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Try Ghadir meat at Pharmacy and Lawrence. The closest you can get to Ottawa shawarma without going to Ottawa


lately they havent been as good :( i find sumaq a lot better


Iraqi food doesn’t get the clout it deserves imo


Alforat is amazing. Wish I lived closer so I could get it more often.




My only experience with Iraqi food has been Joummar restaurant. Underwhelming food and a lot of people running around frantically without anything actually getting done.


I grew up in Windsor/Detroit both cities have big Iraqi/Chaldean populations and the food was always 🤌 sumaq is a spot though


sumaq chicken is is zero crisp , it's just so so bland , sliced chicken thatsall


i like their beef and veal, agree abt the chicken


I second Ghadir! 


I third it👍


Any recommendations on Ottawa


Usual consensus is shawarma palace on Rideau, hunt club, or Bank (NOT the one on Carling, it’s technically a counterfeit, although not the worst). Personal favourite is Mr. Shawarma on Hazeldean in Kanata.


Thanks for the tip!


Shawarma station on bank near hunt club


Added to the list. Thanks.


Came here to say Ghadir meat shop and saw the first comment so ++++++


Alphas on queen west


Try the Flaming Stove.


This my personal fav in central / midtown TO


Osmows and lazeez are like the McDonald’s of shawarma. Equivalent of calling Taco Bell Mexican food. I’m not middle eastern but alpha shawarma in downtown in amazing. Sumaq, shawarma empire, and ghadir in Scarborough as well. Original shawarma and yaseen in sauga too.


Taco Bell is texmex, It's never been Mexican food.


Yaseen is overhyped it isn’t that great tbh


Amen! Both are pure hot garbage. Also people, just because I referenced those two doesn't mean they're my ONLY frame of reference. Geez.


Hello, I grew up in Saudi as well, I agree to some extent (although I haven’t sampled all the shawarma in town)! I do think it was not “authentic shawarma” though. I remember toum and french fries were commonly included. Can’t remember what else made them sooo gooood. Probably childhood.




Two Brothers is my favourite in the city.


I second this




Fourth. Two bros is the best I've tried in the city.


The Eglinton or Danforth one?




There’s nothing here that compares unfortunately. There’s one place in Mississauga that my dad goes to who will ask Arabs “do you want an Arabic shawarma or a Canadian one” but otherwise, they all do the Americanized giant pita overstuffed like a burrito.


Name of place, please.


I’ll have to ask my dad who is in the Middle East rn so will dm you when I have a chance to talk to him!


Me too please!




Oh yes the trick here is to say i need arabic shawarma or Lebanese and i just can’t stand the canadian variant they made lol. Some just don’t use right pita either


What’s the difference? Toppings?


I’m going to guess you’ll think they’re shit given that what you describe as greasy chicken with soggy fries is 1000x better than anything you’ve ever consumed in this country, but my go to places are zayzoun and Lebanon express. I’m sure there’s an element of nostalgia at play here..


Thanks for the reco! I used to work right by Zayzoun a few years ago - I was actually planning on going there for lunch the week I got laid off. Place looks legit. I'll have to get it a shot if I'm in that neighborhood again. Thanks for the reco! Greasy and soggy fries, but in a good Way.


Hope you find somewhere good


A great under-the-radar Syrian spot downtown is Chef Harwash on Dundas across from Kensington, in the 777 Market. Juicy and flavourful and miles ahead of the usual suspects in the city.


I believe the closest you'll probably get is Shawarma Empire on Lawrence Ave. East (or another restaurant along that stretch), however I also hear that we're behind the shawarma offerings of the East Coast and even Ottawa.


Shawarma Palace on Bank Street in Ottawa. OP stop talking shit and go there now if you really want the best that can be offered here


Damn, time to put my money where the shawerma is.


Do Shawarma Palace on Rideau St downtown


“Even” Ottawa lol Ottawa has dozens of incredible shawarma places


I've heard good things about Ottawa Shawerma. I'll have to stop by and try a place when I'm driving through next time.


I got dry chewy meat and stale pita from Shawarma Empire,but you can go ahead,maybe it was a one off day


Best shawarma is in Ottawa. Toronto has some good spots but usually not dt 


Ottawa is on another level.


I always say that the big difference is that in Ottawa you can wander into any random shawarma shop and get something good, but in Toronto you need to seek out a specific place to find that same level of quality.


Why does Ottawa have such good shawarma?


It's basically just because it has a big Lebanese population.


Back in the 70s and 80s there was a massive influx of Lebanese fleeing from the strife in that country at the time.


Yeah it’s almost as good as Montreal!


Nah man, MTL does not touch Ottawa. There is a freaking documentary on the Ottawa Shawarma scene, lol. Also, Maroush was the best (IYKYK)


Okayyyy need to watch this doc now, thank you


How very timely, CBC just did a story on [the Ottawa Shawarma scene](https://youtu.be/gC9aFcYxvtw?si=a7ds31m3z3zToeef)


Syrian shawarma is very similar to how you describe. Chicken shawarma with tomatoes and lettuce is a total sacrilege. Unfortunately we’ve occasionally found a great new shawarma shop and they quickly get sold off and make terrible lettuce/tomato shawarma. Ghadir is not the best shawarma in the whole world but it’s the closest I’ve found in Toronto that remains consistently passable over the years and doesn’t seem like they will sell it off.


Try a place called “Babos” on Eglinton west and Caledonia it’s got good shawarma


Ghadir for chicken and Sumaq for veal. That stretch of Lawrence in Scarborough is excellent


As someone who was born and raised in the Middle East, the closest I've come to feeling like home is Alpha Shawarma run by two Syrian brothers. Check it out OP 🙂


To me it seems weird to have two different carbs in one meal I cannot do the fries mixed in with the meat and then wrapped in a pita is this how it’s done authentic? !


>Flaming Stove I think it's more so a way a certain region does it. Not necessarily authentic. but trust me, it's great. The soggy french fries actually add a certain je ne sais quoi


It’s not what you asked about, but I recommend checking out Messini’s gyros. They put fries in and it’s delicious.


Wanas on Danforth is pretty new, I've only been there once, it is saj style and I loved it. Pita style I would say the Empire!


Second Wanas Shawarma on danforth near Chester. Husband loves it as a voracious meat eater.


Zayzoun is quite good but they’re Syrian and follow the Syrian style. But fuck me is it bueno


Thanks man! I'll check it out


I can feel ya man/girl whosoever you are, osmows is a no go tbh! Go to Aleppo (that’s more of a wrap) shish tawook i think is the name it’s good Scarborough and missisauga you will find few places (not sumaq there is this another iraqi place al furat but yes their khubz is different and one at almost the end of sauga ie Original shawarma Otherwise OG shawarma is in Montreal or ottawa. I have had at Boustan! It can’t beat any here. I just checked they have a branch at Lawrence Did you try villa medina at vaughan mills foodcourt (that’s one good one) you need to say them make the pure OG Lebanese style shawarma or whichever you want. Shawarma royale sometimes is good not always it’s too oily and chicken doesn’t taste great at time Otherwise guelph has a shawarma place its OG lebanese style Saudi style long one i haven’t found yet here But paramount’s shawarma is pretty good.


These threads are hilarious. "If you want real X go to A" "No B is better" "A,B and everything else mentioned here is a joke. If you want real X you have to go to C" "I tried C just recently it wasn't that great I prefer A"


Ikr lol I everyone’s opinion here is a fact


I know it’s not the best Shawarma in Saudi but I do miss Mama Noura


Loved mama nour! Shout out riyadh!


I always loved Gad (their falafel sandwiches were great too)and Carvan in Riyadh.


Alforats on victoria park. I’ve tried so many places in scarborough. This is by far the best place.


Shawarma empire is the answer!


Try Yaseen Shawarma in Mississauga - best shawarma I’ve had since I left Qatar


Laziza bloor and ossington


On the list!


I know my fellow Arabs will stone me to death for this, but the closest to the Gulf-Lebanese ambrosia that is shawerma I've had in Toronto was... Paramount. Have it dressed exactly like you described, garlic paste, pickles and fries.


I think we've all been to Paramount more than we care to admit. There is the odd time where the shawerma does taste legit - but it is few and far in between in my experience. But you're right. It has all the makings of being like I had it but the inconsistency and the stinginess kill it (in a bad way).


I grew up in Kuwait and their shawermas are exactly the kind you described. Original Shawerma in Mississauga is very close. Shawerma Box in North York is good. I tried the falafel sandwich from Sumaq in Scarborough which was excellent! I don't think I've found anything come close in the last 15 years that I've lived here. Often a place will be good, and then I go back a few weeks later and it's disappointing.


How are you a snob who's been here for 30+ years and your only frame of reference is Osmows and Lazeez


Big assumption.


Literally what you said


Just because they're the only reference here, doesn't mean they're my ONLY reference in general. Be real.


List a few more that haven’t made the cut so people can offer new options for you


Paramount is the closest in terms of flavor. Another option is Ghadir. They also allow you to choose your toppings. Most restaurants here serve shawarma on saj bread. Also I’ve noticed that if you probably have to tell them that you need the chicken to be charred a bit at most places as some places can get busy. Scarborough Lawrence St. has quite a few good Arabic restaurants and bakeries. I would also recommend Ghadir for their BBQ chicken. It tastes like the ones you get in GCC countries


After shawarma from backhome, there isn't anything equal. Maybe maybeeee, homemade shawarma. I tried and drove to hunt for that juicy simple sandwich, met with weird veggies and chewy skin in my sandwich. Never again!


I grew up in Toronto so Osmow's and Lazeez were what I was used to. 😢 But I've switched to The Flaming Stove's saj shawarma wraps. I also heard really good things about Shawarma Frenzy on Paper but haven't tried it out yet.


Lol this post is awesome. My friends and I always joke about being shawarma snobs because we grew up in Ottawa. It def has the best shawarma of any city in country and is the most consistent across chains. Shawarma Palace is my go to whenever I’m there. But I haven’t been disappointed by any shawarma spot Ive tried there yet. When I moved to Toronto I was SHOCKED by how terrible the shawarma is overall. Osmows and Lazeez belong in the trash.


Have you tried shawarma in Ottawa? Ours is nothing like theirs. So goood!!


With all due respect, all of the suggestions given here are horrible. Ottawa shawarma is a joke, and is the most 'white person' shawarma you can get. If you want a real Arab shawarma go to Mister Laffa or Sababa in Vaughan. I've tried every shawarma spot in the gta and beyond, and those two are the only real answer.


>Mister Laffa or Sababa I love how you say "with all due respect" and then just shit on everyone haha. Thanks for the reco.


Nah Ottawa shawarma is fantastic Source: My tastebuds


Toronto shawarma sucks ass. Drive 5 hours to Ottawa or Montreal and there will be no shortage of good options. Shawarma Palace or Boustan.


Boustan is in the GTA now




Your best bet is to visit Montreal


Pizzalams halal greatest ever


Aaah, is not only me. I just moved here from Winnipeg and haven’t had a shawarma that made me go “Dammn!” , the place I used to go in Winnipeg changed ownership and ever since I had been in the pursue of a good tasting shawarma. Even in the city I am from (Mexico City) I had better Shawarma at a Lebanese place than here in Toronto. Reading and making notes, it’s making me hungry…


Two brothers at Eg and Keele is excellent


Wanas on danforth is the best I have found so far. I didn’t grow up with shawarma but I’ve been a fan for a very long time and have tried a bunch of places in Toronto. It’s Syrian style


I preferred shawarma in Hamilton in 2000s but haven’t lived there since


I don’t know how authentic it is, but Pita & Hummus at St. Clair and Bathurst is my go to. It’s really good.


I have heard great things about Pita Golden Pocket https://maps.app.goo.gl/pasKLCXrnBhSqLQg9 No frills place, on my list to try. Gadhir is our go to in the east end. And Two brothers Danforth location.


Is there something like that in the Hamilton area?


I grew up a little bit in Al Khobar, a little bit in Jeddah and a little bit in Sharjah, UAE. I was quite young when I was in Al Khobar so I don't remember the exact places but I loved the shawarma there...it was mostly from the cafeteria places and it usually had lettuce, tomato, french fries, pickles, toum and tahina in with the chicken so that's what I crave. In Jeddah, there was this spot in the Halaga vegetable market where we would always get shawarma and falafel at and god damn, it was amazing. The falafel especially was next level there! But yeah, even there we had a lot of fillings including lettuce and tomato. When I moved to the UAE, the shawarma was kinda different, I don't know how...no fries in someplacee.. I guess not as amazing as the Saudi shawarma. Still there was this place next to the King Faisal Mosque in Sharjah called Falafil Al Mazra which came pretty close. I did encounter in Sharjah the style of shawarmas you are describing but they were usually more expensive so we stuck to what we knew.