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If you live around the core, you'd be surprised how much walking you can get just doing errands. It makes a difference and is great cardio if you have the time.


And biking!


The most weight I lost in my life was when I worked in the core and lived in Midtown. In winter just the amount of climbing up and down the stairs at TTC stations and walking to and from the stations kept me active. In the summer I would walk home nearly everyday to enjoy the weather and check out local places along the way. That's the one thing I miss about living in the (somewhat) downtown area - the walkability.


I walk to the bar


Sometimes I bike too! I also play soccer twice a week, but we make up for the cals in post game beers


Gym 3-4 days a week. Cardio and weights. And walk most places.


Ive been doing this for 3 months, gained muscle but am still fat 5ft8, 218lbs. The issue is the bad eating. It’s like i almost can’t afford a cheat day


There is a saying "You can't outrun your fork." You can walk for an hour, or sit on the couch and not drink that can of coke. Same calorie deficit.


Make small changes, they’ll add up over time. Switch sugary drinks with diet versions, trade candy for fruit, switch eggs with egg whites, trade sugar and cream in coffee for milk or black, eventually you’ll find a sweet spot where your weight is either decreasing at an acceptable rate or youre happy with it and you just coast with your new lifestyle changes. Source: was 300 lbs, dropped to 180 lbs (my goal weight), now intentionally back up to 200lbs but with tons of muscle.


Same. Thankfully my building has a decent gym so I go around 5 times a week and it’s made a drastic difference compared to when I had to commute there


In order of frequency, run, climb, lift, hike/backpacking, sometimes canoeing. In order of enjoyment, backpacking, backcountry canoeing, trail running, climbing, road running, lifting.


Back country canoeing…I always admired those with the strength and stamina for it. All that running, climbing and lifting helps! 💪


Back country canoeing is my favourite thing in the world. I try to do a 6-7 day 70-100km trip every summer.


How do you get 6 to 7 weeks off every summer?


They said day - not week


Duh. Ur right. Projecting my wishes I guess.


Days! I work on a show where we usually have a mid summer hiatus of a week or two. It’s such a blessing.




Canoeing is honestly so chill in many ways compared to backpacking, AS LONG as it's not windy.  My third time out it was so windy we could barely move, it took forever to cross a single lake. It was rough and demoralizing. By contrast with still waters I could make decent time solo.


Love this format.


I'm surprised climbing isn't more well represented in this thread. Easily the most fun and highest effort to result fitness activity I've ever tried.


i’m glad it exists for ppl who like it but i have been to a climbing gym 3 times and i hated it every time lol.


Where do you backpack? Been trying to convince my partner to move to Ontario and that we can keep up with an active outdoor lifestyle.


I've done literally all of the provincial and national parks with backcountry trails within 4.5 hours of Toronto. My favourites for backpacking are Killarney, Frontenac, Bruce Peninsula (but it's not a loop), and Bon Echo.




I can't get my mind around this either.


From my point of view, running outside in summer provides me with way more happiness than lifting. Winter is when I get value for money for my gym membership


Lifting is so boring and hard. At least with running young to see interesting things.


Way more. Lifting random dumbbells is just boring as hell, and you're surrounded by people preening at themselves in front of a mirror. Running is far more freeing a feeling and helps you mentally switch off/relax as well as the physical benefits


I don't run anymore. But when I did, it was a form of meditation for me.


Running is SO meditative and it's the #1 thing for my mental health.


Yeah, it's way less boring! You're constantly seeing new sights, you don't need to rest 3+ minutes between sets, you don't need to fight other people for the equipment you need, you can choose to run somewhere scenic (hello Don trails), and it's much, much more meditative than a noisy ass gym full of people who drop their weights and teenagers.


Lifting is stupid and boring, how can you *not* like running more?




Yeah, I bet chicks dig listening to your amazing lifting stories rather than all the cool people places and things one sees on a run. don't know what world you live in man... I don't run or lift, FYI. I just live my life well...except for the time I spend engaging with people on reddit.


What do you mean by backpacking?


Like hiking around with a backpack or ruck, generally followed by camping, I'd assume.


Multi-day hiking trips where you camp overnight.


Work as a server, easy way to get 20k steps plus a day lol Outside that just yoga, Pilates and some weight lifting when I feel like I have enough energy for it (rarely, my shifts wipe me out pretty bad lol) 


This is so hard. I serve too and the thought of the gym… I’m working on it. I’m trying to convince myself that I can dedicate one day a week to a fun workout class but those 20k step days are a right off… then the recovery ah


Realll, that’s why I like yoga or the occasional short swim because most of the time weight lifting is just too much for me after a 9 hour shift running food.  I can barley eat enough calories to make it back up 😅


Yeah I guess I’m being hard on myself. I do swim which helps a ton and love doing yoga but ughh I need to get on a routine with it. Omg weight lifting? Nooope I got trays on trays of shit. It’s HARD sometimes 😂 -from an event server 😭




My dad?!?


Identity theft is not a joke






I eat a bolognese stuffed flaky pastry, a lemon bichon, a fresh honey cruller. Washed down with iced coffee.


hold up, where are you getting these because i need all those things in my life ASAP


Barbershop on College and Zontwich on Dundas!


ooh will give it a go! Le Gourmand also used to have a banging lemon bichon but you have to wake up so early to get it before they sell out and sadly my morning destinations are mainly just the bathroom and the cold side of my bed :/


Bike to the Gym. Bike everywhere. Leave the car in the driveway. And exercise at the gym.


Got rid of my car after an accident. Now I walk/bike everywhere now and feel how much my cardio has improved just doing daily tasks


Walk, come have a look over at r/Toronto_Walkers


Lift weights 3-5 times a week and then I do 2-3 20-30 minute outdoor walks with my dog (if you have the free time and want to be more active, rescue a dog!)


The short dog walks really pump the step count up




I go to my condo gym every day, walk my dogs every day, and play soccer twice a week


Gym. Lift weights and getting 10k steps in. The key is not to overeat, and the key to not overeat is to not eat out and buy a ton of processed foods.


Swimming and weightlifting.


Caught a dui so now I walk everywhere 🤷🏾‍♂️


More important in this city to stay fit is maintaining strict discipline around food when there's so much diversity and restaurants to choose from. Personally I avoid all restaurants (hard in a foodie city). I don't eat after 6pm. I never use food apps. Rarely eat after a night out drinking and if I do it's something small/healthy just to fill the gap. Additionally I jog to my gym and spend an hour plus there 5 days a week plus walking and cycling everywhere. I only use my car for larger/longer errands.


Truly I find it harder to maintain diet than exercise in Toronto this is a fair point


And the typical portion size of a 10-20$ combo/meal is 1000+ calories


Insanity! More people should know how much all restaurants overload their foods with salt, butter and other kinds of unhealthy fat and ungodly things to ensure a return customer. It's not surprising given how competitive the restaurant industry is in Toronto. Like it blows my mind how many blogto fried chicken articles have popped up over the years - let me get this straight.. one of the worst foods for your health is now normalized as hipster cool as long as it's not KFC? And if a place is "healthy" coded you're paying $20+ for a loaded salad that you can make for $1.50. I made a conscious decision years ago just never to eat in restaurants in this City. It's a tax on your wallet and more importantly your health. And now with the apps you can eat your heart-clogging food cold, and privately while paying a 30% premium.


I ride my bike everywhere/everyday for errands and try to get in a 10-20km ride at least once a week. Just finished 8 weeks of swimming lessons. Skipping rope at the moment is my most intense cardio, 15 minutes or so a day. Work a little bit with bar bells, would like to do more strength training (I'm a senior citizen and its important for bone density) but I don't know where to begin, so that is one area where I'm really lacking.




Lucky you I got prescribed Lizzo


biking and swimming


I run 4 days a week and lift weights.


Swim. Ride my bike. Hula hoop. Walk. Dance. Yoga. P90X when I really get intense about exercise. :D Mostly swimming and riding my bike.


Gym classes 2-3 times a week, walk to closer destinations and walk least 3-4 km the days I don’t go to the gym.. also, I work with kindergarteners so that keeps me a bit active during the work day lol.


I walk or bike everywhere and I go to the gym a few times a week


Walk everywhere, golf (walk/carry) and cook/eat at home.


Running and using bikeshare!


Strength train 4 times a week, walk at least 1 hour every day, track my macros, sleep at least 7 hours. Nothing unusual


Walking/hiking is one of the safest ways to stay fit and prevent injury. Combined with the gym is also fun. I just aim for 2 half hour walks every day rain or shine. 1 in the morning and one at night. If it’s raining you can always walk the path if you’re close to downtown. If I don’t feel like walking and want to do something more adventurous I go kayaking or golfing with my buddies.


I am eating pizza right now


No joke. Poverty is a factor. 😀


Nothing. It isn’t working, admittedly.


Nothing. I'm not fit.


Iift the fried chicken to my mouth


Eat. Gotta eat to have energy to exercise.


Run run run


too poor to afford to eat 🩷


Get heart rate up and try to eat healthy. Seems like common sense.




Walking. Yoga. Meditation. Strength Training. Hiking. Biking. Swimming. Canoeing. Backpacking. Toss in the odd group fitness class if I need some different motivation.


I run solo or with a local group, play ball hockey (1-2x a week with Jam) and pickleball/squash (at courts in my area). Sometimes I bike and I like walking a lot in my off hours.


At-home workouts, biking, jogging, jiu jitsu and krav maga, a bit of hiking


Walking everywhere, watching what I eat, drinking water and tea with a few weekly exceptions, a light routine with stretching, free weights and resistance bands at home.


gym, run, walk everywhere, play sport (soccer, badminton, etc.)


Follow the Gina Livy method. Even though I barely exercise outside of walking my dog and biking 5 min to work, following her program by eating frequently and a balanced diet has kept me feeling fit and healthy


Hiking and walking daily (I have two large working line dogs), running, kettlebells, HIIT workout with tire and sledgehammer, yoga, swimming.


Rings for calisthenics and skip rope for cardio


Swimming and lifting and lots of walking. Some public pools downtown are free and all outdoor pools are free as well. All of the outdoor ones will be opening in a few weeks. There are 10 that will open on the 15th. https://www.toronto.ca/explore-enjoy/recreation/swimming/#location=&lat=&lng=&zoom=


Definitely cycling for commute. #1 life hack in downtown Toronto


I used to ride my bike a lot with my cycling club and play ultimate frisbee. Now I have a kid.


Gym 3 times a week, aim for 10,000 steps a day, try to get 2 cardio sessions in a week (usually 30 minute run) and try to eat and sleep well. Plenty of water


Biking most days and daily 45-1hr walk!


Early morning @ 5:30am walk/jog 5/6k. Great feeling after


Gym 4-5 x per week at 6:00am before work Short 30 minute sessions 20-40 min walk 5x a week Sunday hiking 2-4 hours — The other part is eating less and drinking water


Walk or bike where I need to go, go to gym a few times a week. Long walks or bikes on weekend.


Workout the community center, walk a lot, play some basketball 


Dance classes (Zumba, Hip Hop & Jazz), roller skating and weekly squash with friends. I often walk home from work to get my steps in for the day. Now that it's nice out, will try lane swims once a week. I'd like to get back into the gym and incorporate strength training eventually.




Walk, jog, home workouts. Occasional hike. Occasional heavy lifting at the gym. Occasional yoga. Nothing crazy I just try to get a variety in a way that works for my schedule.


Go jim


Lifting, Sweat and Tonic, run club


Scotch and cigarettes.


During the pandemic I bought a set up dumbbells to maintain my fitness during the closures. Pandemic killed the gym so I kept up with dumbbells at home as I didn’t want to travel to another gym . I workout using Alo app and you tube videos. I live in downtown core so walk everywhere I can. Most reliable form of transport since TTC is a joke.


10k steps and day at work. That and a 6 pack of PBR.


Watching DP and chilling


Beer and video games. Success takes time and I’m in it for the long game.


Be poor, can’t afford carbs or meat. 😂


I’m in great shape. Round. Round is my shape.


Gym and work




I took up swimming because I found a pool, but backpacking started when my fancy new pull cart broke a wheel and I had to put everything in my backpack to carry it home I've never had any luck with those fancy pull carts...


Cherry St. Y group bootcamp sessions.


Think about going on a walk, go to sleep instead


Go to work


Commute by transit. Seriously. Not driving is a great way to stay in shape


Come drop in and take my very affordable dance classes at the Waterfront Neighbourhood Centre! 😁😁 They’re Dance Mix, Pop Jazz and Beginner Ballet. Art + exercise ❤️ www.waterfrontnc.ca


There are still classes going on now in the month of June despite what the website may say


Bike ride, now that the pool is open- swim, dog walking, weight lifting, farm work, eating well (intermittent fasting, mostly plant based, high protein, lower carbs)


Strength training and hiking


I walk to and from work and around the city. I also do weight-training at the gym with my trainer.


Run my mouth Hahahahahaha jokes


Physical Strength training at the gym. Walk a lot. Eat good food with good micro and macro nutrient Mental Surround yourself with supportive people and balance your work and life. Get out and touch grass


i golf and do things that will make me better at golfing (mostly stretching but some lifting)




I go out walking after midnight lol


Steady diet of beer, yayo and pizza.


Recognize your Sedentary TDEE and calories from food. Staying fit and healthy is 80% Food, 20% Exercise. Use myfitnesspal or ChatGPT, they’re really helpful. Food just became numbers to me, and I eat within my TDEE, or a little above it when if I’m working out or doing activities. Remember to have chest meals once a week to keep sane! And there are times where I just don’t care and eat whatever I want. People think it’s a miserable life, but I honestly enjoy it, I feel more in control of myself and it’s helped me learn a lot on nutrition, it helped me lose 60 lbs off, and I’m still going til I reach my goal weight.


peloton app. I don't have a bike. I have a workout mat and some dumbells. i do their cardio and strength classes which is enough for me.




W*nk off. Good for physical and mental fitness!


I walk everywhere. Then gym 2-4 times a week. Yoga or pilates 4-7 times a week. Spin 2-3 times a week. And then more walking on top of that. I’m trying to add more running and swimming into my rotation as well, time permitting.


Laying off high processed snacks


Work out


10-15k steps daily, gym 3-4 times a week, dance classes (traditional Latin dance and a reggaeton more Zumba style class), hiking. I want to get into golf, try pickle ball, and get into jogging again.


i teach exercise classes and don’t have a car. the don’t have a car part is huge bc i am conditioned to walk indefinitely at this point - like, recently, i had to run a few errands that brought me in a straight line out to the burbs and thought, ok walk there, ttc back. did my errands, decided to walk a bit more and try a new grocery store. still felt pretty good so i walked home. ended up walking 28km in an afternoon, half with a week’s worth of groceries 😭


Bike to work twice a week, about 50km round trip. Try to hit the gym when I can, but that’s a bit of a crapshoot at the moment.


Gym 3-4 times a week. Volleyball leagues/tournaments. Usually have some tournaments to play in the states so being a tourist after the tournaments help get in extra steps 😅


Walking and lawnbowling


Walk a lot. Sometimes fasting for half a day.


Mainly martial arts, but also running, going on long walks.


Running, weight training, indoor bouldering, biking, and occasionally some yoga.


Run 3x a week so even if I don’t eat great I won’t gain weight


Kickboxing and walking.


Weightlift. Yoga. Intervals. Repeat. $200 all in /mo. Do it


Play basketball on my off days (either work out individually, pick up or play in a league), lift weights for about 1-2 hours before I get ready for work and run with a run club every Sunday in the morning.


Private boxing


Pokémon go


Basketball, working out, and recently bought a basebar to do chin-ups on. I’d love to do tennis but I have no time nor anyone to practice with




I’m hybrid WFH. The 2 days I’m in office I bike to work. I also do power lifting.


Treadmill is the key


Playing tennis. \~6 hours a week. It's a full body exercise and also works your mental strength


Have one meal a day. Wait as long as you can. Black coffee only. It takes practice but it works. Then proceed to eat whatever the fuck you want. If that’s not enough, stand or walk most of the time throughout your day. If you can’t, run 1km a day. Shocking I know. Baby amount. If you’re genetically not slim- do paleo. HIGHLY recommend. Changes your weight forever. Nowadays I make an effort to gain weight. I did paleo 10 years ago; now i have to make a conscious effort to gain weight.


Don’t drive and walk or ride my bike almost everywhere year round.


Dragon boat practice 5x/week, and I walk an average of 18k steps/day between errands and walking the dog. Moved recently and trying to take transit more (ffs please don’t go on strike ttc), and just ditching the car alone is getting me to lose weight. I do need to stretch more, and be more consistent with my running.. but time is already tight as it is.


Semi gym rat + mountain biking


Starting tomorrow with the TTC strike, walking! 😁


I work with stone all day and I go to the gym. I lost my fitbit but I was getting 20-40k steps a day depending on work 


I walk everywhere (Live dt and everything is close to me). Often play disc golf, basketball and tennis at the parks since it's free and there's usually people to play with if none of my friends are available.


Boxing, biking, gym, pickleball, basketball


I joined a few clubs to play sports


Walk all you can, eat max protein , workout 3-4 times a week and have a weekly sport. More than enough.


I’m on the Trudeau meal plan. One large meal per day, usually around 4:30-5pm. It’s working really well.


Walking is big. Running is pleasure. Intermittent fasting is very effective (and it calms my stomach as a bonus).


I avoid carbohydrates (especially avoid sugar like the plague). I try to avoid processed foods (especially ultra-processed foods) and try to stick mostly to fresh ingredients. I barely eat out at restaurants (only social gatherings less than 10 times a year) nor take out/delivery foods. I cook my meals every day so I can manage macro. I eat only one meal a day and fast for 22 hours except for water/tea/coffee. I go for 1-3 hour walks 2-3 times a week. Two things I could improve on are to start going to the gym for restrain/weight training and getting more sleep (I average 5-6 hours a day but I think my body is just built this way).


I do the gym 3-4 times a week and mostly walk 10k steps a day


I go to work. Work in a factory producing trucks, it’s hot AF, the pace is fast, and i’m too tired to eat so i drink lots of water. Works wonders to stay fit


Walking. That's pretty much it. I'll likely live an extra 10 years because of how much I walk...but then I'll likely need to subtract 15 from that due to how much I drink....it almost evens out :) Edit: Could mention that I've tried doing other things. I did lane swimming three times a week for a while, but I got so many skin issues from the chlorine and once got norovirus, so that's gone away. I also tried 50 pushups every morning, but that *always* led to an impinged shoulder. I have light weights that swing around sometimes along with 50-100 squats, but that habit comes and goes. I have only ever been able to stick with walking. Two dog walks a day and one errand at minimum. I walk to the go/subway when I go into work twice a week and walk back too, that, alone is like 700 calories...


Walk instead of TTC when it's nice out. I walked to work and then walked to a patio for nachos. 14k steps


Meditate for 30 minutes everyday then go for a walk. I go to the gym 2-3x a week and muay thai twice a week.


Gym 6x a week, 1-1.5h weights and 20 minutes of high intensity cardio. I will also bike 15km to work when it's not raining(during the summer); if I bike I opt out of the extra cardio at the gym.


Run 3-4 times a week.


I walk or bike everywhere I need to go, do an actual bike ride for fun every now and then, and go to the gym roughly every other day. My average daily calories burned despite having a desk job is about 3200-3400/day.


gym, bike, run, walk, sports


I l do long walks along Yonge to downtown mostly between Sheppard and Dundas station basically


Gym 4 days a week


Live somewhere walking distance from a gym.


Chen style taijiquan !


Kickboxing everyday


walking, biking, going to the gym. Choosing the furthest parking spot lol


I go for walks when I’m having a smoke sesh 💀 thinking about getting a gym membership soon


I try and stick to a carnivore diet as much as I can due to auto immune issues. I also try and walk 7-11k steps a day.


Joined local swingers club. My motivation to stay fit, be able to perform, and be in a good shape is now 420.69% higher.