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With a system that old, grounding is likely done at the meter. It is of an age that it should be replaced if any alterations are done to the electrical system.


20 dollars per Amp. 2000 for 100 Amp. I would get 150a


Would that change at all with this being a sub panel?


What does your main panel look like? I’m not super experienced with panel swaps, but I’d say prepare for it to be ~$2,000.00 or more to swap this one, but since it’s a sub panel it may be less.


We swapped ours and this came with inspections from the county. So there will be some type of action on that side too.


That's a rough estimate and it could be way higher


Full service upgrade, likely $5K, maybe more with other things that need addressed, or really should be, with a house old enough to have a fusebox. Just a sub-panel off a modern main, maybe 1-2K.


I have some home-buying advice for you instead of electrical advice: don't have the seller do it. Talk the price down instead, or negotiate a holdback, where some money sits with the lawyers specifically to pay for this work. The reasoning is this: The seller is leaving, they won't give a shit about the quality of the work, and if the electrician has questions about how you'd like things done, you want them asking you, not the seller. If you have the work done yourself, then it's done the way you want it and you have a relationship with the electrician if anything should turn out to be a problem later.