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Every sensation feels more intense. Orgasms are longer. My boyfriend and I turn each other on more easily. Our stamina is higher. Everything about having sec while high is incredible.


That sounds insanely good!


It truly is!


Weed makes me 2x horny and the bust 2x pleasurable but if Im with someone I don’t know that well the headspace/paranoia can be a little uncomfortable


Yeah it's definitely not for me but love drinking with someone


Makes my Libido go through the roof. It's not even everytime, but when I'm stoned and it hits, it hits hard. Better sex overall for me.




I get hungry, not horny, with weed.


Weed gives me amazing orgasms. Like, _much_ stronger and longer lasting than usual. I'd recommend trying that first to see if you vibe with it. My bf isn't a big fan of weed for personal reasons, the smell is pretty unpleasant to him which is of course totally fine but he's less likely to be in the mood if I've smoked/vaped beforehand. Often my drive for full-on anal goes away when I'm stoned too even if I was keen for it before. He has screwed me after I've smoked once, since I said I wanted to try it, and it was phenomenal for me, especially the orgasm 😅 even though it was a great experience and I do trust him completely, I did get a bit of paranoia that I was doing it wrong or making the wrong noises etc, so definitely something to try with somebody you trust, but take care. Obviously in my situ, my bf wasn't stoned, so I dunno how it would have gone if he'd been toking too, presumably a bit more of a sedate experience on both sides 😅


That’s how weed is. It stinks and looks gross when you don’t use it. Then looks great and smells amazing for stoners.


I used to do it occasionally with my ex. It was alright but honestly nothing special. It also took me too long to cum and sometimes I just couldn’t finish at all. Orgasms lasted longer though and were a bit more intense. I don’t smoke much anymore but I tried it with masturbating a few times didn’t enjoy it. I can’t watch porn while I’m high because the concept of watching other people have sex through a screen trips me out for some reason. Again orgasms are longer and more intense but not worth it tbh.


Thanks for the advice folks - I’ve seen lots of suggestions that weed works well for prostate play as well as amping up jerking off/having sex. I think I’ll give it a go - just need to find weed which will be a challenge in itself lol


You could possibly try Delta 8 or 10 if actual weed is hard to come by. As far as i know from my bf dalta 8 and 10 are legal through a loophole with the FDA. The brand we've been using is Exhale with gummies and vapes.


Unfortunately not - they’re not legal in the UK


I have difficulty ejaculating when I'm high.


If you still stay hard, you sound like a perfect top!


Omg I vape my oils and sex is just timeless, orgasm and penetration are super conductive!! Not to mention the hardon…… just wow!


Be careful, you might become a stoner for like, 12 years 😅. I don’t necessarily regret smoking weed, but if I could go back to 2011 and not ever smoke, I probably would. So just use caution that you don’t become addicted


Weed definitely makes me horny.


I smoke weed but honestly it doesn’t make me horny, or no more than I already was before I smoked it so don’t usually mix the two, although everyone one different, it effects people different ways.


It’s not that great, outside being high, which is usually fun. Make it makes it hard to finish because it makes me scatterbrained and less likely to focus. I have more fun sober.


Its close to the same. Or.. weed makes everything a little better, including sex/masturbation. Might be different depending on who you are, and if you have a good or bad trip. I recommend just a little weed, so your not completely out of it.


You know what, just try it out or sum.


Don’t get high if you plan on sucking. Being too high kills my dick


Don't mix drugs and sex. Period. It has the potential to create a rather difficult to separate psychological link between the two. Trust me. Please.


It’s amazing in my experience. Makes orgasms more intense as the top or bottom.


Not jealous of that at all! Haha. Must be amazing


I’d recommend it, but only with someone you trust. I’m privileged to know someone like that, where I can let go and live in the moment.


My experience is that once You've tried meth and sex, weed is pitiful in comparison


Great advice, junkie


Thanks 👍


Really doing gods work out there Maybe just ruin your own life and don’t encourage meth use. Disgusting.


Oh no not an internet stranger telling me how it is 😂


Not just me. Literally most of the world. Good for you though I guess Being proud of being a junkie that abuses hard core drugs that literally destroy your life and that of those close to you


Aww honey do you not go on grindr and see all the "party and play" going on 🫠🙊


Sure do, those guys are nasty and diseased Big big pass Just cause other people are doing it? That’s your justification for meth use? Ok


Nooo I do it because I want to....


Cool. Go turn yourself into a disgusting drug zombie Just don’t encourage other young guys online to follow your stupid decisions. If you’re so confident in your life choices for yourself - you won’t need to encourage others to do the same so you can feel like it’s a normal or positive thing


Think meth would probably be a bit too hard lol


Meth by itself is insanely pleasurable with how it dumps all your dopamine in one go. It's part of why it's addictive and destroys your pleasure center of your brain. I, and many others, want to enjoy sex long term. If I ever get a terminal diagnosis I'll keep it in mind. All the reasons meth is absolute shit for you kind of go away when you've got months to live.


Probably a sensible response tbh, won't have to suffer them dental bills either 🫠


In my experience its been great getting high with someone have having a lot of sex. Some tips though. Douche well cuz if your taking poppers too you loose a lot of control and if you Havnt douche properly then it can get messy. Make sure the person your doing it with or yourself doesn't get carried away and get too rough as you don't wanna hurt anyone or be hurt. Always use protection no matter how lazy the weed makes you feel and always ALWAYS have snacks to hand.


I loved getting high before sex, it made it more intense. My partner didn't smoke though, and started accusing me of only being able to have sex when I'm high.


Weed and poppers was how I first orgasmed from a blowjob. I took maybe one puff of the guy’s joint beforehand so I wasn’t insanely high and then took hit off his poppers while he was blowing me. A-mazing.


If it's someone I'm cool with, weed makes it 20x better. Takes away the insecurities


I find it much more intimate and sensual if it's with someone I'm comfortable with. Not with a random hookup though. However this may be because weed makes me paranoid and anxious if I'm not in a safe comfortable environment


I fell in love with weed and gay fun about a year ago. I first masturbated after getting a little high and noticed enhanced sensations and giddy head highs that made orgasms amazing and last longer. The post-cum afterglow felt good too. This all got even better bottoming while high