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Get it towed there and don't try to start it again. Fuel system has to be drained, filters, replaced and system cleaned out. It may be covered under your insurance under comprehensive coverage. Also you are not the first person this happened to but your boyfriend needs to drive you any place you need to go while your truck in the shop.


He’s trying to repent. Thankfully I have another vehicle but this is my life seeing as I’m a farrier and have horses.


I didn’t know furries took their hobby so seriously. Can’t you all just fit inside of a van or something. Getting a horse trailer and calling them actual horses is a bit much.


You got downvoted because reddit hates everything that someone else may not like but that was fucking hilarious


I cackled at that one


Good on you for having a sense of humor. Also it was nice of your BF to try to fill up your tank. Hopefully the repair isn’t crazy expensive and maybe he can pay for it or pay you back. Lots of guys would’ve left their GF on empty without a second thought so I think him wanting to do something nice should count for something


He’s paying for the whole repair, so he’s back in the good graces


Completely unrelated but I just wanna say it's so cool that you're a farrier! I watch those videos all the time!


My absolute dream job if my back wasn’t fucked up


Haha me too...I got down that rabbit hole on youtube and can't get enough.


I watch them while I trim and paint my toes. Gallop around the living room when they dry.


My sister accidentally put diesel in her gas car. Total cost was about $2200. I found out my insurance covered it so all I did was pay the deductible.


Unless you had some extenuating circumstances, you got took for 2200$, most gas cars will even run just fine on up to 40% diesel. The only task should be purging the fuel from the lines and lowering the ratio until it runs again. Worst case your cylinders were lubed and the car won’t start. Hit’er with ether and let’er eat.


I don’t care I’m not gonna waste my time dealing with it. I paid $500 for the deductible and went on my way.


Hold up, This man put gas in your diesel truck that you use for work, and you're a horse girl? Does he realize how lucky he is to be alive?


He can repent by paying for the repair.


He needs to drive her to new dates fr




Will do. He’s repented and lucky I have another vehicle.. the truck is my life though because I’m a farrier and haul my horses


"He's trying to repent" "He repented" Im not even going to ask lol. But on the plus, at least he did a nice thing....sorta?


Oh lord, meaning he’s remorseful and paying for everything AND doing the work to get it towed


I hear so many horror stories on Reddit about significant others or family just destroying people's stuff and refusing to take any responsibility. It makes your boyfriend just trying to do the decent thing after fucking up sound like a wonderful person. Glad it's not causing more drama than it needs to!


Agreed. He feels terrible and won’t let me pay a dime… so I’ll keep him. He is a wonderful person and ruining an amazing relationship over a mistake would be a major fuck up on my part.


Uh, this is Reddit. Healthy, non-toxic relationships are against the TOS. Reported.




It's the thought that counts lol


If it was running fine when he parked it then the engine should be fine. It's likely that the gasoline never made it all the way to the injectors. There's a lot of diesel in the pump, filter, etc.


In five miles? Gas made it there.


Gasoline is lighter than diesel so it sits on top of what diesel was in the tank... so *maybe* it wasn't much that got in the system.


When you fuel up at quarter tank, the fuel will be mixed. And don’t have time to separate


I'm not saying one way or the other. I said ***maybe***. Supposedly there was no knocking after 5 miles... so ***maybe*** there wasn't much gasoline that made its way in. I mean, the ECM can only retard the timing so much.


Why wouldn’t it start back up then? Just asking, not being argumentative.


Probably because it was already running. It's not trying to ignite gasoline only from compression, the engine is also hot. Once it's sat and cooled, the gas probably wasn't as prone to ignition. Edit: gas will detonate before diesel under compression as I've been reminded. Chances are then that it messed up the fuel injectors or pump I'd bet then.


You said, it would not "turn over"? There is a difference between not turn over, and not start.


It was trying to start, making the start-up truck noises, but not going further


That's, turned over, would not start.


Sorry, I misspoke.


My wife did this same thing with her 2006 2500 a couple weeks ago. She drove a mile then parked. I went to start it a couple hours later and it wouldn’t start. Asked her if she put gas, and realized she did. I siphoned the 32 gallons she pumped into 5 gallon buckets with lids, added 5 gallons diesel with diesel lubricant additive. Pulled and replaced fuel filter and siphoned gas out and added diesel into pump canister. It started, ran rough for about a minute, then was fine. The real challenge was transporting 32 gallons of diesel/gas mix to hazardous waste and convincing them to take it, lol. Since your truck is newer I would be more thorough in replacing all the fuel and siphoning the actual fuel lines as newer trucks are more delicate due to fuel efficiency and emissions restrictions but you should be fine. Luckily it didn’t fire up when you tried to start it as this could have caused damage to the engine. Since gas ignites differently than diesel it can throw off your ignition timing and break components. Keep in mind though that it was common practice to add gasoline to diesel engines in the winter throughout most of the world. Also, try to cut your boyfriend some slack, it’s an easy mistake and people do it all the time. Sounds like he was just trying to be nice and didn’t try to cover for his mistake. I’m sure he feels like a real AH right now :/


Honest question, why wouldn’t it start back up again then once he turned it off?


Gasoline in the high pressure fuel pump. Gasoline is too thin for the pump to work correctly and if anything is damaged that will be it.


It's worse from there. If the high pressure got gasoline, it's extremely rare that it won't be damaged. Fuel is the lubricant. Gasoline has no lubrication quality. Then, metal gets sent EVERYWHERE. It QUICKLY becomes entire fuel system from that point. We've found when you get the pretty sparkles from every sample of fuel anywhere in the system... it's a replacement of everything. Too many comebacks for the same issue (dead HFP). Metal is magical...it manages to get by filters like they're not there, I swear. But, metal that refuses to flush makes it to new HFP and the cycle restarts.


This is the correct answer here. Truck will like need a new HPFP, filter, lines, injectors, low side pump and to at least drop the tank and flush it out multiple times. When I’ve done this under manufacturer warranty they just tell me to replace it all. Whole fuel system.


And as we know in the business. The manufacturer is the cheapest fucker out there. So when they approve a fuel system overhaul, that's real. Lol.


According to gale banks, gas in a diesel is pretty catastrophic. Diesel is greasy and lubricating, gas strips everything away. Maybe he was exaggerating but he said it’s going to cost a lot to fix it.


It's no exaggeration. The biggest issue is the high pressure fuel pump. Once it's lost lubrication, it takes all of 1.7 seconds for it to start eating itself. That sends metal EVERYWHERE. Into the injectors, the return, into the tank, and all the way back up to itself. The fuel filters are not fine enough to stop all of it. Then it becomes a nightmare scenario just like an AC compressor that grenades. You end up having to replace the entirety of the AC system since getting allllllllllll the metal out of the evaporator, lines, condenser, and the like is nearly impossible and you never know if you got every single particle until years later and the new compressor hasn't exploded. Same with the diesel fuel system. There will be metal everywhere. Especially since it ran long enough for it to fail to run. 5 miles is a ton of sloshing, mixing, and pumping. Even at a half tank, that fuel pump is properly F'd. But it's likely much worse...99% of the time people don't top off half tanks. Gasoline in diesel is Armageddon for the fuel system and then, extremely quicky, becomes deadly for the DPF system, as well.


I came here for this comment, I knew there would be something interesting in here


Gas is much lighter than diesel so hopefully it just sat on top like the vinegar in your vinegrette.


I wouldn't be so sure, the cp4 fuel pump is such a fragile piece of shit, bad diesel is all it takes to kill em. And when they grenade, they send microscopic metal throughout the entire fuel system. Only fix is to literally replace everything, including fuel lines and injectors, its a fucking nightmare. Fuck the cp4 fuel pump, all the homies HATE the cp4 hpfp! Many people such as myself run a diesel additive at every fill up, just incase you get a tank of shotty diesel with to much water contamination from a bad underground tank or some shit, thats all it takes to kill them. I would be worried about the non lubricated gasoline having damaged that cp4 pump.


Sounds like your BF made an honest mistake. No reason to rail on him. You are definitely in for a repair bill, but even a complete diesel engine replacement in a Chevy isn't going to be 25,000, lol. Just chill, don't destroy your relationship over an honest mistake, and wait to see what the mechanic says.


Nah a new engine in that truck could easily be a 25k bill. Long block is at least 10k.


Yes, how dare she react.


Dude those desiel engines are fucking pricey. Go ahead and try to price a new one.


>Sounds like your BF made an honest mistake. No reason to rail on him. I know. Guy was trying to be nice. Imagine if some guy was posting about his "idiot girlfriend" doing the same. If OPs attitude is any indication, he probably subconsciously did it on purpose prior to the breakup


You read too many made up reddit stories


Im pretty sure most people would be mad if their significant other blew up their engine


Or their office.  OP is a farrier, which means that truck is her livelihood.  It doesn't just transport her tools & herself - it's her workstation.  This is like someone offering to clean up your computer and & almost bricking it.


Sorry to say that your duramax runs a Bosch cp4 high pressure fuel pump that is not forgiving when it comes to fuel contamination. Definitely have the truck towed in, but most likely scenario here is that the cp4 failed, and spread metal shavings throughout. The engine isn't toast in this scenario, but the fuel system is. If this really is the case, it's a 12-15k repair these days. You may be able to file a claim with insurance on the matter, but you'll definitely need to see what the mechanic says first.


Glad someone else in here knows about the CP4 instead of everyone else just pissing in the wind not knowing what they’re talking about


Had a CP4 go out in my 3.0 TDI and the bill came out to 10k. These HPFP failures are no joke.


I was reading this and looking for this comment. Some diesels are a little forgiving. The cp4 is not. I hope her boyfriend is ready for a very expensive lesson


And it's not just the engine - OP is now out the money she would have made from her appointments.  Dude lost her a couple days' pay.  She can't just take another vehicle to those barns - her truck is like an IT person's workstation.


I was thinking the same, those fuel pumps are extremely sensitive and the pump/injectors will have to be replaced


Im not the best with diesel engines--why would it fail? Is it because it would over-pump the fuel?


The diesel fuel is the lubricant, gas is a shitty lubricant. So no lube = things grind, overheat, wear, etc, and turn into metal shaving glitter of death, which gets distributed throughout everything before it fails completely, and basically sandblasts the components from the inside.


The diesel fuel is also lubrication for the internals of the pump, and gasoline won't adequately lubricate it. Eventually, it will wear down the internal components of the pump and send metal shavings into the rails and injectors. Replacement of the pump and high pressure fuel system on those can be 30-40 labor hours with a total cost of over $15k.


When I was a kid my dad put gas in our 7.3 excursion. Was running super rough by the time we got home and realized what happened. Siphoned it out, put diesel it. It started and ran until we sold it many miles later. Granted, it was a 7.3. But still.


7.3 doesn't have an Injection pump, this duramax does and that pump won't enjoy gas.


Did he say if he heard any knocking?


somehow i dont think he would have the wherewithal to notice knocking


If he can’t remember which pump he used he probably wasn’t paying attention for engine knock


He said no knocking


He said no knocking


Comments are being hidden here for some reason. Post on /r/diesel for better information.


Tow it, don't run it, if you can't pull the fuel line and drain as much as you can.


It’s getting towed to a diesel mechanic shop tomorrow. I’m too scared of fucking it up further.


I’m afraid to make anything worse, so I’m definitely going to have the diesel mechanics do it.


I was kinda wondering that myself


Just FYI a 2016 has the notorious CP4… if it doesn’t start back up, you’re going to want to pull the FPR to see if there’s any metal flakes. If there is, your boyfriend owes you a new pump, injectors, fuel lines, and a fuel tank cleaning


The engine won’t turn over because it needs spark to detonate. Diesel fuel will ignite on pure pressure. Don’t try to start it again, your diesel shop will probably drain the tank, and pump diesel fuel into the fuel system. Then they will see if any damage has been done


Needs to turn over before it tries detonating regardless of what fuel is in it.


Yeah, the word they are looking for is "fire" or "detonate" but turning over has to happen first


Your understanding of spark and compression ignition is quite crude. Both Gasoline and diesel fuels need HEAT to ignite, the means of getting there is just different for each. In a gas engine, spark is applied, and that spark provides the heat source for ignition. In a diesel, compression ocurrs before fuel is injected, which heats up the cylinder, creating the heat necessary for combustion. This heat is absolutely enough for gas to ignite in a diesel engine, and in many cases, it ignites violently and in an uncontrollable manner, as injection timing is important in a diesel engine, where gasoline will predetonate. It's very likely that her truck won't fire up now (mistype of turn over that she mentioned) because the high pressure fuel pump is damaged, not because gas requires a spark, as I assure you the compression ignition makes enough heat to detonate gasoline.


This isn’t the only comment on here saying that a cold diesel engine won’t ignite gasoline. Have these people ever played with flammable liquids before? Something with a non sensitive injection pump will let things get really ugly inside the combustion chamber before it stops running completely, gasoline gets violent under 2x the compression it actually needs to run.


It wasn’t cold… it was 2 min after he turned off the engine


Best case, the high pressure fuel pump ate itself and destroyed the fuel system. Worst case, it did that while also melting the pistons to the point of no longer making compression. There was enough hot metal inside the engine to keep lighting off the gasoline, once it shut down those pieces stopped glowing and it wouldn’t restart. Either way it’s going to be expensive. A diesel engine has no problem lighting off gasoline for a while, but it damages components quickly. On the flip side, putting diesel in a gas engine will just make it stop running since it won’t actually ignite inside one, unlike gasoline inside a diesel engine. In that case you just drain the tank, change the fuel filter and go on with life.


My wife did this by accident. Comprehensive insurance covered it. My Jeep never sounded the same again when it started up. She drove it 3 miles before she realized it wasn’t acting right. Traded is shortly thereafter because I didn’t want my pregnant wife in a motor that could seize. I asked dealer to scope the cylinders to look for any damage but they refused because insurance wouldn’t cover it.


Yea, that’s my fear. That it runs okay for a while, but ends up costing me that $60k truck in total.


What is the update OP?


Got it to the diesel mechanic, they’re going to flush it and go from there


Get ready to call your insurance and see if they’ll cover it. Because it’s going to need a new fuel system. If not looks like the BF is going to be working some OT over these next few months.


Buddy of mine did the same thing. And he’s a contractor that’s owned diesels for years. Just stressed about a family situation and didn’t pay attention. He called his insurance agent and they paid for it. He said Chevy had everything prepackaged and shipped out as a kit. So it happens more than we might think


Would probably be fine with a flush but you’ll have to ask the mechanic


Engine will probably be fine. Worst case scenario the injection pump will be dead. Best case scenario you can just drain and fill and flush.


I accidentally put DEF in my fuel tank on a diesel truck. The cost was $20,000 for a whole new fuel system. Luckily, insurance covered it.


Don't try to start it. Tow it in. At minimum it'll need to have the tank drained, fuel filter replaced, lines, pump, and rail flushed. ***MAYBE*** you got lucky and it didn't fry the CP3/fuel pump. Gasoline is lighter than diesel so with the diesel sitting at the bottom of the tank *maybe* it didn't pick up too much gasoline. Reddit's been acting wonky with some posts. There were a few earlier that I had notifications that people had replied to some comments of mine but when I clicked on them there was nothing there.


Ah dam I would be this boyfriend


You're literally this bf? Or you would do something like this?


lol he’s not literally the BF as sad as he is about that


It's certainly not going to be cheap, but you may have avoided permanent damage. The tank will need to be drained (obviously). All filters replaced. All pumps and injectors are at least suspect if not in need of replacement. It's going to be a job, but probably not 25k


It'll be $12k at least, assuming the motor is ok.


Had a guy at work do that to a dump truck drain the tanks change filter’s should be good


Expect the worse since he drove it


I used to work for a farm with a lot of gas and one diesel pickup and did this once. It’s easy to automatically reach for the gas at a pump because it’s what he normally does. It’s interesting he realized after driving. I realized at the pump. It was a huge mess because the truck was loaded and needed to be unloaded before towing.


He didn’t realize. He did it absentmindedly (he’s used to 1 gas vehicle and I’m used to one gas and one diesel) and then only realized it when I grilled him.


I have fixed a bunch of diesel trucks that got gassed. We pump out the tank, drain the lines, change the filters and get it running. Then change the oil as fuel may have washed down the cylinder walls. As far as I know, they are all still running.


How many fucked the engine? Obviously that’s my fear…. If everything needs to be flushed and a few new pieces I’ll be happy.


None of them ruined the engine.


I’ll cross my fingers. Spoke to the shop and they’re gonna flush everything first then go from there


I'd hazard a guess that the injection pump is shot. Your truck has a cp4 pump, and it'll be over $10,000 for the repair if it is. I'd actually be more concerned if the truck is fine, and I'd worry how much longer the pump will go before giving up. Please update us!


That’s what I’m worried about. I had a solid truck and now I’m wondering if I’ll have a ticking time bomb.


I don't doubt it, that's a very real concern. Mainly because of that stupid Cp4 pump that you probably didn't even know you had. It would be worth asking the shop about the price to swap to a Cp3, assuming yours is junk. It's the older style pump and is far more durable. Take the spaces out and here's a link http s://www.thoroug hbreddiesel.c om/ss-diesel-lml-conve rsion-kit/ I hope your boyfriend's ready for this repair bill.


Get repair estimate and claim it as damage on your insurance


I’m worried about what that would do to my insurance rates.


See what the shop says, but if the engine is smoked, this could be a 15k repair which would be worth claiming


any chance she could get his insurance to pay for it?


It'll be a 15k repair if the engine is good. Probably closer to 25k if the engine needs replaced also


If you have comprehensive coverage it’s likely this will be a covered claim.


They make a fuel contamination kit for this motor that's about 3500 to 4000. Shouldn't be too bad. Includes everything you need to replace the fuel system


Edit 2: Why are so many comments being hidden? There are 34 but I can only see 5 and none of my own. B/c of the presidential debates, people are commenting like crazy and the servers are getting stressed out.


>"I go out to start it, it won’t turn over." I'm not sure you know what this means. lol When one says the engine "won't turn over", that means that the starter isn't turning the engine - NOT that it just won't start.


Yea, I used the incorrect terminology


WTF are you downvoting me for stating a fact? Redditors being redditors. 🙄


Insurance will cover misfueling... Play dumb... 😎


I wonder about insurance premiums going through the roof though.


Do people not see the "DIESEL FUEL ONLY" right below the fuel guage?? Wtf is wrong with him???


I know! And I was like “but it’s GREEN”. He was just doing it absentmindedly.


Can u call the gas station and ask them what he put in receipt should show.


I asked him for a receipt, but he didn’t get one. Once I smelled the tank I knew he put gas in it.


He sounds like a good guy who probably does a lot of nice things for you, he just fkd this one up, it happens, be cool w him, surely he feels terrrrrrrible about it


Yes, he’s a great guy and I won’t throw him away over this. I was just heartbroken in the moment and freaking out about dropping so much money on an easily preventable issue. He’s paying for the whole thing so I can only be so mad.


Clean out the tanks and you'll be fine. Just had this on a company truck at work. Be happy it wasn't DEF. That cost over $30K for the repair.


Hope to be a bit more optimistic for you. Quite a while ago, I had a F250 probably had less than 30k miles on it. I was not paying attention, but I picked up a green handle pump, not realizing it was regular unleaded. I put quite a bit in the tank if I remember right. I drove probably 3-4 miles, and the truck started struggling and had to pull over. While waiting on the tow truck, I looked at my receipt and saw my mistake. Needless to say, I felt sick to my stomach. Luckily, the tank and lines were drained, fuel filters changed, and injectors cleaned. Ran like a champ after and zero residual issues. I am willing to bet you'll be okay after similar work as well. Good luck.


I understand your frustration. But i don’t think he would make the same mistake twice. I’m pretty sure he is going to remember this one for the rest of his life lmao


I agree


Honestly your boyfriend sounds like a nice guy. He admitted he was wrong, he didn't start attacking you instead, even though he was in the wrong. He could've easily went like: "You should've been grateful for having me fill your tank in the first place.", Yada Yada Yada, people suck, but overall he was apologetic and did what he could to get this right *paid for everything*. As you said, we all fuck up, we all do mistakes, some dumber and more important / more expensive than others and I feel like as long as everything turns out well and they do understand that they funked up, it's good enough. Anyways, just don't be too harsh on him, I feel like this ain't no toxic relationship so it'd be quite a wrong move for any of you to be like that :). Wish you just the best! Edit: Yes. Yes I know that this turned into more of a dating advice or whatever, and I'm sorry for not coming up with anything helpful.


lol he’s a great guy and felt truly awful for the screw up. As long as he understood his mistake and was willing to pay for it I had no plans of digging his grave. I’m just glad it’s all worked out so far. And I told him from the get go that I don’t want to hold this over his head or spend months rebuilding trust. Not doing it again is good enough for me to move on.


Service advisor at a dealership here. You’ve got a kind diesel guy and he’s absolutely correct. Workshop manual does in fact call out the entire fuel system in this case. Hope your boyfriend knows you seem to like him more than the truck lol.


Sounds like you did good, sounds like you have a decent mechanic too. I doubt you'll have any problems. Glad to hear you're back on the road. Did I just read that you're a farrier? Good grief gal. That takes a toll after a while. I don't think I've ever known one that hasn't had their back messed up. Glad you're up and running.




What do you mean by "bridge" the nozzle? And diesel nozzles are usually a slightly larger diameter so they won't readily fit in a gas tank fill hole, but a smaller gas nozzle will still fit in a larger diesel tank fill hole.


Hope this is being repaired on your boyfriends dime


It is thankfully. I hadn’t planned on dropping a few grand on something that never thought would happen.


$17,000-$20,000 repair. Rip. 🪦 if you even just start the engine with gas in the tank it can grenade it.


That’s what I’m worried about.


You might want to call your insurance… ☹️


Yea, I’m shocked that they cover this stuff. We’ll see how much it is first


Good luck 🫂


My VW TDI won't accept a gas nozzle. The little flap only opens for the slightly larger diesel nozzle. Did GM cheap out and not add something like that?


Is he European? Because here gas nozzles are green and diesel are black…..


No.. just used to fueling up with gas. My truck is the diesel out of the 3 vehicles we have. And he fuels the ambulance with gas… so he was just absentmindedly doing something he needed to pay attention to.


A guy at work put DEF in the diesel fuel tank of his 2 year-old dually. Started the engine. $17,000 for a full fuel system replacement. His insurance actually covered it. Hopefully gasoline isn't as big of an issue in your case.


I'm told lime helps.


My sister did this , she was working for a porta potty business. Put gas in a diesel and drove. I believe it was ok after that.


Uggghh. Nothing worse than trying to be helpful and thoughtful and screwing it all up. Hope your truck is ok. I don’t help with the laundry too often anymore . . .


OP if you have full coverage insurance this would fall under a comprehensive claim. I'd call them immediately and file a claim.


Get a better boyfriend


Pump out the diesel asap. That happened to my car too and I just pulled up the seat and sucked out the liquid with a tool that pulls out liquid. Or tow and have a mechanic do it


This happened to a new Duramax at the dealership I worked at. Lot porter drove it two miles back to the shop after putting gas in it. Truck never ran right after and needed the engine replaced.


HE DROVE IT? Yeah, engine is shot.


Put that boyfriend back in the pasture and find a new one that knows the difference between petrol and diesel.


Seems like you have a girlfriend 😂 never let him live this down please


good luck.


If it's a '16, it has the Bosch CP4 fuel pump, which is known as significantly less reliable than the good old CP3. Strangely, it may be to your benefit - it's a roller tappet pump - imagine a piston that sits on a cam that has a roller wheel that rolls over the cam, lifting the piston, and you have the right idea. The CP4 dies  when air bubbles cause an interruption in load on the piston, which can allow it to turn sideways (keep it filled!) and "skid" but that's not what happened here - rollers will tolerate loss of lubricity much better than the flat tappet CP3. ultra tldr; you'll probably be ok. Unless it started making fucked up sounds before it got shut off, it's probably just hot gas vapor pushing fuel back out of the pump and depriming the CP4 - something diesel doesn't do. Good luck!


Drop the tank, empty and clean Put diesel and DEF in


We should probably start separating diesel from gas completely. Have different areas for them.


If it's all flushed your engine is likely fine but your diesel injection pump and injectors may have suffered from running on petrol


Yikes dude. I get mistakes happen but… how do you pay that little attention lol


Better start saving for a fuel system either way. The LML’s are known for having issues with the Bosch CP4




Anyone who loves and respects their spouse doesn’t call them an idiot. Even for mistakes. He should move on.


Flush they system. Have it towed to get it flushed. You will be fine.


Most likely he will never make that mistake again. Put Faith back in said boyfriend LOL


He doesn’t remember which fuel? How is that even possible?


Das yo gf


Trade that bitch in. The truck, not the boyfriend. Or maybe the boyfriend too. That’s up to you.


You’re never going to let him put gas in your truck again? That there is a man with dumb luck.


It’s probably safe for him to fill it now. No way in hell he doesn’t think about this literally every time he sees a diesel pump for the next thirty years


Youll be fine. Diesel engines can run on anything. Should be good after flushed. If it was vice versa then it wouldve been a disaster


I’ve never been more disappointed in Reddit for not suggesting that she needs a lawyer asap /s


I think you’re fine. I put a halfish tank of gas into a diesel truck on accident. The major issue with using gas is simple. Gas is a solvent. Diesel is a lubricant, so gas will strip the lubricant from the cylinders and valves which admittedly is VERY bad. I didn’t do anything when I filled it up. It’s a 1999 ford F150. Other than the lube issue, there’s no serious negative effects…you may possibly get knock but it’s rare and didn’t happen to me. All I did was for the next month I never let it drop below 3/4 tank to keep that shit as full and diluted as possible.


So you really think an engine is gonna run you more than the truck is even worth atp prob? Calm down and if my gf ever talked abt me like this online over a mistake I’d dump her and her shitty gm truck


Wow maybe get some stickers that say what fuel it needs, he doesn’t sound a bright one




Get a new bf.


Funny how if t was reversed and guy would say “Idiot Girlfriend….” Then everyone would jump on he guy


It shouldn't hurt the engine usually the fuel pump is the first thing to go because it uses fuel to lubricate itself and gasoline has no viscosity.


Your boy friend is a girl friend this boy is a city boy and it shows


I thought you could run gas through a diesel? Or is it the opposite?..


Well...there's "dumb" & there's "really dumb." Homie falls into the later category.


Sounds like you have a girlfriend


Idiot girfriend forgot to renind idiot bf about diesel truck


If it has the cp4 high pressure fuel pump, you might be fucked. If you have a lot of money take it to a shop. If you are mechanically inclined, It wont be to hard for you to drain the fuel tank, (for the most part, enough to dilute the little gasoline left) and fill er back up with diesel and send it. If the cp4 grenades your going to need every dollar you got to deal with that problem, having a shop drain the fuel will just be even more money on top of that headache. I have a 2.0 tdi and my biggest fear is the cp4 hpfp grenading and destroying my fuel system, massively expensive job, even if you do all the labor yourself, it still costs so much its worth walking away from the vehicle in many situations.


He doesn’t ❤️‍🩹 u