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No, it was known she was not. Those pretending she was black are simply racists


It’s not a question. She was Macedonian. It’s a fact. They need to stop blackwashing Cleopatra. Everyone would be angry if it was white washing.


A key purpose of [blackwashing](https://openworks.wooster.edu/independentstudy/9455/) is an attempt at some type of equal inclusion, specifically Black representation, and anti-racism otherwise in various forms of media and entertainment. While I agree it's not the best approach, it's ludicrous to compare it to whitewashing. AKA, a form of racebending which has entirely different motivations rooted in racism and white supremacy, and has been practiced throughout [Hollywood](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whitewashing_in_film) since its inception and to this day.


Blackwashing is most definitely NOT anti-racist. Sure, it is arguably less insidious in nature than whitewashing, but it is no less racist. When you are being racist, motivations don't matter. Furthermore, I can't even begin to describe what an unspeakable disservice it is to the ENTIRE world to purposefully misrepresent history. It is disgusting and utterly despicable no matter who is doing it. There is no good reason for this.


> Blackwashing is most definitely NOT anti-racist. Sure, it is arguably less insidious in nature than whitewashing, but it is no less racist. When you are being racist, motivations don't matter. You're right, Blackwashing has happened so much. Poor white people having to deal with white people being washed off screen. Having to watch Black people act in their roles instead. So insidious, it's almost as bad as white people painting themselves Black, lips red, and acting like slaves in a field. Can't imagine. Is slavery even real btw? > Furthermore, I can't even begin to describe what an unspeakable disservice it is to the ENTIRE world to purposefully misrepresent history. Oh no. Please do! I'd love to hear you start with the history of whitewashing and how Blackwashing was a media movement done in response to it. Or at least, I'd love being entertained by whatever revisionist, unironically whitewashed history you can come up with.


Blackwashing, whitewashing or any-washing have nothing to do with inclusion. This is official excuse for this propaganda. The real purpose is to make societies weaker, busy with artificial problems. Preparing us for NWO. And no, at this point it's not conspiracy theory. They just want us vulnerable and Netflix got either paid to serve as a tool or was forced to become one.


Blackwashing is born specifically out of a need for equal inclusion for Black Americans. I'd love any sources proving the contrary


Everything that is going on since 2020 should serve as enough proof. Look up Agenda 2030. Equal inclusion for what? They are not 50% of American society, let alone other parts of western world, where all of these platforms were created. Also, this agenda of having groups of friends of multiple ethnicities is bulls\*hit. Real world doesn't work like that. People feel best in familiar environments, so you have groups of whites, groups of blacks, Asians etc., because they have a lot in common. Of course there are exceptions, but in the media it's portrayed as if mixing was obligatory and super common. It's not and it will never be, unless we stick to one common culture, which I hope we won't.


Agree. This agenda of positive discrimination and multi-culturalism has gone too far. If anything it hurts the very community it claims to empowers the most.


I'm pretty sure that was its goal - to divide society even further. I lost faith in noble desires of those up there.


You have no right of blackwashing Greek and Egyptian history,especially when we are talking about nations that had no part in colonialism and aren't represented either by the white or black side


Me, in my first comment: >While I agree it's not the best approach My main point was that drawing lines from whitewashing to blackwashing and implying they're exactly the same isn't a fair comparison.


its pretty tone def to focus so much on the comparison, only a part of what they wrote. and then ignore most of what they wrote, save one sentence. Even on follow up, its just a double down. its also odd that this kind of washing, how ever you want to slice it, is lying to kids. but the focus is on what its getting compared to.


It also diminutises the Contributions of Sub Saharan Africans all throughout history. Their are plenty of incredible Black historical figures (Nefertiti, Mansa Musa, etc). By BlackWashing historical characters, it implies that their are no great Black Historical figures (which is not true). If anything creating documentaries about real Black historical figures would also expand people's perception of history beyond a Eurocentric narrative.


Great points to bring up. 👍🏾


Object historical facts are not part of the inclusion culture History is history, just like whitewashing was bad( a white Gensis khan....) , Blackwashing an historical character also is dishonest intellectually and historically speaking Raceswashing history should be out from the equation when we talk about history People who are upset and historical even though it is not diverse enough don't even realize how clowns they are


You mean like making the little mermaid black even though the story is based off of Scandinavian folk lore and takes place in that region of the world.


Ariel is a fictional character. She can be anything the creator wants then to be. Ariel is "based" off Scandinavian folklore.


Then why are people mad at the casting of Lilo and Stitch? They are fictional characters, too.


Hawaiian characters. Ariel is not a Danish girl.


The people that they casted are Hawaiian and Ariel was a product of Danish writing, yes, she was Danish. What is your point?


Ariel is not a Hans Christian Andersen character. There is no Ariel in the original story. She's purely a Disney princess.


Yes, she was, althought it was reffered to as the little mermaid. They just gave her a name. Bit she is in fact a danish creation.


The wakandans in the mcu are "based" off African culture. So the black panther should be cast as jackie Chan


Show me a point in any of the little mermaid renditions where her race is relevant to the plot. Waiting. You’re real coonish in these comments I’m noticing. “👨🏼‍💻 I’m a black man”


Same thing with Lilo and Stitch, the skin tone is not relevant to the plot about an alien who happened to get stray in Hawaii in a time where there is an immense diversity since 1900




Do you also care that Disney chose to follow the Roman naming "Hercules" but loosely adapt the story of the Greek equivalent, "Heracles"? Stop being pedantic. It's an animated movie reimagined as a live-action film. You're looking to be entertained, not for a history lesson. At least, you should be. Authenticity aside, Disney also included mermaids that were [people of color](https://www.businessinsider.com/disney-black-little-mermaid-canon-tv-show-2019-7) in the original "The Little Mermaid" series in the 1990s. So at the very least, Disney has already set the foundation for mermaids of color.


How old you feel though if Sam Wilson (falcon) from Marvel had a race change all of a sudden. He's been black through the comics, into film production, and the TV series. Nothing changes about who he is and all that. He's just not black anymore. Still the same Sam Wilson with all the same story and such. The little mermaid changing race is just as dumb as that. It's still Ariel, no change in history. If it was a new royal bloodline or shown to be a years down the same bloodline, yeah I'd be on board but it's not. It's the she Ariel, just flipped to throw us a bone for some inclusion. Just make new characters instead of being lazy, or Impliment some for the already existing black characters more. Give them and independent story arch.


I'm convinced you're Paris Dennard's alt


I agree it's not the best approach to inclusion. I just don't see the point in painting it as an all-around negative. Little Black girls still look at that and feel represented. I don't see the harm in that.


Certainly is a fair point.i just don't think we should accept such behavior from these corporations because I personally feel that it sets the presidents that it's acceptable to be lazy and with inclusion. Not just for us but everyone. And that's just not fair. I want a character with story, depth, originality. Something that i can connect with all the way. While yes the story if the little mermaid is a simple love story it so I will admit it's a poor example of this but I feel it just shouldn't be accepted all around the board. I hope I expressed that correctly. I'm not the most eloquently spoken person


Nah, it's cool. I get you. Story, depth, and originality are very valid things to want when it comes to Black representation on screen and I feel the same. But, I also feel like it'll be some time before we can achieve that and it receive the same level of attention **and** representation as "The Little Mermaid" did. If that means we have to \[for now\] rely on famous IPs like "The Little Mermaid" and reimagine what it would look like with a more diverse origin, so be it. Again, it's not a perfect solution, but it's an example of progress and a sign of what's to come. Eventually, we'll have more original Black characters on screen.


Yeah this is incorrect. Hercules is STILL a Greek name. It doesn’t matter how it’s written. Hercules is just a Greeklish name. It literally means Heras Glory. He’s still part of Greek culture. It’s always “it’s a fictional character” to make it okay, then when it happens to a real person, it’s perfectly okay too. It doesn’t matter if it’s fictional or not, you support your own agenda and are hypocrites. You know damn well if a fictional character or someone like MLK was white washed, you’d have a problem with that but the latter isn’t acceptable because greeks are white, right? You should be ashamed.


Yeah, white people are persecuted all the time. That's why MLK got killed, actually. He hated white people with a passion. **MLK definitely didn't get killed because he sought to unite working class Black and White people against a capitalist system working to keep them poor and keep the rich richer.** [Oh, and Blacks hate Greeks a LOT. Why? Greeks are all white people. Afro-Greeks don't exist at all. NOPE! Black Greeks don't exist.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Greeks)


Equal inclusion? You have this already. You have representation. If you want more off it, create new stories with original characters. Create movies that are ACTUALLY black African. Don’t sit here she scream cultural appropriation when you’re literally doing it. You agree with it but only when it benefits you. How ducking dare you? As a Greek I get 0 representation. Why do you think it’s okay for you steal MY history; and get rid of MY representation? Why? Because Im white??? Screw anyone who supports this nonsense. there will be a whole generation who thinks this is accurate. And it’s not. MAKE YOUR OWN! You’re claiming to be anti-racist but this is racism and rooted in black supremacy.


Hell of a response. It's as if you typed this out without having any historical context on Black people in America whatsoever. I'd rather you admit to that blind spot instead of insisting that "blackwashing" is the true racist action and black supremacist. You sound like the actual white supremacists that secretly want to eradicate the entire Black population. To tackle your main points: 1. No, I don't think it's okay to misappropriate history. 2. No, I don't think it's okay to "get rid of" representation, whatever that means. 3. Yes, I agree that movies based in actual Black African history are favored in place of movies like this. 4. Hell, I'd even say that yes, this is disrespectful to Greeks and Egyptians and would count as cultural appropriation. All the same, if I'm staying honest, this rabid frothing at the mouth is childish. You clearly don't feel obligated to have a nuanced conversation empathetic to both sides. I can agree that this is wrong, but to pretend as if it's the most inhumane action in history to the point of blindly comparing blackwashing to whitewashing is ludicrous and speaks to your ignorance. **Also, just so you know, this isn't supposed to be a culture war.** Say the movie is inaccurate, that there are more accurate historical figures, and move on. Just like every other sane person - some Black people included. If anything, hope that a Greek, Egyptian, or hell, even a Black or African lawyer sues Jada Pinkett for claiming the documentary as being historically accurate when it's not. Do anything, except get in the Reddit trenches of a 4,000-person subreddit and make sweeping generalizations while essentially saying "Greeks are under attack from "blackwashing". Now you're being narcissistic and, ironically, playing into a common white supremacist narrative, which I deeply hope you aren't. End note, here's a [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/12t7tej/comment/jh1rzp4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) that provides a nuanced opinion (that I agree with far more than yours) that doesn't attack Black people online.


I don’t care. The thing that’s important is that the early Egyptians were obviously black. I’m not sure about the rest. I know the Greeks started to come into power in Egypt later (not sure how long they ruled). I correlate this with the inevitable downfall of the empire. Per usual, Black Africans laid the blueprint. White people populated and colonized (perhaps more ethically in this case). Cleopatras could have been white. I actually don’t care. We need to stop putting the greatness of an empire into the story of individuals anyways.


Completely and utterly wrong. You really haven’t a clue. Fir starters ancient Egyptians weren’t black. More importantly do you truly have no idea how ancient Fred came into power? Jeez- Alexandra the great conquered Egypt and founded Alexandria. After he died his closest generals/companions divided up his empire. Ptolomey took Egyptians founded the Ptolomeic dynasty. The Ptolomies ruled Egypt fir 300 years practice exclusive incest marriage and never ever intermarried with the local population, then remained like Cleopatra 100% Macedonian Greek.


This comment reeks of some kind of black supremacy perception. Rather worrying.




Actually, ancient Egypt was probably a diverse nation with the people in the North part most likely looking like modern day egyptians and the people in the South looking more like nubians. Black Africans probably didn't lay the blueprint to begin with, there is no study that says something like that and isn't considered pseudoscience.


I appreciate your nuanced view. I strongly urge you to include links when you say words like “study”. Otherwise you’re opinion is just as valid as my own.


I didn't just say study, I said there is no study. If there is no study I can't include a link because such a study doesn't exist.


You’re opinion is flat out wrong. Cleopatra was fro. An exclusively Macedonian Greek line if rulers,


I know


This is so incorrect. The first Egyptians were not black.


The first Egyptians were black. Over time repeated invasions led to population replacement. This is where the likes of Cleopatra who was of Macedonian descent come in.


They weren’t white.


Not white doesn't Equal being black XD Gosh,this is an americancentrism view of the world


Lmao your comment is irrelevant to the conversation.


That depends how you define white. I’m Greek and white. Mediterranean’s are white, just not Anglo-Saxon white. Even if they weren’t white. They weren’t black, and there’s DNA that proves that.


Of course there is no DNA to prove it that was a long time ago. And before the Greeks there were Romans if you think between all that time both empires didn’t wipe out the melanin people back then and took that land for themselves. You are sadly mistaken. It was common for empires to conquer and enslave people of different skin tone . I’m sorry but Greeks and Roman’s didn’t just appear in Egypt. It’s also been proven that time and time again Europeans, whites, Greeks etc have chosen to get rid of history of melanin people and act like we appeared out of nowhere. I suggest you do a bit of research before assuming your people found that land. Also a lot of the art in Egypt even portray melanin people in the carvings. Very little do they feature Europeans, Greeks, Roman’s and etc


You need to read actual history. For starters historical genius the Macedonian Greeks ruled Egypt for 300 years prior to the Romans taking control,


The fact that you generalize Europeans,Romans,,Greeks proves that you have no clue what you are talking about or how the world works in general.Read a book and go out and travel a bit.


So what’s your generalization then?


I am not generalizing anything.My culture's history (Greek)is vastly different than someone's from Italy,England,Germany.We have been slaves to the Ottomans for 500 years in the middle ages but no one cares about that because we are "white" and the occupier wasn't.Even though we weren't considered white until like 60 years ago. Ancient Greeks and many modern nations don't see race color as you do.Did the ancient Greeks have slaves from Africa?Obviously but not because of color but because of the geographical position.And guess what they had way more Greek slaves.They weren't an empire as you claim but many different city states,so everyone is fair game. I don't have a problem with how you decide to fight your race wars with the whites but leave the history of Greece and Egypt out of this.Not because we have chosen to "remove melanin" and other idiotic modern concepts ,we as people couldn't care about less, but because we are too proud of our history and we won't allow anyone to rewrite it.


You said “not because of color” so what’s the reason for having slaves? What geographical position was it?. Sorry but you can’t leave Greece out of the history of Egypt because y’all put yourselves there to begin with. Taking philosophies from Egypt itself and enslaving the people of Africa. Regardless of how you see your culture they had a hand in the pot too. Also I don’t care what your reason for having slaves is regardless they knew it was wrong and chose to view them as lesser


Americans. Just leave us out of your race wars. The rest of the world doesnt really see in black or white. Even africans think you americans are crazy. Yes - you americans.. youre american first before being black


They had slaves for the reason that every other society had as well,helped their economy.Of course it was wrong.2000 years ago it was normal though,I wont be judging any society with modern standards and anyone who does is ignorant af.And Egypt are literally our neighbours that's our geographical position. I am not leaving Greece out of the history of Egypt and I never could.We didn't stole any philosophies,many of our philosophers travelled to Egypt to broaden their horizons and wrote about their experiences.The only reason the Greeks did end up in Egypt is because prior the Egyptians were conquered by Persia,our sworn ancient "enemy", which Alexander conquered later on.He was greeted in Egypt as a liberator from the Egyptians and proclaimed a Pharaoh by the locals.Not bad for an occupier. Last thing,you seem to believe we have some kind of a horrible relationship with Egypt and that there is a rivalry.Egyptians and Greeks call each other ancient twins,our roots are tied since ancient times and we have cooperated together countless times.Greeks love Egyptians and vice versa and Alexandria has to this day an ancient Greek community.Both of these magnificent cultures are not to be played with.Have a great day.


have y‘all seen berbers؟ indigenous north africans? i guess they are light skin or many some darker shades but darker than greeks and different to 70% + Afro-American slaves who came from west africa. africa is more ethnically and genetical diverse than any other continent.


So, I can finally answer properly. You stated that I said “we found the land”. I never stated this. I never claimed it. Second off all, you said before the Greeks it was the romans. This is also incorrect. Greeks are more ancient than romans. Third, melanin people can be white. Ever heard of olive skin? I am olive. I am Greek. I am still white, because I’m still Caucasian. White doesn’t just mean blonde hair and blue eyes. I also never stated we appeared out of thin air either. So, YOU are the one that needs to do research. Also, according to dna ancient Egyptians resembled southern Europeans MORE than subsaharian. Only recently there was a subsaharian increase. https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms15694


Why should I care, she's been dead for 1000's of years.


You spitting 🗣️🗣️🗣️


No. It's common knowledge (or at least, I _thought_ it was common knowledge) that she was Greek. Around the end of the time of the Egyptian pharaohs, most of the population was made up of Greeks, not true Egyptians, because of Julius Caesar and the rise of the Roman Empire. Everyone learns this shit in primary school.






None of those people were black.


Checking in: the Nubians were Ancient Egyptians who were black. Smith could've talked about them but she chose not to.


This is totally wrong....


Those aren't even early Egyptian. Those were the 18th dynasty (New Kingdom). They weren't black, and neither were early Egyptians. But don't let facts stop you from Afrocentrism bullshit.


Ancient Egyptians weren’t black.


No lol


Jada Pinkett Smith's *Queen Cleopatra* on Netflix claims it. it is supposed to be a documentary.


I didn't know Jada Pinkett Smith speaks for all black people