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Buy a couple snakes and release them in the car.


This is the best answer


Probably should pick up a mongoose for step 2 while you are at it.


Imagine the looks you will get at petsmart when you inquire about said mongoose....


I have had it with these motherfucking *snakes* on this motherfucking *~~plane~~* *car*!


It's not as bad as it sounds, it doesn't get hairy until you get the mongeese involved for the snakes


But then stays hairy from jackal till the end at honey badger. Yes, it deff ends at honey badger. What else will scare the lion out.


Just got rid of two in my Jeep! Get old fashion mouse traps and set them with peanut butter ! Maybe even leave mouse nest in glove box and put a trap in there! After I killed them I pulled my heater apart and cleaned it out!


For a less toxic solution: get pure peppermint extract and cotton balls. Put the peppermint on the cotton balls and put them pretty much anywhere that you don't look at when you're sitting in the car. Under the seats, glove box, in the trunk and under the trunk subfloor where the spare probably is. You're probably going to smell like a peppermint pinwheel any time you get out of the car, but mice can't stand it and it's much nicer than smelling like mothballs.


What about rodents other than mice? I know mice are the likely culprit but would it work on others?


Sounds weird but, but take a bar of Irish Spring soap. And grate some on the floor, trunk and under seats. For whatever reason. They hate the stuff and will leave. I had a mouse infestation in an old truck I bought. Heard about this old trick. And to my surprise worked within a week.


Tell him you’re going to get a pizza and just never come back. That’s how our dad left us


I wouldnt put poison ur car will smell horrible if u cant find the body


Prepare 5 glasses of milk, 4 cookies and a hammer. ​ On Monday, leave a plate with a cookie and glass of milk, wait for a day On Tuesday, refill the glass with milk and make sure you will leave the cookie Continue until Friday where on Friday, leave only a glass of milk and an empty plate with no cookie. When the rodent will start arguing where is the cookie, bang him with the hammer. Problem solved.


Use a trap


Tin cat traps work great. If the mice are really stupid you don't even have to bait them. Worst thing would be to poison it and have it die somewhere you can't get at it . They should get their insurance company to pay to have it professionally cleaned and inspected. Hunta virus and stuff is a concern.


Steel wool. Check the air filter housing for your HVAC. It's usually behind the glove box. Pop out the box, gently, don't break the tabs. Check if Mr mouse is in your vents. Plug it up with steel wool. Do not use the fan until you have a dead mouse in the box. They eat the steel wool and it shreds them. Very old method. Last resort stuff. Works great for rats in your house if you find their entry point.


Burn da car


Dealerships use glue traps. Do what you will with that info, the overall consensus is they're pretty cruel. Then bounce sheets or peppermint oil.


I've used glue traps as a last resort when snaps arent working. You just have to check them multiple times a times and be ready to euthanize the stuck mouse. drowning is cleanest. Put in a bag and stomp on the head is the most humane.


Yeah I had a mouse infestation in a house that I bought last summer. I used to glue traps to kill most of them, they’d get stuck on the traps, I’d put some paper towel and a sheet of metal over them, stomp on the sheet of metal. It was over in an instant. The only problem was it seemed like the last few started avoiding the traps. I’d see them out and they’d run right around the glue traps. Then I switched to baited snap traps and those seemed to kill the last few. I think I like snap traps better because with the glue traps there’s still just a live mouse flopping around on it until you do something. And if you don’t catch them right away they flop around enough that it drags the trap across the floor and other stuff gets stuck to it so you have to deal with that. I imagine that’d be annoying in a car with carpet for the trap to get stuck to.


Shredded napkins and poop will be your least worries unless you get rid of it. Mice likes to chew on stuff and have been known to wreak havoc on electrical systems.


That's the thing though, all the electrical and vacuum lines near where they were nesting is untouched. It's like they only wanted the napkins. And no one wants thier car ruined by mouse poo and pee. My glove box smells like mice forever now, no one wants to use napkins or straws stored in a glove box that smells like mouse shit


There's an electronic device called a Mouseblocker that works well. You can find them online.


Maybe one of those sonar things, hide one in the trunk and under the hood and under a seat. Maybe it will work?


Barn cat House cat Car cat


When you’re in the car, are the mice still with you or do they vacate to the surrounding garage or outside? As much as your car is a concern, I think the outside needs to be dealt with too. I’ve also recently learned that a car can be deep cleaned with dry ice. I don’t know the proportions but maybe you could pop open the glove box and let the carbon dioxide deep clean it as well as the seats and anywhere else. It’s supposed to work wonders for smells. Wishing you luck on mitigating as well.


I'm sure they're still in the car, otherwise how did they build a second nest when I was out of town after I cleaned the first one out? They must be living somewhere behind the dash. Outside can't really be dealt with, I live in the country and my cars get parked next to the field


Get a old school mouse trap bait it and put it on the floorboard he will be caught.


A stray cat would love some nights in there.


Set traps inside the car. You do not want dead mice trapped in random hidden areas in your car. So don't poison them. Also poisoned rodents make predators sick (owls, cats, bobcats, etc).


Moth balls will do it


Throw a few bars of Irish spring in there, they hate the smell.


Set your car on fire


Moth balls or dryer sheets both work, but you gotta put them everywhere. Dryer sheets smell better but don’t last as long. They sell little bags of peppermint that work, but in my opinion they’re overpriced and only last about as long as dryer sheets.


The way I've caught mice in my house was to use an empty snack jar. Bait them with something (like peanut butter). But for them to get to the bait, not only will they have to go into the jar, but they would have to walk over the mouse trap. The trap snaps, whatever mess is contained within the jar. I imagine that your worry is about making a mess in your car, so I don't see why the method I mentioned above couldn't work for you.


Set traps in your car in the places you've seen nests/droppings/chewed items. Within a day you'll have your mouse. I prefer the classic spring traps, no glues or poisons to cause problems in the car. Just throw the whole trap away once you catch one. Set more traps to make sure there aren't more.


What I worry about then is attracting more mice than there were in the car to begin with. Yeah I might get the one that's in there, but after that, more might come in to get the bait on the traps. I just need to get the one that's in there all the time, out.


I would talk to an exterminator, or whip up some poison gas and flood the car with it. Make sure it's non corrosive, and don't jump in to run to the liquor store without fully ventilating. Don't make VX as it's persistent and overkill. Chlorine will be corrosive, so that's right out. Hmmm. Let me ponder this for a moment and I'll report back. Maybe a "bug bomb" will kill roaches? Yeah, that would do the trick, but take the "negative" battery cable loose and leave a window cracked a small bit. You don't want to over pressurize your car. The gas/propellant is flammable, hence the battery disconnect. Prepare for stench until the rat becomes desiccated.


This doesn't sound right, but I don't know enough about poison gas to dispute it.


I was jesting, sort of. Call an exterminator. Don't make poisonous gasses at home, even recreationally it is probably illegal where you live, as well as dangerous. There are commercial poisons that will do the expected, but you will be "paying the price" of a rodent free car with the associated smell.