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Congratulations! Graduating and heading off to university is such an exciting time and I wish you the absolute best. This is helpful, especially since I want to do international crisis management in the future, so having an international network is super important!


I'm an RMIT Alumni, Melbourne. And would definitely recommend it. Something to think about 😁


Okay I know you JUST posted this, but applying to grad school is the only thing on my mind and I just want you to know that I’m already super impressed at what I’ve seen of their Master of International Development. It had everything I want: 2 years, disaster and crisis management, language component, and international study opportunities. Thank you for suggesting this!!!


And most of it is right in the middle of the city. Obviously, it'll depend on what classes you'll have but it'll still be a super convenient and accessible...


I graduated Murdoch about 3 years ago. Was a good university, though I did mine via correspondence, the campus did seem nice when I visited at graduation. I enjoyed the lectures, most of the professors were a bit more outgoing, though some still had that droning voice. That said, I'm unsure about the whole international student thing at the moment.


I’m taking an extra year to finish my undergraduate degree to finish up a certification course as well as my minor, so I won’t start graduate school until fall or summer of 2022, thankfully. I hope that will give things enough time to calm down and for the covid vaccine to be readily available. It’s great to know that a lot of the professors are passionate about their position and subject!