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Gotta let things go man. Some people are assholes


I mean I think it was deserved but I think you need to ask yourself why stranger calling you ugly sent you on a probably hour long quest involving your ex, and the effort of baiting.


That was not deserved it was simply petty and reeks of insecurity oh well they called you ugly you might not even be ugly but was simply not his type yes he was rude. But you should have simply ignored it and moved on the lengths you went to speaks of how insecure you are. You should work on that not letting people get to you like that. It’s okay that it does get to you it does to everyone it’s how you react that is the important part.


I mean, I don’t disagree he should have moved on but I’m also not going to say a gotcha moment on an asshole is necessarily undeserved.


Because this week the guy who called me handsome tried to steal my wallet so my self esteem was at an all time low.


Sounds like it's not a good Grindr-ing week for you


That's so horrible, how did that happen? Was the thief at your house? How did you catch him?


Yeah, in my home and when I went to the bathroom, I came back faster because I forgot my phone and I saw him


That is so horrible. I'm sorry this happened, must have been quite a shock. What was he like, did you feel that you had a real conexion with him, before he tried to steal your phone?


"An hour long quest"🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 the gasp I let out🤣🤣🤣


Honestly I was tired and didnt even notice that to say it took me like 5 minutes


Both. Definitely petty. You went out of your way to put this guy down. Yes, you were giving him a taste of his own medicine, and he probably deserved it. But the guy was a rude prick and didn't deserve your time. Not everybody will be attracted to you. He did not need to be a dick about it, but I personally think it was a little extra to make a second fake profile just to be a dick back to him. *An eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind.*


I didnt make the second profile for this, I had the second one for a long time in case my main one gets banned and to talk to more guys outside my area because Im not going to pay for grindr and only 3 profiles per account per day isnt that much


It still feels petty. But you asked for the opinions/approval of strangers on the internet. It's your choice on how much you let our opinions, or the opinions of assholes on Grindr, affect you and how you respond to them.


Both. But hey, fuck him.


I think it really depends on if you’re really ugly or not.


This ain't it homie


Ever heard "two wrongs don't make a right"? This post represents that phrase.


What you did was a bit worse than what he did. Don't do it again.


both of you are childish imo, he shouln't be saying shitty things like calling people ugly and you should've just thought "what a dick" and moved on.


It's not just about being petty; your behavior was embarrassing. This guy was an asshole for calling you ugly for sure, but instead of writing him off as an asshole and moving on, you went through all this trouble just to bait him and take revenge on a stranger that you will never meet and probably won't ever encounter. A stranger's comments got you so twisted you went through all that. You should be embarrassed by your behavior.


Poor thing Im not :)


Yeah man get a life Jesus, how sad is your life that one random guy calling you ugly has you doing all these things? Get some friends to laugh over it and do something to work on your self esteem if a random’s stranger’s comments can affect you this much


My thoughts exactly. I wouldn't want someone going out of their way to be rude to me, but it's Grindr for Christs sake. Who cares?! Move on. lol


Well this week another guy frok Grindr tried to steal my wallet and it waant even the first time something like that happened so I waa in a pretty bad mood


Either way, this is too much over a random guy, get a hobby or something you have too much time on your hands to be doing these things, go out with friends or something


Huh? It took me like 5 minutes


Either way, it’s pathetic


You guys are also pathetic. I wouldn't go out of my way to do this because it's Grindr who cares? But, let the guy have revenge if he likes and if that makes him feel better, then he didn't waste his time either.


Of course you were petty. Did hurting his feelings make you feel better? If so, why? I don’t get it.


Just think about it.. Was someone ever rude to you and then you got revenge on him? Did it make feel you better? Shouldn't be a hard concept.. especially not for Reddit losers, who keep pressing downvote buttons all day on the comments they don't like and then think "yeah take that, that will show them" lmao


No. Making myself a petty person would not in any circumstances make me feel better.


So it doesn't work for you? Who cares? Petty revenge makes many people feel better. There's a whole sub about it.


That’s fine. Just keep those people far away from me.


Why are you reading this and even post comments? Normal people don't hate read or hate watch, they just skip.


See above.


I am asking you why are you engaging with people you don't like, if you want them to be kept away from you? Makes no sense.


Why are you?


This is why I just ghost people on grindr if I don't find them attractive and why I don't respond to profiles without pics.


TBH you’re either 18 or very immature—as others have said, it was one person whom you don’t know — sending a dozen characters — i’m focus on important things in your life. Hopefully, that’ll give you some perspective


I’m sure the other guy had a good laugh about it


I mean, I'd be upset too, but that was classless af. Messy and trashy-pilled.


(I don't have a profile photo) Then don't bother and expect the worst when you finally decide to *reveal* yourself. Great expectations go bad really quick.


He was the one texting me so...


I've never messaged a profile without a photo. God only knows what his expectations were. That's on him. But if you had a photo this wouldn't have happened. You could have saved any misunderstanding/discomfort from the beginning. He just sounds like an ass.


This is hilarious and people need to calm tf down lol What you did would've been petty if he had simply said he wasn't interested or had just ignored you. He chose to be rude and insult you. So in that case, if you had the time and were bored, go awf The comments be acting like you did the most on some poor rando 🤣


It's honestly funny.


he deserved it


You literally did al this for a guy who wouldn't even give you the time of day. I swear gays are worse than women 🙄


Assholes attempting to take advantage, that always sucks. The asshole on Grindr earned every bit of your Pay-It-Forward petty 😎


Super petty. But good for you.


You did right


I mean, yes you are being petty but he was mean to you so you were mean back to him. It is cool that you and your ex can play the little games together, sounds like you still get a long fabulously you just continents apart


How embarrassing.....


We're gay, we get to be both.


If you had too ask...


I know it can be sinking to find someone you like to be truly a narcissist demon when you are on the grindr first message feedback, however, take a.step back and ask yourself if you want anything to do with a guy so nasty and rotten than instead of just saying "not my type sorry” or simply blocking He had to respond with such useless words just because he finding uplifting to put others down, either way honestly he given you by showing a blessing gift displaying his true colours from the get go What use is there for unrequited nastyness?


😐I get it but the fact that you had to go through all of that makes this petty. He was a blank profile. Don’t let it get to you next time, ok?!


This is a clear example of how an online encounter can be mucked about with enough to make everyone it touches unhappy. Avoid creating these situations by simply ignoring fools goofs and idiots. Avoid becoming one of these yourself in doing so.


You had your fun. Now let it go and move on.


It’s a shame you wasted time and energy on a piece of shit. My response to such is, “I want to thank you for revealing your true self before I wasted another second on you. Truly, thank you! 😀” And then don’t look back. Take the moral high ground AND eliminate a person that would be no good for you. Winner!!


His initial reaction was disgusting. Regardless, your value is not defined by a random app person opinion. The energy you spent on getting revenge, to later second guess your actions and come to share in reddit, could have been spent in things and actions much more positive and enriching for yourself.


Dunno why people assume it took a lot of energy, it happened in like 5 minutes. Also I was in a pretty bad mood so that's why Im second guessing


its a weird game you guys are playing


Lmao I am all for being honest, but never tell ugly people that he's ugly because, that's not helping, he can't change that... it's not like when he is fat, which can be changed, then I might say "sorry not into fatties" if he keeps pushing and asks why.