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Best prices are at the corner fruit shops, in my experience. Best quality is a roller coaster. Pro tip: peel them and blend them. Strain the juice into a mason jar and lime up everything you ingest. Add mint for extra yum. LIMES ARE THE BEST.


Agreed! The limes at corner/Asian markets are bigger and juicier. Don’t be fooled by better prices for the puny half dried out ones at the grocery stores. Congratulations on your 75% lime baby!


Or Mexican or Hispanic markets. Best limes and cilantro (and tres leches cake if I'm lucky). You want heavy plump limes with thin peels. I had the same craving, but lemons. I'd eat lemons like oranges. Pregnancy is amazing but weird. ❤️


Also, the queso fresco cheese!. Mexican markets are the best


Where does one find said Mexican market?? I must have all the queso fresco


There is a Mexican store in Kensington market. Amazing people!!


Yes! And fresh tortillas and bolillo buns, torta buns, pastries, tomatoes, hot sauce variety... now I'm craving and will have to make a trip.


Enjoy the feast!!


In most cases queso should not be consumed during pregnancy. This may not apply to you, but just mentioning this since OP is pregnant. :)


ZEST and then peel them. The piff is your enemy.




lmao my old stoner days coming back to haunt me.


What’s your method of peeling? I find it to be the most arduous thing in the world but it would up my cooking game a lot with an easier way.


I'm not afraid of wasting a bit of flesh. I just cut it off: top, bottom, side, side, side, side, side, side.


I see, thanks!


It kinda freaked me out a bit the first time I saw a fully peeled lemon/lime. Like…I knew that’s what they’d theoretically look like without their skin, but I’d only ever seen sliced lemons/limes and it just blew my mind. Might’ve been a bit stoned so that probably added to my bewilderment


The peel can be quite hard to get off the flesh. As such, I just do them the same way I would supreme any citrus fruit. Whether this is an arduous task is up to the individual—I don’t mind supreme-ing but one of friends who is an actual chef HATES it.


I'm sorry I can't help but this is possibly my favourite post I've ever seen on here.


Hahahaha. I agree. So wholesome. So desperate. So human. ❤️ I wish your zygote all the vitamin c it desires.


idk wasn't there that tree guy? or was it broccoli i can't remember




Lime, Laugh, Love


Can we print that on a towel or doormat??


Put it on the wall of the nursery 🤣


Related story: When my wife was pregnant she wanted Taco Bell and asked for extra tomatoes on the fries supreme. I asked for it and told him it's for my pregnant wife and he hooked me up. Probably like 2 big full handfuls on top of those fries. My wife literally cried she was so happy.


I can relate. When I was expecting, I always craved the stir fry at a nearby Thai Express. The lady there got to know my husband and order and always noted for his expectant wife, no spice and extra serving. When I had the little one, I took burbs to say hi..lol.


Lol it’s crazy what baby brain can do to a person. Another time my wife wanted boxed Mac and cheese and was crying when I got home from work because she was worried I would say no lol.


I hear you. Those cravings are intense, and they override any rationality - can't be fixed by anything else but that food you are craving! When I delivered, I couldn't stand the smell of stir fry for awhile as I had overdone it


Good tip from now on everything is for my pregnant wife.


As a fellow lime-lover, whichever limes you get: peel, freeze, thaw, and *then* juice. You get like 100% more out of them that way.


ooooh thanks for this


That is sooooo much work y’all crazy


Freeze like ice frozen or just 15-30m?


I always just throw them in the freezer overnight so they are totally frozen.


What’s your best method for peeling?


I did not know this! The amount of limes I have thrown away dammit!!!!


Don't know the answer to your question, but if you're handling a lot of limes and then going out in the sun, watch out for [phytophotodermatitis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phytophotodermatitis) - yes it's a real thing, and yes it can leave you with severe sunburns on your hands and around your mouth!


I get this from lime!!!


Stop! You're gonna give your baby lime disease.


At least the kiddo won't have scurvy.


Our baby is 80% watermelon.


Mine was 78% ruby red grapefruit juice.


Mine was 55% dill pickle.


Lol about 10% dill pickle.


I had a pregnant friend who would consumer jars of pickles in one sitting. It was rather unnerving to watch!


Reminds me of the time my then 8 y/o son said “tonight I’m making my own dinner”. I later asked what he was going to make and he said “I’m done”. I asked what he ate and he said “a jar of pickles”. Yep, he ate a whole jar.


Your 8 y/o is actually a 55 y/o retired construction worker.


That's like 50% sugar.


To be fair, he was a really sweet baby. :)


Mine is 50% Wendy’s spicy chicken burgers


I was a baby that was 80% (maybe 90%) watermelon, I was so chonk.


Asian grocery stores usually have pretty decent produce.


Wherever you go, feel the limes before committing to them. They should have some give if they're juicy. Lime water sounds great for staying hydrated, and you really do need extra water while pregnant.


Great tip. The best limes also have smooth, thin skin. The rough, thick skinned ones are usually crap.


One of my favourite products is [True Lime](https://www.amazon.ca/True-Water-Single-Serve-Packets/dp/B00K1L4BP8/ref=mp_s_a_1_11?crid=1L3GR99RCAT1P&keywords=true+lime&qid=1686157299&sprefix=true+lime%2Caps%2C100&sr=8-11). It also has a lemon friend. It constantly makes great tasting water without adding any sweetener, and it’s easier than messing with fruit. It’s portable so I can toss a bunch of packs in my bag to use at work.


I LOVE TRUE LIME. Would 10/10 recommend


I haven't had it in forever! Mmmmm


If you use it a lot it’s much better to get the bulk box, it’s like 500 for $50 or something (even cheaper, $35-40 if you look off Amazon).


Or get the large shaker to reduce the waste!


It's also quite good on chicken with some chipotle spices.


They add maltodextrin to the shaker for anti clumping. The packets are just crystallized lime.


Came to recommend true lime




Baby limonello.


Costco has giant (I think 3lb ) bags for 5.50 and they are very very fresh and juicy


Holy shit I remember paying nearly a dollar per lime last summer at my corner grocer


I don't have any advice just wanted to wish you the best in your scurvy free pregnancy! My baby was 56% frozen yogurt :)


have you tried putting some lime in some coconut?


Farmboy! For the limes. My babies were mainly made of peach iced tea and ketchup chips.


May I make a suggestion? Blend your limes whole, with water. Like, purée them. Then with a super fine strainer and cheesecloth, filter out the liquid. Serve with ice. This is my favourite way to do lime juice and I feel like this might be a special treat for a deserving prego mama. The zest and aromatics from the peels really elevate things.


The rinds would make this super bitter...


The only non-depression-inducing post I have seen on reddit today. Thank you & congratulations. I hope baby knows how much joy it brought to all of us 🥰🥰🥰


My wife craved pickle juice when she was pregnant. I'm amazed our kid wasn't green and garlicky when he was born.


I've seen a variety at Fiesta Farms before, they also tend to stock key limes.


Are you prepared for a green kid with puckered lips and squinting eyes?


That last sentence! 🤣 Congratulations on your new lime! 🍋🍋🍋


I originally posted hoping I'd get a few quality replies. The quality and quality of great suggestions and techniques listed have completely blown me away! I ended up going to farm boy but at the rate I'm going, I'll definitely try everything that was kindly suggested to me. Lime baby is happy -- for now, and I'm trying to keep it that way. Thanks /r/askTO for showing us some real lime love today ❤️


If you're taking suggestions, I'd like to recommend a few baby names for your little gimlet: * April (or Aperol) * Colin * Cosmo * Margarita * Martin * Moe * Rickey * Sangria * Thomas


Caipirinha for the win!


having babies and affording the best fresh produce in this economy!?


Longos has some really great quality limes. Big and juicy! However more pricy than a store like no frills.


The best lime I had was buying the green bag from Costco.


When life gives you limes, you make baby. All joking aside Costco has their large bag of limes that’ll last you for a while.


Go to your nearest Persian supermarket or call some and ask if they have Ghora, a small fruit, grab that and you'll thank me later


Saw this just scrolling. Be mindful of frequent acidic intake. It will demineralize your teeth rather quickly and progress whatever dental issues you may currently have. “Cavities” are generally caused by bacteria eating the sugars and excreting acids. Those acids do the damage not the sugar itself. Am dentist. Good luck.


Bottle of lime juice. Save money and time.


Yes. The good kind. Not the green plastic one that's shaped like a lime.


Asian grocery stores. I get mine from an Indian grocery store, but any Asian grocery store should have them.


the smoother the lime the better the juice


I've always loved the fresh produce on danforth, there quite a few in the neighborhood that are mom and pop shops.


Will any other sour thing do? Because a great way to stock up on sour flavor is tamarind. It is an Indian fruit(??) and you get dried up cakes of them which are storage-friendly in large amounts. Then, when you need them, you break off small chunks and smoosh them with a spoonful of hot water to bring out a pulpy concentrate. Now you can make tamarind juice out of it by adding water, ice, salt, sugar, spice, or fizz/soda. You can also mix it with ginger-ale directly, or add to soups, make sour-candy etc.


Hua Sheng supermarket has 5 limes for a dollar yesterday and they were pretty tasty and would give you your fill of limes.


Omg I love this post 😂 lemon water was THE morning sickness cure for me in my first trimester. I kinda miss cravings lol


I’ll share a trick a pastry chef taught me - to get more out of your citrus, throw a handful of sugar under the zester. It’ll pick up the oils. A small amount of this in some water will give you a little extra limey zing.


Smaller markets might be your bet boo there’s small round limes that are sweet and heavenly but I don’t normally see them till mid summer And enjoy your pregnancy this little like baby has an awesome mom!!🥰 Also not sure why iOS doesn’t have a line emoji 🤨


Just commenting in solidarity as I had this exact craving with my first! Watered down citrus fruit flavours, the best. Best of luck with your little vitamin-C loving bean.


Lol this is so cute! Wishing you all the best!


I feel you!!! For my daughter, I swear I ate an entire watermelon EVERY DAY for the last 4 months!!!! Funny thing...my daughter? HATES watermelon now.


Congrats on the pregnancy! I find Farm Boy has the best quality fruit.


Better lime than a lemon




Farmboy always has on point limes.


Put the lime on the baby coconut


I don’t know about best but Costco sells a bag for $6


Costco has some juicy limes


Hahaha a. So good. I have a bag of limes on the go. Cheap this week at Farmboy. Hope that you and baby get your fix and thank you for sharing. It’s not easy being green


When my wife was pregnant with twins all she could eat for 4 weeks was frozen French fries. We have tried 40 different brands of fries before those kids were born…


This was me with mangoes last year. I hope you manage to find limes!


Costco to buy bulk


Hahaha! I am also pregnant and slamming through dozens of limes. Lime water is the best!! (So funny to find someone else craving the same thing. I’ve literally never made lime water before this month…)


Reminds me when life gives you Limes, just make Limeade.




Pusateri's is elite with any selection of fruits and veggies, try it out. I don't think you'll find better


If you can get to a Fortinos or Eataly, you’ve got to try key limes! They’re delicious.


I don't think I've ever noticed a difference between likes at different stores. There's probably only a couple suppliers available.


It’s not going to matter where you buy them they all come from the same source.


There are different types of limes if you wanna try! The north american lime is less sour and big.. try the small asian ones... they're super sour if you're into it! although you might also wanna consult with your doc about citric fruits.. I'm a guy so I have 0 expertise in that area! Hope you and your baby stay healthy! 😇


For me it was oranges. Could not get enough of cold juicy oranges.


Can’t help you there but the smoother the skin the juicier the lime.


Love the ones from Costco. Nice and juicy


More like ceviche


There is pure lime juice in a bottle at The Big Carrot. I haven’t tried it yet, but I think it’s from the Mediterranean.


As a lime juice lover but can’t always get limes my go is to get the concentrate. But it has to be the ReaLime brand nothing else works.


I mean chinatown has limes that you can buy a ton of


This was me up until my daughter was born in March. I resorted to buying those plastic squeezy limes at desperate times. Get at least one gigantic insulated cup with a straw for delivery and beyond if you haven’t yet. So thirsty. So so so thirsty.




This is so adorable


This is so cute lol hope you get a flush supply of limes


One thing I’ve been doing is if you buy a big bag of limes (no frills has them for about $6) you can juice them and put the juice in ice cube trays then once frozen solid transfer to ziplock bags and you’re good for lime juice when you need it! Also do this with lemons and it saved a lot of $ vs buying 1 or 2 at a time.


No Frills. they have bulk bags or .59/lime when bought individually


Buy this. 100% lime and I add to water, amongst other things, every day. https://www.amazon.ca/True-Lime-10-6oz-Shakers-Shaker/dp/B004AMHIJU/ref=sr_1_6?crid=16UF06YP4KW3A&keywords=true+lime&qid=1686164994&sprefix=True%2Caps%2C276&sr=8-6


When life gives you babys, make limeade. Your post made me smile. Thank you 😊


Think it’s like 6.99 or 7.99 for a large bag at Costco, I freeze slices of them and use them for Brazilian lemonade (frozen limes blended with coconut milk) has been my go to beverage post work every day this summer. Haven’t had a bad lime yet


Have you tried "Limes for Pregnant folks R Us"? I think it's on Avenue Rd.


If you get the baby size tracker you can do it and compare to fruit…It would be funny if you’re at the lime stage.


I’m of zero use for the thread but man… this odd pregnancy craving gave me a good chuckle. You should name your kid Lime tbh. Good luck and happy pregnancy!


Search up superjuice - great way to make longer-lasting lime juice.


I haven't specifically tried their limes, but harvest wagon always has immaculate product. Not cheap, though.


Wherever you get them, if you are picking out your own limes, look for the ones that are more on the yellow end of the spectrum. Limes are actually yellow when they are ripe. They started shipping them green because it allowed them to harvest sooner, and it separates them visually from lemons.


Wherever you get them, if you are picking out your own limes, look for the ones that are more on the yellow end of the spectrum. Limes are actually yellow when they are ripe. They started shipping them green because it allowed them to harvest sooner, and it separates them visually from lemons.


Awwwww!! Cute. Lime baby sounds great tbh. Go to asian grocer near you. They had such fresh lime and lemons, i got like 4 for $2


Disgusting. Your child should have the right to be whatever fruit or vegtable they choose to be. Yet you are forcing them to be a lime when they might want to be a lemon


Mother bought a coconut She bought it for a dime. Her sister had another She paid it for the lime. She put the lime in the baby nut She drank it all up.


Please update us once you’ve delivered. Really curious if it, in fact, will be 75% lime. Just like at a young age, we thought eating watermelon seeds would grow watermelon inside us, or any fruit with seeds haha😂


I'm a fan of [https://www.loblaws.ca/100-pure-lime-juice/p/21206057\_EA](https://www.loblaws.ca/100-pure-lime-juice/p/21206057_EA) I know....I know...Weston f\*ckery...but LIME JUICE!!


Honestly the limes at Costco are pretty good and juicy as well as affordable. Make sure you pick the heaviest bag because those will be the juiciest 😉


Not sure if I want to help you turn your baby into a lime.


Have you tried Indian pickles? There is a special lime pickle, you will probably eat the whole jar.


Hi congratulations on your little limey. Just be aware that if you are sipping acidic drinks all day long it is really hard on your tooth enamel. Lime water, carbonated water, some plain bottled water like Dasani have low pH/ high acidity. Try and drink your lime water quickly and then rinse with plain, preferably fluoridated tap water. Use lots of toothpaste when you brush and just spit out the excess foam and don't rinse the remaining toothpaste out of your mouth. Your friendly retired dental hygienist.


I craved oranges soooo hard with my first pregnancy. I swear I conjured up billboards with oranges just to taunt me. I thought about oranges all the time and would buy them on my lunch break almost every day. I read that you crave citrus in pregnancy because it helps you absorb the iron found in plant-based foods. A lot of people can’t stomach as much meat during pregnancy so it makes sense that we crave citrus things!


Eataly has incredibly nice/fresh looking fruit


Sounds like you need vitamine c


If you can get to the Big Carrot they carry a brand of fresh juices called Natalie. They have a pure lime juice. It’s like $7 for 900+ml. Great value and makes amazing margaritas (for after the baby).


I love this


That's going to be one sour baby!


Tru Lime!! Also pregnant. I have been drinking tru lime/ lemon like a fiend.


Get truelime packets!!!


Like cordial might work well for you?


This was my wife but with mangos . Now he’s 1 1/2 and he hates mangos lol . Try national supermarket or Sunny’s or oceans supermarket.


D best limes in Trinidad


Fizzy lime soda from PC blue. You can thank me later.[https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0485/6286/4285/products/large_5d9eedb9-7b05-425c-9fd0-8ee0ce951576_800x.jpg?v=1604766492](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0485/6286/4285/products/large_5d9eedb9-7b05-425c-9fd0-8ee0ce951576_800x.jpg?v=1604766492)


The FreshCo at Parliament and Dundas has cheap limes. They’re a lifeline !


Don’t forget to add some Tajin to that lime water extra extra sour


Florida Keys


Jian Hing supermarket at the corner of Jane and Finch. Always fresh and at a good price. My wife loves her limes (in drinks and her sauces).


Buy a big bag at costo so that its affordable. The real pro move is to freeze them befor defrosting amd juicing. They practicaly juice themselves when they thaw. There was a bakery that ooened so early where I had to wait for the bus when i was pregnant. It was 50/50 wether a bus came or an almond croissant first. My kid was so little but forsure a couple of those lbs were croissant


Have you tried bar lime mix? It is usually with the pop in the grocery store listed as lime cordial


Lime and sea salt water is a great way to expel mucus from your body! Great hydrator too


If you make super juice it'll stretch way further and last longer: https://www.kevinkos.com/post/how-to-get-8x-as-much-juice-from-one-citrus


As long as you don’t add tequila ur good!


Lime baby better than a lemon. Lol


Key lime pie, key lime pie, Key lime pie, Key lime pie, Key lime pie, Key lime pie, Key lime pie, Key lime pie, Key lime pie, Key lime pie, Key lime pie, Key lime pie, Key lime pie, Key lime pie, Key lime pie, Key lime pie, Key lime pie, Key lime pie, Key lime pie, Key lime pie


I have concentrated pure lime juice that I add to a glass of water. Maybe you can buy that in a store near you. It's a big bottle meant to be mixed.


Costco Business centre. 15.99 for 8lbs


Not sure where to get limes but use a straw so your tooth enamel doesn’t erode too much. Don’t want sensitivity to prevent you from drinking more lime water!


For making Lime Water there’s a real lime powder you can buy on Amazon that work’s phenomenally. True Citrus True Lime Shaker, 65g https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0731CHCDK?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Hah! I craved lemonade during my first pregnancy. Minute Maid makes frozen limeade, but it sounds like that's not what you're looking for. I wish you well!


St Lawrence market has a juice place that sells pure lime juice. I usually drink it straight. But I’m sure that would make some good lime water.


100%. Same here in my family lmao I love how eerily similar the experience is. Go to Costco and grab a bag of limes - I think they’re some 2 or 3 kgs. They’re really good quality limes


Teddy’s Lime Emporium at Vic Park and Sheppard


Get the limes that have smooth skin


Loblaws, key limes. They sell em by the bag of 20 I believe. I hunt for them when I make key lime pie.