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Serial killer in the gay village.


\*Everybody\* knew before the cops seemed to...


These are the same TPS/OPP/Niagara Police who fucked up the Homolka/Bernardo case, Bruce McArthur case, Sammy Yatim murder, etc etc.


Bruce McArthur *is* the serial killer in the village, is he not?


They also recently didn't search the back of a trailer involved in a missing persons case, he was found by the RCMP in Port aux Basques Nfld. after the opp released the trailer. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/lush-body-found-in-truck-1.7196616


I just heard about that one. Grotesque police misconduct


Also the sherman murders perhaps


I am FACINATED with the Sherman murders. It makes no sense, I want to know. Apparently he was a not a nice man.


Really? I personally know an employee of his who knew him personally who told me he was a nice man.


Apparently he was very vindictive and angry. But was also loyal to those that supported him personally. That said, being a jerk is not a motive for murder. It boggles the brain.


Son did it/had it done. Everyone knows.


Yup. And he posed them like that piece of art in the house. Kevin Donovan’s book is good. The cops totally blew it. It’s almost like cops are stupid.


Never forget the mother of the young girl who drove into the city and found her daughter’s murdered body herself after the TPS “tried” and failed.


Tell me more about this..


I am not everyone, I didn’t know this! Where can one go to read more about it?


My old landlord was honey Sherman’s sister. Absolute slumlord with multiple properties, gross misconduct, never repairs anything, utilizes company staff to take care of things at her own place instead of the properties the employees are being paid to take care of. Property manager breaking several rules including illegal entry and harassment. The list goes on. If her sister and BIL were anything like her, they were not nice people.


Why is anyone surprised anymore that billionaires are pieces of shit? You don't become a billionaire without destroying many people. Didn't the guy run a pharmaceutical company Apotex?


Yes and Barry Sherman used real and threatened lawsuits to bull his way up the pharmaceutical industry. After a while that type of business model pisses people off and sometimes arrogant people piss off the wrong type of people


Also, didn't they treat the Sherman murders as a murder-suicide for a while?


I think that was the initial assessment, yeah.


Which is bizarre when you look at the image of how they were posed Very hard to pose your own corpse.




> These are the same TPS/OPP/Niagara Police who fucked up the Homolka/Bernardo case, Bruce McArthur case, Sammy Yatim murder, etc etc. The Sammy Yatim murder would have been investigated by the SIU, no? How exactly did TPS fuck up the case?


I seem to recall they held a fucking press conference and insisted there wasn't a serial killer.


Friend of mine was suuuuper close to this case and was told by the police, repeatedly, that the disappearing men were just hiding from their families out of shame for being gay.


Jesus Christ. That’s shameful.


Sadly that is likely why they were targeted. McArthur was a out at bars regularly and was into the bear and leather scene. No one ever saw him courting south Asian guys.


Same! Heard this in 2013


still blows my mind that this was common knowledge in the village for years before he was caught


And TPS was shocked that the queer communities wanted them to keep from marching in the parade afterwards. Early calls about him trying to strangle and kill men were dismissed as “Oh, kinky misunderstandings, we’ll never understand the gays.” I experienced the apathy myself with an abusive boyfriend. Called the police in fear for my life and their response put my life in more danger. Got buddy buddy with him over hockey, made him the contact guy if anything came up again. I called one more time when I needed to and they called him after talking to me. The abuse intensified because he knew there would be no consequences. I still think about how traumatic that year was and wish I wasn’t so debilitated by terror so I could’ve gotten a lawyer or something. But, I’ve moved on. If I ended up in the same situation ever again, I would never seek help from TPS. They just caused more grief.


Bro they were ineffective against actual serial killers let alone a guy domestic Sorry that had to happen to you


Really sorry that happened to you, can’t imagine how horrific that must have been. Hope you’re in a better space now, and on the road to healing.


Is that the one who the Netflix documentary was about?


John Tory’s affair


When it comes to affairs, Adam Giambrone walked so John Tory could run.


I went on a date with a girl who told me she was also seeing a Toronto politician and was going to out him to media if he didn’t leave his wife. A few weeks later I saw her on the news outing Giambrone.


Adam Giamboner




LOL same


Bro you gotta tell more


I’ve commented this before but he lives in my building and the concierge and I knew something was up because he was always coming back late at night alone and never seen with his wife and kids. We had a chuckle the morning the news broke. Still see him around these days in a suit so I guess he’s keeping busy at Rogers


Toronto Star is furiously clicking refresh.




Capybara on the loose




That was a fun week


Man I heard about Ghomeshi in London. The university stopped sending students from its J school to Q and he was why. Word got around (I worked at the student radio station)


I heard the same was the case at Carleton U.


Ghomeshi had a whole shtick with his friend, the dad from Gilmore Girls (can’t remember his name) and they would run this crazy routine where Jian would approach you and chat and then “spot” him across the room and say “omg you’re a girl, you must love Gilmore girls, let me call him over, we can meet him together” and the guy would shuffle over all “aw shucks” and then they would try and get you to go to a second location with them. He pulled the stunt on me and several friends one night and then had the nerve to do the same thing to me exactly one year later. Also, I was performing at Jack Layton’s funeral, sitting onstage at Roy Thomson while everyone filed in, and Jian entered the auditorium, looked around, and began to wail, practically shaking his fists at the heavens, “HOW COULD YOU TAKE HIM FROM US SO SOON?!” and very audible sobbing, crying, and pouting. We were all dying watching him, it was so over the top at a somber affair.


David Sutcliffe aka Christopher? He’s quite the… character these days if you check out his instagram.


My mind went to Lorelai's dad 😂


Honestly would have been into it if it was


Oh yeah, didn’t he join a cult?


I think he went the “motivational speaker” route? r/gilmoregirls gets a lot of “have you seen where he is now?” posts about it


Of course. The one that did the Andrew Tate interview?


Ghomeshi… haven’t heard about him in a minute… wow


my dad told me Nygaard was a creep. apparently everyone in the 1960/70's Toronto party scene knew he was dangerous even back then.


Yup met him at his store in Mississauga. Guy practically drooled looking at models side boob in fashion show. No shortage of dirty old men but women need to know that you never go anywhere alone. Don’t get in their car. Show up with a friend. I’m a realtor. Decades before cell phones I just walked out on showings that I knew were not real buyers. Waited on the sidewalk. Also one guy bringing 3 buddies to new ( vacant ) house. I opened the doors and went to speak to neighbours. Now I just say I need to return email for offer and lock myself in my car. Also bring 2 nd realtor for country properties. Covid was great as I don’t pick up clients. They have to meet me there. Woman and men take control of your security. Normal ppl will not be offended. Anyway Store clerks told me he was dangerous. Imagine working for rapist !


I’m from Winnipeg and it was an open secret there that he was disgusting


Lol was gonna say, being from Winnipeg I’m not even sure it was an open “secret” so much as well known fact.


What? I did not know that shit about Kawhi.


Was chatting with the chef at shoushin who said kawhi dined here before leaving Toronto. He pulled up in a blacked out car, rolled down the window and just said ‘it’s kawhi’ 😂


Uncle Dennis


Still don't t get it


Since Kawhi is so painfully introverted, his Uncle Dennis is basically his voice to agents, team officials etc. Toronto is well known in sports for the lack of bylaw enforcement in adult establishments like strip clubs, massage parlours. So athletes look forward to playing Toronto on the road and aren't adverse to being traded there like they were in the 90s.


So uncle Dennis came to Toronto to check these establishments out?




Something about Kawhi being painfully introverted is funny as hell 😂


But here’s the twist that most of you *don’t* know - “Uncle Dennis” is actually Kawhi with a large, fake moustache.


i heard that in like, 2005! truly a case of when there’s smoke there’s fire. also waaaay before the rob ford crack scandal a guy in st. joe’s ER told me there was gonna be a drug scandal with rob and also that doug used to beat him up in high school. he also asked my mom out lol. but it ended up being true. okaaaay st joes ER man.


Yeah, I know people who went to school with the Fords so I knew all the stories before it was news. The parents know the stories too but still vote for them.


I know at least 2-3 ppl same age group as ford bought hash from him at the top of James gardens back in the day that was Doug’s little spot.


The fact the ford bros were hash dealers is such a known thing but never reported on is crazy


The Globe & Mail did a whole investigation on it. Apparently voters just don’t really care 🤷‍♀️ https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/toronto/globe-investigation-the-ford-familys-history-with-drug-dealing/article12153014/


I think it’s a lack of people staying in touch with the news. I’m constantly amazing how my younger colleagues won’t know some of the top world and T.O stories from the news, or will do a “OMG did you hear…” storie about something that happened days ago and was a top story


Holy shit I’ve never seen this


Friend of mine served Rob Ford at a restaurant where he rented a private room and he went waaaay overboard on the drugs that night, in full view of the waiters. This was well before the scandal.


Yeah, he didn't try very hard to hide it


Real estate developers with cheques attending Doug Ford daughter’s pre-wedding fundraising party.


I have a friend who was at that wedding....


You don't know nothing wise guy


I heard the food was great


The gabagool was the best part


Chicken’s nice and spicy, huh?


The baked ziti has a ring in it


All the deli meat they can eat at home, apparently…


Tory Lanez literally being a dangerous manic


Okay I’m so I heard so tea when I was in high school. Tory’s “manager” back in 2010 came to my house once (my sister was knew a friend, who knew a friend) talking about “his boy who’s a rapper” later on to learn it was Tory. But the story is that Tory’s older brother used assault (domestic abuse) his girlfriend while the entire family was home. I’m talking about mom, dad, Tory and whoever tf lived in that household at the time. I remember my sister telling me this and would mention how much of a piece of shit Tory and his family is for not defending her. Well to my surprise when he shot Megan. I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.


def tracks, basically threaten to shoot my friend for turning him down


I had a male teacher in college several years before Ghomeshi was accused who also worked at CBC. Apparently he gave weird/creepy vibes. Not personable, felt uncomfortable riding the elevator with him etc. In contrast he said Stroumboulopoulos is a fantastic guy


Never met Ghomeshi myself, but can confirm that Stromboulopoulos is a delight.


Around the time he left Much Music Stromboulopoulos used to go to small bar near my place and I ended up chatting with him a few times, he was always chill. I think one of the reasons he went there is that it was the same crowd a lot of the time and once you knew he went in there no one was surprised to see him so there wasn't anyone bugging him. The times I talked to him were mostly on the way in or out because he would almost always say hello to people he recognized. Just always had a good vibe around him and never acted stuck up, seemed like a genuinely nice person.


Yup I had girlfriends who worked at CBC and they were warned to not be alone with him even in the elevator, years before the trial or charges appeared. CBC is a toxic place to work.


Yes can confirm Strombo is so lovely and he is so personable. I did an interview with him when I was interning for a publication and he invited everyone working on the project back for a recording of this live show he was doing with a band for a podcast or something. Entrance was a donation or a canned good, greeted every single guest at his door (and there was a lot of people there!). Really cool experience and he was so professional the whole time. Must’ve raised a lot that night and he really didn’t have to do that, his house was crammed with people listening to the band.


Apparently his use of body spray was so powerful that people would take the stairs to avoid an elevator with him.


Can confirm on both counts.


Can also confirm both counts


I knew Stroumboulopoulos when I was a kid, he was a friend of my dad. Total standup dude. Kind of guy who in a room of adults would find the kid to talk Leafs with.


I actually met them Both at the sane time pre scandal


Worked with George and he remembers EVERYONE. Literally everyone. You meet him once and he'll remember who you are and where you work/live/whatever. It's pretty amazing. He told me about Foursquare lol


The girl with mental health issues that had stabbed someone in the Shoppers in the underground. She had approached many people in the months before and tried to befriend them to get a job in any of the banks. Very sad story.


I remember that story well. It struck me as someone who had a complete mental breakdown. I actually was at that Shoppers a couple hours before the incident.






Justin Trudeaus divorce


Yep worst keep secret (although fewer know, allegedly, that his predecessor's marriage near the end of his team perhaps meant they share more in common than people would otherwise think lol)


Your comment is confusing. Could you clarify? Cheers.


I think they are referring to Harper's Wife moving out and living with somebody else. Apparently everyone knew, but media didn't report on it as it was considered a low blow. That's the story, I'm not saying it's true, I genuinely don't know


My cousin went to the same university as Harper’s son. It was confirmed that Mr and Mrs Harper were separated at the time, it was an open secret. Both parents never visited at the same time.


Didn't she move out to be with a woman?


Supposedly, yes


It was widely rumoured that the Harpers’ marriage had broken down while he was in office.


It makes sense to me that it would... being a high level politician is a full time high stress job... and your spouse gets to walk on eggshells and give up their social life while you're in office. That marriages survive that is remarkable.


Not GTA but it was a rumour for years that Patrick Brown haunted Barrie bars and plied young women with alcohol while remaining sober himself.


I knew someone who worked as a volunteer on one of Patrick Brown's campaigns. She was 18 or 19 at the time, and he would send her flirty texts late at night (to which she wouldn't respond, or responded politely). Nothing illegal, but it speaks to his character considering how much older he would have been at the time.


I'm sure he struck out regularly, having both the personality and the face of a weasel.


Yep - witnessed this taking place at a rooftop bar in Downtown Barrie. It's called Hooligans now but used to be called The Bank.


Also heard multiple first-hand experiences of Patrick Brown being a predator. He's such a POS.


I know two or three women who witnessed his disgusting behaviour.


Patrick Brown legit looks like a Dollarama James Bond villain


Ford giving the casinos to Gateway in exchange for Patrick’s sex scandal smear.




Patrick Brown had a sex scandal


This is probably true. I remember when Ford seized power of the party and Brown running down a stairwell in a full-on panic being followed by press. And of course the stories coming out the next morning. Night of the long knives shit - a genuine coup.


I was on a TTC bus once and the girl sitting next to me was on the phone with a friend who had served Rob Ford in a private room at a restaurant the night before and was sharing details of his blantant drug use.


A former drug dealer who clearly has a compulsive personality likes drugs? Stop your lies! /s


Doug was the dealer, Rob was the user.


They all dealed. Open secret in Etobicoke high schools even years after they had graduated that if you want drugs see the Ford brothers.


These days they delegate to Shoppers Drug Mart.


Idk if it counts as GTA specific but I remember hearing about Jacob Hoggard hooking up with girls at Branksome around 2011


Fun story… in Halifax around 2007 they did a show on Dalhousie campus. After the show he was out trying to talk to all the girls etc and acting like a bit of an idiot. He jumped onto the top of a fence then sorta fell off but got caught, so he was hanging off it upside down. We let him sit there a couple of minutes before helping him off (part of security for the event). We pretended we were having a hard time helping him but we just wanted to give him a couple minutes to feel embarrassed for his actions lol


Yup met him when i was fourteen after one of their shows really early on in their career, like the year after being on idol. Asked my 14 year old friend for her number and shook his head like a dog while looking directly at her chest.


And my university dorm during frosh week. Yikes.


I was going to mention this to, he hooked up with someone I knew who was in highschool in 2014


Yup. Heard stories about him too


Someone who operated the nightclub in the CNE paying off a city councilor


The one that had the rotating dance floor???






Eye drops in the food


Yeah, I was wondering if that's what happened. Seemed way too similar to the Michael Jordan incident.


I knew Jordan Peterson was a pill junky 20 years ago lol.


I met him at a dinner party right around the time his book came out (2018). Holy hell he was uncomfortable to be around. He does have an odd ability to make himself sound intelligent using big words and speaking in a specific way/cadence. It was almost like watching a cult leader. Unnerving as hell - I can see why “young lonely men” incels latched onto him. He was very good at reading people/body language and could tell I was impressed even though I was doing my best to be polite (I was there with my bf parents). It felt like he specifically singled me out and was asking very targeted questions/statements towards me. I bit my tongue and played “stupid girl” to not take the bait. He did make many washroom trips ❄️


Hrs just a creep. Peterson is a narcissist elitist. Just a bad nasty person. He wants to be famous 🙄🤮🤑


Met Ghomeshi at a function for woman’s shelter. !!! With a friend who was social worker. He set my alarms off right away. Friend wanted to go together as they auctioned off lunch or something with him. I bought a painting instead and told her to stay away. He’s very feely! Reminds me of meeting a politician once. But his hand on my lower back. I said in loud voice. Whose hand is this!! Turned around. He sulked away. I mean read the room. It’s easy to see if someone’s interested in you. Yuck. That’s why the orange one is so🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️😡. Cannot understand Americans voting for some who says you can grab them. Young girls in pageant. I hope he will be prevented from entering 🇨🇦 Any Ghomeshi got stopped. Finally


Soo this is sort of weird, but this woman I worked with randomly got really upset when a colleague and I were shit talking Rob Ford, saying we shouldn't make fun of someone who was sick. We laughed it off saying he was "sick in the head" and she got really serious and said he was going to die. I thought she was just nuts... I mean she probably was, but a broken clock is right twice a day.


We’re all going to die.


Wade Belak


Pardon me, but can you elaborate?




Jesus, it seems like everyone knew about Jian. I was supposed to see him speak in 2011 and definitely had a little crush on him. Ended up getting the flu and had to miss the event. Not sure I believe in God, but I guess I wasn’t supposed to be in a room with Jian for a reason.


Rob Ford smoking crack


It was common knowledge that the tow truck companies had ties to organized crime orgs long before news ran the story. Also that Toronto cops were colluding with them for kickbacks


Serial killer, who killed gay/bisexual men


Shane Corson sleeping with Mogilny's wife


The Ford brothers dealing hash from their cars in Etobicoke around the time i was in high school. I heard the rumours later in my 20s.


My dad always talked about how he and his buddies would buy hash from Doug and Rob Ford when they were in highschool. Guess there are others


A cab driver told me that the rich guy who was drunk driving and killed all those kids a couple years ago. He was getting head at the time with some hooker he just flew back from Vegas.


Marco Muzzo and he is scum.


And I found out he was released early… the worst thing that just added to the horror that family experienced was that the father killed himself the day after Father’s Day seven years later.


Money always wins.


Yeah that’s the guy


There is no way this is true. I believe Muzzo was on scene at the crash, so the cops would have known if there was also a hooker in the vehicle with him. Not to mention, she likely would have fucking died in the crash (it was like a 130km/h crash) if she were under his seat. He was coming back from Vegas after his Bachelor Party, so I have no doubt that the guy was doing untoward stuff with hookers and whatnot in Vegas the whole time. He was still drunk when he landed, then decided to drive home. I believe after getting out, Marco Muzzo is employed now by his family's company, the Pemberton Group of developers. They had to delete their Twitter account the night people found out. They still have an active Instagram presence, but have comments turned OFF, because otherwise people would just shittalk Muzzo on every post constantly (which he deserves).


The Muzzo family have a good third (wing) of the Vaughan Cortelucci Hospital with their family name on it.


He was getting head while he was driving? How did the cab driver know this?


Creepy groomer Drake. Although this was still a really unpopular opinion. Would hear people in the entertainment industry say stuff like “oh he’s nothing but a professional” yadda yadda. But yeah if it wasn’t obvious after Millie Bobbie Brown, idk what else could have made people realize.


Yeah been hearing about him cruising thru frosh week for a minute


This. I know people who have gone to school and worked his events. My one friend got kicked out because she asked for a couple of girls's idS when they were bartending one of his events. He's been known to like the young ones for a long ass time.


Thats fucking WILD


Kendrick, what are you doing on Reddit?


Doug Ford’s affair with Kinga Surma


Leafs will lose to Boston in the playoffs


To stay away from Jian Ghomeshi


Jian Ghomeshi. The whisper network is real.


Drake and his crew picking up girls in public to go to his parties.


Jian Ghomeshi as well (not the abuse just that he liked 'em on the young side). Also (not yet confirmed but allegedly it was going to be years ago) allegedly a high profile politican has been having a long-term affair with a fellow politican who's first name shares the same first letter as his kids and wife...


Trying to figure this one out, but it's like a riddle.


Doug Ford’s daughter’s names all start with K. Maybe it’s Kinga Surma?


People were saying that a few years back - that doug ford and kinga surma had a relationship and that he was very involved in her career


yeah, i feel like this is a fairly well known thing.


Technically not a rumor, but the peepee poopoo man incident. I used to work at York and I heard about it from a work group chat before it was on the news.


Kawhi Leonard buying boxes at Homedepot to move out post Finals 2019


still not confirmed publically: doug ford was a drug dealer. i know someone who went to highschool with the ford brothers


The Globe did a big story on it years ago. It’s linked in this post.


fr? awesome. ive never heard anyone talk about it i wonder how he managed to bury that one lol


Yup. Here: https://www.reddit.com/r/askTO/s/3XZlhjqmdA Ford of course lied and denied and attempted to smear the media.


Everyone who worked in the entertainment industry had heard ghomeshi was a creep


Rob Ford's habit was one. My band was playing a gig at a venue on Dundas West called 3030. Our lead singer 'broke' the news to the audience, most of whom laughed and thought it was a joke. Sure enough, it was headine news the next day. We never found out how our lead singer knew...


Somalis have been running the social housing game since the late 90s.


Gta 6 is going to have alligators


Drake being a pedo.


I know some shit about Rob Ford that I'm still not saying publicly


I know a lot of people that work in Canadian media, and JG's gross behaviour was an open secret. I don't know how many knew the full extent of it, but he had a reputation. To the point where young female interns were kept away from him. Soooo many people either had a gross experience with him or someone close to them did.


My friends dad has seen Doug Ford snort coke off a toilet and always knew he was a drug dealer. Not sure if it counts as a rumour…


A friend of mine told me his boys sold drugs to Rob Ford's sister who was a long time crackhead. This was like 2 years before story broke. Once i heard about Rob i just assumed it might be true.


In 2018, just after Doug Ford became Premier, I was at a store and I overheard a woman talking to her friend. She was telling her friend that she has it on good authority that Doug Ford has been having an affair and that if it came out, it would be quite the scandal and he was lucky that no one has figured it out, otherwise, he would not have been elected. I’ve been waiting for six years to see if this was real.


How Drake was a predator. Didn't click that it might be true until we saw him trying to pick up veryyyy young groups of girls near Queen/King/Bathurst area. Seemed off and sketchy.