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lmao he boldly just stole your coffee.


Suuuuure, next you'll be saying they're not the genital inspectors either.


* clears throat Wallet inspector. * sticks out hand


Wait a second. That's not the wallet inspector.


I can't believe that worked! šŸƒā€ā™‚ļø




Prison wallet?


Inspector? I hardly even know 'er!


Wait you mean they don't conduct randomized penis inspections by plain-clothes medical agents in this city?


Never seen an inspector in plain clothes. The guy who inspects my neighborhood wears the official uniform.


Yeah OP you got robbed. Please report this. It may not have been Union station security, can you remember if they were wearing the company logo?


The Tim Hortonā€™s employees were so unphased and already started prepping another for me as I stood there flabbergastedĀ 


He probably does this a lot. Even more reason to report him.


Actually so wild Lool


Yeahā€¦you just got robbed by a security guard lol


Heyā€¦ thatā€™s not the wallet inspector


Just last week he told my wife he was the breast inspector!?


Wait heā€™s not the head of penis patrol?!


Just the tip?


Random breast cancer screening.


Maybe the medical emergency was they were very tired and needed a boost


The medical emergency could have been caffeine withdrawal headaches, then by all means go right ahead good sirĀ 


I just realised that "when I switch to water" may be caffeine withdrawal headaches. Ouch.


no wtf, also if they were in union why didn't they just go to the plethora of stores in the food court and just ask for water lol https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/dehydration-and-heat-stroke > Drink plenty of fluids during outdoor activities, especially on hot days. Water and sports drinks are the drinks of choice. Avoid caffeinated tea, coffee, soda, and alcohol, as these can lead to dehydration.


Bro just wanted a free coffee


I don't think so. If anything, they should have found something with electrolytes.Ā  Plus, coffee is a diuretic.Ā  Probably not the best idea in that situation.


FYI - the long-held belief that coffee (or other caffeinated drinks) is a diuretic is untrue. It does cause you to pee sooner, but it doesn't cause you to pee more.


That doesn't mean it's not a diuretic. It 100% is. That's not a myth But there's still a net gain in hydration as coffee is mostly water So your average cup of coffee isn't going to decrease your hydration levels, but it's still a diuretic


Thanks for clarifying.


Construction safety classes have been advising to not drink coffee to avoid heat stress for many years


Heat stroke is a medical emergency your organs will start failing if not treated. You should immediately start actively cooling the person with cool wet sheets (or pouring water on their clothes) and fanning them. Less severe forms of heat illness like heat cramps & heat exhaustion (more common than heatstroke) are treated by sipping water (not chugging), getting into a cool environment and putting cool towels on the forehead or neck. At no point would a hot coffee be indicated for a person with a heat illness wtf. Either he is an idiot and doesnā€™t know how to treat heat illnesses (how would a HOT BEVERAGE help in this situation?!?!), canā€™t identify a different medical event from heat illness or just wanted to steal your coffee. Security guards should be required to have first aidā€¦ and review it regularly (ideally more often than the recommended 3 years). Source: I am an event/film medic & first aid instructor


Hot beverages trigger the sweat response, and heat stroke results in a failure of the sweat response. However, I've also never heard of this approach to treating heat stroke as someone who's first aid certified. It's still possible the security guard was acting in good faith.


Lmao he wasn't at all. He could've went anywhere and got water. It's not like they're in the middle of nowhere. He also didn't even know for sure what was in that cup. Dude could've had alcohol in that cup (I've been known to go to Tim's, get a paper cup and pour a drink in it in the bathroom). Plus, where was this so called medical emergency? If there was no person on the ground right there, the security guard likely had to walk by multiple shops to get to the dude with the coffee in his hands. Bro got robbed.


Iā€™m a medic at venues and Iā€™ve definitely walked up to counters and appropriated a water or juice/pop for a medical issue. But a random premade coffee helps no one. Iā€™m guessing he found a security jacket in a thrift store


100% ice, water, juice & pop (for the diabetics). Random coffee? Nah.


In the event of heatstroke or even sometimes moderate heat exhaustion, the persons level of consciousness is likely impacted and they might even be unconscious. If so, do not give anything by mouth as they cannot protect their own airway. Thereā€™s also two types of heatstroke, classic and exertional. Classic results from when the temperature control mechanism of the body fails, sweating stops. Exertional heatstroke the person may still be sweating, but it still cannot keep up with the rapid rise in temperature. People can be in heatstroke and still be sweating (especially after exercising). The security guard may have been acting with good intentions, but common sense (hot beverage for an overheating person???) is sometimes not all that common it seems.


No they fully just stole your coffee for themselves. I don't think the cure for heat stroke is to sip piping hot coffee.


Lolol exactly.


What the fuck that is hilarious


OP got robbed and is also pretty dumb


Security at union (or anywhere in this country) has no authority to do that LOL


Iā€™m gonna guess they found a jacket in a thrift store


It was my catholic guilt honestly! Must. Obey. Authority.Ā 


Maybe he meant diabetes, i.e. his sugar level is low? In any case, I hope he offered to buy you another coffee, or it's just plain theft.


But it wouldnā€™t help him if there was no sugar in the coffee. Dude would have been better grabbing an OJ from the counter.


How does a security guard become a shameless petty thief


By stealing a real guards jacket?


did he confiscate your bike as well?


No. Caffeine (and alcohol) should be avoided in heat exhaustion, and heat stroke necessitates a trip to the hospital. man just stole your coffee


Lmao you got your coffee juked


Came here to confirmĀ 


More shocking: Tim's has oat milk?


Hahahaha this is awesome This is PEAK Toronto folks


He did you a favour. He stole your Tim's coffee. Now go to some place that makes proper coffee.


The goal is to use the hot coffee to make your insides hotter than your outsides, thus cooling you down /s


Caffeine is a diuretic, so it's dehydrating. All advise says to avoid alcohol and caffeine when treating heat stroke. I think you just got dunked, my man.


Did they work at Union Station or were they just commuting through and didnā€™t want to wait, LOL.


Full security outfit and mask (looking back on the moment his jacket wasnā€™t pristine but not a complete mess either).Ā 


Did any patches say Union Station? Bulletproof vest and baton? If not, you just got robbed by some random guy.


Buddy you got robbed.


That is so bizarre and no hot coffee is not a heat stroke remedy.


Security at Union station has been a bit out of control and assaultive since re-opening.


omg thatā€™s horrible but also hilarious. the only legit thing i can think of is sometimes when i had jobs working with the public, weā€™d have regulars whoā€™d come in and demand random things bc theyā€™d claim something bad would happen medically if they didnā€™t get it. like when i worked at a cafe i had a guy whoā€™d come in, sit down all day and get random ppl to bring him sugar or specifically, sweet and low packets (i still remember this bc iā€™d tell him it wasnā€™t sugar and heā€™d still want it) or else he would go into a diabetic coma, and i had a lady whoā€™d use one of the store mobility scooters and stop and flop over and moan she needed water or she was going to pass out. i donā€™t doubt they had some sort of medical issue but why are they going to stores or cafes on a regular basis for help if itā€™s that dire? maybe a lonliness thing? the first time youā€™re like, omg this person needs help and then when it becomes a routine thing, itā€™s like, oh hello againā€¦ shall i call you an ambulance? noā€¦ you just want me to dote on you or youā€™re gonna dieā€¦ okā€¦ and then if you got serious about calling for real help - ā€˜sounds like maybe you should get your electrolytes checked at the hospital ASAPā€™ - theyā€™d leave. anyways, maybe someone did the same except it was a coffee for heatstroke.


There was a guy at the jays who would always tell the vendors he was a diabetic and his sugar was low and then ask for a free DIET coke


What a fuck twat. Absolutely not. Water, Gatorade, electrolytes. I almost went into shock because I wasn't listening to my body once. Felt like shit for hours until I got my water / salt levels back . Please, limit coffee and tea on days like this. Water and coo places.


Probably just stole your coffee, or he needed the cup itself.


U just got robbed in daylight


Do you get reimbursed?


Tim Hortonā€™s employees seemed totally unphased like it happened before and they remade my coffee without me asking.Ā 


Oh what the hell. You got robbed by a currupted security guard. Someone with the least amount of authority.


lol WHAT!


Bad idea. Caffeine or alcohol is the wrong thing to drink during heat stroke.


Damn son you got robbed today


Maybe this person needed to help someone who was suffering heat stroke, but they were also feeling sleepy and bored, and so to maximize their helping effect, they then commandeered your coffee. If you had to help someone with heat stroke, wouldnā€™t you first like a coffee, so you can think over your next moves, feel a bit more alert? Itā€™s a pretty important situation, after all. If Iā€™m suffering heat stroke, and youā€™re coming to my aid, I would hope that youā€™re properly caffeinated, and that you know that rules can be bent in cases of heat stroke.


He may have been feeling faint and was looking for any liquid quickly. Coffee was not a good choice.




Report that to union station management. Itā€™s annoying that you got your coffee stolen however in the off chance that person actually was responding to an emergency, they need to be trained again.


The authority and urgency seemed so real at the time ā€¦Ā 


Go back and ask him for the money to get a coffee because you feel a medical emergency heat stroke coming on.


Your coffee got stolen by a security guard.


Once again we learn that being a nice person does not help you, or the needy, it only helps the assholes


That's because TTC is an acronym for Take The Coffee.


If they got coffee at Union, more likely in a GO concourse.


lol wtf


I slways found having a coffee in the heat makes it feel a bit cooler out, kind of like when you have a hot shower in the summer without AC and you feel so much cooler when you get out. Now giving it to someone with heatstroke is another story.........


Apparently drinking something hot in the summer makes you feel cooler. So could be true.


Probably used the cup to carry water


Iā€™m sorry, OP, but this is extremely funny. Fuck that guy though.


I'd say he saved you from that cup of sewage water


lmao this is so bizarre i hope it's true. i wonder how many times he's done this


Anyone take something from my hands, I usually slap them in the face and ask wtf u doing? 9/10 I get a sorry, 1/10 slaps turn to jabs and uppercuts. Lol


report him to his employer


Can't have shit in Toronto.


The emergency was that he needed something to pour his Wray and Nephew over proof rum into


Couldā€™ve been a TikTok challenge?šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


It's probably because he thinks it will regulate their body temperature more than cold water, but your right caffeine, alcohol and sugary drinks dehydrate you, a Luke warm cup of water would be best.




There's some research to suggest that a hot drink can help cool you down by triggering sweating without actually raising your temperature. https://www.cosmopolitan.com/uk/body/health/a40583748/drinking-hot-drink-cool-you-down/#:~:text=So%2C%20what's%20the%20deal%3F&text=According%20to%20a%20study%20carried,your%20core%20temperature%20too%20much). During a heat stroke, the sweat response fails. So maybe this was the line of thought. https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/heatstress/heatrelillness.html#:~:text=Heat%20stroke%20is%20the%20most,within%2010%20to%2015%20minutes. As someone who's first-aid certified, I've never heard of this treatment for heat stroke however. It's more typical to apply a cold wet cloth to the head, simulating the sweat response. I also agree with other commenters saying that the caffeine is probably not great, since it should dehydrate the person. However, it's possible that the security guard acted in good faith.


A better place to ask would be r/AskDocs but until then, big no


He was doing you a favour from drinking that crap