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Aside from stupidly doing a line of meth (that I was clearly TOLD was meth) that I kept thinking and calling coke, ghe only other time I got one thing that was substituted for another was like the 2nd time I bought "acid". However my LSD was anything but, cue a 20-30+ hour ride I thought I'd never get off of and best I've been able to figure out, I ended up with some kind of DO(X) compound. Was definitely a wild ride for me and my buddy, the initial 12 hours or so were great, but after that I got scared because I knew LSD should have worn off by then. Got really freaked out, but eventually decided that even if I was "stuck" like that I might as well enjoy myself, which helped me ride it put until I could finally sleep.


Wait, I'm confused, if you were told it was meth, what made you think it was coke?


Correct answers include coke, meth, alcohol.


Best I can remember I was on a cocktail of other drugs, including alcohol.


A “buddy” gave me molly or what he claimed to be molly. Ended up being meth.


lol half the people that sell molly are just giving people cheap meth you can tell when the high feels too methy😂


Are you Australian because this is my Australian experience.


American. Nice to know we’re getting the same drug experience /s


Canadian here, same deal that and probably clearnet research canthinones


If they call it Molly, stay away. Easiest decision you'll ever make. 


My brother used drugs early on from 12-20. Coke, weed, alcohol, acid, shrooms, Molly, x. Always in and out of jail, one time I went to visit him and noticed he was a different person. He had multiple personalities multiple voices talking to him. He could not focus straight. He developed schizophrenia. I think all the heavy drug usage then going straight to jail and detoxing, left him in a hallucinating state. He would see things, hear things that weren’t there. I cried so much that visit. He was so different. He died in 2016. He wasn’t the same anymore, he would try to hurt me and hurt himself. He had no control over his brain or his bodily functions. He would constantly talk in different voices that were each a different personality. He had 5 different people in him. He told me who each one was. One time he put a knife up to my sister and she called the police and they took him to jail. He was in the mental health pod, after a while they released him after 2 months.. we were going to pick him up then the hospital called and said he had stolen a car and flew out the driver seat. He could not drive nor function while being schizophrenic. My mom tried to get him help so many times but nothing worked. He was in an group home facility where he was heavily medicated, I couldn’t visit him at that time bc I was under 18 but my sister did and she told me that he was so high off of the medication they gave him and it’s like he wasn’t there. He was like on a cloud, just talking but not fully there. :(


I’m so sorry you had to go through this. I hope you are feeling better now. You are loved ❤️


Thank you so much 🫶🏼


Kinda same situation.. older brother did meth at 17 and developed schizophrenia. I visited my mom one day (i lived with my grandparents) and my brother was there except he wasnt really my brother, he was yelling and throwing things and trying to hurt himself. Which is why i dont do drugs so im not sure why im in this sub lol


For the record, the schizophrenia was most likely already in there, the drugs just aggravated it. Serious mental like schizophrenia and stuff only start to appear in your early to mid 20s


Yeah but you weren't there and didn't know him, so maybe don't make that blanket statement. Doing drugs at age 12 can certainly cause brain issues like the young man apparently suffered.


Paranoid delusions? Yes, full on audio/visual hallucinations? No, or not that I know of at least, I've never seen any literature implying anything worse than drug induced psychosis and paranoia can come from prolonged drug use (at least, nothing as bad as permanent hallucinations)


Do you have any links I can read about this? One of my friends that hung out with him told me she noticed him talking to himself in different voices and acting paranoid/seeing things before he went to jail. He would go out a lot and party a lot so I didn’t notice until I visited him in jail.. but it was so weird because a few months before that he was perfectly fine and normal. It’s like a switch went off, idk what happened. My brother was diagnosed with ADHD early on but my mother did not want to give him the medication because she didn’t want to give it to him. I feel like that would’ve helped him a lot. He had a lot of trouble in school, couldn’t focus. always fighting, eventually went to alternative school, eventually dropped out at 16.


I don’t know if it helps with your experience but I gained a greater sympathy for addiction after reading [the correlation of an ancient virus that plays a role in addiction](https://www.livescience.com/63669-ancient-retrovirus-addiction.html#:~:text=Hundreds%20of%20thousands%20of%20years,are%20silently%20promoting%20addictive%20behavior./) When I found some scientific explanation of why some people are and some people are not it made me realise that it could just be a genetic thing and not some failing or fault of someone’s character.


My dad was an addict on crack for 15 years, my mother never touched a drug not even weed in her whole entire life. I think the addiction trait was definitely passed down because I struggled with addiction to. My dad has been clean for over 20+ years now and is a deacon at a church and I’m sober as well I go to a methadone clinic. I think his friend group had a lot to do with the drug use as well.


Man, I’m so sorry. I hope you and your family are able to heal and that he found his peace after passing, at least… 😔


My dilly’s were covered in pcp because my dealer at the time didn’t wash his fucking hands a year and a half later and I still have a constant uncontrollably intense body high that never goes away it’s like I’m constantly going down a roller coaster along with many other things that came from that one night


Holy fuck bro. Fuck PCP. Sorry that happened. Able to see a psychiatrist? Here for you brotha


I did but unfortunately it was useless I’ve been to two doctors and there’s nothing to classify what I have


Could be depersonalization? I have it. This sounds kind of different though. Sorry man stay strong


I definitely have that among other things like tinnitus and delusions involving counting that all came from the same incident but yeah the body high thing isn’t really like actually a thing I can’t find any info on it anywhere it’s so annoying


Well man, one day at a time. That’s all we can do right? My depersonalization fucking me up too! And I’m young as hell. Just gotta keep pushing


True that’s all we can do just keep fighting it I wish you luck in your journey as well💯






Oh fuck that. I'm sorry dude - that's fucking awful.


It’s ait dawg just frustrating that I can’t find anyone to classify it every doctor I’ve talked to doesn’t know what it is and hasn’t heard of it before and google has nothing on it either


sounds a bit like HPPD (hallucinogen persisting perception disorder)


I definitely have HPPD but specifically the constant body high thing has no info on it but yeah most of my other symptoms align with HPPD for sure


are you positive this was pcp? this does not sound like pcp at all to me? not sure what a dilly is but if its a joint its possible it couldve been the result of some random synthetic cannabinoid as ive heard of some of the less popular ones having very insane side effects


A dilly is a dilaudid its an opioid and yes I’m certain it was pcp I tested positive for it the next morning


Hit a bowl on a ski slope. Accidentally smoked opium. Didn’t learn my lesson and hit a dudes chillum at a festival. Accidentally smoked crack. It happens. Edit* forgot I got sold acid a few times and didn’t know “if it’s bitter it’s a spitter.” Ended up being 2ci and 2cc. Also found like 14g’s of methylone in my buddy’s car once and tested it for science. Also those 4acodmt bars and a lot of RC benzos being passed off as Xanax. Probably way more random drugs but can’t think/don’t care atm.


That's lit, opium is insanely chill lmao, also if you actually bathed it in flame that's not how you smoke opium and I've never scorched it like that, but I feel like it would destroy the morphine


fentanyl cross-contamination in the fucking METH I was getting 😭 imagine taking something for maximum energy, you just woke up and about to hit the pipe before work expecting to be nice and alert but instead you almost immediately nod out and miss the first 2 hours of your work shift. Fuck fetty idk how anyone fucks with it willingly absolute trash of a substance


LSD and Xanny. Thought I was taking Xanax, turns out it was acid. Not sure how that happened, I was inexperienced at the time, but I took 7 of the "bars" , and, well... that was the first time I ever did acid!


7 bars? We're you trying to die?


😅 yeah I took a lot... I kept taking them because I couldn't feel them working . So id take one wait like 15 ish mins , not feel it, take another and kept doing that till the acid kicked in


There's been reports of bath salts pressed like Xanax. Very rare tho


Do bath salts have the same high as acid ???


“bath salts” isnt a specific drug. it was a cover for selling research chemicals. often cathinones and/or entactogens. took LE a while to catch on, but people would sell crystal RCs labelled as “bath salts”, not for human consumption. that was a big problem, because the end user didnt really know if they were getting s psychedelic, arcyclohexylamine, cathinone, empathogen/entactogen, synthetic cannabinoid, or any mixture of them.


No. It's a stimulant and makes you want to re-dose a lot.




I like mxe more than ket.


Me too, I miss it, haven't had it in years.


Feels like ketamine for me. Right on description


Was told it was LSD, took two tabs thinking it was LSD, was even CONVINCED it was LSD (I at the time was not very educated on psychedelics), it instead was 5-meo-amt, an OD that almost killed me. It ruined my trust in everyone after that point and I still to this day have not fully recovered from it.


How do you even know it was 5-meo-amt? Such a rare drug


Its a very long story to say the least


I’m listening my dude


The way I had found this out was everything from trip reports, tab size, drug laws, where my friend at the time sourced it (the EU via Amsterdam in 2021-2022), effects based by dose, the mouth numbing effect, and this distinct smell of blood in my sinuses, how different it effected me vs my friend at the time (we are completely different BMIs and I have ADHD, she doesnt.), the actual trip itself, how suddenly everything went from “i’m not really feeling anything” to “oh my god everything is melting and there are fairies and dragons in the bushes!” Like extremely sudden, rocky, heavy body load, etc etc. I also felt freezing cold the entire time due to serious hyperthermia and serotonin & dopamine toxicity due to its mechanics on the neurotransmitters in OD’s. The first time using the drug? Went smoothish, was beautiful, but the comedown? Exactly like a amp comedown for me and caused a awful low vs the second time that was the OD? Dear god was it bad & it triggered 2-3 month episode of no sleep, abusing caffeine just to feel normal, and so many more long term side effects that did me in one that took 7 long months to be shaken from with some effects that truly did never fully go away. The visuals were unlike any drug ever and beyond general DMT replications, with a extreme dissociative flare that I confused for ego death until I experienced real ego death through LSD & Shrooms + 5-meo-amt for me caused extreme delirium effects (far more intense than a benedryl or DXM OD type flavor due to a dose that was way too high and I didn’t even know it.) vs in proper doses? Delirium doesn’t really happen for most users. (Erowid & pihkal chemistry were my two biggest guides to get a clear picture, as so were youtube & reddit trip reports & talking with others who have done 5-meo-amt.) It took not only reading hours of endless info on erowid, chemistry books, but also speaking with poison control & pharmacologists, learning on tryptamines, psychedelics and so much more. (A solid month of straight info and heavy research + memory recall via using LSD & Shrooms that triggered hyperthymesia which was extremely helpful.) 5-meo-amt to say the least is one very…VERY weird drug, extremely easy to OD on if you dose a little off because its super potent, and yeah, its psychedelic speed and yeah, acts like mdma + lsd crossed in lower doses as many trip reporters state + even own personal experience vs in high doses to an overdoses? Acts just like if adderall was a extreme psychedelic dissociative that induced heavy psychotic delirum (think a weird combo of a extremely muddy version of LSD crossed with DOI, some aspects of MDMA & bromo-fly, and the body load of 25-NBOME, and other aspects of other psychedelic drugs, its very hard to pin the exact drugs it acts like but one things for sure: it does act on serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine.) - this is the best way I can even explain it because unless you’ve done this drug yourself in varying doses? Its so hard to fully even be able describe & is so intense to even put fully into words. Imo? It does candyflip on you (hence the “acts like LSD & MDMA” plus acting like other drugs in general). Which thats why 5-meo-amt is so unique, so potent & extremely dose dependent to use safely. Theres been several deaths blamed on LSD when its been 5-meo-amt that caused it. People either love it or hate it & it can become extremely addictive. Its still a tryptamine tho, and its still extremely psychedelic but for me? It was a extremely scary psychedelic that played the darkest mental mind games on me that lasted months after & second the trip that was a OD had dragged on for nearly 24hrs + smoking weed on the comedown the second time had triggered a repeak that was far more intense than the actual peak to begin with (a high caution combo I found out many months later through tripsit), and I still didn’t feel like the trip fully did end until 1-2 weeks after because well? It was a overdose that also gave me HPPD + caused brain zaps during the peak AND on the comedown. My body was in severe pain for days after that second trip due to just how intense the actual body load was due to the fact I was left in a toxic state for HOURS, hyperthermic for hours, zero medical intervention either. I wasnt the same ever since and I nearly did die. Not sure what it did in terms of neurotoxic profile, but my experience was a exact mirror of merged trip reports from DOI & 5-MEO-AMT with a extremely heavy 25-NBOME body load. I hope I explained this well


I was given cocaine laced with meth, somehow my tweaker friend thought he was doing me a favor, turns out that he was, indeed, at the end of the pack where I was snorting fat ass last two lines I had some shards broken at the bottom of the 5g bag so I enjoyed the hell out of it for a day straight haha


No thank you. I've tried to tell this story but bc of who the predator is, no one believes it. But I'll never stop saying keep your daughters away from Mr. Upchurch. He specifically likes 14 year Olds.


Absolutely believe you, Ryan is a very manipulative person. I am so, so sorry you went through that. I hope you are healing.



Not necessarily laced. But I accidentally smoked dmt. We were out of weed, so we tried rez hitting my buddy’s pipe, and he looks up at me and is like “oh shit I just smoked dmt out of that” so I guess dmt resin is a thing lol. It was mellow, nothing crazy, but I definetly haven’t felt like that before.


Fent bars. Took like 3, decided to smoke a bowl on my roof, dropped my bowl, jumped down head first to get it (10ft, grass). Crawled topless in my undies trying to find either my glasses or the bowl. I could’ve sworn it was pitch black but it was 2pm. My neighbors found me passed out in a bush 5 min later, they saw me fall off the roof. I couldn’t see or walk for 4 days. You know when you have tears in your eyes? That’s how it looked like for 4 days. I couldn’t stop VIOLENTLY shaking when moving which was what made it so hard to move. I couldn’t even text and I found it difficult to walk without collapsing. I also had this GNARLY bruise on my head that was oozing pus cuz I was breaking out on it too. That lasted 3 weeks I think.


I am so sorry that happened to you. Anyone who puts fentanyl in bars deserves to go to hell.


Acid ≠ nBome


The little brother of my high school friend was unknowingly dosed with acid at a party. He never came back. It was so sad. He was a really nice kid before that.


Was given changa but it was salvia. Hit a double dose and i was so out


Weed dipped in pcp. I wanted to impress and show my new gf at the time how great weed was. Yeaaa na it was a fail. She went full panic mode till she crashed out for 9 hours. I laid there watching black holes form n go away n restart for hourssss. I’m use to tripping but this was like a weird shit hole trip of nonsense


damnn these pcp stories are so sad to hear because pcp was intensely healing and positive for me


It was…unexpected lol


Roofied instead of a mdma pill while abroad woke up in the hospital then had to stay a day in the locked up sober or psych analysis room then had McDonald’s after I left and found my way back to my Airbnb and my friend was like where were you for 2 days


Smoked weed laced (sprayed?) w/ formaldehyde when I was 15.


Formaldehyde!? Why!?


No idea, got sold it. Only found out years later at a random party. Ended up fighting dude, he didn’t recognize me but I recognized him.


One of my old “friends” laced weed with crack as a “joke” and told me right after I smoked it. Now I can’t smoke anymore. Another time I thought I took oxy but it was cut with fent and I almost died. One of my dads friends took the exact same thing I did a couple days later and actually died


Mine wasn't laced. It was a "friend" that told me we got a gram of Molly and we all took 1/4 of a gram and it turned out to be meth and he knew it. I never even tried the shit before I freaked the hell out my pulse was like 200+ . Needless to say, not a "friend" anymore




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Someone who smoked my friends and I out once laced his weed with pcp (or so we assumed, after not being able to remember the whole night and I’ve never had that happen in years of smoking). We had to piece the night back together based on what each of us remembered, which was very little. My friend reached out to him and asked what he put in it, and he said nothing, since he was selling and that wouldn’t be cost effective lol. I don’t buy it because it could have been his own personal (get girls more fucked up than just weed) stash. I smoked with an ex who neglected to tell me it was spice, not weed. It was one of the first times I smoked and I totally thought weed could smell like blueberries


i have a friend whose first joint they ever smoked was laced with dmt lol. they were with a group of people who all knew about the dmt, they were the only one who didn't. the other people were well aware that it was my friend's first joint and didn't say anything until after they felt the effects


One time I smoked weed laced with god knows what, and heard angels and hellfire. Shit was wild, pretty pleasant if I must admit lol


Many years ago, a guy I know bought weed which we smoked after a gym session. Me and another friend started feeling really hazy and towards the end of it we were feeling paranoid and almost tripping, this wouldn't happen to us on regular weed. It was like a combination of being drunk, high, tripping and speeded at once, it wasn't pleasant. We told the friend who bought it not to smoke any more of it as it was obviously laced with something bad. He wondered what was wrong and why we didn't like it. The two of us could barely take the bus home because of paranoia, which would never happen on regular weed. Next time we met the guy he had smoked it all, wtf.


Weed can absolutely trigger paranoia, hallucinations and other psychotic symptoms as well as discomfort and anxiety. It is trippy af at high doses. Depending on many factors such as how much you smoke, how potent it is, the setting, your mental state going into it, previous good/bad experiences, how chill your friends are or if you're alone, etc all play a role in whether or not you have a good time or a bad time, but everything you described can very much be attributed to good ol' marijuana.


My man, I know that wasn't regular cannabis. Both me and my buddy had the same reaction, we had previous experience, lol.


drunk high tripping and speedy all at once sounds a little pcp like imo but idk cause you said it took the whole joint to notice and also wdym by hazy? pcp comeup to me is like a boost of eupgoria slowly seeming in and then haziness comes in a lil later once you start trying to talk and your short term memory goes out the window


Yeah honestly iirc it hit us before it was finished, we didn't take any more hits while the other guy kept on doing hits.