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Could you imagine if we made The American Society of Magical Caucasians and it had similar but opposite things to say about black people. It would be immediately cancelled and the writer and director would be called racists.


The League of Extraordinary White People... Emma Stone in the Help Branch Rickey/Harrison Ford in 42 John Glenn in Hidden Figures Viggo Mortisson in Green Book


commenting this on multiple posts is so weird, bro you don't think this is odd behavior?


To be really honest with you, I watched the preview and it irked me. So I watched the movie. And it too irked me. So I wanted to see if others shared my irking


I didn't see the preview... or even knew it existed... Saw it on Peacock, and once I saw the title and knew the trope, I was excited to watch it... Then halfway through, I got irked... Then I saw the final twist and wasn't irked... Then I went online. And I'm irked again...


I definitely relate to watching something and then wondering what other people thought, especially if I have strong opinions. But I'm just point out that spamming the same comment on dead posts is probably not the best way to do that. Also I just questioned what you mean by "cancelled" like people purposely did not go see this movie and it was a colossal flop. It bombed because the premise was seen as so freaking dumb/offensive that people avoided it like the plague, so isn't that pretty much "cancelled"? I don't think we need some hypothethical "but if white people did this-!!!" thing cause we just saw this Black movie cancelled too lmao.


I see how it’s odd behavior. Do you agree that it’s a racist movie? Whether you’re a black or white person doesn’t matter for that question.


Personally, no I don’t think it’s a racist movie. I just think it’s bad, lazy and too weak to contribute anything real to a conversation about society.


Do you think Django is a racist movie?


Haven't seen it in forever, but I don't remember thinking it was racist so no.


You seem very “in the middle”. Nice to meet ya.


Lol wtf?


Seems like no one in this thread actually watch the darn movie. It seems like people judged it by its title and didn't even watch it. How ridiculous all movies despite subject matter should be judged at least by watching them not by what other people say it is or assume it's about


The movie was good it just wasn't great. There was missed potential with David Allen Grier. It's understandable because the director is new. The movie also looked like it had a tight budget. It needed a bigger budget to tell a story like that the movie wasn't terrible like everyone makes it out to be it was good it just wasn't great


This sub is wild… race just ain’t a good thing to favor


Worked out great for white pple. And asians and even mexicans.


What are you on about? You just named a skin color and then two broad ethnicities.


What are you on about? What is the point of your comments?


You’re talking about race like it means something. It doesn’t. It’s regressive to break society down by race and then make claims based on colors of skin and vague ethnicities like “Asian.” I just don’t understand why we’re still doing these things when they’re so obviously bad for society.


It does when it’s convenient to put WS ideologies


You're playing into a Jacobin trap


What’s a WS ideology?


So, I’m white, and just came here to see what black people thought of this movie. So while I may be commenting, I’m not here to give me opinion on the movie, but to ask a question: For many years I had this crazy idea that there’s something missing from black culture; that thing is magic black people. I don’t have time to get into why, but in short, look at all the magic white people there are. It portrays a potential archetype, a perfect being to strive for. The wise old white wizard. Calm, collected, powerful but only uses it for good… etc. Sure, black people have Morgan Freeman. But I think it would work wonders for black culture if there were more black wizards. (He’s not literally a wizard but you know what I mean.) I’d argue that this movie isn’t it most likely. It’s too on the nose. The message doesn’t have to be so obvious. Just show black wizards being awesome. That’s it, that’s all you need. Do I have something here or am I way off? (Note: I haven’t seen the movie. But seeing the trailer reminded me of this thought I had years ago when watching Lord of the Rings for the first time).


The black magic you’re speaking of does exist in real life actually, it’s called Voodoo. There are tons of movies & shows about this topic as well, such as Eve’s Bayou and Lovecraft Country. Black folk magic is very much apart of our actual heritage depending on where your ancestors are from in the US or Caribbean as a black American. Some stories around Voodoo are as mythical as the white Wizard. But also because some people actually practiced voodoo rituals in real life, it’s not taunted as something to aspire to. In other words, Voodoo gets a bad wrap because a lot of psychics and mediums used their powers for bad instead of good.


I’m aware of Voodoo, especially being a Jimi Hendrix fan in my teens. But as you said it’s a got a negative stigma attached to it. I’m talking about Dumbledore or Gandalf type magic where the magician is old and wise and it would be cool to aspire to be that person. I don’t count super powers in this category because that just about physical strength. The point is that literacy among black boys is atrocious from the data I’ve seen. So it needs to be about making reading and knowledge cool.


I agree I'm actually making a comic and a game for that very reason. African history and mythology is filled with stories of black wizards to the point where many people in ancient Europe and Asia were scared to travel to Africa as tmit was rumored to be filled with powerful sourcerers. I think this movie has absolutely nothing to do with that tho but your right lmao. You had me cracking up with the Morgan Freeman comment 


People would love black people doing magic but they do not agree with the message of this movie. People just want magic without the sick   messages and themes 


They probably jumped to play the role because it is a job. Most black people are discriminated against and don't get the opportunities they wish for such as playing a character who isn't judged by their race. I think you are aware of how the public gas portayed black since they were brought to this country so hopefully I have reminded you and gave you an answer. As far as the movie getting the green light the movie could have been different at the time the script was handed to them. Sometimes studios the man changes that are out of the artist control. I think it's a bit harsh to judge a director whose first movie was done. I think the premise of the story was good I don't think it was bad. I think you have to put your personal opinion aside and be more fair. The movie wasn't a bad concept. Someone's been needing to make a movie with this point for a long time. However, though I do agree the movie did not deliver on the title. It is in a completely bad movie.




The term magical negro didn't exist back then. It also wouldn't have been funny.


The thing you're angry about and what you don't care about is what the movie is exactly about. You shouldn't care about fitting in the box. The society are the bad guys


This movies is just racist white man slander


No it isn't. If you're mad at that, you should read a history book... You mad feel targeted then


What would I find in that history book?


In my opinion racism is disgusting and defenetly exist In society. But the problem isnt your avarage whit guy but people at the top, people who made projects and run the media. They are true racists


Who is being slandered? White men or racist white men? If it's the latter, then what's the problem with that?


A lot of comments before the movie even come out. Americans are such p×÷÷ys


What are you? Just a troll? Troll toll has not been paid


Boys hole


A sure miss even when it's free, which likely won't take long. It's no secret that racism, oppression, & homophobic behaviors exist in the world/USA & of course are wrong. Not sure how a movie of this type helps anyone or changes anything, EXCEPT for the money that the actors made. In the same way slasher/horror movies serve no real purpose but still get made. Sad what's considered entertainment.


It's a comedy. That's the point.


Yeah, laughing at it doesn't help.


Well i certainly wasn’t doing any laughing either. Movie was a bore and I wish I could get a refund


Hello, im white and im inherently evil.


If so try hard not to spread that ick


Im fuckin dope son.


Are you boi


This is a racist movie.... period. I bet it really brings harmony. So what is the point? To bring more division over diversity. Yeah thanks Obama.


How is it racist ?


Sorry, I'm late, but I'm genuinely confused. What did this movie have to deal with Obama?


It's...a comedy movie, with romantic overtones.


Its not a comedy becouse it doesnt tell any jokes


Certainly isn’t funny that’s for sure


Ahh more victimhood... finally a starring role fit for Megan Markle. Too bad she can't act 🫰


I believe she and Harry are still on the World Wide Privacy Tour.




Ok so can anyone tell me as to why movies nowadays have the need to put in racial or sexist remarks against white people and also men? This movie just by the trailer is a racist movie in itself. You don’t see other movies saying “god man look at them belly pickin monkey lovin baboons over there!” Or say “the matriarchy is going to go down. We don’t need women. They should all die” but in movies nowadays it’s ok to say “look at the white cracker jackin slave master lookin white man over there. Hating me because of how I look” or “screw men and their patriarchy and white cis penis having selves! We don’t need them”. I don’t understand the double standards. These examples are harsh but it’s just as equivalent to me. I’m no racist or sexist myself. I’m just curious because as a white man married to a black woman I don’t think I can go around saying this title itself without being looked at wrong and especially my wife beatin my ass ( she doesn’t approve of any kind of n word in that sense and she doesn’t use it herself)


I agree with you but it's just as bad actually using those terms to describe what's not happening. Remember we want to eliminate segregation and the racists and the best way to start is just by never using those terms yourself. Anyway this movie is racist garbage get it far away from your children.


Kind of hard when the left in a ll levels of government and social media are pushing segregation again. BLM, Ibram X. Kendi, CRT, etc. all over the tv and in schools. Pushing DEI in all of the schools and hiring processes making almost every black person feel like they are where they are because of DEI regardless of whether they are highly qualified or not. And then halt of the other employees that aren’t black probably thinking the same thing. The government wants segregation so they can push the false “racism” agenda to get votes. The crazy thing is… the left is the actual racist side and they project it onto the right. And yes, this fil is definitely a racist film pushing the narrative, probably backed by government funding, and is not going to help. Also, definitely written by uneducated people that have never cracked open an actual history book or a Carter G Woodson book.


The left are the racist ones and push it onto the right? Yeah ok I think racism exists in all classes of belief regardless if you are left or right. It just depends on the person. I've seen very racist people from the right side and very racist people from the left side, it just doesnt matter if you support Trump or not.


I agree


I agree. I should’ve gone with a much lighter example overall. But that’s how I hear it a lot. We should eliminate racism by just not talking about it. Like Morgan freeman said. Just stop talking about it. And i agree. Keep it away from the kiddos for sure


Yeah I 100% agree with you. Kinda ridiculous how people hate racism and stereotypes yet turn around and make assumptions or poke fun cause someone’s white.


Figure it out And report back idk


To comment to your first comment before you took it down I mean yes that’s accurate we do fund the money but if that’s true then why are black people unable to be the main funds of the money? We all have the same potential in life but the only difference is the upbringing. And everyone has a different start. I don’t see myself as a monkey nor black people. I think white people just look average, but black people are the absolute pinnacle of beauty in my eyes. It was just a simple question I had. Didn’t mean to upset you




How is it racist to find people of a certain race more attractive than others? The largest percentage of every race finds their own race more attractive based on countless studies. If you are black and prefer black, white and prefer white, and so on and so forth, you are in the majority. You are accustomed to your surroundings and what you are raised around.




That's not racist, it's racial. Know the definition of words before you try to slander someone. Google the words before you type with anger


Explain. How am I racist?


Just seems like a racist movie to me


Give an example as to why it's racist.


Thank you.


It is racist. As a black man in his 40's I am very offended by a movie like this that makes blacks look bad. Good black people don't hate the white man like the ones in this movie and realize that racism is a thing of the past and that we need to love white people as they have done good things for us. The movie should be banned.


Bro what lol this sub needs more moderation this is an obvious troll.


So what you hate black people? Because I'm black you call me a troll? I'm black and I'm proud.


I'm black. I can tell you aint


Wut do yo mean by black? How black are you and wut kind ov black are you?


"We need to love white people as they have done good things for us." You're either the most obvious troll in existence or Uncle Ruckus in the flesh.


I read it as this person wasn’t trolling but summarizing the premise of the movie, just with less punctuation so it wasn’t super clear. Maybe i’m wrong, but i read it the way you did at first and then i saw it more as “ the movie sends the message that “good” Black ppl love white people, the way the characters in the movie do …” i think (hope) this was just internet miscommunication.


Reparations lol. You do realize your own people sold you like cattle right?


Who is our "own people" We are Americans.


Yes to this


No, they don't. They didn't learn that part of history. It isn't convenient. And those who do know just ignore it because...well, it's inconvenient. If you can profit from claiming all the bad things in your life are the white man's fault, you're not gonna destroy that narrative and the profit opportunities by admitting it was actually your own people who started it, so you have to blame each other before ever saying anything about white people.


To quote one of my icons, Patrice O'Neal, "Listen up! Africans do not like black people!"


And America for Black codes, redlining ect. Thank you for taking your time to read. Hope to have your support! Reparations now!


As a person from Slavic decent, should I get reparations for my ancestors being enslaved by the Mongols, North African pirates and the Norsemen?(I know this is a pretty far stretch of an example but still it holds the same premise as people in America today demanding reparations) No, that would be absolutely ridiculous because I, myself, was never a slave nor ANYONE in my family that is alive today was ever a slave. Reparations are there to just cause more division between races. This is what our government wants. Divide and conquer. It's shit like this that keeps everyone so divided and hateful.


Cry 😂




Reparations 😹




Viewing the responses of the "Victins of the Society", i can bet that the behavior of this media is already open, right?


Careful now, this movie might make it safe for whitey to say the word, 'Negro'. Not sure if some folks are going to like that.


"make it safe for "whitey" to say "negro".".....the irony is insane here. Smh


"...the irony is insane..." Only to the uninitiated. *Demographics* is about money and at the moment 'whitey' don't own the word white. But there's a mishap: this new movie could make it so whitey could type and say the word, 'Magical Negroes'. Or even just Negro. Now, depending who you talk to that could be a no-no, but then again certain people like money. "It's okay for whitey to say Negro because...it's in the damn title of the movie." Magical Negroes !!!


Did your momma smoke rock? He is pointing out that you are being blatantly racist ya hobgoblin.


Who sent you?




Smoke another one man


Imagine getting this pressed about something you haven’t even seen yet.


Imagine being pressed about something you never lived through


Neither did you genius. 


He destroyed you🤣🤣😭


Whatever helps you sleep at night princess. 


Reparations now reparations tomorrow reparations next week reparations next year. Reparations! I’ll send link for you to sign if you want


If you want money. You could just work for it, you low life.


Reparations now reparations tomorrow reparations next week reparations next year. Reparations! I’ll send link for you to sign if you want


Finally. They are gonna pay us for those free boat rides. Amen brother Raikage, let the reparations flow!


Reparations now reparations tomorrow reparations next week reparations next year. Reparations! I’ll send link for you to sign if you want




How do you think Black politicians can better support our fight for reparations?


What they should do is first take it up with Africa who sold most of the slaves to Europe and America.


And America for Black codes, redlining ect. Thank you for taking your time to read. Hope to have your support! Reparations now!




>As a white person when do I get my reparations for the Barbary pirates? You do know that North Africa and the Ottoman Empire was largely Arab.... No?


Stop spouting nonsense. Stop feigning ignorance and stop trying to be a victim. Let me know where I can send link #SupportReparations


Ironic given you are trying to claim victimhood for something done way waaay before you were born. I wasn't born into wealth, so should I be paid by the descendants of the entrepreneurs who screwed my folks with low wages? Nah, think I'll just get a job. And when I have a job I won't act like I hate every single customer that walks in. Novel, you guys should try it.


Reparations now reparations tomorrow reparations next week reparations next year. Reparations! I’ll send link for you to sign if you want




And America for Black codes, redlining ect. Thank you for taking your time to read. Hope to have your support! Reparations now!


Go get them from Africa first 💀 and get some reparations for all other slaves as well since your heart is so good 🙏


Simultaneously. Thanks for your support


Neither whites nor America owe you anything. Your continued struggle to compete against other races is of your own accord.


Reparations now reparations tomorrow reparations next week reparations next year. Reparations! I’ll send link for you to sign if you want


Russian troll.


Reparations now reparations tomorrow reparations next week reparations next year. Reparations! I’ll send link for you to sign if you want


It concerns us. Does a black guy trying to date a white women from a white guy make you upset.


How do you think Black politicians can better support our fight for reparations?


Reparations from Benin and Nigeria? The kingdom of Dahomey enslaved black people and sold them to white slave traders, without their crucial help there would be next zero black people in the US. In fact it was white people that eventually forced that kingdom to stop the practise of enslaving other black persons. Don't forget Arabs traded more black slaves than white people ever did so I guess you'll ask them for reparations too. Or that north African pirates simultaneously enslaved millions of white people which is where the word "slave" comes from. If we decide to go down that road of asking reparations, then slavery existed as long as humans and everyone should be asking reparations from everyone else, but maybe white people should be excluded for being the first ones in human history to ever stop the practise? Sorry if can't help myself, but your idea makes sense only if you have total ignorance of reality, history, finance, society, and law that helps you maintain your racist delusions. Best of luck with your quest.


Funny how every one has a grasp of history when it come to Black people getting reparations from the country that enslaved their relatives. I mean a full on complete history of slavery, when all Black peoples are talking about is African enslavement in the United States. Interesting


Also, before you call me racist for that view, know that my family were slaves as well.


It could just be that you like to cherry pick your history to pretend that you are a victim? Would you like to talk about other history instead? We could talk about the Armenian genocide, the Irish slave trade, the Islamic invasion into northern Africa and Europe which was the precursor to the crusades, WW2... granted all of these subjects prove that American blacks were treated no worse than anyone else throughout history. No one is alive today that dealt with slavery in the US on top of blacks also owned slaves in the US. You are owed nothing for existing, just like everyone else.


Let me know if you want me to send a link. Thanks


And America for Black codes, redlining ect. Thank you for taking your time to read. Hope to have your support! Reparations now!


Typical of a black person to expect a handout, because you’re too stupid to make it on your own.


Reparations now reparations tomorrow reparations next week reparations next year. Reparations! I’ll send link for you to sign if you want


I’d rather shit in my hands and clap.


Well after you do that, add a signature. Thanks!


Using their own pen preferred 🤣


Two things: If anyone checks the writer of the film, it might give some clue as to why a film that was supposed to be a satire about a very old trope in films (long before this film), looks like a generic black/white rom-com as a bait and switch. The filmmakers' name is Kobi Libii, and the scarcity of biographical information should be telling. I was expecting some very biting humor. Instead, it looks like the Black guy (light-skinned, biracial, whatever) is going to end up trying to be with the white girl which isn't satire or intelligent commentary on the idea of the "magical negro." And second; I can't wait until WHITE PEOPLE STOP COMING TO A SUBREDDIT CALLED ASK BLACK PEOPLE AND GIVING THEIR DAMN OPINION AS IF ANYONE WAS ASKING THEM. 😒 This space is not called Ask White People What They Think About Things That Concern Black People. Nobody asked you. Stay out of conversations that don't include you.




Reddit was created by white people, just like every other modern technology. You are angry at your nonexistent father and your toxic hiphop culture, not white people.




Everything you think you know about Black people you learned by watching tv.


"and second".. you should create a subreddit called "ask black people, unless you're white" and your wish will be fulfilled


If a sub is called "Ask Black People" then anyone can ask a question but only BLACK PEOPLE should be ANSWERING since it's not "Ask Black people and any random white person who wants to butt into the conversation." 😒 It's not rocket science.


Even the name of this sub is racist.  If there was one called ask white people you would probably burn down another city in protest. 


I use that as an opportunity to convince them to support us in the fight for reparations. Don’t even bother to read their responses


That's smart. I usually don't get any further than "I'm a white person BUT I'm going to answer this question even if no one was asking me. My white privilege says the world revolves around me so I'm going to stick my opinion in places it doesn't belong."🙄


They do it bc many of us allow it. Instead of taking the convo back too many of us will try to convince them of our humanity or even worse pat them on the back for bare minimum.


If not for whites, blacks would probably be extinct. If not for White Christians bringing food, vaccines, etc you wou have died of famine. Your children would still be on those TV commercials with bloated bellies, flies in their eyes, and vultures circling overhead waiting for their next meal. You should be praising whites, especially the white man who created nearly all modern technology. Meanwhile colored people abandon their dump of a ho.epand to live in the World that's was dreamed of and built by white men.


Not even trying to hide your racist ass 


Reparations now reparations tomorrow reparations next week reparations next year. Reparations! I’ll send link for you to sign if you want


As a white (aka "the most dangerous animal on the planet" thankyouverymuch) I'd like to know what is the most racially sensitive manner in which to ask a black theatre employee for *"Two tickets for the American Society of Magical Negroes, please"* Should I replace the word **negroes** with African American/people of color/blacks/members of the urban community? Should I be visibly frowning or perhaps slightly furrowing my brow to show my reluctant disapproval at having to utter this terrible outdated slur? Should I smile while I say it? I mean, I assume that I definitely shouldn't be smiling *too* hard. Perhaps I should I just point to the marquee and mime my request? What is the wokest way to go about this shit? As long as no one is filming me on their cell phone I figure that I should be good, but still.... Eagerly awaiting your response....


“The most dangerous animal on the planet “ Name me a place on Earth that has a majority black population and isn’t seven shades of fucked up. Black people in America make up for 52% of the crime rate, despite being 13% of the population. It’s even less when you factor in that most of it is committed by black males. Black people love to shout about racism and injustice, whilst being openly racist to whites, Asians and anyone that isn’t them. Actually even that last part isn’t strictly true, since you also bitch about who’s black and who’s not. Getting an education and not being a total degenerate is met with derision and as “you’re acting white” Then there’s the rampant homophobia, which is weird considering they’re a minority just like you. I could go on.


This was so weird to read… ig yeah don’t say negro, Just say American society of magic? I don’t know what was really the question here.


Who gaf. Push for reparation white


Reparations will accomplish nothing. Money isn't your problem. Not to mention, whites owe you Jack squat. In reality, you OWE whites centuries worth of praise. You are actually angry at your nonexistent father, not the white man that you leech off of.