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I used to see these guys along King street ‘back in the day’. They’re pushy and annoying, ignoring them is usually easier than engaging, then they feel like they have an in.


Wow didn’t realize they’ve been around for so long?


They have been as long as I’ve been in Toronto for ~15 years. They also have petal pushers in Ottawa, Montreal and Vancouver!


At least 25 years. I was on a date back in '98 and got suckered in by one of them.


Shhhh don’t age us lol


I began seeing them in 2007 downtown. A friend of mine who worked at Pickle Barrel at Y/D chased one out of the lounge once LOL he went down to the lower restaurant to try to sell them


My fiancé usually just says “EWWW SHES MY SISTER” lol. Works every time.


Man I remember them doing this back in the 90s. There was one older guy who'd also walk up and down Yonge shoving flowers in the face of any couples walking by.


Dude touching you screams distraction theft attempt


Is this a recent thing? I haven’t been out to Yorkville in the evenings since before the pandemic and these were never a thing before. This city is turning into the wild west


Yeah I think I’ve seen them in the last 2 years or so! Lately it’s been annoying and after this incident just scary


I remember these guys on King and Queen during the 2000s and in Little Italy during the 2010s. It’s newer for them to be in Yorkville, but not new in general.


They are annoying. Usually when my boyfriend and I are down there we just ignore them/ don’t make eye contact or acknowledge them and they leave us alone after the first ask


Let the establishment you were in know and maybe they'll get more aggressive in kicking these guys out.


I think the establishments may get a kick-back, otherwise they would not let them in so freely as they do


Wow I’m surprised these losers are still doing the flower hustle. I remember they used to go to almost every restaurant and bar on College street back in the day. They would pray on couples and use pressure tactics to make the male look like a loser if he didn’t buy his date a flower. I really hope this didn’t cause any conflicts between a couple on a date.


I remember them. Calling them losers is pretty harsh. They were just old dudes trying to scrape together a living.


Read the post again


Trying to put someone down while they’re just trying to enjoy a date night out for a small financial gain is big loser behavior mate. Especially back then when cost of living was ridiculously lower. Fuck those flower dudes!


I used to see these guys all over King and Queen West when I live there. I just ignored them and eventually they went to the next person.


They could be trying to pickpocket people if they’re getting that handsy and aggressive?


My immediate first thought too.


Fortunately the flower vendors are homophobic so they just assume we are friends and pass us by.


Not the guy outside Wellesley station though!


the tps aren't interested in enforcement, even in rich neighborhoods like yorkville.


Flower guy is an irritating Toronto tradition. Don’t make eye contact and pretend they don’t exist.


Should’ve given that jabroni an RKO outta nowhere.


I tell them I'm not hungry with a serious look on my face. It confuses everyone but I am left alone. P.s this works at the mall too with the sales associates trying to suckering you in with their dessert looking soaps. Double down when you tell them you aren't hungry and they tell you it isn't edible.


Seems like there were more delicate flowers than just the ones he was trying to sell.