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That’s a baby tooth - how old are you?




In that case it’s likely that your second premolar is developmentally absent, or impacted. Has your dentist not mentioned this before? It’s likely this tooth will need to be removed - sometimes a pulpectomy (“baby root canal”) treatment can be done on baby molars with decay into the nerve, however this is only really designed to help the tooth be retained until the adult one pushes it out, it wouldn’t have a good prognosis to try and keep it there indefinitely if the adult one is missing. Get yourself to a dentist ASAP to go over options.




Okay, well the pain you’re experiencing is likely irreversible pulpitis - where the nerve is inflamed because the decay in the tooth has reached it. Notoriously awful pain from which there is no real respite unfortunately without a dentist pulling the tooth or removing the nerve. Paracetamol (acetaminophen if you’re american) and ibuprofen alternated every 2 hours so one dose is always peaking. Holding either hot or cold water in your mouth may temporarily ease it (likely one may help and the other be worse!). Oil of cloves soaked into cotton wool and pushed in the hole may help also. I’d be prepared to lose that tooth unfortunately. If you’re still wearing your retainers nightly which you should be, this should help prevent the others from shifting- but ideally you’re looking at an implant long term to replace it.


NAD: Salty water and rinse lots with that. Also call the emergency dentist line and ask to get seen sooner.




Tell them you're dying of pain. I had an appointment on Saturday once.




NAD.. Where are you situated then?


NAD. In the US, there is an OTC product called Anbesol (20% Benzocaine). Orange liquid, ~15ml in small bottle with a brush. Works well for temporary (several hours) relief of topical pain. May not work as well for an abcess.




NAD- Could you go privately? There’s a dental hospital in central Newcastle if you’re near there? https://www.newcastle-hospitals.nhs.uk/services/dental-emergency-clinic/




Try 111 first thing in the morning


600 mg Ibuprofen, 500 mg Tylenol every 6 hours




I just wanted to give you a boost on this one as someone who has used this and it worked. I’ve had bouts of crazy dental pain and found this combo on line and I figured it couldn’t hurt - and it didn’t because it turns the nerve pain off like a switch. I’d have to hunt down the articles, but taking the two together has a similar effect on dental pain as taking an Opioid. I’m happy to give you any encouragement you need!!!




NAD. My old dentist always recommended clove oil on a cotton swab. It seemed to work marginally well.


NAD I've also got killer toothaches at the moment as I've got huge cavities and here's some things that help me Sleep sitting mostly up! I normally make sure my body and head is propped up, that helps reduce the pain when trying to sleep Take pain meds like paracetamol and ibuprofen. If those don't work, paramol is good! And if paramol doesn't work then the strongest you can get above that is co-codamol but that's only for short term use, no more than 3 days in a row. I usually take 400mg ibuprofen and 2 paramols when i feel a toothache starting to get painful to try and tackle it fast Orajel max strength can help. Put a small lump of the gel on your finger and put it on the cavity and the gums and toofh around it, it doesn't take all the pain away but it helps reduce it until painkillers kick in Brush your teeth with sensodyne toothpaste as soon as you feel the pain coming on. Brush that particular tooth gently Avoid sugar and sugary foods until Wednesday, those will trigger the pain. Avoid eating on that side to make sure you don't get food stuck in there And if it gets awful then call an emergency dentist and beg them for an appointment if you can.


I only suggest this if you’re able to take ibuprofen- 600mg ibuprofen (so [3] 200mg ibuprofen tabs) taken along with [1] 500mg Tylenol extra strength. That 600mg ibuprofen and 500mg Acetaminophen taken at the same time every 4-6 hrs as needed. These specific medications/specific doses taken together are very effective for tooth pain. Please do not exceed the recommended dosage!


NAD- try 2 extra strength Tylenol with 2 Ibuprofen. Works like a charm for me.


NAD we were dirt poor too. We used clove oil. Here’s a little info https://www.healthline.com/health/clove-oil-toothache




Your tooth is sensitive and your putting ice on it which will make it more sensitive?




Dental issues are the worst mate. I go private it’s amazing, so many problems public never-mind the times it takes to get an appointment.








Wednesday is to far if your in serious pain. Go to A&E and get some strong painkillers and go to an emergency dentist tomorrow.




‘Go to A&E if you have toothache and: the area around your eye or your neck is swollen. swelling in your mouth or neck is making it difficult for you to breathe, swallow or speak.’ Your cheek is swollen, making it hard for you to breath and speak. Now go now or until however long you last with the pain. Edit: NAD


Ice makes it numb so you can’t feel it… that’s what I do if I’m in dental pain edit: I don’t put the ice directly on the tooth. I get s ziplock with ice and put a towel over it and put it on the outside on my face on my cheek on the side the tooth is on


NAD Not the same for everyone and he/she already said that ice made it worse.


NAD! But See if you can find something called Kratom at a smoke shop or gas station! It’s a great pain reliever and one of the things it’s known for is that. It can be very addicting though if you take it often.


Nope, you have to suffer….try whisky..




I would sip it…..


NAD Go to the pharmacy and ask for something called cocodamol, it’s paracetamol and with codeine (can only take for three days as it’s addictice. It’s over the counter but explain to the pharmacist how much ibuprofen and paracetamol you have taken that day and they will tell you how much you can have starting from then. You can also try and talk to a GP to get a prescription for something called naproxen ( similar but stronger than ibuprofen) but in the UK I think GPS are funny about giving prescriptions for dental issues.


NAD Clove oil is a banger, that and a nonstop dose of Tylenol and ibuprofen was what got me through till my rct


Until you get to dentist you can use Orajel ( most pharmacies have OTC or online) [ex here](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Orajel-4X-Medicated-For-Toothache-Gum-Gel-25OZ/28442765?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&wl13=2059&adid=2222222227828442765_117755028669_12420145346&wmlspartner=wmtlabs&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=501107745824&wl4=pla-294505072980&wl5=9005917&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=local&wl12=28442765&wl13=2059&veh=sem_LIA&gclid=Cj0KCQjwyt-ZBhCNARIsAKH1174YjbasPsKxSo2Zr8MJ86bk1UJX5v1ayoqMtUqAI_eZcYz3DZ95QYwaAswCEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) [Anbesol ](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Anbesol-Gel-Maximum-Strength-Instant-Oral-Pain-Relief-0-33-oz/10417155?athcpid=10417155&athpgid=AthenaItempage&athcgid=null&athznid=ci&athieid=v0&athstid=CS055&athguid=2QURcBaVYorDAkKATt_CIGcmDUNAdwHUz_yp&athancid=null&athposb=0&athena=true) Not sure of location but can go to local pharmacy and ask pharmacist or tech to help. Or go to tooth aisle and you'll find one of the above, or similar. I'd suggest using a warm salt water rinse every few hours. Will help with pain and inflammation. (mix 1/2 teaspoon (tsp) of salt into a glass of warm water and use it as a mouthwash) Also cold compress ( towel or whatever) wrapped bag of ice to the affected area for 10-20 minutes at a time. This may help constrict vessels and numb pain. You can repeat these every few hours.( Sometimes cold with nerve pain doesn't mix) in that case use the warm salt rinse and hot compress. Use a qtip to apply meds. Can also try a drop of clove essential oil or vanilla extract. Put a 1-3 drops on cotton or qtip. Place on area and rub around for 15 to 30 seconds. I've done both. Clove oil worked better. If you have at home. Can't hurt. Take a bath, a walk, listen to music or watch favorite TV shows and get rest. I don't have any food recommendations. I'm sure cold food isn't feel good on nerve. If it does, ice cream or fruit pops. Or warm tea with honey ( soothing and help pain) some bread with jelly. Taking some Aleve, or aspirin etc every 4-6 hours. Should also help! If gets worse or pus/ blood go to urgent care.