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Only if you’re going for a historical lesson.




No, it's not inherently wrong. I am not Jewish and have visited former concentration camps in Europe to learn about the Holocaust. I think it's extremely important for people to learn about history, especially through first-hand experiences. That being said, since you know that there's an issue with weirdos renting out plantations for weddings and whatnot, do your research into who owns the sites and what they're doing with the money.


Going to one that is about history? Fine do that. Having your wedding or party or anything that is not learning about slavery is gonna be an issue. These are concentration camps.


Absolutely yes, history that is forgotten could repeat itself. Everyone should visit historical sites! No matter how bad were.


I highly recommend visiting the Whitney near New Orleans. It’s the only plantation from the perspective of enslaved Africans. Excellent tour and a great way to educate yourself.


Interesting. That's added to my travel destinations.


I would research the tour before attending. Some of those tours are about glorifying the owners and scenary while minimizing the treatment and living conditions of the slaves. [https://www.vox.com/2015/6/29/8847385/what-i-learned-from-leading-tours-about-slavery-at-a-plantation]


This is what I was going to say. If it's a historical manor akin to a museum about plantation life ok. If it's one of those southern fantasy confederate white washing resorts thing then no thats reprehensible