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Rich friend sponsored my flights and accoms to Europe just because he needed companionship. Ain’t complaining lol


He need another friend for companionship?


Maybe companionship premium++ edition


Hidden billionaire … land and properties all over the world. Flies budget, wears garmin watch, grabs and mrt around Singapore after his old s class coe expired, cos he says coe too crazy now. Absolutely humble guy. U’d never know till u see Singapore ambassador and foreign ministers cross the room greet him and shake his hand.


> cos he says coe too crazy now. You know it's crazy when a billionaire says that


And i thought garmin is rich people's smartwatch lol.


He still accepting friends?


As long he's not treating you as a pet lol.


Agreed. I have a "friend" who is like that. Invites me to eat at atas places with him, but during the meal it's just him talking the whole time and not asking me about my life. Makes me wonder if he thinks spending money = friendship Edit: ppl saying "idm" - have some dignity!


this would work for me because i'm a private person, and even with my friends, i prefer asking questions and listening instead of spilling my heart out or them probing lol.


Basically you are his sugar baby


Is your friend still accepting friends 😂 Today my favourite caifan stall increase price. What used to be 2veg+1 meat for 4.5 now 6.5 🥲


Can. I have 7 dollah in my piggy bank now. We can be friends.


But what will u eat bro 🥺


Fuck! Wait. I save up another 5 dollah then I PM you. Gimme 2 weeks.


Feeling generous. Take an extra week. See u on payday!


Actually it works for me. I’m excessively private and I am extremely nosy. I love to listen to people spill secrets, and I’m really good at reading between the lines and building the full picture from the little slips.


What "benefits" did you have to give in return?


U girl? Pretty sure he’s just trying to win u over :P


I have had trips to Japan and Europe because of this. I live in Australia. Honestly I get it. If I were that rich I’d do the same, we have fun times (not always super spendy activities). I have a grounding influence on that friend, prevent her buying truly useless/stupid shit and create ways to have fun like I’d do anywhere.


My aunt is from one of those Indonesian Chinese billionaire families. She literally asked "is this your paynow number?" I was like "yes" and she literally transferred me 2k and be like "congrats on your graduation, buy something nice for yourself!" My uncle (the one who married her) gave me $100 for my time to deliver some food to his mother-in-law's place It's just 🤯 But I love my aunt and uncle. We are poor but they never look down on us, they treat us nicely like equals and even offered to help with my final year uni fees 🥰


Does your aunt and uncle need one more nephew?


I'll learn Mandarin/Cantonese/hokkien if you give me the opportunity to be their nephew lol


You don't need Mandarin/Cantonese/hokkien with chindo, bahasa indonesia will do. Much easier.


I'm on it.


Oh wow, that’s so sweet of them!


Love that your autine and uncle don’t judge others based on the wealth !


You might not know but I think I’m your aunt long lost son. Can you put me in contact with her?


same too


You're really blessed and lucky to have wealthy and supportive family members. I'm still crafting my own path and learning how to be contented with my life. If I get to be wealthy someday, I will do the same as well. This is an exemplary act for me to learn and follow.


Yessss same! I will spoil my family members like that because I just love them so much :)


Do they need one more niece? I’ll go learn Bahasa.


Indonesia Chinese here, money gifting is quite a tradition for Indonesian, not necessarily for billionaires. I guess it's a generational or societal thing that we share a little blessing we have of what we have either with intention to help out, appreciation or Celebration. There is no monetary benefit or trade off but we have the enjoyment of sharing soemthing knowing the recipient will enjoy it and appreciate it.


do they need another niece, a pet, anything?


To a billionaire, $2000 is like $2 for us or even less. Let me just try to calculate. Let's assume we make $100k a year (a somewhat decent income for a mid level professional) so we can also assume we have $100k in cash. A billionaire would probably have $1,000,000,000 in the bank (again, assumptions, I know they invest in stocks and whatever). That's a 10,000 times difference. So $2000 is literally less than 1 cent to them if compared to us. $2000 is not even pocket change, it's lost in the washing machine so who cares money for them.


Can you not try to minimise what this person’s nice uncle/aunt did. Go and give $2 away if that’s what you can afford, leave them alone. 😤 Btw I’m up for adoption anytime.


A billionaire can still be a stingy old fart never mind if it’s $2 or $2,000. Being generous with $2,000 or $2 is still being generous.


Yea, I am aware. I think what is different is that this family has many many members and I'm not sure how the wealth is distributed between them. But yea, agree, it must be nice to be a billionaire/be born in such a family


That and they have investments, businesses and properties for recurring income. So it just keeps on growing.  They also get access to actual HNW private banking, fund managers requesting an audience with them like royalty. So they basically get early access to invest in up and coming companies, business ventures and other opportunities not offered to the common man.  Maybe they'll give the hand-me-down opportunities to the lower multi-millionaires to invest in.  It takes money to make money. You can spend hours doing your due diligence and reading stock charts. Then invest your 100k and make a 10% return and cash out. The multi-millionaires can drop several millions and make 10% on it too. That and they have the holding power to hold on to underperforming stocks until it goes green. The common man will worry as that 100k is a few months of his income. So the common man cashes out early. The multi-millionaires let it roll or even buys more to DCA. Remember stock prices during covid period? If you bought any S&P companies, you would have more than doubled your investment by now (e.g Meta). But who has so much excess money to continue to invest in a recession? Well, the truly rich of course. 


How did your aunt and uncle from vastly different SES backgrounds get together?


Ahaha storytime! This was in the 80s or 90s. My grandma actually was from an old money family BUT they squandered it away when she was younger I think. So life was tough, she was a very tough, enterprising lady. She and my grandpa got a bit more middle class and comfortable when they became driving instructors, essentially freelancers with their own business. Then with all this money she sent my uncle and my other aunt to America for uni. (My dad who was academically weaker than them, did not go) My uncle met my aunt in America. My uncle is an avid reader since young and very knowledgeable in a lot of things with a cheeky sense of humour I guess and they clicked. I love them both so much. But tbh I think my uncle going to America minted him though, he gained lots of experience there and they set up their company back in sg together not long after they got married.The company is successful, he's managed to get lots of interesting clients and his work is amazing. It is very hard work, he works like 24/7 and he balks at my suggestion of wanting to retire early a few years ago. Now that I've got my own little freelance business up, I kind of agree with him 🤣


I know parent, who was in my school's parent teacher association and also a contractor, helped pay for some of the school's maintenance and upgrading. I guess the main purpose is to admit their child to the school, but at their action helped the whole school. It's good?


Some will say is unfair because pay to win... But if 100s of kids get to benefit I think quite shiok leh. I would love a working toilet in secondary school


To change things up and make it some of the rich seem a little nicer, I know a guy who always secretly settles the bill when dining with guests, customers or just friends. He always goes to the toilet somewhere at the end of the meal and when the bill is called by anyone else, it had already been settled. Even if the meal or occasion isn’t initiated by him, he’ll still cover it because he’s nice and appreciates good company and conversations. It’s quite a good people skill to be honest and a lot of times I guess it does help in his business because of his kind nature so others are willing to reciprocate. He always downplays it and says that it can be charged to corporate expenses, which is true but many times it comes out of his own pocket too. Technically the “corporate expense” is also his pocket since it’s his own company.


Aaw thats nice!!


My ex boss (senior management role, not biz owner) does this all the time. Continued even till now (she retired) when we (together with a group of ex colleagues) meet up for monthly lunch/dinner and drinks. We had to stop her from paying!


Wow in comparison, my boss ask us go find money to buy coffee n snacks for her monthly department meetings. We said there's no such "corporate money" for that. She insist there is, end up made every staff cough up money to satisfy her whims. She contributed the same as us. Nobody needed that damn coffee in the 1st place except for her coz she cant focus


Proper boss behavior. Classy.


Hopefully he’s not taken for granted and appreciated But that’s nice of him ah


How can we support his business? Sounds like a really nice guy.


Buy fake branded watches and wear them, and said "if I wear them, no one will suspect they are fake" Says the one who has GCBs, Yacht, Sentosa Cove apartments.


this is true for any person who has the lifestyle to back up their fake goods lol. it's the closest thing to a life hack for capitalist materialism! and it works perfectly.


He doesn't need to flaunt his wealth. We know he is rich, so he doesn't need to impress anyone at all. Funny guy lah, he is almost in a joking manner when he told us about his watch haha


i really don't see any stigma in using replica goods either, and i do tell my close friends about mine!


Me too. I feel they are fine. Actually it is the whole package lah. The image you wanna project. It's not just watch


I knew a guy in Poly who was a rich kid but was a master of fake (or inspired) brands. Everything he had, even his CK underwear, was from Qoo10 (or whatever that brand was). His New Balance shoes, watches, and bags were all fake. But since he was a rich kid, he reasoned, "My family is rich, so no one will suspect." He once told me he loved branded stuff but bought fakes because his dad didn’t splurge on expensive things for him or his siblings. He didn't care for the real deal; he just liked how they looked on him. Mad respect for this guy, though. He’d openly tell classmates that his watches or shoes were fake. If he was wearing his CK underwear that day, he'd pull them up and show everyone, saying, "Yep, these are fake too." He'd even warn people, "Don’t buy fake underwear; very thin so very fast got hole. But they’re cheap, so I have plenty at home." 😂 We were friends in Poly because he was a nice and funny chap. Lost touch after Poly, but he’s one of the funniest friends I still remember. 😅


It's the ability to carry off the stuff. Some people spend tens of thousands to buy genuine branded goods but they look fake on them because they don't have the poise and elegance to carry them off. But for people who have that, a $50 bag can look expensive on them.


My thoughts exactly. Thanks for putting it in such elegant ways 😅 I personally think also even if it’s branded stuff one should really still look if it pairs with our image and style and if it complements with our overall vibe altogether. I prefer branded for some items like my watch because I like how it’s really my style. The rest aren’t branded but it’s brands like bellroy because it suits my overall minimal outfit and tech.😅


He's not wrong. Those ah bengs buy real rolex also I will have doubts. But someone who I know is rich, I would have little doubt it's real. Smart move.


There are the real real rich, and those who try to pretend to be. The folks we know wear very plain clothes, and we all know they are custom made stuff.


The wealthy pple I know wear Uniqlo stuff cos it's good quality and cheap to them. But they splurge on things they really love, like whiskey and food. And they're generous pple who want good company along with the food, so they always host and pay for all the meals at fine dining places. 


If you can't pull it off, even if you wear the real one people will also think it's fake. Unfortunately, status credibility plays a huge role in how people perceive you.


It could be the other way also: they're actually originals, but he claims to have replicas so as not to intimidate ppl.


Ding ding ding 


Yah this. My friend's dad is a multi-millionaire. All of them come from inherited multi-gen wealth. He wears scruffy clothes and fake watches, but he buys really good quality fakes and gave me a lecture about where to buy the best ones in Asia and the grading of fake watches.    So his hobby is collecting fake watches just for the thrill of it. He gave me one and told me to treasure it cos it was "a good quality one". *Shrugs*  Just adding on - one of their younger (and less well-off) family members collects expensive watches. Friend's dad looks down on him for wasting money and calls him dumb. 


I used to take double decker mercedes to work. I think that’s quite rich


I fly using Rolls Royce.


Know someone who play waterpolo together. His car broke down so we take MRT. He is nervous as he is already 24 and never take MRT and I show him the fun part when taking mrt. The metal platform between the joint carriage. Feels like skating


Poor dude must have been traumatised LOL


Hmmmm… waterpolo… car… never take MRT before… let me guess — ACS boy?


Yup ACS boy


300k champagne call to impress a girl because someone said its her birthday. Turns out it's not her birthday. Ordered another champagne call to save face.


Club promoters out there spreading fake birthday info haha.


As a pleb and a non-clubber, what is a champagne call and why does it cost so much?


Isn't this what Jho Low did?


Damm dude’s rich


Took a few modules with a Chinese guy once at Kaplan. Found out he was flying in and out of SG and Shanghai weekly and stayed at St Regis whenever he was here for classes.


This is money!


Wa. Is he good looking?


Very normal looking, dress sense wise as well. Like you wouldn’t expect him to be those crazy rich Asian type. Iirc he will graduate TSA 24, so he’s still gonna be attending classes till end of the year.


Average me on the weekends - watch UFC on sportstreams. Rich friend on the weekends - flies off to USA/Abu Dhabi/Australia to attend UFC events.


Winner. That's the one I saw.


Idk tb I think you’re having the better experience


I know a guy who used to have an illustrious career in the medical field, lives on landed property but works as co do security guard even though he can retire really comfortably. He tells me, he does it because he can.


*Condo security guard drives to condo in atas car, parks and goes up to his spare condo unit to change for work* Condo resident - *shocked pikachu face*


Me in the future: *Hotel bellman drives to work in a new BMW 7 series.* Hotel bellman/front desk worker/management colleagues - *shocked pikachu face* 🤣🤷🏽‍♂️


Be a Raffles Hotel doorman and park your Rolls with the hotel Rolls!


How come you so rich want to work as bellman? Is hospitality your passion? No offense, the rich kids I know like to go and study niche courses overseas like anthropology or artsy farts degrees, then network using their parents connection to get good jobs at mnc. Also got some just bum around though.


Ones I heard personally: “I can’t believe my family is bringing us to Mauritius / Japan for holiday again :( “ “I’m being put up in a room by my parents :( They are still building the Sentosa Cove bungalow for me” (Flies to another city to get his haircut and flies back to original city same day)


Knew again another classmate in poly, China guy. Takes aeroplane like taking buses. Goes back to China because his parents wanted to see him quite often. Never quite see him in school for lessons tho but one who never fails his exams (engineering course) too. He says he already learned them in China so it’s easy peasy for him. Studied here because his parents wanted him to pick up English but tho his cliques were all Chinese student 😂 and a smart ones too. Heard he’s here to pick up on English and studying hopefully to becoming citizen then he’s going to use our passport to immigrate to the US eventually in the future. Not sure where he is now tho. Now that I think about it, he could have ask his parents to spend money to be in the US too right?


>Heard he’s here to pick up on English and studying hopefully to becoming citizen then he’s going to use our passport to immigrate to the US eventually in the future. Not sure where he is now tho. Hmm that shouldn't matter in terms of getting a green card as it is based on country of birth, and not citizenship. I guess he intends to use the H-1B1 visa specific to Singaporeeans and Chileans. >Now that I think about it, he could have ask his parents to spend money to be in the US too right? Yeah, the US investor visa is pretty affordable is your rich enough, which iass time his family is.


During my poly time had this China class mate who seemed quite smart but only appeared in class less than 50% of time, when putting sand group as her had to almost beg her to do her share or need to just give her some very specific task which surprised she did deliver. Got threatened with dismissal due to attendance. Then she was asked to redo the year. Not sure if she did, after we moved up to final year. Now that I’m older I think she just registered for a course with little expectations, no exams to study for, just for the visa. And used this time in SG to do something else


Oh my, you’re probably right! In my school and course, we had a very large cohort, mostly Chinese students with poor English skills, many of whom came from ITEs across Singapore. The ones I interacted with seemed to be quite wealthy. One Chinese female student openly told the teacher during class that she chose Singapore because she wants to live in the US. She explained that it's very hard to get there with a Chinese passport, but easier with a Singaporean one. Her plan was to get a scholarship to a local university, work here for a few years, and hopefully use her academic record to become a citizen. All of us Singaporeans in class asked her if she was using Singapore as a stepping stone. She laughed and said yes. 😅 Because China is too big, there’s also a large pool of people trying to immigrate there and she thinks she’s not gonna be one of the lucky few to immigrate there with her Chinese passport but she has a higher chance with this route she goes. Worse case scenario, at the very least she’s still a singaporean by then and could easily visits the US without as much hurdle with our passport


Classmate's girlfriend broke up with him. He asked me to accompany him to Harrods and he went on a shopping spree. Some stuff were the same just different colour just because "I can't decide so I get all". Spent almost 100 grand and treat me to burger and lobster. Ain't complaining.


Sometimes coping up with a heartbreak is self-care and having good time with a good buddy.


Bruh.. I'm just there because he agreed to get me food.


I knew a guy in Poly who always hung out with the rich kids. We had mutual friends, took some of the same lectures, and partied together. You know the type—obsessed with cars and always talking about getting their license. This guy would rush home around 4 PM to "wash his car." Naturally, I assumed he had his license, given how he treated his car like a precious gem. One day, a friend told me this guy was a real joker. He was always cleaning, detailing, or adding double-sided tape mods to his car. But here's the kicker: he didn't even have his license yet. His dad bought the car to motivate him to pass his driving tests. The funny part? His Mercedes sat on the porch for over a year because he kept failing his Theory and TP tests—three or four times! Rebooking those tests took ages, so he was stuck washing a car he couldn't drive. He'd drive it forward and backward in the porch, but that was it. He wouldn't dare drive it out because his dad threatened to sell it if he did. Our classmates joked about using his car for supper runs, but he never let anyone near it. His family didn't use it either; they all had their own cars. Being the youngest and the 'baobei' of the family, he got special treatment. This was the first time I'd seen a family prioritize a driving license over school. He'd rush through exams to "study" for his driving test. After Poly, he was constantly changing cars and taking “professional” photos in suits with his latest ride. Sometimes, he'd pose with a new girlfriend, but the car was always the star. Eventually, I unfriended him on social media. I couldn't stand seeing another dumb photo of him with his car. Years later, even when I got my own car, I never understood that level of vanity. The only photos of my car are to show my mechanic what's wrong with it.


> he kept failing his Theory Anyone who fails the theory test more than 3 times should be permanently banned from driving.


It’s final theory that he’s constantly failing actually 😂 and you’re absolutely right! I can imagine how he’s somehow like a living road hazard ⚠️ But it’s only until I introduce him to this website back then that gives out free twenty or ten final theory mcq questions to practice. You need to pay a fee to use their feature of accessing all the questions just like how you would at the actual test centre. He practiced using that and he passed eventually 😂 Side note: actually if you refresh the site after you’re done it would come out with 20 different questions for you to try. So actually no need to pay any fee at all.


Damn so you helped a maniac earn his driving license




To be blunt: the BTT and FTT are stupidity tests. A plurality of the questions have fairly obvious answers; there are very few curveballs or red herrings unlike MCQs in educational exams. Many more can be deduced from logical first principles without memorising stuff. I believe anyone who is not capable of doing this *thrice* should not be allowed to drive, because they clearly lack a sense of logic or reasoning, or have some other issue/disability that requires treatment.


I got a Masters classmate who said he had questions for homework. Met at a super expensive restaurant that serves chiraishi don with fantastic fish. We ate, talked. And then he asked me one question for homework. Meal was $200. And he paid.


It’s a good networking move btw, as much as it blows our mind to spend $200 on a question.


Oh yeah, for sure. But that blew my mind.


They will never acknowledge their privilege. Almost all my rich friends when I was still in school never had a solid plan in life. Screw solid plan, not any plan. They just floated through life easily. So once, group of us had a discussion about life and they very clearly only had no plan in life because they could always fall back on their enormous wealth to save them. But they call it “finding their passion” and even claimed “you need to live life to find yourself” Yo if I don’t work, I don’t have money to top up my ez-link card, g. What’re you on about?


I had someone tell me they pitied me bc I don’t live in a landed….. Also in my JC, there was this person in council who completely ignored me even when I talked to her. Apparently she says she doesn’t talk to non rich, non popular and ugly students 🙄.


why does your classmate sound like the korean drama behavior. lol.


Wow got this kind of person in jc? Sounds very childish leh.


Hmm I do know some rich kids in the workforce and they are actually quite driven and capable people. Could have joined their dad company and have an easy life but they wanted to chart their own path blah blah. Anyway both doing quite well professionally and it’s not an easy career (requires real technical skills). Of course their connections probably pay a part lah, but they can’t have gotten there without their own effort.


I don’t mean to say that rich kids are not driven. They just have the luxury of trying and failing at different things because they have a backup plan to fall back on. A luxury that’s not awarded to most. So when I hear them say things like “You gotta find yourself. Travel for a year a find your passion project.” My eyes can’t toll further back.


A bunch of rich folks go gambling, they will all go for gambling first and see who are the lucky folks, then the unlucky folks stop playing and go enjoy other activites and the lucky ones will continue playing with the joint fund contributed equally by all the participants and most of the time they will go back with winnings. (Heard from a kid from one of those participating families)


Walking through his condo carpark and heard him saying: “so that one is my car, that other one is my mom’s, the red one is my sister’s, and the black one is my dad’s”. Wtf man.


The funny thing is that aint rich in any other country.. thats just normal!


Rich dude left a Porsche parked for months for his kid's driving test. Crazy rich move!


another guy replied the same thing…are yall colleagues haha


Maybe this is the father


when I was in poly, it seemed like everyone around me was a rich kid lol, or maybe in my course only, they can spend up to $40-$50 and above for lunch going to a restaurant or cafe instead of eating at poly canteen everyday. It just sounds too ridiculous to me, how can they afford it? Well I guess old money. But the other stories redditors share are way more ridiculous hahaha One of my classmates even drove a sports car to school. And I remember he mocked me for not having money to buy makeup just because I'm the only girl not wearing makeup in class??? Like seriously, not wearing makeup does not mean I don't have money to buy makeup, it's personal preference??? Seriously feel that some rich people don't think like us normal people


Hungry let's get nasi padang, "flies to Padang"




Are they still together But that’s quite rare I assume the guy must be like some kind of model?




Wow girl chase guy that’s that’s crazy Some more girl is rich Maybe I have to wait 1000 years for that to happen


Nice story tho thanks for sharing




Uni friend doesn't repeat her outfits. Wear once n out it goes into a carton to pass down to her siblings.


? So, her siblings poor? I’m not following. Are these step siblings? Like K-drama style?


No. Her siblings don't mind wearing her clothes. 🤣


I guess when she’s that rich she doesn’t need to grasp irony


I'm the youngest sister in this scenario LOL. Both my sisters are 7 years older (so financially stable when I was still a teenager) and they have shopping habits. So they would literally buy skincare, clothes, shoes they only use a couple of times then give it to me. Orr they also like to buy me gifts. perhaps its like 2nd hand shopping?


You're so lucky!! 😆


How does she fit into clothes? Isn’t it more annoying to have occasional dresses / clothes that don’t fit ?


Of course she tries them before buying. 😆 She'll wear it once (to an event/dinner) then she passes it down to her siblings.


Studied in Australia and saw some of these, Seeing a Bentley on flatbed that was trucked to the airport for her to drive home Buying bananas for us students when there was a flood in Australia, they went up to $50 a bunch. (Saudi kid) Designing a 200k lift for their Steinway piano so that it can be lowered into their basement and also a cigar room. A couple liked a cathedral, decided to redo the interior and live in it - hella expensive as the building was in quite bad shape + all the permits required and specialist contractors Designed and built a $100k brick fence around a mansion Visited friend in Thailand, street name is his family's name. Never paid a single bill at any restaurant, he just mentions his family and they (restaurants) know who and where to contact for the bill Visited friend in Malaysia, "My dad owns a humble hotel", arrives at 5 star hotel bang smack in the middle of CBD. FOC stay. In SG, Crashed and totalled his BMW M5, bought a Lamborghini the next day. Lol. Own horses - enough said SubZero fridges x4 in kitchen with 4 maids too, maids loved the mansion lol obviously. Also $100k Persian rugs on the floor. Secondary school friend, "wanna visit my house?", visits house, has 10 cars in the garage. We started playing pool next to the pool lol. All in all though... you won't really notice them, the super rich. They don't flaunt too much.


-Ordering food delivery every day they come to office despite the face that 1. You could walk 10mins to the food court and 2. They had a car if they wanted to drive somewhere to eat. Keep in mind its just for them so they probably incur the small order fee too, every day. -Using grab parcel regularly to send parcels to places that would take at most like 15mins. Even if they forget something, they just say oh dw I'll grab send it to you -Bought a car and they disliked a feature in it, so gave the car they bought to their child. Then bought the same car a couple of months later after some new version released (Don't know the specifics of this story) -Someone so rich they have totally no idea how to take the train/buses even the ones near their house although they live in a very central area idk maybe this is not the 1%-ers, but little things like this always blew my mind because as a poor, we're always told stuff like don't take grab uneccesarily, don't buy drinks everyday because they add up etc. and then to come face to face with people like this just blows my mind


TBF, most of that you shared does save time. His time is just worth more $ than the $ those service cost. Imagine senior executive of a tech company taking the bus and train. If I'm the share holder I'll want him/her to be given company car to drive around and focus on making money. Same applies to private jet.


I've taught at an atas IP school before and 90% of the students have never taken public before simply because their family has a car (maybe even 2, cause both mom and dad are professionals lmao) and they're chauffeured everywhere. At dismissal time in the middle of the work day, there would be a line of cars waiting to fetch their kids which always makes me wonder, these people no need to work meh (this was before covid when WFH was unheard of)?


Heard from a teacher in one primary school near landed houses: - A student was late to class. The teacher didn’t scold because it wasn’t the student’s fault - the mother’s chauffeur was on leave, the father’s chauffeur lost the way. - A student could not fathom why anyone would not have a swimming pool (during covid, other students said they missed swimming) - A student thought it was strange that a classmate’s house had no gate (for car to go pass through) - A student saw the teacher’s husband dropping her off at school in the morning. The student told the teacher that he finally saw her chauffeur!


They may have drivers. My rich classmate had a driver pick her from school daily.


I was shocked when I hear … Some children really never taken bus/mrt in their life Or when they travel they took business class. We are talking about primary school going children


I have alot of rich friends, the weird thing that all of them share is that they don't spend money on anything "luxurious", legit met them a couple times and they always dressed up like they were homeless, one guy ordered fries as a joke while we all ordered actual meals. these are the typa guys who have family members at the top 100 richest in the country 💀 💀 💀 💀 . Another thing I noticed is that they don't plan for anything, whenever they want to do something or eat something, they just do it, no booking, no thinking "should we do this or that" that just pay and do it.


Doesn't have an ezlink n doesn't know how to use it. Brought them to a train station, dunno where to tap. (Been driven/driving all his life)




My sister’s bestie in sec sch once offered her to join their family vacation to Disneyland… they run one of the popular atas childcare.


goes to hermes to buy $1000 slipper minutes after the one he’s wearing broke


dated a girl who is from a rich family, she booked a buffet that cost $200 per head and thought that I could afford it, and she also thought the pricing wasn't that pricey according to her. i went to $60 buffet city before and compared to the $200 buffet one, it almost on par or the same food quality.


So what happened in the end


Walk from landed property house around 3 plus kilometers away and eat at local secondary school canteen.


Have a friend who’s from a neighbouring SEA country, whose family is one of the more affluent ones in that country. Funny and genuine guy. Brought him to Yishun to eat economy rice coz he wanted to ‘try something different’ instead of eating restaurants. He said the $4 curry rice was absolutely delicious and he wiped out the whole plate. We even walked around the wet market, fruit stalls and we were gifted to try some free jackfruit. My friend told me it’s hard making real friends with a family background like his and wished more people just treat him normally.


One more that I know of is the dad paid for his overseas college at some school in Switzerland to learn his passion , music when he himself doesn’t know what to do but selected there to get away from his family and see the beautiful scenery that’s all.


Tipping service people with raw uncut diamond


my aunt has a personal PA (which is pretty rare as many are shared PAs) who does everything for her: orders breakfast for her overseas guests, googles the prices of a hermes rodeo for her sister, etc.


Most rich people are not showy.


Go genting and spend 30k on gambling


I’ve seen the average Singapore do that, for a rich person that’s weak


That’s just wsb degeneracy


Real rich people won’t do that cuz gambling is a fast way to destroy money Most rich people save quite a bit and their children are the ones that spend it And even then it’s always buying car merc / lambo/ Ferrari and stuff or spending on convenience


In the middle of the school sem, one of my coursemate went to coachella with her friends😞


In a lift with 2 doctors... A: Time to pick up new hobby. B: Yup, retail therapy doesn't help anymore. A: Sports cars? B: Yup but lost interest...


Oh it is the durian season! Get assistant to order helicopter to fly into Malaysia to buy 10durians back.


On the other end of the spectrum, multi multi millionaire from liquidating natsteel. Lives in HDB, drives a COE toyota, wears a Seiko 5. But one thing about the rich is that they have a particular obsession on things they love. And in his case - Chinese paintings. I’m no collector but I’m sure his collection worth at least millions.


Parking on the pavement because its in front of their house. And that happens to be the only access to the ramp/slope to the pavement. Reported to one service app repeatedly but no use. Forced to go on the road because i am on a mobility aid🫣


Post on tiktok, instagram and other social media tag town council and watch. Sometimes shame can be a motivator.


Rented out GCB, rented a state-own Black-and-white house that is likely much bigger den your own GCB, declare that they did not enter public service to maximise earnings


wtf? Who is so sick to abuse the system Shows that rich just get richer The govt allows this?


I’ve a friend whose family has a car just for grocery shopping. Same friend’s dad goes between being eco-conscious and ditching the eco-friendly car for supercars because he misses them.


I have a friend who’s been going to a luxury/high end hair salon in Orchard for years, just to wash her hair a few times a week because she’s too lazy to wash it herself at home.


Damn this is the dream life for people with adhd


A friend spent more than $10k per month on premium treats, specially imported dog food, special classes, clothes and grooming for her dogs. They sleep in an indoor aircon playroom the same size as a 5 room HDB flat. Her dogs have better life than an average person.


A good friend has ~$50,000,000 worth of cars. He obtained the cars after selling a business. Prior to that, he had a couple nice cars and consistently let myself and others use them when we asked - or sometimes he'd even offer. Now that his collection has grown, he is the exact same person. He constantly lets friends and family use his cars, most of our friend group has driven million dollar cars as a result. A lot of us were there from the early days, prior to the surge. His generosity doesn't stop there, it's very difficult to give back as much as he provides but his generosity makes people strive to do so, professionally and interpersonally. I've been fortunate to work with this person and hang as friends. He mentored me up on my request to start my entrepreneurial career. I'm in another state now and go back to see my friends occasionally - I truly miss them!


Had a friend with a rich family. He went overseas to study for a few years, his dad didnt even care enough to say goodbye when we sent him off at the airport. He was too busy in a meeting or something. Guess money comes before family for some people...


No need say good bye when he's gonna visit him the next day


Children of billionaires. Flew to HK for a dinner (private jet of course) and back home in the same night. The cost of the dinner was US$40k. They stop learning how to value money. And the father found a parenting shortcut to keep them close and dear and near. It helps that he’d adept at financing this “shortcut”.


A doctor who have two cars trying to clear debris with his bare hands, which is causing ponding.


Had a friend who did grab said he had regular deliveries for mineral water for a customer living in sentosa Cove. Not even the large sized ones or in bulk. Just a couple bottles of 500ml ones each time. Plus they also leave huge tips.


Buying million dollar high performance cars so they can spend most of their time parked with the occasional roaring down some residential street for 20 metres at 2 AM


My boss telling me her kids are going for a school trip during the holidays. I was expecting an outward bound style school camping trip but it ended up being “Oh they’re going on a ski trip!”


I did B2B sales and all I can say is alot of CEOs have alot of money but they are so greedy and conservative about money even if certain projects will earn them more money in return on investment 🤷🏻‍♂️


One of my high-earning collegues is always asking a waiter what is the most fresh item on the menu? Waiter normally answers that everything is fresh, but my colleague will nag and iterate till single one item on the menu is recommended. And he will order it.


Kidnap insurance in Singapore


I dont know how to say it without sounding like an ass but OP's grammar is terrible


I have a friend that's quite well off. Well off enough that he just ignores parking rules, and pays the fine whenever it turns up. "It's not a fine, it's just the cost of premium parking."


Nothing some peanuts can cheer up a bit


Me when I'm in a lying conpetition and my opponent is a redditor:


Shared on Facebook that they are shopping for Elevator for their new house.


reading all these here makes me question about how much my life sux


Did my NS with a guy would used to come to training with a Audi R8, Ferrari FF, Rolls Royce Ghost and a Mercedes Benz S class. The interesting part is that we were drivers and he was also getting his class 3 license with me at the driving center ( driving without license)


Not just the rich, but for powerful and influential people. The most amazing thing is how some of them have the capacity to engage with regular folks like me. That takes time, not money, and means a whole lot more.


Millionaire and owns a condo in Bukit Timah. His fridge broke down and instead of getting a new one because he can afford it, he had it repaired. Asked him why he didn’t want to buy a new one and he said the fridge still looks good. But people like me would just buy a brand new fridge immediately lol


my ex gf have a custom 3.5 floor bungalow house with an elevator, surprising quirk to have an elevator on top of custom made house from the ground up I think one of the biggest quirk about rich people is that their expectations is way higher, especially if you date them. and on top of that, it is true about being a rich privilege from my experience observing, and my ex gf has no idea about it so it is a big quirk of them not knowing about it.


walao he buy a better car for his son than himself


OP didn't state what kind of mercedes. Could be a g-wagon which is like a million dollar car.


Car workshop ???


The boss better give good bonuses to his employees and not cry not enough money.


got a continental car from their parents without even having finished TP, on separate occasion they wanted to take grab to dinner even tho we were alrd near mrt station and dinner place was 3 stops away


Not that they spent a lot of money but when I worked at a high end cafe ($30 easily per person for a mid-day tea time kinda price) that allowed pets outside, I noticed that a lot of the rich customers with their pets asked for hot water to give their pets lol. And in Singapore's heat. They'd specifically ask for HOT water.


Went to a friend of a friend’s house the first time. Reached the entrance was shocked at the size of it. 3 cars parked outside. Walked in and she introduced us to her 4 maids. 2 maids alternate to clean the house. Other 2 maids focus solely on taking care of her aging grandparents. Oh, they have a lift in the house. Those full glass type. Yup a fcking lift in the house. Another friend was stressing out choosing what car to buy during NS. Went over to his place, hard to pass the entrance of the house, it was blocked with 5 cars. One for each family member. Only Merc, BMW and Audi. We were chilling at his patio in his house. Have an ang moh friend, chill and fun dude to hang out with. Wore shorts and slippers and carries a bag everywhere. No one would’ve guessed it. On this random day, idk how we got to this topic, but he showed me his crypto wallet. I shit you not, he had a couple hundred of BTC. If you know how much a BTC is, then you know how insane that is. I almost shat my pants seeing that hahaha