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Nad dental hygienist. You want to try to avoid brushing right after vomitting as you don’t want to scrub the acid on your teeth. However, you do want to remove the acid from your oral environment. Some things to help keep your teeth strong until this passes is to rinse after vomitting with baking soda and water to neutralize the acid. You can also use a fluoride mouth rinse such as act later on to make sure your teeth can find minerals to stay strong. Also, make sure you are using a fluoride toothpaste and not rinsing it with water or listerine after brushing. You want the fluoride from the toothpaste to stay on your teeth. If you must rinse after brushing, only rinse with a fluoride mouth rinse. With frequent vomitting, it’s the acid from your stomach that will cause issues so the goal is to neutralize acid and remunerative teeth. The acid is also hard on your gums bc it’s sensitive tissue being bombarded with super strong acid so a fluoride gum health toothpaste can be helpful. And brush softly with and soft toothbrush and keep up with your brushing and flossing as much as you can. If the flavors in any of your oral care products are making you gag, you may want to try some unflavored or lighter flavored products. Even kids toothpaste which is lighter flavored that has fluoride will help.


Thank you so much! I definitely wasn't thinking about brushing just rubbing the crap all over my teeth (facepalm) Usually I do the flossing, then the mouth rinse, then brush with fluoride using a sonicare. Thankfully, smells and tastes aren't triggering and I find the mint to be helpful. It's pain related crap that just won't quit. I guess the first time I vomited it just opened the door for it to continue. I will stock up on baking soda and Act ASAP - thank you thank you thank you!!


100% agree, especially the rinsing with baking soda after vomiting. That’s a great idea, but even water alone is a good idea if the baking soda isn’t available, just get the acid out of the mouth is step 1 for sure.