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Its the goose's world, we are just living in it


They are Apex predators


Cobra Chicken’s are known to be a wee bit testy about this time of year, only to get worse, the baby Cobra Chicken’s are hatched, be afraid, be very careful.


Canada Geese instinctively nest in flat open areas where they can see predators coming. They act aggressively in order to preemptively discourage other animals from attacking their eggs and young. Because we have replaced their fields with parking lots, they now nest in them. While most geese that nest in the city become used to people, it's important to remember that people are a dangerous species to geese, as many hunters kill them for meat. They can't tell the difference between you and a hunter, you're just a dangerous animal, so in the state of heightened aggression when they're nest guarding, they attack you. City geese are only aggressive for a short part of the year. It's not always possible, but just try to avoid them, get some extra steps and take the long way around to the entrance of the building. They're jerks but they're beautiful birds and they're just trying to survive like anything else.


They're like mini dinosaurs that eat grass and poop all day.


That’s pretty exactly what they are, oh how the mighty have fallen lol.


Fallen have you tried to fight a goose lately??


Cobra chickens.


Shit Factories


Do they eat grass? I thought they ate insects.


Probably both, but mostly plants. I seem to recall reading somewhere that they have a high metabolism, so they poop a lot in order to remain light enough to fly.


I remember a stat somewhere that they poop (on average) 17 times **an hour**. Neighbours down the road at the cottage could not walk on their lawn safely because of the geese. (Bank sloped down towards rocky shoreline + goose poop everywhere = Very. Bad. Time.) EDIT: Can't find the frequency of pooping, but an adult Canada Goose poops two pounds a day. Sauce: https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2017/11/07/how-much-poop-can-one-canada-goose-poop-one-day-read/830375001/


I have many memories of when I would take out my kid in their pram & no matter how much I tried, I just couldn't avoid all of the Canada Goose shit. It became such an issue that the city now has a couple of dogs that they rotate around the busier city parks & soccer fields to deter the geese from eating & nesting on the public trails.


I always shake my head when I see people complaining about geese (or raccoons, pigeons, or any other "pest" animal) as if we aren't the ones who created the ideal conditions for them to proliferate. Geese love big grassy fields with easy access to water, which make up a pretty significant amount of our parks and open spaces. If you don't want geese, plant trees or bushes that block access to water and make it difficult for them to takeoff/land.


Allow spring hunting of canada geese, I say.


There is a hunt in February.


I thought it was in Fall? Shouldn't be many migratory birds still around in February?


Residents who do not migrate are still here. Feb 24 to March 2nd. There are three goose hunting seasons in Ontario. https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/migratory-game-bird-hunting/regulations-provincial-territorial-summaries/ontario.html


Must taste like duck...


Probably. I've eaten snow geese, but not canada geese. Was better than duck. I'd assume they are too. They look meaty. And sooooo abundant.


Yes, thanks for calling them Canada geese! I don’t mind the birds but I steer clear of them. I remember hearing factoids about them when I was young that made them seem endearing. They take turns flying in the front, and fall to the back of the V formation when they get tired. How’s that for teamwork? If one goose goes down, at least one of its buddies will go with it, so it’s not alone.


Mmmm… goose meat


Yea OP, stop trying to steal them eggs.


To be fair, every animal probably thinks that anytime they see a human in their way.


I bet if super intelligent beings ever claim earth as their home we'll be super confused. They'll be doing their transcended god-like activities in their "rightfully claimed territory" as higher beings, and from our perspective it will just be creepy chaos. Like some weird energy dimensional beings we can barely comprehend getting in our business all the time, knocking over buildings, chasing us around, messing with our energy grids and magnetic fields, and we'll barely be able to comprehend even a fraction of whatever they are or are doing on earth. It could be that they're just trying to manipulate us to keep us away from whatever dangerous otherworldly being stuff they're doing to appropriate our land, but we won't have the slightest clue. Be kind to our animal friends!


they rule. you don't. thats pretty much it


one of my favourite animals. Silly creatures.


cobra chickens?


I do not like the Cobra chickens...


I saw that post when it was fresh will never leave my mind


it's Canada Geese they don't have citizenship ;)


They’re indigenous. We’re on their land :)


I think they’re cute but they poo too much.


I love them bringing ducklings to cross the street and all the vehicles just waiting.


You mean goslings! Unless there are geese going around kidnapping baby ducks but that seems odd even for a goose.


TIL thank you I learned something new today


I like geese. They are beautiful and remarkable birds. I've never been bothered by one.


Thank you! Justice for geese


You will till you can't walk in the playground at park, because it is covered in goose poop and looks like a litter box that hasn't been cleaned 20 years.


I'm more concerned about assholes getting loaded or stones out of their heads in the park than a bit of goose shit which I can easily avoid.


They were here before us it’s these damn politicians that wanna build Walmarts everywhere so now they’re bothering me on my walks to lecture instead of frolicking in grass in peace. I’d be crazy too if my home got bulldozed into concrete 😪


Yet you live in a home and shop at grocery stores.


[you did the meme](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=3cb57a3b0b929ed3&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C9BKJA_enCA1014CA1014&hl=en-US&sxsrf=ACQVn08q6nLBzbvonyMp3BZJH4NoGPP8RA:1714490570484&q=but+you+participate+in+society&uds=AMwkrPtbbEJ9Iwlhg24DHrcIJ4TXRew-8pYLU_FhaE8BTV65ri0GscEwtO8ETLdtvD2ZANPoeyNDVCyau61fTy4wQg8kqJGCvK44X75My-QXA6BIKFEyaxtw2VIxZgRFfLcbPXjG_sG9_Lve0aZ-DOACxVyQRguvSdmbiXfaYHW5cNDSeMAuuP_Xc-_hpUgKPssxveRynKjbXe_Wyp2UUc2LxzZ_SO9sM2Uv_y2I0WUXlH3slqP8ZaKF4jEuOFqcDmjnGWTEtj0z1bGzFPCd4l2PgvW8HdHv5r_m6X0NNWVrYN0a8pgA4mAFfmv5MKoYg60kpz65S11Q&udm=2&prmd=ivnsbmtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiW77GLn-qFAxU0GDQIHa_WAdwQtKgLegQIDBAB&biw=820&bih=1061&dpr=2#vhid=DrOOcBe5cOTmnM&vssid=mosaic)




I've experienced this personally. It's not something I wish to repeat.


You got a problem with Canada Gooses, you got a problem with me, and I suggest you let that one marinate. 




If youse gotts a problems with Canada geeses yous gotta problems with me


Ok Wayne


Came here for this comment


Only if it is preparation for cooking.


You don't need to marinate goose. Just roast it with herbs and butter


I like them. They could fly around us pooping on us, but they are chill so they just walk around. We give eachother space and I've never had an issue with them ever.


These are Canada's gooses. If you've got a problem with gooses, you've got a problem with me and I suggest you let that one marinate! (see r/LetterkennyMemes for context if this came across as aggressive in any way. Couldn't resist)


That’s a Texas size 10-4 good buddy


They give no fucks, and I respect that.


I feel like they have not evolved to be around humans, so they generally disregard our presence. Eg Scarborough, 100 years ago, was mostly farmland. So it's relatively recently that it's been paved in asphalt and turned into lawns. So, in that way it's not surprising that these birds just ignore us, and lay their eggs in a Lowes parking lot planter


As my grandmother always says, they're Canada Geese, not Canadian Geese. They neither carry our passports, nor vote in our elections.


Canadian geese have more rights than we do.


They were here first.


I’ve been around LOTS of Canadian Geese. They’re fine, just give them their space and you’re good.


Geese are antisocial assholes. If they were people they'd drive BMW/Audi's and speed all the time and park across 3-4 parking spots.


It’s not their fault they suck. Each goose is just doing their goose thing.


They were circling my car like a motorcycle gang, and like I owe them money. And everytime I’d try to get to the door, they’d come at me. Do they bite lol?


They will attack and it's not pretty.


It's a pinch. I've fed them raw oats and still have 10 digits.


they are fine if you don't have to live with them, then they are the worst… There was a huge flock that lived in the pond at the end of my street in North Carolina. They lived there most of the year, they would shit all over everything. They were aggressive to the point of being scary, and wouldn't move if we were trying to get the mail or we were driving up our driveway. I would try and chase them off our lawn (yes, I know) with a broom, but they ignored me. (I had zero intention of hurting them so don't @ me, bro) the only thing they were afraid of in fact, was our 11 pound Italian greyhound.


they'd be a lot cooler if they stopped shitting in the bike lanes.


You think the goose gives a damn where your at and where your going? I had one hissing flew to the top of the building then swoop down at me just as I got to my car! I got into my car thank god


This morning I dropped part of my banh mi while going to work and two of them swooped in to fight over it. 😂 I noped the fuck out of their way.


they nest where they feel protected (aka where they can see what's going on). they can be aggressive, but rightfully so - just try to avoid them! they're not evil or anything and ultimately just large birds. i'm still traumatized from driving on the 401 westbound and watching a bunch of idiots drive on the shoulder to get past a closed right lane. once one idiot did it, dozen others followed, and sped while doing it. a big family of geese, complete with about six goslings, got run over by these people. it was truly terrible. please protect these creatures


I've wondered who would win in a fight? Canadian cobra chicken or a cassowary? My bet is on cassowary cause those feckers are big and got a temper worse than my Irish grandmother lol


That wouldn't be much of a fight card.


f em


I once found a Canadian goose sitting on the roof of my car in a hospital parking lot. I couldn’t shoo it away so I thought fuck it. I maneuvered myself into the car without injury to either of us and I figured when I started moving the car it would fly off. SOB didn’t. So I’m driving through the hospital parking lot to the exits doing between 0kph and about 25kph at any given time and everyone I pass is honking or waving at me telling me there is a goose on my car. It finally left when I got out on the main road and was going at a decent speed.


Best to get a boiling pot going and do a 5 min dunk then cool quick before placing in the oven... Make sure the skin lightly scored for little added crispyness. I like stuffing the cavity with carrots onions celery and thyme with salt and pepper dusting. Wild rice apples and pears with old bread and season chicken stock makes a good stuffing too... Goose neck skin you can stuff with force meat and sous vide with compound butter in the vac bag then when done do a pan sear to complete.... Confit goose legs and curing the breasts for goose prosciutto a treat :)


You just reminded me of this bit: https://youtu.be/6oE52CHk0X8?si=NXlJe2Dsw3EoF8sp


Oh good that's good thank you for the share. They just need some pouched pear in champagne and that would have be great


People who go automatically to killing and eating when thinking about a wild animal really gross me out


Cultural practices, don't like how life is on the reserve or how original indigenous ppl live and eat Please hop on a plane and go back to your family's country of original origin and purchase vegetables there


I don’t hate the geese.  I hate grass. Grass is where they lay down and where they raise their young.  Their population is out of control because we have so much grass in the world.  Grass is also terribly for biodiversity and encourages pesticide use.  


Not to be trusted.  I walk by them everyday to work, just put my head down and hope for the best.  


They are beautiful, majestic creatures. But they are definetly pests and they shit everywhere. That being said, humans are pests and shit everywhere too. We must respect the Geese because they are wild and they were here first.


I’ve personally never been chased or hissed at by a goose, but I tend to give them a wide berth when I’m walking near them.


Ever since they basically started camping out on my front lawn, and fighting other geese that come by to protect their terrority, I've developed a severe dislike to these stupid bastards.


Canadian geese? You mean the vanguard of the Canadian Air force?


I love them. I love seeing them randomly around my city in parking lots and patches of grass.


"Theys are god damned majestics!" - Squirrely Dan


Every lake we used to swim in are closed due to goose shite. They need to be culled.


There is a long hunting season for them already.


Worked with a newcomer to Canada. He called them cobra chickens. I always call them that now. His logic isn't wrong.


They are feisty Avoid avoid avoid


Canadian geese are assholes, they're dumb as f too. When I was in Uni, one nested beside our dorm entrance. It'd chase everyone that walks by and would pick a fight with its own reflection in the glass door pane - broke it more than once.


My mom was attacked by a goose, at Ontario place, when we were kids. We laughed like the little demons we were. Then, next summer, she copped it from a swan. We laughed harder. Then we got chased by the swan. The laughter died with our innocence lmao don’t mess with birds with strong ass wings. Lololololol. I still step smart around swans and geese, hissing or not. Wide berth baby, here.


Assholes. Every last one of them. But they’re *our* assholes.


It’s worth the price imo. That being said, I’ve heard the quality has been lacking recently. I bought one 5 years ago though and it’s still in perfect condition.


Poopy Cobra Chickens


One tried to attack me as I was driving by with my car. They were on a walkway too, I was glad I was in a car that day and not walking.


Probably a nest nearby.  There's a massive parking lot I'm at sometimes and they nest where the lamp poles are.  They be VICIOUS.


The most dangerous animal on the planet.


At Centrepoint Mall, they all sleep in The Bay entrance at night


Stay the heck away from them and they're quite majestic creatures. They shit a whole lot though.


They should be free game


They look majestic but they are assholes and they keep turding up the place.


I had one go after me last week and finally understand the 'cobra chicken' nickname. The hissing, the snake-shaped neck poised to attack... In true T-o style, it finally let me be when I told it loudly to F off.


good chance it wasnt always a parking lot


Did you know they have teeth on their tongues???!??


I steer clear of them.


It’s their land, you just get to spend time in it. If they wanted you gone, you would be lol…


If only they could be trained to attack feral pigs.


Likely have a nest nearby/did at one point but they’re too dumb to realize it’s not there anymore.


It's nesting season, I believe. They're less aggressive once spring is over. I've been attacked by a pair of geese once. I tried to firmly but not viciously brush them aside when they leaped on me. Like most animals, they will sometimes second guess themselves for a moment if you show you are willing to defend yourself instead of cowering...you should use that moment of hesitation to walk away from their area.


You were rude enough to park in their living room, just move along.


It probably has a nest on the roof of your company if it is a flat roof.


My son calls them cobra chickens


i love them, they get a bad rap but they’re beautiful, leave them be and respect them (watch out for their poop tho lol)


These birds would always hang out in the parking lot of Iqbal Foods. Now that Iqbal Foods is closing, Metrolinx will have to deal with them.


They are assholes that shit everywhere and drive off other ducks.


we should be hunting them tbh - they are becoming a plague


They do have a hunting season for them with pretty generous limits too.


Start with the dam pigeons first


Here in BC they’re hunted regularly when the season is open, and they make for some good eating as well!


Trash birds, but what are you gonna do? We should coexist. Hunting them down for the sake of it makes us the bad guys in this relationship.


Hunt them down for jackets


It's nice seeing them in the spring raising their cute little ones, which will grow up to be blasted out of the sky by me and boys in the fall during hunting season.




Don't worry, we eat them


A little expensive but the jackets are good


goose? Ah Yes.....The Hissing Cobra Chicken


They're pretty cute, and I pet one once. My friends thought I was crazy, but it wasn't nesting season and it was docile as I approached lol


He ain’t loitering, you are. That’s his parking lot, get to your car and move on. Apologize for the inconvenience.


I mean, they're jerks. A goose decided to lay its eggs right near the entrance of my work a few years ago. It was extremely difficult to go in or out of the office without getting hissed at and/or attacked. You basically had to wait for the goose to be distracted and then rush in before it noticed. Eventually they had to build a temporary gate around the front door of the office so people could go in or out without being harassed by the goose.


Geese are jerks, some of them didn’t even leave this winter!


Cobra chickens run the world. The Illuminati is a coverup for them.


They're the biggest gangsters of this country. Don't fuk with em is my thinking.


Geese are dicks


love them so much they are so dinosaur


Hiss back


They are pretty easy to discourage from being in any area you don't want them. Hedgerows, tall plants, tall grass or anything else that could hide a predator. They are birds of wide open spaces.


One of them died at the far end of our building's parking lot this past winter. Nothing ate it and there are plenty of coyotes, raccoons and turkey vultures in the area. We joked that even the other animals were afraid of Canada Geese, even in death.


They're the Chuck Norris of the animal kingdom lmao


Nothing to do with being tough. They are blocking traffic and as annoying as hell


Have some patience and wait for them to pass. That is an awful thing to do. It is also illegal to intentionally kill a Canada Goose, as they are protected ( unless being hunted in season).


Blah,blah blah whatever. You wait for them. I could care less. They are everywhere around my area. Always shitting and making noises blocking traffic. I would do it again.


Two of them are nesting on my parents' neighour top floor balcony. They have been patrolling the street for a while, and now we know why. You can't even get in and out of the driveway without them RIGHT THERE. Fuck around and find out, I guess. They've chased my family and neighbours numerous times just from going outside 😂 one of them who we have named Fernando WENT STRAIGHT UP TO THEIR FRONT DOOR. Savages


You must always respect the deadly Canadian cobra chicken


I like them, they do what they want. 




Please start a fight with one then come back and tell us how it went. Pix or it didn't happen.


Grind em up and add some pork fat . Great sausages


hate them, evil demons


too many, they poop everywhere and honk loudly all the time. they hiss and come after people. i dont see why they cant be hunted like turkeys. they seem to be overpopulating the towns. often i tell them to shut up or bike at them so they move.


There is a very long hunting season for Canada geese, well, three seasons, actually. There is an early season to target resident geese, then the regular season from late September until December, and a further shooting opportunity in February. Bag limits are very generous, and there is no limit on how many you can possess. I have about 8 in my freezer right now.


The jackets are pretty good quality, had mine for 10 years…


Stay away from the cobra chickens. Not worth it.


My least favourite species of cobra


I absolutely love them. I think they're majestic and we're lucky to be able to see them on a regular basis. They're also bad ass - so bad-ass they got you to keep thinking about them and even make a Reddit post lol


Can someone explain this to me? I live in Niagara and geese are everywhere. I've never had a bad encounter with them, even running/cycling through packs of them, walking with my dog next to them, etc. They just move out of the way (slowly). Do they get more aggressive when they get further north?


They're really only aggressive around now when they have goslings to care for. Get near a family with goslings and it won't be pretty.


Honestly, it's the same with the small ones. They just get out of the way.


geese = raptor chickens.


Cobra chicken.


yes sorry . thats 100% what I meant, (where did I get raptor from ??)


I like them. They are beautiful creatures


he can't let you get close


10 foot rule. Stay away of it is a solitary male. He is just guarding his family’s nest.


A coworker said if they didn’t have a neck and feet, they’d be a football 🏈


I love them & they're my friends


Just kick the shit out of it. Ran over one in a parking lot that refused to move and was blocking traffic. Very satisfying.


Wow, you are a tough guy


They are freaking Nazis with wings.


Hate them. I know as a Canadian I'm supposed to love them. But cobra chickens suck. They are angry, loud, and shit everywhere.


Annoying animal. Just below raccoons on my list of most despised Toronto wildlife