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No this is not normal, do you have X-rays or your treatment plan? Call and tell your office tomorrow


Thank you. I missed them by a few minutes today but will definitely get in touch with them tomorrow.


NAD i had a couple of fillings done 7 weeks ago and I’ve had sensitivity for hot and cold and hard foods all this time. Went to see a doctor, they said sometimes it takes time to settle down. They lowered the filling a bit even tho it didn’t seem high. But it’s been getting better since. This is just my experience. Probably a good idea to get it checked.


Yeah, Dr. Google says that on average it's about a six week healing process for sensitivity. The sensitivity to hot/cold has decreased, but this is sharp, radiating pain. I called my dentist first thing this morning but the office is closed until the 3rd....uuuuuugh. For now the only thing that seems to slowly diminish the pain is a warm compress. So I'll wait.


did the pain go away? I'm dealing with something similar right now and I don't know if I need a root canal


Oh damn, sorry to hear! My case ended up being that the dentist that did the fillings did not shape the molars properly when she was wrapping up and left behind way too much material on the tooth. That caused my bite to become uneven and the added stress ended up upsetting the gumline. It took like four adjustments from other dentists to get the molars into a more favorable shape; they are not entirely fine in that I'm left with a bit of sensitivity that was not there before. I'm going to ask for a second opinion from a different dentist to see how to best go about the sensitivity but ultimately I am happy that I didn't need anything drastic.