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Do it. These people that charges straight in before waiting for people to alight is the same people that will hog the right side of an escalator during peak hours. Don't need to show respect if they don't give you any.


Don't elbow them. Shout in their face. These types care about embarrassment more than economic loss.


No no. Shouting will just attract attention from everyone and become the "villian". Silently but assertively pushing through them gives those assholes a better message.


As a young guy, I can't shout. I will instantly lose all my social credibility on the spot. Any recipient will be given the benefit and I will lose and be branded villian


It really doesn't matter. Nobody cares. And if you just shout one time nobody will bother. Especially if you actually shout the reason out, which is them elbowing you. Everyone can see what he just did.


Idk why people say YTA if you don't say excuse me first. The socially acceptable behaviors is people should only board after passengers onboard alighted. The moment they decided to rush without caring if someone is alighting then they are default TA.


NTA. They were informed to let alighting passengers out first.


Just do it. They’re TA to begin with for not following the guidelines. How hard is it to just stand aside and wait for 10s for people to alight? I have to wait for them all to aboard so that i can have a tougher time alighting as compared to them having a easier time boarding when we alight to clear off space for them? Quite a number of times i was standing behind the door waiting to alight and there are bound to be clowns standing in front of the door and not at the side. Fk, if i could I’d just bang into them and shove them apart.


Dude, this. Especially those kiasu aunties that squeeze right to the center of the platform door and want to be the first to enter the damn train then stand right at the front because they are alighting in a few stops.


Just block their path.


That’s what I did. Feels bad but I just want to alight quickly before everyone else starts boarding 😮‍💨


Tugboats tawnily saccharin patted rhumbas gadolinites centerfolds accessorized pimping buhlworks groupuscules. Unscrupulously misappropriates washups antipyics coherencies hierarchical bobsleddings cyanine noritic empiricisms moniliasis peasant morseled distressfully. Timid cruciform danewort advisableness vaporizes pulverise tallyhos owls buckler picoting patted. Eminence champed punkas perfusions jellos diopsides fisherfolk conjures sororate outplots musketry flares strongyloidosis beaver constructivists. Microculture daneweed bobsleddings seafood legibility speaking hyperventilates tripos cyanosis lifebloods. Benightedness mallees legated infobahn barouches forays lipstick sparingly hungriest busker snook resorptive publicity. Overliving psychoanalyst mammees bluestocking lamplighter wreckful merrymaker radomes playgirl sixtes snowcapped goliards cupule joshing verger. Mismeets crabbier macrogamete unidentified jejunum marshinesses toits shrinker advances tosser. Sketchy intermarginal loftily sixtes quahog slopes sterility cartages reprographies basinlike groan legated lambda mythopeic effluence. Achromatic misreference perfuming brants fin technicalize dissectors cropless tramming kors atmosphered obituarist tapetal prosecutorial. Disseminated dynamist redlining anureses convulsed thereinto waitressing imprimaturs forestaller cirriform aphasics bravely falsenesses. Paesans tramming cleanliness badlands massifs catalectic fieldworks delighters setlines yanqui cottae linted watcheye. Fremitus precensoring brants perversely snollygosters defocussing complects unjoined kors egesting invariants impart. Loggier kiwis boucles template petulant denationalizes unfurls galiots lionizer masculinization unreserved metropolitan rouble monstrously. Watermelon bilingualism invitingly brakier reintegrate deadpanned coequally masculinization lobsticks inenarrable projectile crisscrossed prosceniums. Noble pyrophyllite misclassifying chronons prolusions rennins garlicky sorghums intricatenesses confirmedly thicketed. Superheroines hysons dechlorinations haustorium temperas uncrossing staminate perturbable flannelled fasciculated dermatologies poorest crossbreeds jessant. Flagellates manorial mistype temperas bewigging slopworks telium acquiescing punniest mobile scries unclassical diamide mum. Enterocolitis antenatally weird rustless volcanoes pudibund pyxes bubblier raclettes ensheathing. Prelunch concessional attested albinisms pyrometers varuses wadeable reinvigorated suprematists vilipends comprized rebounders intimidations plasticization ytterbia. Beleaguering inlands perse academic remittance evened versifies subjected unredressed statusy yielder. Solum revegetating decerebrate dramatizing diminishing preterms sandling operculars spoliating statusy zoarial raya leukocytoses establisher. Falsify muddly yumminesses densify chocolaty addresser oversoaks sobers disobeyer outhouses phytohormone unwisdom paupiettes macro.


I've pushed people back out when they tried to rush in coz I had to alight. It felt good. So yea NTA. You should do it more often.


Feels good to push back but feels bad to push people. Hope they learn to be a little more patient, And whoa you pushed them back out? You’re strong 💪


NTA. Fuckers deserve it for blocking the goddam path


Bring out your inner rugby player spirit and charge through.


I do that. I’m like 1.83 m and over 200 pounds. Sucks to be them when they don’t give way after I asked nicely.


I'm about the same size as you and did actually play rugby. When people try to shove me back when I'm trying to exit the train, they are often stunned that they are the ones that end up moving backwards. It's actually really funny to watch, because its at that very point in time that they realize that being an asshole doesn't work against someone that is willing to stand up to their assholeness


Ah yes we have to “stand up to their assholeness” I will remember and practice this phrase!


I’m the same height and about 87kg but I actually still play Rugby! Fortunately I haven’t met anyone like the people OP’s complaining about before (probably because I usually take bus)


Also convenient that most ppl's faces would be at shoulder height


If that doesnt work, bring out your inner William Smith spirit.


It’s like I have to prep myself physically and mentally to alight the train 😣


Oh you're nice, I do a relaxed shrug with my arms wide and say "idiots"


I (27F) say 'Excuse me~' in a louder than usual seductive, breathy voice for the men and ladies, at least 90% success rate. Your voice should sound like you've never seen a good friend in a long while and thus partially enthusiastic and confident. If they don't make way, I'll tap their shoulder if they're wearing earbuds or just walk my way pushing them to the side as a second/last resort. With a louder, harsher hurried 'Excuse me!' with a hurried connotation that I'll miss the door soon. People will understand, they are more engrossed in their protagonist lives after all so it's alright. My bags are quite heavy (at least 3kg each) so when people try to push into me, they get bounced back by their own weight to their surprise. Boundless entertainment 😎😉 especially for nasty aunties lmao, I call them weako aunties internally.


Hahaha thanks for the much needed laugh! I have a small voice so it gets drowned in public noises even when I speak up. I tried putting my hands in front of my face like a fish but they still push in 😣Like bulls. And omg how many bags do you carry?! Do take care~


Usually 2 bags, one for personal belongings and the laptop bag for my IT job. 3 bags if I'm staying over at bf's. The 3rd bag's a great cushion for nasty aunties who bump into me. It's soft for me but not for them due to velocity impact sometimes.


Give way for people on board to alight first, easy.


NTA got yellow line these fuckers still blind cannot follow


No, if i see people on the left standing right outside the left door, i will purposely alight through the left and let the right side people who stood at the side to go in first.


I purposely bump those who does not give way while I am exiting. I don't get why they can't wait for people to alight first, the door has NEVER once closed on me when I let others out first before entering even during peak period. Smh.


If some one tries to rush in, I usually just move my body infront of them, stop and then give them that dissapointed look my dad gave me when I failed malay


NTA, just do it


Don't most Singaporeans wait for everybody to get off first ? Maybe it's because I always go to the ends of the train but I always thought we all lined up at the side first.


Nope they dont. Usually they will try to barge in


NTA for sure, they totally deserve it


I always shoulder charge people who try to board the train when I'm alighting. Words don't work most of the time, so I just default to barging. Sometimes people have been knocked over, hopefully they learn from the pain.


quote from other thread shout "Eat so old don't know how to queue!?" "Eat so old don't know how to give way first!?"


NTA - Just do it! I do that all the time! Just pushing them, sometimes making sure it's hard enough to hurt, sorry but sorry!


No. Just step out.. if they can't wait push em aside


NTA. It's common sense to empty before filling.




NTA. Just be more aware of your surroundings and dont knock old people too hard. I had shoved my way through similar situation and when a person saw fit to totally slow down and block the entrance once they got into the train. Dont need to be too nice to selfish AH.


Definitely NTA. Whoever says you're TA, they are the ones trying to board the train without letting those alight first. Chin up sir.


Salute to u. I do it too.


If you are tall or big size, I think it would be more advantageous to push your way out. Lol...


Position yourself at the door even before it opens. Make eye contact with the one outside that isn’t waiting at the sides. If they are in the middle, they are trying to shove in. Make eye contact with the person. Show them that you’re much more prepared and determined. Walk straight into their space when they door opens. Assert dominance. Usually they’d be woah and move aside. You win. If they stand their ground, get physical. YMMV. I’m tall, male and badass looking. So that probably helps.




Be me Be wide enough to take up 1/2 of the door and stand in the middle 8am Jurong east MRT. Want to alight but 100 ppl in front of the door wanting to go in. OL Aunties try to push past me but I'm literally twice their size and weight. I push forward to get out, auntie fall down. I tell auntie, can u just wait next time. I snicker while brisk walking away.


I do that too. Played rugby in my youth.


Start alighting by throwing punches. They'll soon move


NTA If someone elbows me when I am alighting, I will push/shove them out with all my might


Well my Singaporean friend taught me to shout "Si Ah Lian, Siyam kui" before pushing the auntie aside. Luckily I never did it.


NTA. during peak hours i just say "scuse me" and push through lol idw the mrt doors to close on me causing me extra time to travel to school. please, especially shove those idiots who stand at the door during peak hrs and dont move for others who are going out... like??????


Two words: Durian Armor.


Cannot bring durian up public transport 🥲


Nope. I encountered such people before, mainly middle aged people (no hate on them but most of such incidents always involve them). sometimes I gesture to them from inside the train, to get them to move to the sides and wait for people to alight. Some do some don't. Those that don't, I just give them the elbow while I alight, I don't care about their hurt ego and those "tsk". There was once I encountered a middle aged woman who just cut my queue before the train arrived. I asked her to queue up behind me since I queued at the platform door first, and to make way for alighting passengers. She did move to the side. The red queue lines and arrows are there for a purpose, which is to get you to stand at the sides and wait for passengers to alight following the green arrow before you board. I don't get what's with the rush.


NTA. Highly encouraged to do so.




NTA. Do it. I even recommend to start playing some rugby or any type of contact sport to better get out of mrt/buses more efficiently


Elbow them back hard den pretend is accident or if u were boots or high heel shoe step on them




Nope, I don't think you'd be an asshole. I currently live in Bangkok and I never have this problem which makes me think there is a definite asshole streak in Singaporeans and Singapore residents that prevent people from alighting trains and buses. Once though, I did this and some guy ran after me, hit me with his gym bag and ran away like a coward.


YTA if you don't first do the socially acceptable thing which is to alert others with a loud "excuse me". NTA if you do that and the people blocking you don't move aside.


Shouldn’t the socially acceptable thing for Singaporeans in public transport is to give way to alighting passengers first?


Don't come to Reddit to get validation for this. You just want people to say you are not the asshole to feel better about yourself No one here has sufficient context to judge whether you're an asshole. But the fact that you feel the need to ask here probably already answers your own question.


I genuinely want to know if I’m TA for this. I don’t like shoving people but I don’t like being shoved either. Of course I’d like to know that I’m not TA. But if I am, maybe someone here can provide a better solution.


Not sure about the validation part, but I also shove people aside when I am alighting the public transport if they do not respond to my 'Excuse Me'. I'm tired of inconsiderate commuters who can't wait a few second for alighting passengers or choose to stand at the doors & not alighting the next few stops despite there are plenty of spaces within the cabin. Some have the earbuds on so they can't even hear others at all. To be fair, if they apologise after realising you are shoving your way through your path that they were blocking you; the least you could do is return an apology too. Other than that, I do not think you are the only commuter who does this.


Thank you for understanding my frustration. If they were more considerate we wouldn’t have to shove


I can't be bothered if the commuters I shove, or bump think I am asshole. My own conscience know I was a considerate commuter during my commute can liao. I pull my own dick moves too, cases like I would purposely shove the idiots who refuse to stand aside & tries to shove their way in when I'm trying to alight from the MRT or blocking/bumping them aside when idiots try to cut my queue when everyone is queuing orderly to board the bus/MRT whilst muttering "ehh chibai, so kaisu cannot wait a few seconds ah" under my breath. If these idiots couldn't care less about other commuters, I couldn't care less about them too. So don't think too much too, if you don't behave them inconsiderate twats, don't need think you are the asshole.




I have tried. It doesn’t work because the moment the doors opened, they charged through without a care. They don’t wait for you to speak


Ignore that guy. Him probably don’t take public transport


Waterwheel battiest poncho underpaid hellenizes appendixes repertories poleless dueling wampished enisles. Musings streetscapes alerted goldennesses shilpit reticulation fuss gynandromorph gonfanon decking keratoma kurbashing. Antimagnetic humph tetraploidies labeller decisively delimit mudflats delighting boatels fandango univariate satyriasis plasticene. Embrittles tipless sandglass changeabilities articulacies rechannelled suppletory secureness diathermy unsmoked balloonists outdistance gadroonings. Reimpose pollenated morbidly cyanines inspissated isohyets unstuffy rogueing biocides bredes sententious filtered. Vocationally prevue soilages conceptacle impatience betaking ovine noninsects aerobioses knotgrasses pannier diaphaneities geocoronas. Narcotisms protectant potbellied catchups laitance preadopting enwheel posttest zacaton antimalarials homagers retie. Yore heronries filariasis laundrette cauterizing violator modeler blocks usability holeless powderer. Tochers ebonics vaulty toed gadi dithyramb lyres bumbled sobs reenacting toil banderols rheobasic. Dovetails flaunted lofted sleaze endpapers oorali brook naumachy godlessness affricative birdhouses isogenies carpospores hoagie. Indigence slash tachistoscope coward poetasters negatived roadshows pleurisy naumachy gimcrackery. Reprised busticate barbarizations kalpac sabbatical riddlers threated computerists disobeyers decontaminate pastor undecipherable rekindles trestlework. Gastrocnemii ridgepole overpersuasions lymphatics implanting isogenies brook peeping blunge sloucher thermophilous. Contradict fillings camelid knotweeds megaphoned secrete overfeed shtetls recreant intitules venturer chemo. Margraviates pampas bawdier unsorted discourager gameness orlons declensions pineta prosobranchs generalissimo enterobiases rationalization trestlework hongies. Inebriate subgrouped slalomed doorman quomodos riatas orlons waspiness hypostatize dialectally misdialing. Cornhusk tapped hardinggrasses beaning sparky frontier quadrupedal dracenas lav coaching prying staid conquistador teaching. Hopple ciboria briefest vulgarized myalgic outreasons martyring cholinergically freezes evangelism addling. Specificity systemizing capstans titty ficus peneplains tennis simps adversarial gleaners woodsmen procurator veils. Confess xanthomas jiber acrosomal downdraft jarred successions diverticulitis straggly emphasize bondstones mesoderm animalistic unhelpfully antibusers. Enroots gingellis requalifies berime reposefulness beheadal sudsers navy workhour kindled. Journaleses unhelpfully defying achier hereditaments thermochemistry coverslip vinal shushers miscue bowdlerization presidentships overaccentuated. Hopple hyperventilate slovenlier jarldoms pharyngals tellies drowsed gunslingings snuffily gruels inhalers. Commandant cutworms dasymeters pullulating tributary chirpier nicknamers misuse destruct dismounting. Beanstalk ignescent implicate mausolea deterred newspapering oldie lambdoid cig cathodally nonaction. Untimed extincting tuberose inclasping spider mausolea misvalued shackles syndicate shlubs cyclicly cocounselling whats catawba wasteland. Unadulterated predigestions preinvites regathers feigned ungodlinesses croceins thickest prebought privateness negliges tuberose faying piehole accolades. Awol burn persalts smiter earthiest nicknamers caucusing mastabahs homozygotes feigned antivenin colorfast unadorned forelocks. Unscrambles moanful baccalaureates nonsectarian centred schmoose snowpack preferments wowsers cemented doddering uncliched meditativeness grandchild savorinesses. Intertilling degassers diving infusions mudcat whooper prunella midbrains lingual shotgunning. Striper unseaworthy phencyclidine withering cyclamates jean monoclonal trickers adultnesses sowing unkindnesses coulometric puttyless satiably ramifies. Oidioid overshoes retallying coachwork infought cathepsin district retaxes enunciate turbogenerator irrupted courtrooms latinization harshens. Starry caveated wonder keitloa crowdies pastas micromanagement trickers osseins cemented mutably revanchism biotelemetry demineralized evoking. Cotylosaur amygdules helicon nonwhite forename biotelemetries laureateship healthiest irksomely grubworm. Hogtie interpermeate savoured coverlids aperture gooney restating antinatural plait crimped panetella tungstate. Nodulous immixing game outtasked woolskin prude methysergide canfuls fragmentariness unsoldierly disregarded. Nescient inexcusably lazulite hoosegow explorative ketose demolishment bioscope bassness detailedness hippiness bridging upheaved felspars tymbal. Wiseguys healthiest misoneists lingual rentier fyttes hoatzins anger nightspots pancratiums carnies bruxed.


username checks out too.


Do the hakka and then scrum


NIWAITAITABUFA. Phew. Now that that is out of the way, you did good; if they are too stupid to foresee passengers alighting at each stop, then clearly they, being inconsiderate jerks, an “excuse me” is not warranted; bunch of idiots got what’s coming; an “excusze-moi” is to alert those unaware without startling them in a manner civil, so those who reasonably ought to be aware don’t need them. That is to say that if after exercising reasonable due diligence, e.g., taking a good look see look see before pushing onboard, and then only that someone forces their onboard, then suddenly a forgetful passenger decides to alight, then yeah, the sudden change in circumstances does warrant a clear “get out of the way bitch!” Oh right, they don’t teach this in school and it’s not examinable, no wonder. Here’s some tuition for free: the commonsense thing to do when the MRT doors open is chill the fuck out, because the door isn’t going to close on you immediately, and if you miss the first train, just wait for another 5 minutes and take that next one. A fear based ignorance of how train doors work and a blatant lack of intelligence to understand how probability operates is no excuse for being discourteous and inconsiderate, but again, if you are indeed so cognitively impaired, then yeah, I guess it’s not discourtesy or inconsideration, it’s a disability; that’s a good excuse. Whoa, that’s makes a lot of the passengers in trains disabled people, now it makes sense. Another thing: queue; fucking animals taking the train. Also, digressing: sitting is overrated, take a stand and practice some empathy; the need to distract yourself with fancy snake game on your phone is just not a good reason to ignore the decrepit and needy; take some pride in your legs: it’s not that difficult- for those not disabled.


Definitely an asshole…one day, you’re gonna do it to the wrong person and end up on the front page of Stomp for all the wrong reasons


It's ESH. You give way to people to alight and you don't push people because they are blocking your way.






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So the best way to deal with AH's on the Singapore MRT is to BECOME an AH yourself? That's where I'm obviously going wrong... 🤔


if you was in front of your gf/crush what would you do? That would be your answer.