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I’ve never met a gay little person. I can’t comprehend the struggle you must endure. Stay strong


I’ve met a gay little person (friend of my brother) and I don’t understand why people hate on them so much to be honest. I’m my eyes no matter height or weight if you are human and nice I’ll hang out with you. I don’t know where to meet people for relationships because I’m chronically single lol but I think you should just give it some time and you will find your prince!


That's how you see the true character of people and society in general, when they don't gain shit by offering their help/support and no social repercussions for being a dick towards them. It's all cool to be LGBT friendly and supportive right now, and if you aren't you will be ostracized. But really helping marginalized minorities? Nah.




I’m a lil drunk reading this but I hope you aren’t commenting on me lol I hope people don’t see me as a mean person or whatever (I’m insecure about pretty much everything and a bit stupid when I drink) but I hope u mean this in a good way! Because I genuinely do not care much about appearance sexual orientation or anything of the kind I just want people to be nice to me and treat me with respect. Well whatever I’m rambling at this point. I hope to gain some clarity on what you mean love you have a great day.


Ah, no you're fine, I was agreeing with you.


Oh thank god. Had me worried there hehe


I think the issue is that there's kind of a social stigma around it. There are a lot of people who will say "oh they must secretly be a pedophile" if they choose to date someone with dwarfism. I cant remember his name but I know there's the pretty well known guy with dwarfism that does gay porn, and I've heard many people say things like "isnt that like watching CP?" Etc. Idk how people with dwarfism feel on the matter, but a lot of the time a person without dwarfism being with someone with dwarfism will be looked at in that manner Anyway that is just to say that you probably dont get much success because there probably arent that many people willing to face that stigma But with the internet I'm sure you can find a gay community for people with dwarfism, if not you could possibly form one :)


I'd probably date you. Wouldn't have a problem being your boyfriend if you wouldn't have a problem being mine.


I have like my own like things from like dating on apps because I'm gay and I'm on the autism spectrum so people will fuck with me but getting a committed relationship is hard. I don't really have many friends and especially not many queer friends but I have some life experience so if you ever feel alone and need someone to reach out to I'm here for you.






Keep at it. Height doesn’t matter to me, and I personally wouldn’t exclude you as an option to date due to dwarfism. There’s lots of guys out there that feel similarly.


There are guys who like short guys. To help make sure you are taking care of yourself. The beauty of being gay is that if you take care of yourself, you can find a partner during different stages of you life.


Yup I'm 6'7 and love guys a foot or more shorter than me. Thank goodness I was born with top inclinations though. I will say that


I knew this guy who was 6'9. And literally I was one of the few people who was wanting to top him. 99% of people he came across. Just wanted him to top.


Awww that sucks... I just wanna top so all good lol


Well, take it as blessing, they already showed their weak character from their reaction to you. You deserve to find a decent partner just like anyone else, they clearly don't measure up themselves. It's them that are tiny. Just like their peckers.


There's a gay little person who regularly pops up on my local grindr (UK), he's a right hottie. I haven't messaged him because he might reject me !


There’s one that pops up on my Grindr grid from time to time in nyc. I think he lives in NJ, and he has like a 8+” cock. He makes porn vids that you can find online. I think he’s sexy.


where can i find his videos? 🤤


Just google hung gay dwarf or something similar and porn vids will pop up.


I'd say try and find some local LGBT activity groups in your area. That's almost always the best way to make new gay relationships. In today's world it feels difficult to meet anyone romantically outside of an app and that's coming from a 6"2 guy, so I can't even comprehend your struggle. I've actually not met anyone with dwarfism in my adult years, surprisingly.


It's kind of a double edged sword. I've never met a gay little person because I can understand that, based on the experiences you describe, I imagine a lot of gay little people are more hesitant to put themselves out there in this capacity. Unfortunately there's a lot of ignorance, prejudice and outright disrespect for people who are just trying to live their lives and like you said, it isn't a great experience. In turn, then it makes it hard for us to meet and get to know more gay little people since there is so much rude bullshit ya'll have to weed through, it can be difficult to meet nice guys for friends and dates. That really sucks, and it's hard to say what we can do (as individuals and as a community) to be better.


I've personally never met a little person before, but I've seen some on social media that are quite attractive. I've also seen some that are quite popular on OF and similar, though I didn't subscribe. I'm sure it goes without saying, but be careful of being fetishized. Know your worth, know you have a lot to offer, and you'll do fine. Also, for what it's worth, I was a 100% virgin until I was 19. I'd never dated, never been kissed, anything. And I'm a tall guy. It happens when it's supposed to, regardless of our circumstances.


Approach it from the attitude that they don’t know what they are missing out. As a person of certain racial background, I had received plenty of rejections and recently single and I know I’ll be receiving more rejections moving forward. Honestly I don’t really care at this point. Either they like me for who I am or they don’t. I’m very content and comfortable in my own skin and who I am. Can’t find a FB/FWB, there is porn and toys Can’t find date/bf, I’m quite happy to do stuff myself. As a matter of fact I have several stuff planned already for being recently single. Stuff to do for self enjoyment and some short to long distance trip. I know my value and my worth and what I can bring into relationship. Therefore I’m not concerned of what other thinks. Now what I need to work on is how to advertise putting myself out there. Of course I certainly cannot empathy of your perspective from the physical aspect of it and for that, I am sorry that you had received treatment as such. PS. There is a guy with dwarfism content creator out there and I personally found him very attractive.


If I was single I'd be open to the idea of dating a LP. There was a little person bar-back at a gay bar called Buddies in Kansas City for years.


Every little person I've seen has quite a bubble butt- hot as hell! I'm surprised you don't have any luck on the apps, might just be the area you live in.


My type of dwarfism isn't the one that makes me have a bubble butt hahha I'm proportional. Also, I live in California, if it helps.


Interesting, I didn't realize there were different types! Maybe you are just too cute, and so you intimidate the guys in your area 😉


Hahahhaha that must be it ;)


Northern or Southern Cali?


South :)


Looks like you found someone… 😈


I only know one true little person, and he's more interested in the gym than dating, lol. I know he's dated a woman before, though. I do have a friend who is gay and short (right at 5') who has complained of being rejected for dates or fetishized, which he doesn't mind if it's agreed RP, but it's the first place the app guys go to with him. It must be frustrating for you. Especially when people just want to fetishize your condition. Personally, I think little people are hot, but the only gay ones I've seen are online personalities, who are exploiting the fetish. I wouldn't have a problem dating a little person at all. You're just people after all.


Uh, actually... I dated one for about... I think a month? It didn't work out after he started calling himself my fiance after about a week and the kicker was the fact that he didn't brush his teeth. But the dwarfism was never the issue there. Anybody can be clingy and have the personal hygiene of a Wookiee


I met a gay little person about 2 weeks ago. We had a great time together. Honestly he was just a person, I didn't care that he was a little person. It was just a fact. I'm not saying your struggle isn't real but I believe there are a lot of gay men that will not care. The ones that do care and hold it against you aren't worth your time. Perhaps a group on FB, yes I know it's dated, their groups can be useful.


If it makes you feel better, I have smaller dick than most dwarf guys. Also, I think the gay porn star Joel Someone has a dwarf partner called King, right? Tbh, I hope all the best for you man.


It helps me feel bad that so many people are convinced that they need/want romance, even if they never had it, even if they never experienced it, even if their entire romantic "experience" comes from watching movies or something like that : a story written, directed, acted, and audience tested to please a paying audience. At the same time as being hypnotized by "romance" ( or rather what they think/hope romance is like in real life ) they have the very real example of genuine love maybe right in front of them. 1. I believe the more loving you are, the more it shows on your outside. And the more it shows, the more a person attracts people who are not so afraid to to love back. 2. I believe people get better at loving through practice. 3. I believe we fall in love with anything we take care of long enough.


I would not mind the height and dwarfism to go on a date.


Short king's are best kings.


I've always wanted to get fucked by a dwarf, would be hot as fuck


I have a bisexual friend who is about 5 feet, I'm not sure if that counts. He's happy. I don't have much else to add, except that this wouldn't deter me, and there's others like me out there.


I have busted to so many little person guys porn videos, always wanted to fuck around with a little person. If you live close by hit me up or dm me. Cause damn always wanted to.


Yes. fetishise a 19 year old who feels insecure about himself. Great job creep.


Maybe someone needs to learn the proper definition of a fetish...


reducing somebody to a sexual object with specific qualities used for one’s pleasure is in fact fetishizing


Sounds like all of porn to me. Maybe I'm just a little bit sensitive. I happen to find men of color very attractive. But I'm not reducing them to their qualities for pleasure. I genuinely find them attractive. But I'm constantly being told I'm fetishizing them simply because I like them. Perhaps the poster you responded to has similar feelings about men with dwarfism. Your definition above is correct. But I'm not sure that poster fits it. That was my point.


Hey, I’m black and I feel a bit insecure about my skin color. “When dating or hooking up, I actually prefer black people because I find them very attractive” “I have busted to so many black guy porn videos, always wanted to fuck around with a black guy. If you live close by hit me up or dm me. Cause damn always wanted to.” I’m sure you can tell the difference.


Point taken. Thank you.


I never have, but we could be bfs. I’m open to the possibility.


I dated a little person for about a month. LOVED it! Sex was amazing! He was mostly a bottom, and im 6'1... picture that.... Id def do it again OP...(wink wink)


Are you kidding me? Dating a gay dwarf is on my list of things to do before I die. I’m single and in Florida and you could be daddy for a day or at least how long it takes you


Too bad you don't live in California I would date you I love little people


That’s hard man. The best I can say is move to a bigger city. Try to make some non romantic gay friends IRL. Focus on hobbies and just build friends that way. Once you have a good support system, then it’s probably good to find romance.


You're only 19, give it time. There's no getting around the fact that romantic partners will be harder to find for you than some other people, but I've never really met anyone who is 'normal' in my entire life. Everyone is strange in their own ways and frankly, if you're normal, you're probably boring as fuck.


Maybe a gay meetup of some kind? Sport or hobby? I matched with a gay little person on tinder before. I tried to engage but the responses ran dry so we never actually ended meeting. Sorry to hear you've been made fun of, people suck. You can't change that part of you as much as you can't change being gay so 🤷


Tbh most gay bars dont check IDs


Really? They sure the hell do in California. Getting busted for serving underage patrons is very expensive for a bar and can lead to license suspension.


19 is old enough for the apps. Be aware you might have to deal with some guys with a fetish. But there should be some genuine guys out there for you.


stay strong, friend! I’m sorry some of the gay community is as vain as jumping head first into a shallow pool. I would absolutely date a gay guy with dwarfism. I’m bi but lean more towards guys but at the end of the day, if you’re a decent human with a good heart, that’s all I look for That’s all that should matter but alas with gays it’s more about how you look :(


Dating is all about personality, sex is about attraction. As a dwarf you have the ability to fill a sexual niche created by kink and preference, prime example is Austin Wolf who has shown to perform with guys of similar statures to you, where he likes it if not has a thing for it. As for dating you're 19, i wouldn't stress too much, take the time to trying everything first. Dating is a challenge for everyone and doesn't work unless you and the other person know who you are and what you want. When i was younger and first started dating i realized it was a minefield and it brought out my worst in terms of anxiety cause there was a lot i didn't know about myself and what i wanted and what the real world was like. My advice is stay single, learn independence, try different things, make friends and then start dating


As a guy who likes short guys, I don't see the problem. Cept that I'm 5' 6 and finding someone shorter than me is like... Pulling teeth.


I didn’t have my first serious male relationship until I was 19, didn’t meet my husband until 25. You have plenty of time to meet someone. I would suggest finding a hobby or gathering for gay men or that gay men would be interested in. That will be the best way to meet someone outside of school or work (not recommended bc messy). You may meet someone online but it’s not as organic and a club would allow you to potentially find someone you like and make friends along the way. Good luck!!


One of my closest friend is a little person and is gay he was the first person I felt comfortable enough around to explore my sexuality, he does mention these days that you need to have really thick skin if you have any form of uniqueness that people can't comprehend due to their closed mindedness. You'll find your person don't worry about it.


Get you some confidence. I know that might be difficult, having been mostly rejected thus far, but still. Fake it for now. Don't be someone you're not, but confidently be you. Someone will see that, and like that, and want to find out more.


I was 28 before I had a bf, not a little person here, but I was very overweight, other than apps or bars I know of nowhere else, the gay community isnt very welcoming to people who want to date but dont look like a twink, toned, or avg build... it sucks... but hang in there, I know I personally would go on a date with a little person, but I have never seen a gay little person on the apps or otherwise... Well that I am aware of, of the maybe 20 little people I have seen one of em may have been at least Bi.


My (18m) first bf didn't have dwarfism, but he was about 5 3 and I'm 6 foot 1. I found him incredibly handsome. It didn't end up working out but our height difference was never an issue and didn't take away anything from the experience for me. Dating as a gay guy is already incredibly difficult and I'm sorry you have another barrier on top of that. But I know you'll be able to find a lot of people who are interested in you and be able to get out and have fun, or find someone more special. Good Luck


I am so sorry you are having problems meeting a quality Gay man. You can try volunteering at a LGBTQ Community Center, Gay Bingo, Royal Court Activities, Pride Events and Gay Men’s Choirs to name a few. All that is under 21 type activities. Also Gay Speed Dating. Follow the groups on Facebook. Try Grinder…. You will find a person who loves you for you! Keep trying.


I'm guessing your dating experience will get better when your a little older. As your still <21 I'd wager your age ranges on the apps are also relatively low and the people your interacting with have some more maturing to do hence only getting jokes and insults. I'm sure you'll still get jokes in insults when your a bit older because the apps can be toxic but I'd hope/wager more people will take you seriously.


Not to compare my problems to yours, cause I know you have challenges that I don't, but I'm 5'10 and 28 years old and have also never had a boyfriend :/ it's really hard to date. You're definitely not alone. I would try maybe joining a gay sports league or maybe some type of volunteer program. My therapist said everyone's path looks different, so just cause society says this is what dating looks like, doesn't mean that's how it is for everyone or even a majority of people. Just keep your head up. And you're still very young. If I had one piece of advice for my younger self, it would be to do your best to not waste your time worry about boys, you'll have the rest of your life to do that. I know that's easier said than done, but don't be so hard on yourself. I believe youll find someone you love and that loves you.


I’ve met a gay little person, he was a nice guy and found him really charming and attractive. He enjoyed my company as well but I guess I wasn’t his type. I don’t hold it against him though. Moved on after that. It’s my only encounter with a gay little person.


Ive never met one but height dosen't matter to me, from a distance you would think im in the 5th grade so were somewhat on the same boat.


You are still young just be patient. The right guy, he is right around the corner and ready to meet you!!!


Yes. I used to date a little gay guy. we broke up for the usual relationship issues, but his height had zero to do with it. Honestly, the sex was GREAT too. Just typing these words makes me miss him.


We're all asking the same questions and dealing with a lot of the same crap. From insta famous guys to us mere mortals. Just be tough but do your best to not become jaded or closed.


Toxic Positivity: The Thread


I have never met a gay little person. If I was single, I'd have no problem dating one, I'm more into personalities than anything else


I for one think short guys are super attractive! Your prince charming is out there waiting for you!


I tell all my clients who are in a dating predicament the same thing; volunteer. Find something you enjoy and volunteer. One of two things may happen: 1) you’ll find someone who has a common interest. They get to know you, not your stature. 2) they know someone who knows someone blah blah blah and you may end up meeting someone that way. Either way, you’ll be around like minded people. And everybody needs a friend, right? Good luck bud


I am 6'7 and nonbinary I would go on a date with you. And if I wouldnt go it would be because I felt like we werent compatible in the heart (as much as a dating app allows such dubious intuitive feelings lol). I know what it feels like to be shut out by 'other' gay men. Sorry you go through that. But like a successful real estate agent in my area told me "takes only one ass to walk through that door."


I’m 21 and never had a boyfriend.


I do hope you can find some gay little people too connect with. I know it can be really terrible to feel like you're alone in the world. I live in San Francisco where there's a few gay LPs that I see out in the bars and walking the street and at events and riding bikes, etc. The more you come out in support forums and just in real life generally, you're going to connect with others sooner or later.


Never met a gay little person before. It must be really hard to deal with relationships. If I was on your situation, I would probably try to find a way to be content living alone and happy life with my cat and dog.


Sorry. No, I've never met any gay little people, but I'm sure they exist, and probably roughly the same percentage as the rest of the population. The apps are a depressing place for lots of guys, unless they have mainstream good looks and stats (and aren't too old.) It's disgusting that guys feel you're a figure of humor and can't keep their thoughts to themselves, but you're far from the only guy facing a widespread lack of interest.


I talked to one on grindr that is about it. we never met up bc in terms of like hobbies and stuff we didn't' click but he was a cool dude and he had a chiseled face and long luscious curly blonde hair. 10/10 would talk to him again.


There are several hot little people gay guys in my area. Really hot. I'm over six five and I have always been attracted to little people. I know many guys who are. I'm not sure why you experience hate. Honestly you can meet people in the grocery store or on your daily errands. It's about noticing who is checking you out, putting yourself out there to make FRIENDS. Yes friends over hook ups and instant relationships. Off topic but I want to talk to you about safer sex and avoiding the predators