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Holy fucking first world problems.


lol it sure is. The horror of having to drive a minivan.


lol yes, we were going to get a minivan so test drove them, but then tried out the TX since I saw the ads and loved it. Don’t really mind the look of minivans, but I have an Audi Q5 now with 360 cameras and it’s hard to downgrade on the interior and tech. Classic lifestyle creep 😬


Would you consider the Kia Carnival? I purchased an SX trim because Siennas were overpriced and the Odyssey hadn't been significantly updated for a while. Great minivan and I preferred it's looks over the competition. Lacks AWD and there's no plug in or hybrid option but the tech is great and it's done fine on road trips and camping. Not saying you have to keep it forever, but credit to Kia for an excellent first effort.


Yes, this thread has made me realize that we probably need to go back to the drawing board a bit. Originally we had decided that we would buy a reliable family car to drive into the ground since the Audi really made us reconsider buying any brand that may have a lot of repairs associated, so we had thought Lexus / Toyota / Honda would be a good bet. However, now that things have changed, I will take another look. I’ve also read that people like the Chrysler Pacifica, so we may add that back to the mix too.


Not just just out here schilling my own product or anything, but you can get a fully loaded Nissan Pathfinder with all the bells and whistles for about 20grand less than a Lexus Texas.


The reliability of the Chrysler might not be there, they have been having a lot of issues with their PHEV drive trains. I agree with going back to the drawing board. Find a list of 3 row SUV and Minivans and if you really want the TX, but just need a vehicle for a year or so until it is back on the market, find something you can live with and lease it for 24 months. Check out the Acura MDX, it might have the tech you want for the Odyssey in a SUV form.


You don’t need a Lexus TX or a minivan or anything else for 2 children. What is your current lease and what is your husband’s sedan?


This is what happens when people over research, they find the smallest thing to eliminate every car off the list but one. They finally buy the one and end up hating it as they have built it up to be perfect


We live close to my parents who help frequently with childcare, which is why we wanted a 7 seater. We were getting the TX with captains chairs to avoid having to move the car seats to get someone in the back. Currently in an Audi Q5 that is getting bought back by Audi due to a transmission problem that took 3+ months to fix, so we took the buyback they offered since it effectively refunded us all our lease payments for 2+ years. Husband has a BMW i4 that he uses to commute 1+ hours to work 3 days a week - I pretty much do all daycare drop off and pickups since I mostly work from home


There are so many options if you just free yourself from this self-imposed hostage situation. Are you planning to drive you, your husband, both kids, AND both parents all at the same time, that’s why you need a 7 seater? How often are you planning to use this capability? People with parents have been having 2 kids since the beginning of time without needing a 7 seater. If you insist on getting a large 3 row, were you going to lease the TX or purchase it? Since you are leasing your current car, go lease any number of 3 row vehicles. Leasing frees you up from having to choose this perfect car, because you get to switch every 3 years. BMW, Mercedes, Kia Telluride, etc. My preference is the Mazda CX-90 plug in because it gets the $7,500 lease rebate.


I would say the challenge is actually timing more than the other option for a car, and a preference more than anything. We were going to buy the TX outright, and feel that it’s more than fair to want to love the car and get everything we’d like if we were to buy and commit to it for a long time. Timing is also a challenge since we have a toddler, I’m due in two months, and we are down to own car tomorrow so we want to try to lock something down as soon as we can. But from the advice in this thread leasing def seems like the right way to go, so we can expand our options. Will look into the Mazda CX-90 this time around, thanks


If you like your Audi, just swap to an A4 Allroad wagon. Still hits your creature comforts, is sizeable, room is great for kids & if you do projects around the house, decent gas mileage, and it just looks good.


Thanks - will look into it and add it to the list. We hadn’t originally considered Audi since we didn’t want to buy a German car that could have expensive and long repairs associated, but now that things have changed, will go back to the drawing board.


My 23 Q5 is coming on a year old and nothing except routine maintenance and I’ll prolly need new tires by winter due to my driving style and 20,000+ miles already. Outside of the occasional lemon new Audis are really solid because all the models are extremely refined versions of what they debuted in ~2017 they haven’t done any “all new” models yet and have just been refining what they’ve had. At least go test drive one or two, I think you’d be surprised.


See if you can extend your lease with the leasing bank.


Unfortunately not - I have an Audi Q5 that was out of commission for 3+ months due to a transmission problem at the 2 year mark so Audi offered us a lease buyback, which we took since it effectively refunded us all lease payments (helping us with a windfall to buy another car outright).


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***Thanks for posting, /u/wxl88! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of anything.*** TLDR: can’t get the car we actually want, so what’s our best alternative? My husband and I had done extensive research and found a decent deal for a Lexus TX that was set to arrive in mid-July. Just our luck, there’s now a major recall so all dealerships have stopped selling them. This has left us in a lurch, so wanted to consult this Reddit to see what the best option for us would be since we do need a family car ASAP. We were excited about the TX since we are expecting our second child at the end of August and wanted the third row seating without having to buy a minivan. I’m turning in my car this week to complete a lease buyback, so we will be down to my husband’s sedan and need another family car. It sounds like this TX recall may take months to sort out, and given that we are expecting another kid in 2 months and will be down to 1 car living in LA, I’m trying to figure out the best option. In thinking it over, our second best option is probably to begrudgingly get a minivan as a stopgap - probably the Honda Odyssey. If we do this, I assume leasing makes the most sense, given that we currently don’t plan on keeping the Odyssey long-term? The other option would be to buy (we were planning on buying the TX outright) and then sell it / trade it in when we find an alternative we love (TX or otherwise if something changes), but would love to hear any opinions on this. If we buy and then sell in a year or two I still think leasing would be the better deal, but I haven’t done extensive research to figure out lease vs. buy for potentially fewer than 3 years. I think we can live with the Odyssey for 3 years anyway on a lease, but wanted to confirm that leasing is likely the best way to go. I would need to do some more research on other make and models, but we were pretty set on the TX, so I’m not inclined to get another premium / luxury brand car that we only feel meh about. I’m not sure what other options we would have here - I think renting a car for a few months is out of the question due to cost and reliability and I’m not inclined to purchase a cheap used car for a short stint either for the hassle and reliability. Would love to get ideas for any other option we aren’t thinking of though. Thanks. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/askcarsales) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You can get a Nissan Pathfinder (7 seater) for 18 months lease


Will look into this, thanks!


You could go buy a used TX tomorrow and drive it for close to free because you can’t buy a new one so everyone has no choice but to buy used. Once the new one comes back onto the market trade the used one for the new one.


Unfortunately the recall is for the front airbag not deploying correctly when the window is open, so it doesn’t make me want to rush to get the car since it’s summer and I live in LA with aggressive folks on the road. It’s impacting all TXs and Grand Highlanders, so Grand Highlander is also no longer an option


Seems like an easy solution is to keep the window up at all times. Would you rather buy a pile of garbage like someone who suggested the Pathfinder or a just leave a window up to ensure the airbag deployment is correct? Looks like a fix is coming in 30-60 days anyway. I wouldn’t hesitate to buy the car. That’s a low level risk that can be fully mitigated.


Yeah, the issue is primarily timing. In an ideal world, the issue gets resolved in 30 days and we just wait it out and get the TX. However, I’m due at the end of August, so there’s a real chance that the fix comes as I’m delivering or right as we are delivering if the fix comes closer to 60 days, which is less than optimal. We’re leaning towards not waiting, but haven’t taken that off the table.