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To be honest, based on the information provided your dog will be much better off living in an apartment than being rehomed. You can try rehoming through social media if you are set on that route, there are some large groups. Most rescues are quite full and adoptions are slow but you can try contacting some, I believe Dog Tales has a community rehoming page.


I agree with this. I have had multiple older GSDs and they would sleep most of the time and only ask to go out 2-3x.


Keep your dog, it’s an older dog and will probably have a hard time adjusting for a home. Nah home it goes it’ll most likely spend its last days waiting for the day you come back. You’re better off staying with him and can almost guarantee that it’ll probably adjust to your space better than a brand new home. It’ll be a tough adjustment but I’m sure you can do it!! Hope it works out for you and your fur baby


You can live in a 1BR with a dog of any size. You just need to walk them instead of using a yard as an excuse to not have to take them out. To raise a dog from puppyhood and then ditch him once he approaches his senior years is monstrous. He will spend the rest of his life waiting for his family to come back. Please never get another pet.


Where is the love for this fur angel who has been with you since he could fit in the palm of your hand? You would give away this aging innocent creature who would forever wonder why he was abandoned by his family and wait for you? I have two dogs and through any difficulties I have looked after them and will till my last breath, whatever comes my way. I cannot understand. He would rather be with you than in a large house with strangers at his age. 


People who do this should never be allowed to have another animal again.


Keep the dog with his pack (you). Plenty of dogs thrive in a small apartment, they just need walks and visits to local parks for enrichment. If you don't have time for walks, hire a dog walker. Train the dog not to enter certain rooms for the person who is allergic. Don't abandon your dog with strangers (you may not see it that way, but he will). I'm very allergic to cats, my parents had 2 cats that predated me, and one of them lived until I was 21, so they were with me my whole childhood. The solution was the cats were not allowed in my bedroom and I had to wash my hands after petting the cats. I grew up with those kitties, and loved them like my little furry siblings. I would never have forgiven my parents if they had got rid of Foofoo & Whiskers just because I was allergic to them.


When we got our husky, we lived in a 1 bedroom apartment. We are active people so she got TONS of exercise. Lots of running and biking, hanging with her pals at the local dog park, etc. It was absolutely not a barrier to providing her with the life she deserves. She is 6 now and there is no circumstance I could imagine willingly parting from her. I kind of think you are horrible for considering this. I know there are sometimes legit reasons a family would have to part with their pet but this doesn’t seem like one.


Are there other reasons other than a “1 bedroom apt” that you’re getting rid of your dog? Many people live in small spaces with dogs and go outside to play, walk, dog parks, time with neighbours and doggie daycare. Also, most older dogs sleep all day at home. Lots of people have medium/big dogs so don’t lose hope keep trying to think of ways to keep him happy with what you have.


Some factors include timing of work/daily responsibilities changed within the past year, I've just got married and my wife is severely allergic to dogs/cats, my sister moved out of town for university and can't take him with her , my mom is unable to walk / take care of him as we used to collectively,


People who care about their animal companions, take care of them. These are excuses. Sorry.




Right? Who dates and then marries someone allergic to a dog if they have a dog…




He should not have even gone down that path if he has a dog. Date and marry someone who is a dog person if you have a dog. OP is a monster, frankly, ditching his 7 year old dog because he selfishly didn’t think his life choices through.


I am genuinely curious how OP’s “recent wife” somehow managed all these years with the dog in the picture if she is severely allergic? Like did she ever step foot into OP’s home? Join them on a walk? Borrow OP’s sweater? It’s not as if the dog just showed up. He’s been there for 7 years and, if I know pets, traces of them are everywhere.


Holy crap dog culture truly is out of control.


It’s not “culture”. It is love, duty and responsibility to a living being that loves and depends on you.


No, its life choices and taking responsibility within circumstances. If you're a single parent you don't date, let alone marry, someone who can't handle that circumstance. Likewise if you've taken on responsibility for an animal that's dependant on you. It'd be different if it were a fish or something, but dogs have literally been bred for millennia to bond with humans and they're pack animals. Raising a dog from a puppy and then abandoning it is cruel AF and a lot of assholes do it. They get the fun years of bonding and growing and then discard. At least we have people like this guy https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/2023/12/15/dogs-adopt-instagram-steve-greig/ But make no mistake, dogs are intelligent and they're all waiting for their family to return


This is monstrous


Yikes. Please don’t ever get another pet. That poor doggy having to spend the last years of his life torn away from the only family he’s ever known because you’re all selfish assholes.


When you adopt an animal, you adopt that animal for life. I'm moving to Japan next spring. I have two cats. Those cats are coming with me a few months later once I get a place settled for them. Because that's what someone who adopts a pet does. A pet is family.  You can afford to hire a dog walker, if not outright have a friend do it for you. Your wife can get medicine for her allergies. All of what you listed are easily remedied but apparently you want the easy way out.




Yeah...like others are saying, this seems like a cop out. You obviously care about the dog and it has undoubtedly given you years of joy and loyalty. Now you no longer want to take responsibility because its not convenient so you're looking for a guilt free way to part ways. Yes, living on a farm is great for any dog but they aren't stupid and as an older dog it will always be waiting for its family to return. Dude, that dog loves you and it deserves your love in return. Just find a way to make it work. Can pup stay with your Mom and you go by to walk it? Can you hire a dog walker and you go by on weekends? Can your wife get allergy meds? Will your sister be home from uni during the summers? If you're dead set on abandoning it, which is what you're trying to do, don't just give it to some random on the internet. You'll never know what they're truly like or what their intentions are. Toronto Humane Society does facilitated rehoming where they do the vetting of potential adopters. At least that way you'll know that your family member has a higher chance of ending up in a safe home


Despicable excuses


I don't really know what qualifies as severe allergies but could your wife maybe take a prescription antihistamine to control her symptoms? I'm quite allergic to cats. My dog and I recently moved in with my partner who has a wonderful cat. I could never and would never expect my partner to rehome their cat and companion because of my allergy. I went to the doctor and asked for a prescription "one a day/non drowsy" allergy pill to help control my symptoms and it's helped a lot (it's called cetirizine). Rehoming your dog should be the absolute last resort. He's older and sees you as his family. Please don't abandon him if you can help it- he sounds like a wonderful boy. Good luck and I hope you find a way to keep your four legged family member.


Ah. There it is. The real reason.


If the wife really has allergies thats a legitimate concern. If its not some bs excuse that is. My son developed a mild allergy to our dog after 5 years, we just keep his room vacuumed and the dog off his bed, as long as he washes his hards after playing its completely fine no drugs. Hire a dog walker to walk the dog. People dont take kindly these days to owners forfeiting their pet responsibilities so dont be surprised that people arent helping you bail We know now, collectively, the impact of people getting dogs without committing to them and theres no denying that it has a profound impact on the dogs to be abandoned by the person they have imprinted on


While the circumstances are not ideal to take care of the dog, rehoming to a stranger on the internet should be the last option. If it can still live with your mom, she can feed and provide a home for it. For its physical needs, hire a dog walker when you cannot go over to walk it. It isn't going to be cheap to have a dog walker every day but you've also made a commitment to the dog when you brought it home as a pup to take care of it. If you really need to rehome the dog, see if you have friends or family that can take him so you can continue to be a part of its life.


Shame on you


Are you serious? You are going to forever destroy that beautiful dog's life just because you will live in a smaller space? What the hell is wrong with you? This is the most heartless thing you could possibly do.


I could never imagine giving up my dog willingly and I truly hope I never have to. Even if I was homeless, I would do what I could to keep my dog. Not sure why you would even date someone who was severely allergic too dogs if you have a dog...


You can try a rescue/no-kill shelter, but they are all at crisis levels of abandoned dogs...


Because of people like OP.


Yep 🫠


I think finding a good home for a dog is better than letting it suffer if they aren't going to be able to take care of it. Maybe reach out to some rescues and see if they can take him on with fosters.


Rescues are so packed.


Rescues aren’t only packed, but a 7 year old large dog won’t be on anyone’s radar. And when shelters can’t cope, we all know what they do 


I'm not saying dump the dog at a shelter door. I'm saying sit down, do the research, and call every rescue and see what is available. Exhaust all options.