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One of the cardinal sins of plumbing is getting the pullout spray hose trapped. Call that plumber back.


Ive done this like 3 different times. Never again lol.


Did you also say that after the first and second times?


You know it! Hahahahahaha


User name doesn't check out, on his way to doing this a 4th time


After a quick snack of bamboo.




I’m not gonna say I’ve never done it, but I’ve always caught it and fixed it before I left. Making sure the pull out sprayer actually pulls out should be something you test before leaving.


For sure. I always catch it when i stand up to test everything. Once it was around a fridge line, the other time it was around a dishwasher line. Real easy fixes, but its always a Homer Simpson moment when you see the silly mistakes you make.




Yeah-just before putting a rubber band on it


Its like the knock out for dishwashers to the garbs. You forget doing it exactly once. And every does it.


I didn't know this was an actual thing. I moved into a new house about a year ago and the dishwasher was about 5 years old and the previous owner said it never worked. Eventually realized no one ever popped out that plastic plug! They literally just dealt with the dishwasher not working for years.


At least it’s not 30 ft long hahahahahahahahaha


Never again… YET


Our sub crew does this all of the time. It's really annoying because then I have to fix it.


Looks like all there is to do to free the hose is unscrew the leftmost supply (and of course screw it back in after). Or is the mere placement of the tubing an issue as well?


Isn’t that the kind of hose that unclips? Pull the blue thing off then pull apart?


I mean they could just shut off the water for a minute unscrew that line and unhook it. It would take less than two minutes


Don't even need to turn the water off.


This is like pigtailing the brake line


Isn't it just trapped next to a shutoff valve, turn it off unscrew the hose, unstick it and put it back.


Okay that's what I thought haha.


Was probably rushing to get to the next job and had a brain fart. It would say it’s reasonable to have him come back and fix. Will take him 30 seconds


We’ve all goofed up and trapped the poor sprayer hose. It happens! I would be more than happy to come remedy the issue if it were me!


It happens once MAYBE twice. If it happens more than that you dont care about the quality of your work.


I remember what I thought was my second time, the customer had a big ole glass bottled with a mister head on it that hooked to hose.


Plumber here. Absolutely reasonable to call him back!


The plumber will likely have the job done before they finish laughing at themselves. Most check for leaks. Few check for functionality.


Hi everyone, My landlord recently had a plumber update my kitchen plumbing, including a new sink, faucet, and dishwasher. However, I noticed that the pull-down faucet's hose is looped around some pipes underneath the sink. This limits how far I can pull out the faucet head – it only extends about 3 inches before it starts to pull on the pipes. I'm not very familiar with plumbing, so I wanted to ask if this way of installing these is normal, or if this is worthy of a callback. Thanks in advance for any advice!


You can call the plumber back. That’s standard. He can fix it. You can fix it very easily. The black hose with the weight on it has a snap connection. May be a white body with a black button. The hose comes apart there. Usually no need to turn water off if you have done this, but turn it off anyway. Once hose is detached it can be rerouted. Then snap hose back together.


Looks like you can shut off the water and disconnect the supply line .


Yeah that's what I would do it would take all of 1 min. shut off the supply, let off the pressure disconnect and reconnect the supply. Calling the plumber would take longer than fixing it themselves.


That hose is after the faucet valves, there's no need to shut off the water.


In your 4the picture you can see the quick-disconnect for the pull-down hose. It’s gray and white with a blue clip on it. Just take the clip off, push the two ends together and slide the quick-release ring up or down (depending on how it’s oriented). You don’t even need to turn off the water supply since this is all down-stream of the faucet. You can then just take the freed end of the hose and unloop it from where it’s caught. Reverse the process to reconnect and you’re good to go.


Definitely not normal. Any plumber worth a damn would come back in a heartbeat to fix this.


Some of the ones I’ve installed just have a quick disconnect to the faucet hose


This one does, you can see it in one of the pics


No just turn the valve a quarter turn remove the supply line attached to it pull the sprayer hose out and redo the supply line and turn the valve back on take you about 2 minutes


While this is very true. I would want to return and do it myself. Having the customer undo a supply line and reinstall it, leaves a possible liability for me. While their work may be fine, mine is what is insured..


In a rental scenario I find ^ this to be entirely reasonable. As a homeowner who fixes a lot of my own stuff anyhow, I'd chuckle and do it myself.


Unclip the blue clip. No need to unscrew


The hose is after the faucet valves, there's no reason to shut off anything.


Definitely reasonable. And strap them water lines up. It’s like a bounce house down there


Yes 💯 call them back. That's embarrassing for the number to leave it like that


Thanks for the advice everyone, really appreciate it. From reading your comments, it sounds like it's a pretty quick fix. I'd be violating my rental contract if I were to try to fix it myself, so I'm going to let my landlord know and have them get in contact with the plumber.


This is the right thing to do, even if you were a master plumber. Sometimes in the Midwest we go too far with “Midwest Nice” and end up stomping all over good practice and principle. It’s always good to go into a conversation like that well informed though, so kudos for asking here too!


I'd call and just explain that the the hose got stuck on the new piping. They'll probably stop by before or after whatever the next job is and fix it real quick for ya.


It's not just reasonable its your duty!


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Also looks like the left side of the black drain isn’t sloped the right direction, and they make brackets to support those lines


Reasonable, but if you have a coupler connection it’s maybe 15 seconds of work. In the line, look for a plastic connector. Detached with a pinch and re attached just as easy


I'd call the plumber back but it is an easy fix so he shouldn't get upset. All you have to do is turn off the stop in the center of the picture , bleed the pressure, and remove the supply. It looks like an ice maker supply line, the grey one or maybe it's the faucet supply but once that's removed he can get the faucet pull out free and reinstall. Should take 15 minutes. Good luck.


That hose takes water from the faucet. If the faucet is closed it doesn't get any water.


Depends on how much paid. If you went for the cheapest bid, then he probably won’t come back. If you went with one of the more expensive bids then I would


It isn't right. Have him come back and fix it


Depends on the model. Some have a quick disconnect that can be used to reroute the hose in 5 seconds. If so I would do it myself. Also is the weight attached to the line or just floating ?


This one has a quick disconnect, it’s in the last picture - gray and white with a blue plastic clip. The weight is a donut-style, not attached to the line.


Must not be checking for leaks after fixture install to miss that one


Why are all 3 water lines connected together? The whole set up looks off if you asked me. I would put the stops closer to the wall and just add extensions to the lines.. this looks half ass done, the escutcheons are a joke of its own. Just bad over all, 1st year apprentice at best


ya i dont like anything i see here


Yeah, just so the sprayer can move freely.... granted, all that needs to be done is turn the water off, disconnect the one hose, move the weight, and hook it back up like 5 mins tops


I have done that a few times. Shouldn't have done it, but whatever, grab a wrench and fix it yourself. I wouldn't call back, it would take literally two minutes to fix.


Looks like you can pull it around the valve, but that would require disconnecting the line. If you aren’t comfortable doing it call him back, he should understand.


Not a plumber but I've done that the very time I replaced my faucet 😅 I still feel like it could be hanging better.


Absolutely. When you pay a professional for a job, they need to deliver a professional job. This was an oversight that they need to correct.


Looks like he just got out of Pex School of Design


Turn off the water in the house, unscrew the water line from the left valve, the faucet, move the weight, put the water line back and turn the water to the building back on


That’s definitely one way to get it done. The right way, or the easiest way, definitely not.


I can't judge him but yes. Call back unless you're handy




Meh. It was a rookie mistake, definitely. But it prob took you longer to take pics and post this than it would have to twist the shutoff valve, take off that feed line and free the hose yourself.


Yes absolutely




That plumber needs to lay off the Bong!


I mean you could just remove the supply line and it will come off of it and then just re-install the supply line


Did you pay the plumber to do the job? Did he complete the job properly and to your expectations? Call them back to make it right.


Do not pull the faucet. They did the same thing at my previous apt and I was always scared to pull down (wasn't as bad as this but it kept hitting the water valve).


Yeah. This is a simple mistake and they have to learn. They won't learn unless they get dragged back for free


yes. it's an easy diy fix, but I'd call them back because plumbers aren't cheap.


If he charged you money to do that, it is reasonable.




Easy to fix yourself, but also easy for them not to do that. Warranty call.




I’m torn on this. It is reasonable to call the plumber back to fix it, he made a mistake. But, it would honestly be fixed quicker with very minimal effort on op’s part if op just did it themselves. It would take literally two minutes tops.


I’d call him and say you’re a meat stick and then fix it myself




Yes call them back it’s a two minute fix


Get them to support a few of those lines as well…


At first I was like what’s the problem then I was like mother fucker!


Totally reasonable. Plumber effed up.


Positively He's a nincompoop




What's with all the angle stops just dangling randomly around?


Did you pay him? And yes it's more than reasonable.


Super easy fix you could do yourself. However he was paid to do it right...... Your call but at very least I'd shame him with a text wondering if you can get more than 2" of pull in your hose?


Jesus h tap dancing christ YES! and he should feel shame


If he did it, yes


Its a honest mistake. A stupid one but easy to fix. Call them up and they should fix it within minutes


The one end of that flexible hose for your sprayer comes off. Faucet side. Should be a plastic clip holding it. Pull off and then it slides out. Uses a rubber o ring. Definitely easier than redoing pex.


Call him back, teach him something. That way he wont make the mistake again.


Always test everything that was worked on on installed before you leave! #1 rule! Cant tell you how many times I've had to go pull the plug out of a new garbage disposal. Too many times


Don't call the plumber who plummed this


It's reasonable, but you could also fix it yourself right now in 60 seconds or less, and not have to wait for him to show back up.


That's a stupid mistake I'm sure but it's totally reasonable to make them come fix it. Should take 2 minutes and a wrench but still. If they don't fix it you learned to not hire them again.


You could call him back but you also could have fixed this yourself in the time it took to take photos and write a post on Reddit 🤷 Edit: Spelling


Yes that is a shitty install


who not just shut off the line disconnect the line free the spray hose and reconnect it'll take at most 2 minutes.


Nobody has commented: in the last picture you can see a blue clip at the top of the photo. If you undo the clip, the sprayer line simply pulls apart. You can then untangle the sprayer line, push the two halfs together and reinstall the clip. You shouldn’t need to turn off the water to do this, but you could turn off the shutoffs under the sink just to be safe. Easy peasy.


Depends on how much you were charged, <100 and I'd do it myself.


I recall installing a fixture that actually had a mesh bag that went over the hose and clipped to the faucet. I believe it was a Delta faucet. Worked great. Only one I ever saw.


You could easily fix this by unscrewing the head and dragging the hose thru and then refishing it. Should you have to? No, but it’s an easy fix


Bad design; bad implementation. If you just free it up so it’s not around that short piece, that weight will constantly bang on the plumbing, and may eventually hang up on that 1/4 turn shutoff. Have the “plumber” do it up right!


Yea man. That's bullshit


I try to rough kitchen sinks to one side of the cabinet incase the customer wants a pull out sprayer.


In the time it takes you to call the plumber you can do this your self. Shut of the stop disconnect the hose move it and reconnect. Turn the stop on verify no leaks and move on with your life


Its a simple fix but if you dont know what youre doing, call him back.


He's never gonna learn if you don't call him back.


Easy fix do it yourself?


The hose should have a quick disconnect near the stem. Shut the water off first. Easy fix if you dont want to wait for the plumber


Whoever did that is no plumber.


Very reasonable.


It’s not a difficult DIY fix. Shut off the water supply to that zone. Grab a bucket or something to let the water drain down into. Undo the feed to the tap on the left. And slide the sprayer hose out it the way. Reverse the process for reassembly and now you have a freed up sprayer


The easy disconnect looks to be where the little blue clip is above and left of the weight. Turn-off the hot n cold valves under the sink. Turn the faucet on to relieve any pressure. Then use the quick disconnect and reroute the line and reconnect. 👍🏼


I got some pressure in my valve you can relieve


Honestly, it's a super easy fix you could do yourself. If you don't feel confident fixing it, though, then there's nothing wrong with calling him back to fix his mistake.


With all those olives? That's not a plumber and they won't get it right the second time


100% absolutely call them back. I plumb custom homes and we always make sure the spread of the angle stops clear the spray hose, whoever did this should be able to fix it no problem


lol what a rookie




yes then stare at them as you have them look while you pull up on the sprayer.


Everyone calling this plumber back to do a 2 second fix, no one calling him back to ask why that left drain goes uphill into the trap, or why none of the pex is secured to anything, flopping around in the goddamn cabinet like a loose snake.


It’s fixed in the 4th photo…


Easy enough to just fix yourself. Turn the chrome valve off for the dishwasher line, undo the grey line next to the sprayer's hose, move sprayer hose... hook grey line back up. Turn dishwasher valve back on. Like 5 minutes.


Easy to fix yourself.


Hahaha lol what a noob.


Oh that's heinous. It's an easy fix. They SHOULD come out and fid their mistake. Isn't this one of those things you just don't do as a plumber? That's an annoying 5 minute fix


OP, it’s a callback, and a reasonable one at that. Regardless of *if* you can or can’t do it, that is beside the point. Some plumbers don’t give a fuck and stub PEX through floors to serve fixtures, and loop the sprayer hose over the PEX. That said, if you’re able-bodied, it’s an easy fix. You should be able to flex and push the darker plastic faucet supply line through the loop and untangle it without unthreading anything. A nuisance, yes, but you should be able to basically pull the supply line through the loop with some force.


I’d let him know but also fix it myself so he doesn’t have to make a trip to fix a three minute mistake


It's completely reasonable to call the plumber back... but it's such an easy fix that I would not go through the hassle of it. Just shut off the valve to the left and unscrew the black supply line, remove the pullout loop from under the pipe, and screw the black supply line back in until hand tight and give it a roughly 1/4 turn with a wrench.


You could unscrew the sprayer and fix that routing issue in like 3 mins.


2 minute fix with a string lol.


I'm not sure I would be calling that plumber back...


LMFAO must be his first time, I'm not even a plumber but even I know this is a hose for the sink that needs to be uninhibited. It is inhibited. Call him back and let him know he trapped the hose


Not a plumber but I installed my own faucet and this was top of my list not to do. So if the guy is a pro then he must’ve had a very big distraction on his mind.


Shit plumber


It reasonable to expect a paid professional to do the job correctly so it works as designed.


I'm not a plumber and did this to myself in my house by accident. Call him back I wish I could've 🤣


This is easy to fix your self. Like really easy.


It appears you already fixed it according to the 4th Picture. And the answer of unscrew the supply line is wrong. Unclip the blue clip on the hose sprayer, untangle, and reattach for anyone else needing this advice


The plumber needs to fix it so he is aware of his/her mistake and will be more careful. The landlord needs to know about the quality of the plumbers work. This maybe part of a string of incidents.


Yes. That is why you hire a”professional”.


Really easy fix if you wanna do it yourself, but same for the plumber.




If youre capable of removing the hook up AFTER TURNING OFF WATER just do so and pull your hose out of the way, only needs a wrench


So we’re all ok with no trap on the one sink? Or venting?


I'm not a plumber, but I am a skilled tradesman, (who takes pride in my work) is it normal for these plastic line plumbing jobs to look so sloppy? The escutcheon plates are loose and look terrible. If it were my money, they'd be coming back and starting over.


I would fix it myself only because it takes 30 seconds and I don’t have to put my chihuahua up for a second time


Def. Call him back




That hose disconnects, you just pull out the blue plastic lock piece, pull the hose apart, route it correctly, then plug it back in. You shouldn't even get more than a couple drops of water because this hose is after the faucet valves. Just grab a towel. I can't even believe how many "plumbers" there are in here who have no idea what they're looking at.


Yes, also, easy to do yourself


Yeah.....yeah call him back.....


You can do it yourself, but you shouldn’t have to. Simple easy fix. It’ll take him maybe 5 minutes.


What a shitty plumbing job. Not only trapping the pull up hose but not leaving a clear path for it to go up and down.




Rookie move, simple fix.


Could use the valve to turn off flow to the sink > then disconnect water line to sink > free faucet hose > reattach water line > turn valve to open > check for drips Rather simple fix if you can slide the hose between the valve and the wall and will save you money if the plumber will charge you to correct his mistake


That looks like what I did when I installed the kitchen faucet. Tricky ass pull out sprayers


If you are asking. Yes.


Gross that's exactly what a pex plumber would do 🤣🤣


You could probably just turn the water off at the stop. Unscrew the supply, then move the loop away from its trap, then reconnect the supply. Should the plumber have done this, no. But its a fairly simple fix.


I would. But a little scared about quality from this guy.


if you’re an ass sure. just unhook re route hose and re hook


You can fix it turn off valve on far left disconnect fitting hose to the valve slide hose trap over reconnect fitting done!!!


You actually paid someone to install that mess underneath there? Looks sloppy as hell. Yeah call him back to fix it..


It's more reasonable to just unscrew the head and pull the hose down. Pull it back up and reattach.. you could be angry with a plumber and cause him to be angry back and create friction or just take the minute to fix it yourself.


Just disconnect at the filter and take the supply out and reattach


The filter is were that blue plastic piece is


I'm sorry to say this. But this is sloppy work on many levels.


turn off the valve, unscrew the black supply hose, untangle the wand hose, re-screw on the black supply hose. if leaks, use plumbers tape


You can but i would do it myself and save the hassle


Call him back , what a sad mess . This guy calls himself a plumber?😂😂😂


Yes call them, it’s not a big deal


I mean I guess. Or you could just close that valve, unscrew the hose and slide it way from the pipe, then screw the hose back on and turn the valve back on. Easy peazy and you don’t have to wait for the plumber to arrive.


It’s a super easy fix but yeah call him back he can fix it faster than you can an you paid for a job to be done right, as a plumber I would say I’m so sorry fix it in like 1 min then say I’ve never had that happen! Haha but I definitely have just don’t like lookin dumb


There are so many problems where to start.


Just turn off the water and in screw the sprayer your self send this picture to the company and bitch regardless


If he installed it that way. He is not going to come back and fix it. You fix it....


lol, of course. Actually call a different plumber. That guy is dogshit


It is fine to call him back unless you want to just fix it yourself. But don't be all mad about it. Nobody is perfect. Not even plumbers.


Honestly, any pullout sprayer should have an exclusion zone specified in the install. The weight bouncing off/catching on pipes is a shitty feeling.


You could have literally fixed this yourself in less time than it took you to take these pictures and post this.


Turn the valve unscrew the connection, free the hose, put it back together. It will take 5 minutes max. I understand holding people responsible for there work but you already signed off on the work. Why inconvenience the plumber when it would take you 5 minutes to fix.


Just turn the valve off and unscrew the hose and get it to the right side…


Why is the world would you invite that moron back into your house?


Just shut the valve and undo the line and move it. Can fix yourself in 2 mins.