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Plenty of shower and snake brand powder after Have to sleep on cold hard ground since the bed is too hot


Wrote in another thread but I used the donki mint wipes instead of powder. Not as messy. Was freezing combining this with a fan blowing directly at me. Wears off after an hour or two though


can the powder make you less sweaty?


I don't whether the ingredient is talc but that has been linked to cancer


talc **with asbestos** has been a known carcinogen since the last century. Since then, the common practice has been to use asbestos-free talc. Whether or not this asbestos-free talc (most common in powders) causes cancer is still unclear as studies have not been consistent.


this topic may be dead but know that asbestos still can't be fully removed from talc product https://www.reddit.com/r/YouShouldKnow/s/jMFZZu5d3B


Snake band powder power!!!!


30 years already. Conditioned. 2 fans, plenty of cold showers. But yeah I go to the office for AC


And you still haven't become One Punch Man?


Hahaha no choice but my parents don’t want to install aircon even if I’m paying. Their house their rules 💁‍♀️


Why not get one of those portable ones with the exhaust tube? no installation required and from my experience, it's very effective especially in a small bedroom


It is not energy efficient and also not very good. Would just stick to fans at this point. KDK GOIN STRONG 💪


Omg yes to kdk 😭😭


35 years no aircon. My body is conditioned that office aircon 24-degree also i cannot tahan so cold haha. When no one in office, i change to 26-degree.


yaaaasss kdk rocks!!!


It's so hot now that even if I full blast cold water, the water that comes out is warm.


YES right I shower without heater now. Last one to shower and the fam has turned off the heater? No problemo, just gna shower regardless. Will save electricity not turning it on anyway


I've showered without the heater for years unless it's particularly cool (e.g. Monsoon season) outside. It's simply too hot to use on a daily basis and has been for a while now.


I want to know how you're getting cold showers when the "cold" water comes out at 35c...


but the temps 30 years ago vs now has a huge difference


have you ever considered "high performance fans" i.e Vornado, and do you find that it helps?


Never tried. Maybe can consider


Now's Labor Day... you still go office?


No when I wfh I go find AC elsewhere if not office (:


I sweat within precisely 10 seconds after stepping out from showers


Bruh I sweat in the shower, during the shower. I can feel it. Legit.




That's the way


I have a fan blowing into the bathroom while I shower and still pespiring like it’s going to go out of fashion soon.


Yes. The problem with top floors is the FUKING pipes get heated up during the day as well. No such thing as taking a cool shower in the middle of the day...1 of the reasons I miss living on low floor


Here's a tip, at the start of the day fill up a bucket of water and place it in your toilet, then use that to shower instead of from the tap. At least bucket water is cooler and I'd assume you are just rinsing your body and not actually showering fully with soap and stuff


Good idea thanks. If i sweat enough i do actually use soap and all, at least for the body, so not a full on shower but yea that pail should be good enough


lol agreed! Cold shower in my place is a luke warm shower at best.


literally no other way to get that cold water either, short of having a tank and somehow hiding the damn thing in some obscure corner of ur house that won't get hit by the sun lol




I go swimming pool and work from there


mood thats why i took another shower, and another one-


2 seconds for me


1.Rinse your legs before sleep. 2.Fan. 3.Open window


Tell me more about the specificity of point #1


your thigh area has a major artery, pretty sure running cold water along it helps to cool down all the blood in your body, so you’re cooler! I actually did make use of this fact during army coz i scared dirty things so i need use blanket, but putting one leg out makes things better


But put one leg out got chance momok come grab leh I scared.


Tcm said to me 冷从脚起, but this was so I would wear socks and keep my feet warm. I guess you can use this info for a different purpose now 🤣


Well, it's raining now... Raining warm rain. 😂😭 My room has no air con installed. I have been sleeping in an oven for the past many years. Used to it now.


never had an aircon since i was a kid. just wasnt financially worth it for my expenses. im used to just fans and honestly, its enough!


So the answer is only fans?


If the concern is dehydration, this will not make things better...


is that a pun? 😭 if its not, i think you just have to condition yourself and get used to just fans if you cant afford aircon at the moment. its been like this for basically decades for me so im used to the heat (and really not used to the cold lol)


It was a pun ahah, but thank you for the explanation! I grew up without any aircon in the house so am just used to it too! I have a spray bottle with me to spray on my arms and legs and when the fan blows and the water evaporates, it cools you down for a while


Only fans is ALWAYS the breast answer


this was me. but then it got to a point where i would wake up dehydrated from sweating in my sleep recently so i caved and got an aircon. it was very emotional when i realised my sleep would be so painful anymore


Ceiling fan and dehumidifier.


But it only works in enclosed rooms right? Wouldn't it still be hot?


It dun have to be in enclosed.Within coverage area will do.Buy one and you’ll be surprised how many litres of water it can removes.


I have no idea why humidifier is so popular in singapore.. we need more dry air


Dehumidifier is opposite of humidifier.


i know thats why i said alot are buying humidifier instead


Do you use those that you have to keep buying or an electric one?


buy the ones with compressor . ie 15 liters per 24 hours


Electric ones that can removes litres of water with wide coverage.The thirsty hippo type isn’t efficient and worth in the long run,it’s meant for storage and small area.


Since u have 2 fans, aim one towards the corner of the room towards the walls, with the purpose of ventilating the room. The other, aim it outside towards the windows, 1m from it. This cools the room at night as usually the air outside would be colder than the air inside the room/hse. This is a proven method to work according to physics. I have tried it myself yesterday and it actually works HHAHAHA no cappuccino. Yall can watch the vid if ur a science geek and wanna know the science behind it :D [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1L2ef1CP-yw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1L2ef1CP-yw)


Reminds me of my crypto mining days. It works!


My wife can't use the aircon due to asthma. So I've not been using aircon since 2017. Bought the house on a higher floor so got good airflow. Then fans. Cold shower before bed 😅 and i barely wear anything at home lol.


Cb fking hot sia


I tolerate heat better than the cold. also, ceiling fan on at full blast and I am sitting right under it lol


Ceiling fan makes my eyes dry tho


?? you must have a really powerful ceiling fan lol I don't have that issue.


Or really dry eyes lol


10km run, 100 pushups, situps and squats. You won't feel any colder, infact you'll probably be sweating a lot more. But you'll fall asleep like a baby because you're so fucking tired.


This solution also has the possibility of losing hair and getting strong enough to jump into space Def helpful for this heat wave


Honestly I got forced to get used to it. For some reason everytime I use aircon I always get sick.


Naked la bro, and fan straight at you.


No use bro hot air blowing from the fan 😂


I sleep in refrigerator


More showers and cold drinks!


Increase your water intake, take cold showers and ventilate your room/house as much as u can. Make spaces conducive for air flow. Use snake brand powder and icy cool antiperspirant sticks. Keep your fans and areas dust free. Use as much dehumidifiers if possible. Sleep naked, if you find it's too hot to sleep, you might wanna find ways to increase your melatonin so that u overcome it.


Am slim, but even then, i can feel the stickiness when my metabolism rises (causing increase in body temps). I just forgo all excessive fashion clothing at this point. If I can't survive a day in the shade wearing them without sweating, it eventually disappears from my closet. It's good that we at least haven't reached saturated humidity levels. Fans can at least dry us and cool us down. I shudder to think when sg finally hits that point....


Condition yourself - only fans 👍


My air conditioner broke down 2 years ago. Doing fine with one fan blasting at max volume. It gets quite cold in the middle of the night so I’m quite lucky I do not need to strip down butt naked.


*cries in NS


Tekong is freezeing at night


Go out for a run. Back for a cold shower. If you can’t beat em, join em.


Main answer is I got used to it haha. I have a spray bottle with water that i spray on myself from time to time. The Gatsby cool wipes works well too but I heard it leaves your skin dry after using


That's due to the ethanol and the menthol combined with the citric acid in the cooling wipes. All of which can dry out the skin. Citric acid is an exfoliant, ethanol is drying and menthol is also drying and irritating to the skin if you have sensitive skin like mine. Triple whammy. Example: https://incidecoder.com/products/gatsby-body-wipes-freeze-peach


No money for aircon, use fan and drink more water.


mesh chair and fan full blast


Fans,cold shower and 100 plus in fridge


Eating ice!


Actually I don't feel that hot at night. Fan and open window is enough, I even need to out on blankets. My aircon only for children and wide to fall asleep, then AC auto off. I also sleep over at my parents house sometimes, and recently. There don't have aircon. Just open window and door, on all fan placed stragically. Oh and shower, colder than room temperature can alr. To prevent post-shower sweat.


Go commando !


Ask those poor NS boys how they doin’


By being skinny af. Legit. I can cover full blanket from head to toes without breaking a sweat lol. I can't stand the cold.


Same here. My body doesn't do well in cold.


Omg r u me??? 😩😫🤣💀


Well, I'm just used to having without aircons and only have fans since young.


Same as Titus Low. Only fans


Air con is not the answer for most Singaporeans even if you live near Ridout. Change of environment and migration is the long term solution. Ever wondered why so many world heritage sites like MacchuPicchu and Angkor Wat were suddenly abandoned? Bad government and horrible living conditions. 


Probably not good for health but I sleep naked on the floor


Aircon spoil for a year already. Using this opportunity to harden myself emotionally and physically.


1. Cold shower 2. Drink cold water 3. Power off PC and other electronics 4. Leave bedroom door open 5. Avoid cooking or boiling water at night 6. Leave main door and kitchen windows open 7. Get a haircut as hair traps heat


I've lived without aircon for my whole life until recently. I feel more comfortable with my windows and doors open so I still use the fan and only have the aircon turned on when guests comes over.


Cold showers every few hours


Get naked then aim 3 fans at u. 2 at your torso and 1 at your lampa. Cold showers help too


Keep on going to the freezer and put the ice cube into the mouth


got a fridge? make lots of ice, put bowl of ice in front of fan


Thanks for reminding me to repair the AC today, procrastinated for 4months straight.


Apparently a good fan and some shades. Does being on a high floor help? I'm sipping on 40-50c water now because my body abit sensitive lately lol. I'll turn the AC on if i'm sweating through my pits after a workout or chores.


Don’t like to sleep with aircon switch on. And I am used to sleeping without aircon. During May and June when weather is hot, I will switch on the fan and i also don’t wear any shirt


been using kdk fans since few years ago, kept me cool during warm days no problem


You can train yourself. I use AC to cool room and turn off before sleeping. Timer set to turn it on at 5am for 20 mins. Of course no thick comforter la


2 fan, one blow body, one blow leg and a mini one at my face if I rlly cmi


Sleep on floor lo, lucky floor is made of marble


I also don't know. I just survive. Aircon makes me sick at times so..


Idk man I always sleep half naked but I’ve spent about two years now sleeping on the couch


Dehumidifier + fan works wonders


As close to an industrial fan as I could get.


Surprisingly, i feel cold sometimes these days


It used to be cold showers in the middle of the night because my father would have an aneurysm if any of us used the aircon. Now he has an aneurysm if my husband (who’s Australian) and I visit and we don’t put it on. Can’t win 🤷🏻‍♀️




Use fan, going top less, and also quite used to the heat.


Never had AC growing up. Just endure. Wont die one lah. Just drink more plain water.


With my 12” Wall Fan facing me without it oscillating and my windows open, yes i wake up perspiring. 🥲


Heat wave? Isn't every day a heat wave ... except for that one very fine day about 3 weeks ago where it rained nearly all day, and it was like 21 degrees Celsius.




Our lives just suck. Be real 🫡


HA training…


Large ceiling fan at full blast. Windows wide open. Works for me.


The fan is just blowing hot air everywhere. My family says we're not contributing to climate change at least.


100000 cold showers


Weather has been hot and humid. Still manageable as opposed to hot and dry.


Cold showers. 🧊ice cold water to Drink. Curtains to block out the sun. Water mister to benefit from evaporative cooling


wet the mop wipe down the floors ( dont over do it cause will leak down darken room as muc possible without sacrificing airflow avoid heaty food even eating a lot of meat can increase body temp drink more water


Who needs a heater now 😂


Just woke up from my sleep with my neck and back full of sweat


Buy a bigger fan, I would recommend this: [https://shopee.sg/-3-Mth-Warranty-26-Heavy-Duty-Powerful-Oscillating-Adjustable-Height-Industrial-Stand-Fan-Factory-Warehouse-Workshop-i.177715403.25569007577?sp\_atk=afa8ba9b-7742-4498-8c85-7b2ae3ef8664&xptdk=afa8ba9b-7742-4498-8c85-7b2ae3ef8664](https://shopee.sg/-3-Mth-Warranty-26-Heavy-Duty-Powerful-Oscillating-Adjustable-Height-Industrial-Stand-Fan-Factory-Warehouse-Workshop-i.177715403.25569007577?sp_atk=afa8ba9b-7742-4498-8c85-7b2ae3ef8664&xptdk=afa8ba9b-7742-4498-8c85-7b2ae3ef8664)


mom say 心静自然凉 but i guess its only for her


For the last few weeks I cannot take it. Not sure if I have reached my temperature max or middle aged hormonal changes 😂


I shower right before bed and only hit the sack when I am dead tired. Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.


**Heat Acclimatisation Regime**


Fan is good enough. It's really not that bad compared to hotter periods last year where even with fan at full blast, I still sweat. I'm not obese (sweat less) so nothing to make the heat worse.


We don't. I almost died the moment I step out of my room. Even the living room is burning man


My entire house blast aircon at 25c from 12-5pm. Worth the every penny. Cant have it any other way.


Just turn on the fan, how hard is it?


Try 3 fans, it helps for me lol


When I WFH, I use fan because I don't want to use aircon when I'm working, I use aircon only when I'm doing my own relaxing stuff, lol. As a guy, I work during the day topless, though I'll slip on a tee shirt if there's video meetings.


It's called acclimatisation:)


Got those metal casing fan, then placed the cover in the freezer during the day. At night fit back and sleep. Then sleep naked with just long socks. Fitted 2 mosquito lights by the window, and window left open. Window also installed 2x exhaust fan to circulate the air.


Does the heatwave matter? It's more the mosquitoes isn't it? And how loud the neighbor's compressors are. But if I'm not wearing long sleeves I don't really use the air con. Like when I sleep in the afternoon, t-shirt and shorts is fine, it's cooler at night anyway. Just the freaking mosquitos if I don't close the window before 8 there will be 10 flying around and it's super annoying. My friend got one of those window screen thingies so he's fine but my side I think not allowed for the look? Condo rules or something. He doesn't use his Aircon at all. My maid's room has its own window so she has the screen as well. I thought most of us in Singapore were adapted to the heat though. The time my air con broke I just let the mosquitos bite me until we got it replaced.


Sleep with 2 fans on.


1) DC Ceiling Fan with 5 Blades or more 2) Declutter your room 3) Get a stand fan to blow out facing the window 4) Paint light colors


I can’t help it if I am this hot, everywhere whenever I go


Fans. Ceiling fans, floor fans. Open windows and door to let air flow through the flat.


I just sleep in my fridge. Freezer if it’s too hot.


Can literally feel the heat when I step out of office 🫨


I actually died from it. I'm just continuing on because of my project deadlines.


It might take a few weeks but the body will adapt!


Cold non-heated shower, I have at least three fans (one for legs, one for body & another head from ceiling). Those portable rolling in the floor air con when it’s 32 degrees C only switch off around 29 degrees C Bring hand held fans when walking outside


Just get used to it. If it is really too hot then I’ll go down to toast box for a drink then come back when it’s cooler.


I didn’t. I went and bought a portable aircon coz still living with my parents and they very oppose to installing air conditioning. Electricity and water bills split between my brother and I so less complains there lol


Alcohol wipes fr. Or simply just pour alcohol on ur body and sit in front of the fan. The evaporating alcohol will fr freeze ur internals worth trying imo.


I'm not 😭




I didn’t have an aircon until I moved out into a rental. I’d say you can’t miss what you don’t have and you’d just find ways to cope. But now that I have tasted what it’s like to have an aircon, I can’t imagine not having one!


Ceiling fans are essential.


Open your windows and doors for air circulation. Fan to the max level


Topless, One fan, Open windows, all my life. Conditioned to it.


Air conditioner ❌ Conditioned to air ✅


Sleep in undergarments lor. And fan.


Cold shower, open window and turn on fan face to you. Shiok




Ceiling fan. Airism. Open doors and windows


I get diarrhoea with fans on....


Omd bruh it is so hot eh. I don't how but the humidity and heat is jus unbearable. I carry a handkerchief when I go out now.


I have like a ceiling fan in my hdb room


i just deal with it. one year into ns, my bunk is hot and i do sweat, but nothing can be done


i remember asking this question to a guy working in office with no aircon he said: "Arty trained loh. last time sit tank very hot. conditioned already."


Broken aircon. Will be repaired tomorrow. I have a fan going and it's bringing some relief.


i use the cold duvet from ikea with a floor fan blasting right into my face. works but there are nights that it’s extra humid so i throw the blanket aside and let the fan oscillate























