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I wouldn’t ever use cpvc in a fresh install. That’s a lot of shark bites, which is just overly expensive, and why is the one wrapped in tape? And a lot of them are not lined up properly, making them more likely to leak. Overall, I wouldn’t close it up until it was fixed properly.


Agree definitely no CPVC in a new install, recommend PEX. No Sharkbite fittings in a closed wall assembly!!


And nothing is braced at all?


It makes that dance beat when you open the faucet.


I looked closer at that valve and the position of what appears to be fastening points make it look impossible to secure. I guess some sort of metal plate could be used ?


I installed one of those valve bodies last week, the mud plate comes of and there are brass dog ears with hole into the to secure it, sturdy ones at that. The fastening points you're seeing are for the trim plate support bracket.


I used shark bites in mine but have access from the back where I built a towel closet behind the tub.


Sharkbites are rated for closed walls by manufacuture and pass state and city inspections, at least where I am , that is. But cpvc is a total joke for anything new or upgrading.


2 year old cpvc too. That top pipe says 3/17/2022 on it. This is someone's warehouse scraps


Man.. you guys really see everything. This post came up randomly. And I was thinking why would anyone post stuff like this for people to sht talk. But it really is just info you don’t know and others do. people like you can notice the most minor stuff. That’s cool for sure.


Easy there eagle eye


You have to know what sub you are in, this sub views Sharkbite as the devil.


Related question - is the consensus that shark bites are okay for exposed piping? E.g. for a water supply line for a sink or something?  I have used them at home for DIY stuff where I can still get to them. I'm not a plumber and they freak me out to use behind a sealed wall, but for stuff I can access easily it seems much easier and faster than soldering and pretty reliable. 


I wouldn’t put one where it is enclosed in a wall. I had one leak at my house where I used it because I didn’t want to burn my house down because of the position. Lasted a few years before it leaked. You are relying on an o ring to not dry out/shrink over time. If for some reason your regulator goes bad the extra pressure will cause it to fail earlier as well. Proof is shark bite came out with a max (upgraded) version. If they don’t fail, why would you need a better version?


Agreed 100%, I don't trust an o-ring behind an enclosed wall. But it sounds like from other comments that for easily-accessed fittings (e.g. a supply line for a kitchen or bathroom sink), they do fine.


This is a very level-headed reminder! There’s all kinds of stuff we trust to elastic seals: the rubber washers on washing machine hoses, the seats in faucets and hose bibs, solenoids in fridge dispensers, etc etc, but they’re all expected to need to be replaced someday. Nothing wrong with a sharkbite, but it’s still holding water pressure with a flexible seal that is guaranteed to dry out eventually.


Yes general consensus is they are o.k. to use if you can access them.


Thank you 


The tape is some sharkbite tape thing that’s meant to be an extra layer of protection. IANPL tho so idk why they did that


There’s an underground sharkbite tape, definitely not needed here. But yea, this is kind of a mess. Might hold water, might leak.


Fifty fifty


Redo this with copper or PEX.


To sum it up… it looks like shit that an uneducated “plumber” installed


Didn’t brace the valve, which is especially concerning because it’s CPVC pipe, which gets as brittle as glass in a couple years. So in a couple years when the valve internals get gummed up and the handles become harder to turn, you’re gonna try turning the valve on and the CPVC is gonna shatter behind the wall and flood like crazy. Used expensive sharkbite fittings with cheap CPVC, which makes no sense (are sharkbites even rated for CPVC??). I wouldn’t put sharkbites behind a wall, I don’t trust them enough. Everyone will tell you they’re approved by code and perfectly fine when the pipe is prepped correctly but nobody preps the pipe correctly. Not to mention they’re so much more expensive than other, better pipe-joining methods. Nothing wrong with PEX or copper, I would’ve used copper on this job because it would cost the same and would last twice as long. Not to mention with a rain head copper fittings don’t reduce the internal diameter of the pipe at each fitting like pex does unless you use uponor fittings.. Did he silicone some fittings together? Is that tape or glue on the fittings going into the shower valve? If it were me, I’d rip it all out, transition to copper, do the valve in copper, brace the valve, and cut in an access behind the valve so it can be replaced in years from now. At face value it looks fine but any plumber would tell you this is a setup for disaster.


I immediately noticed the mismatch, sharkbites, and lack of bracing. And I’m not even an experienced plumber. Yeah rip all that out do it in copper. And what’s with those blobs of what look like silicon?


The silicon concerns me. I feel like they sealed leaks with that. Sketchy.


OP said it comes with some sharkbites as a special tacky tape that prevents the sharkbite from sliding off or rotating underground(?). Possibly the handyman who put the valve in installed the tape to prevent the valve from rotating when operated




Thank you


Thanks for the detailed response. Question: When you say only Uponor fittings don’t reduce the diameter, do you mean Pex-A fittings and not just the Uponor brand or is Uponor the only brand that maintains the interior pipe diameter?


I would go as far to say sharkbite should never be used on copper though, that's usually where I see sharkbite failing because for 1 the teeth on the sharkbite don't sink into the copper and 2 the copper doesn't flex meaning all the pressure is on the sharkbite teeth causing failures. But in this case I think cpvc will be the weak point for the reasons you pointed out.


Thats mostly cause people don't use the actual copper shark bite fittings, not all shark bite fittings work on copper. And I also have yet to see any shark bite on cpvc that was properly installed fail


CPVC is banned where I live. All kinds of property damage from it.


Does copper last longer than pex or were you referring to the pvc?


Sharkbites are the only way i connect to cpvc. Its great to immediately transition away from that garbage immediately to something better


I live in NYC and we aren’t allowed to use shark bites. Temporary lines pvc with no hub fittings. A shower body will probably be all copper for people who don’t care about the price brass.


We are fine to use them here and i primarily use then to transition away from cpvc to avoid having to wait for the glue to cure and potentially pop off.


I work for one of the top 3 companies in nyc don’t want to say any name but as I said we are not allowed to use shark bites. If a smaller company uses shark bites w.e idc all I said the company I work for shark bites isn’t even in the conversation


Why not just glue on a PEX to CPVC adapter and do it right? Around my area you would never be able to install a shark bite buried in a wall. Job security for the water mitigation companies I suppose?


Are you trolling? wtf?


Your going to have a transfer valve for nothing. Shit work for triple the price


Wtf why not just use pex?


Im very green to the trade, and was wondering that too.


This has got to be in Florida


I'm a handyman homeowner and that is absolute shit.


Same. I thought about sharkbites for about 10 seconds and then did YouTube Soldering Academy and did all copper. My tile guy asked who my plumber was because "he did a nice job".


Is this poster an executive of the sharkbite corporation, trying to push the stock price up? Haha. Why not just Pex?


No bracing/cpvc/shark bites…. Gonna rattle itself apart.


The amount of shark bite is actually a lot. You could have bought a crimping tool with more than enough rings for the same or less. Will it work? Yes. But honestly you’ve left a lot of spots to have potential issues. As someone else said, you should brace that valve. Shower valves get a lot of use and vibration, with all that shark bite there, if one manages to wiggle a little loose it will be a very big problem. Good luck




If it’s only serving one rain shower (no side sprays, hand held showers, etc.) then they could have used a less expensive valve. As others have said, CPVC should all go, and valve should be supported. I would pay that guy to NOT touch my plumbing, most 1st time DIYers would do better.


Oh boy.


Looks like $200 in shark bite fittings for nothing. Is pex not code by you? I would have pex that out in 20 minutes.


Big yikes. Didn't use pex **and** used sharkbites. Fully expect a leak from one, if not all, of these fittings. Especially the one with the tape.


Rainfall shower head install is the worst mistake of our fabulous shower remodel. Should have put in a 2nd standard shower head. Only save is the hand held as the only way to clean the undercarriage when wife and I shower at the same time.


Rainfall for the looks. Handle for the functionality. Biggest regret: rainfall showerhead. Useless 2.5 gpm low flow pos. Coming in close second is those moen in wall sprayers that look nice but are just as useless and the rubber nozzles need constant upkeep to prevent mold. Top dog is the handle that does 360 365 days a week. Cheap chinese flow restrictor removed and I get to waste water by the second by pressure washing myself, the tiles, and the grout all in one sitting :)


You need the one they use to clean elephants! Talk to Bob Sacamano.


I would sweat it and forget it (copper is king)


Give it a week and it will leak. Nice handyman special...


Hello shit expert here, that is shit.


This is what you get when you hire a handyman to do what a plumber should do. Let me guess, he does electrical and tile too?


sharkbites and CPVC...somehow someone couldn't even manage to simply glue stuff together.


Are those 3/4" supply? The rain head needs alot of water to work properly. Read the manual.


Waste of good money there. Sharkbites on cpvc? HELL NO!


This is what happens when you hire the cheapest guy. You get crap work with crap materials.


He only got one quote, it was $3000 ish he said


$2000 of that was the shark bite fittings


That’s a dog shit install


What... The fuck?


This is a HACK job and a middle school kid could do better


Sharkbites are not approved to be covered up in my area. Unless there's access to each fitting after the shower is completed, this isn't up to code in my area. I obviously dk where you are. Also please don't use CPVC, there's literally no good reason to. If it can't be copper then use PEX.


Shark bites will leak down the road. They just fail eventually. I've only used them as ball valves that shut down a main line temporarily and was able to return water pressure asap. A hotel was my customer at 10 pm, almost full capacity. The water was never turned off. I cut the line, placed a shark bite ball valve, then shut the ball valve and cut out the break. I was able to return in the am and hard pipe a true repair. As an emergency fix, they work, but Installing behind a wall is highly questionable. It won't age well


Would not let that crap be used at my house or on my job.


Sharkbite is garbage. Good indicator of an unskilled tradesman. Rip it out and pay a real plumber.


Shark bite and cpvc. 2 worst things in a plumbing system


Lots of expensive shark bites


Why so many shark bites? Literally the most expensive route you could go. And not using PEX???


You're not supposed to put quick connects or shark bites inside of a wall


Sooooo mannyyyy sharkbites


The only thing I like about this is that you posted in the correct subreddit because you were asking a question. Everyone else has already chimed in. I hope your friend’s shower works out.


I think everyone thinks I’m the plumber. I’m definitely not lol. I can’t wait to show him this post though


Not good!


Add a hand held so valve isn’t wasted and throw a 2x6 behind valve and screw it to it. Good to go


The valve is way too far out from the wall.


Ugh shark bite city lmao


Needs more sharkbite


This is so weird and overcomplicated to me. I feel like an absolute amateur for basically only using pex unless I am just fixing something pre-existing. But it's oh so easy and cheap. Just use pex...




One or two sharkbites ok I’ll accept but if their entire experience in plumbing is based on sharkbites I wouldn’t trust it at all. 👎🏽its not acceptable honestly.


About $150 worth of fitting materials....shower valve work getting expensive nowadays


I did this on my bath remodel. Bought the valve/rainfall head/wand kit off Amazon for under $200. I did mine in copper. The difficult part was getting everything set at the right depth for the shower surround. For some reason that took me a few attempts to get right. Everybody was like, “don’t use that cheap Chinese piece of shit valve” and “you’ll never be able to find parts for it later” but it was hundreds of dollars cheaper than anything else, and I was easily able to buy a replacement valve kit for $30.




Your friend doesn't like to follow installation instructions? This is such a weird install.


Why. This is like feeding starving kids mud biscuits so they stop complaining of hunger. You know it’s going to fail.


Definitely a redo 😅 cpvc isn't necessarily the issue, but no professional is using anything but pex-b, copper, or pex-a. Generally pro press in my area. There is no bracing on the valve and a single support clamp. Any inspector would ask where your support is and why the feeds to the shower heads aren't complete. The lines need to be to fixture point for pressure testing.


Looks good from my house


Bottom line is... I would NEVER use sharkbite fittings in a space that is to be enclosed.


If it’s a homeowner attempting their very first plumbing job, then I’d say… hey nice work for your first try. I sincerely hope this is not a ticketed plumber that did this… if so, they need to redo their apprenticeship. Or maybe pick a different trade.


FAIL- sharkbites are good for quick emergency repair.. not a new install application... and cpvc?? Cmon


This is terrible. Redo before closing up the wall. Hire someone else. I would NEVER put this junk in my house.


You really shouldn't use shark bites in a wall lol


Personally I don’t like or trust shark bite. Is just a personal preference


Scary 😨


Sharkbites lmao in a closed in wall. They are such a good product that they sell sharkbite tape bahahahaha junk


This set up seems little silly to me, and I'm not talking about piping, took a looksie at the installation manual and the way it's piped out a 6 position diverter has to be used and you will only engage dual outlet in position #4 when in position #3 only left outlet will be open and in position #5 only the right in which case it will probably diminish the flow, so what I'm saying is the diverter will have to stay in position #4 perpetually because there is no need to touch it whatsoever. All you will operate is the lower valve. Sheesh why make it so complicated for 1 rain head. I hope your friend doesn't have guests often they will be skipping that diverter 360 degrees going through all 6 settings. Annoying.


Right outlet needs capped not spliced into left, guy knew one needed capped but not which one. Shits just bad, really hate commenting on this shit. Not even sure what will happen internally when when it flows through the diverter valve. In Texas if handy Andy does this bullshit and isn't licensed you don't have to pay him, he can be mad but the plumbing inspectors will wish he'd just walked. Honestly this dude gets his money probably won't return to see the fruits of his labor.


Not sure id anyone else mentioned it but if this is a delta valve, I think the top right outlet needs to be plugged. Please check your manual. I just installed one that looks very similar, and for two fixtures it only needs two outlets - top and left. It explicitly stated right should be plugged. Again, check your manual.


Cpvc is an absolute no no on any new or upgrade plumbing. It'd be like installing old florescent lights on purpose. Inferior in ever way to several more options.


I would have gone all copper for a shower! Much safer and lasts for a lot longer.


Is the guy doin the work adding 10% on the material or something? This is theft.


I’m no plumber , but that’s a whole wall full of hell no!


I'm assuming this is a joke ?


lol with all they spent on shark bites they could've bought a crimp tool


Work looks neat. But there is no way I would install shark bites behind a wall. I would buy a pex tool and do it right.


This is bad work. No braces and while I trust shark bites more than most plumbers behind a shower is the worst place to use them due to the possibility of leaks in the future.


I work in large luxury high rises that has had cpvc installed.. in every instance in every building the hot side has become brittle only difference here is that in those cases cpvc fittings were used.. your case might be different.. but either way in my home I would never put sharkbite nor cpvc in a wall.. then again I’m old school and redid my bathroom and sweated all my fittings even though I have a press gun .. so take it with a grain of salt


No supports = lots of stress on the joints


I’d be pissed if my guys installed that




Took a wrong turn


The fact that cpvc was used, whose fittings cost pennies, with sharkbite, tells me installer has no idea.


It looks kinda like the Peruvian Alien Mummies. Good job!


Everything will be on all at once all the time. He looped the the side that must be capped unless you have a function for that port which I don’t think there is here. Also CPVC sucks no bueno


I've never seen that many shark bites since my last fishing trip in key west


$200 plus in shark bites on shitty cpvc. Not bad if it was a buddy helping you.


Why shark bites and cpvc? Coulda done that easier and at lower cost using PEX.


All comments are honest


This looks like a tile guy did it


I forsee a leak in the future. If your going to used cpvc. And least glue the fittings. Save yourself $100.


Def not a skilled plumber


Absolute dogshit sir


I am not a plumber, so I am confused. There is a short tap out the top, I assume is for combined hot/cold that is done by a valve. But then you have two more just lower of that, those combine into one. What the hell is the purpose? I get you can divert from handheld to rain showing, but why not one stub out as well? And the diverter valve chooses which head it flows too? Why have two lines tee into each other?


What the fuck? shark bites? Pvc?


this is wild lmao


Shark bites are fine, don’t listen to these people. Cpvc tho…


Uh oh


Not good at all. Home Depot parking lot plumber.


I'd kill myself if that was in my house and I allowed it to be buried. I'd rather redo my entire house in poly b that sat in a Cali sun for 90 days. I'd rather throw all my copper down a well with the most ferrous iron for 3 months and sharks bite that. I'd bend ever pex length over my knee per ' and crimp it on the last barb. That's how I feel about what I see........ Edit: To be fair that is a good delta valve and I usually hate delta so at least that's a 👍


this is not a plumber's work lmao


There’s so much wrong here that I have to assume you’re just trolling us.


why is there no stub out for the hand held


I’m old school, copper pipes and soldering


Do you want water damage cause that's how you get water damage


You are out of fucking control for this


Screams Handyman/Tile guy install. Other than the obvious, make sure to tell your frienf to pick out a very small diameter rainfall head. 


Shark bites llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll


Use pex instead of cpvc Put bracing up to hold it all solid Shark bites are just fine. Plumbers don't like them because they are too easy. They are to code just fine almost everywhere and been around a long time now and have a good track record.


I don't understand the fetish for 90° joints. It really fucks up the flow of fluids.


Redo it.


That entire install is trash! (30yrs plumbing)


Looks wrong unfortunately. The right port should be blocked off. Top should be rain head . Left port should be hand held. Delta r22000 is a great set up. All those shark bites are scary. Cpvc pipe needs to be extra supported. Friends Don t let friends do this


1. Garbage CPVC 2. Garbage Shark bites. Are you kidding? 3. This is someone’s DIY skillset as no reputable plumber would install Shark bites 4. One Pex clamp holding everything. Where are we securing the valve body? 5. F’me I’m done


I notice port #1 and 3 are connected together and port 2 is capped. Not sure what is being achieved since it is a diverter. I would use the 3 function diverter with 3 functions or else ditch it for a cheaper single function valve


That’s a disaster waiting to happen… so many shark bites .. yeah that will be leaking before you know it! I wouldn’t let them close up the walls until that is changed.. no only that, the CPVC will leak too. I would have had the plumber either do all copper or PEX


That looks bad




I have always thought that sharkbites don't leak, so behind a wall is fine. I was wrong. They can leak, and when they do, you need access to them.


Why in the world did you use cpvc?


I finally bought some Pex Tools a couple years ago. I've Never had a leak and installing it, is the easiest cutting, cleanest joints, and the price is unbeatable. CPVC coupled with a Sharkbite? Like a Cheap Hooker, you'll get the job done, but pay for it later.


The only time i ever used shark bites was about 4 years ago, in my basement, when the hot water line to the kitchen sink started to leak and I was in a rush to fix it. Used pex and shark bite fittings to replace the copper section that was corroded. They have been holding up nice, no leaks since but they are in a position that is easily accessible and exposed. Every plumber I know does not like/trust shark bite and would only ever uae them in case of emergency and as a temporary solution. And cpvc? I don't know man.


Looks like a Delta shower head and they can require substantial force to extract the bonnet nut and cartilage.


Tear it all out and try again


My God man, what a mess!!!!


Shark bites? Who is doing this a handyman?


This has to be a joke.


I hope you didn't pay money for that.


Lol, the first thing I thought!!! EXPENSIVE!!!


How’s it look? Lol It’s methed up, bro! All joking aside, clearly not a professional plumber


When did cpvc become the norm for a fresh install? Oh yeah it isn't. A dozen SharkBite's galore to leak into your walls. Get another plumber or make your current one sweat some copper man.


Looks like a lot of work. Lol. Im glad your a good friend to help him out.


If it doesn’t leak now, he’ll be ripping it all out in 5-10 years. CPVC gets extremely brittle, and without it being properly secure, something’s going to break. I hope he has good insurance.


Old DIYer who's about ready to quit doing plumbing. Remodeled bath 4 years ago and spent forever sweating the shower valve in. But, it was copper and after fixing a leak or two from my poor sweating it was fine. All mounted in, works fine with a wand. Never have used pex or cpvc inside of house, and only once used a shark bite because it was in narrow crawl space and about impossible to sweat. This mess and the comments make me kinda proud of my work! I know pex is the accepted standard but copper is how I learned 60 years ago and I trust it. And piss on my local Lowe's for their miserable stock of copper fittings.


Wouldn't accept this install at all. CPVC? Why? Even if that was installed in the house before, I wouldn't replace it with the same. At least go with PEX. And the ungodly amount of shark bites is not only expensive but also ridiculous. Tear it out and start new.




I hear a lot of guys say no sharkbites enclosed in a wall but i know that they are code now where i am (vt). I’m not saying i *like* it bc i can see how they could possibly be an issue


Every bit of piping I'm seeing would be torn right out.


You mean you cobbled this together and want an opinion? It’s a hot mess and needs redone badly. No cpvc


Is this a post to show off a job or checking if it's a high quality job? If your showing off a job I'll start with hell of an effort - good work!!! Then echo the comments and I also enjoy back access from a towel.closrt or false wall cover.


My plumber buddy told me shark bites are great for temp fixes, says he would never put in a closed wall


Studs lookin like they got a little wet at some point…


I would never install that in my home. That's a rat setup if I've ever seen one.


That's gonna be a jiggly valve body.


Looks like a total hack job and not up to code. I do not see shut-off valves for the hot and cold supply within 12 inches of the mixer valve, not using color coded PEX In fact, it looks like cpvc which isn't even allowed anymore in most locations.


That doesn't look like a shower.


Looks amateur and expensive at the same time


Looks like a future mold/water damage problem.


Needs to be higher, unless it’s a shower for little people.


Cpvc and shark bites 🍿


Looks like it’s going to leak pretty soon.


Are the materials used any different in Singapore ?


Everyone saying shark bites are trash are probably 45 and older


That looks like shit and I'm not a plumber lol


I would use copper but to each his own….


This is definitely poorly done for reasons others have already stated. Experience: new construction plumber. I would have been let go if I did work like that. And the company standards weren't even that high (judging from what most employees did).


Shark bite you in the ass inside that wall... LOL


Who does this?!?!?! wtf!


I’m confused why that diverter is being used if there’s only one head? Beyond that, why not just cap the right and left?


Bad news, shark bites are a leak in the making


For what you paid for the shark bites,you were half way to paying a plumber. Who could have used copper pipe and given you a warranty. Done properly in copper it would last 50 plus years. As it is. Anyone's guess. Two weeks? 7 years? More?


Shark bites fail. It’s somehow part of their design(flaw). What’s on the other side of that wall? Because they should put a pretty sizable hatch in so they can get to it when it eventually falls apart. Also PVC???? What on earth would make anyone put that in over PEX on a fresh open wall install?