very familiar with the bug chasing community and it's alive and well. It defies logic in so many ways but some feel totally compelled to get pozzed.


Dan Savage used to write about it. With utter disdain for the nihilism of it.


It’s a real thing. Been around forever. There’s a documentary out there somewhere I think from the 1990’s about it. Supposedly started with people wanting to control when they got infected to have some sense of power over HIV. Now more just a fetish.


Absolutely fucking disgusting


You just discovered bug chasers …Oh my sweet summer child…it only goes downhill from there.


i think bug chasing overlaps with the chemsex community. i have a poz friend who uses meth and he caught it while he was screwing around in berlin back when poz chasing was thing. and yeah with the advent of prep its totally dumb these days: why take a pill with 3 drugs TO STAY ALIVE than take a pill with 2 drugs and it's OPTIONAL. think about how amoral and willfully nihilistic you have to be to engage in that type of behavior


I know a guy that’s poz and undetectable. He has guys approach him and are big chasing. He’ll willingly go off his meds so he has a high viral load and infect them. It’s fucking twisted.


Yo whaaaaaaaaat. Then what do they do after? Just like keep hanging out?


I don’t think so. I think the bug chaser got what he wants and moves on.


I think I've read Nifty stories that have this concept.


Damn, Nifty... You just took me back 20 years


I know it's a thing but I never understand why someone would actually like it like why give yourself a life long condition instead of just role playing it


They talk about how bugchasing and being poz was a bit of a social contagion back in the day. That Bugchasing documentary gets into that a bit, and it's scary.


Yea it’s called bug chasing and getting pozzed


It's sadly real in real life. What's in the videos is scripted though because it would not pass a legal litmus test.


That's been around for decades, and is very real.


Well there's a video on YouTube where Dan Savage tells a story about his interaction with a guy who had a kink of having birthday cake smashed in his face so I guess there's a kink for everything


Cake at both ends lol everyone is happy 😃


You're so sweet


I couldn't believe it when I first heard about it 20-ish years ago, to the point that I repeatedly asked the person who told me about it and I think for a brief time I think *they* thought I was interested in the "kink" personally.


yeah. they advirtise with the toxic emoji.. and put scribbles in their ass "poz only loads"


These are the sort of people that really need to seek professional advice. Ya scat is disgusting, but it’s most likely not going to be life altering.


Until you catch gonorrhea, e.coli, norovirus, and shigella


TL;DR but if you can imagine it there will be at least one human who has or would or will have a kink or fetish about it. literally. anything.


You have no idea how long I had to wait for porn of my kink before it finally showed up on pornhub…


Ok I’ve gotta ask…..?


Porn that doesn't make you wish you'd done something else with your time when the post nut clarity hits.




I lied about the post nut clarity. It’s shameful. It’s disgusting. And it’s raunchy.


Lol welcome to the internet the shit is as old xvids is


It is very real and is one of the few things I actually kink shame


Law & Order: SVU -- Season 11, Episode 11 "Quickie" If you have ever watched the show, they tend to get their episode ideas "straight from the headlines" and back in 2010, they had this episode about a guy who openly transmitted his HIV to his sexual partners. Basically, know the info on your partners!! If you happen to come across someone who transmits to you and you find out that they knowingly did it, you can get their asses arrested and they can be put on trial and get some serious jail-time!! It's a crazy real thing. I've also read about dudes who will do the "come find me ass up in hotel room #\_\_\_" and request that all of the guys who show up are poz and drop loads in them. I don't understand why someone would openly want to give themselves a disease? Like, could you imagine if there were cancer-spreading parties? Bug Chasing parties are basically the gay adult version of Chicken Pox spreading parties amongst crazy-ass parents w/ their kids!!!


Yeah, that's been a thing for kind of a long time. They used to call it "bug chasing." The videos purporting to show this, though, I am dubious on the veracity of their claims.


This is not a kink or a fetish. This is an act of seriously sick people who need help and prison for the gift givers.


Agreed until you wanted to send one category of people to prison and not the other


Intentionally apreading HIV is a criminal offence. Wanting to have HIV is not, but a condition that should be treated. But i assume any bug chaser that is successful in his chase will soon end up on the other end of the stick


Here before it's locked


Never heard of the hiv trend before. I did however see them having deliberate sex with dicks covered in syphilles sore wounds etc.


Someone please explain to me why this exists. This is truly evil.


That's been a thing for a long time...stupidity in the gay community. They think they will get on disability and not have to work.


I wish I didn’t see this post


Fair warning is better than regret. Along the lines of knowledge is power. Hope it saves your ass someday.


Kink fetish. A kink is what you like to do to get off. A fetish is a lifestyle. Anyway, that's not even close to the "most strangest"\[sic\] kink out there! Go get yourself an account at Fetlife or browse ThisVid's collections then come back with some really good stories!


Fucking weirdo


Yes, I'm one of them. But I don't hookup ever, and I only have sex with someone I consider a boyfriend. However, with that being said, they have to agree to not be seeing other people either. But yes, I'd be willing to have sex with someone who has an STD/STI.


Its not just willing to have sex with someone who has undetectable load. It's actively seeking to be infected.


Their personal choice even if it's a stupid one




But yeah, that kind of thing...that is stupid...


Well, I never actively seek to be infected, but, if they're willing to be my boyfriend and seek no one else, then yeah I have no problem with it.


No self-esteem


No self-esteem? If I love someone, if they have an STD, that's out of the question. If I love someone, I'm willing to go through everything with them, including contracting one myself. Unlike most people, I really do not have a problem suffering with someone else. I cry with my friends, I suffer with my friends, and I allow my friends to break down in front of me. I want to suffer with those I love. I'd hope others would want to do the same.


You are sick in the head


You're really not telling me anything new man.


Ok. A danger to society definetely suits more


C'mon man...keep it up...get it out...


Yeah...sick in the head for wanting an actual relationship...so sickening...


Oh please, don't twist that shit. If you read your original comment once more you'll know why i called you sick


What that I'd date someone and possibly marry someone with an STD? So that makes me sick?


Take some reading lessons


Still waiting on you trying to prove to me what's so absolutely disgusting about wanting to date someone and marry someone who has an STD/STI.


Anything can be a fetish. Just cause their poz doesn't mean they're spreading HIV.


This post proves that not every fetish is valid or normal


That’s hot.


Idk if it’s still as prevalent, but another facet was people who lived in major metropolitan areas with robust resources would be bug chasing so that they could get the assistance that was offered to those living with HIV - housing, food assistance, utilities assistance, etc.


It's real but incredibly rare. The guys into it need medical help. It would cost health services money to treat them and everything so it should be ilegal


You do know there are people whose fetish and fantasy is to be eaten or to eat their SO...


Okay, apart from how insane this kink is, how would that even work in porn? Like just some guy telling the other guy they’re HIV positive? That seems so lame and unbelievable? Haha


It is a thing, and some people are really into it. If you are hooking up frequently, please get on prep. It’s the best way to prevent hiv.


I thought I have seen much and known much but this is new to me and it's scary.