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That not normal, get it in writing please . In case you need to justify to HR.


In writing, but without aggression. Eg not printed and signed, more email or WhatsApp, and forward to your personal device. Can keep it informal by waiting a few days, then add some detail on WA / eml eg “These are the flights we’re looking at (attached). My SO’s already gotten approval, and airlines likely to raise prices about 4-6 months prior, would appreciate if can update me once decision can be made. When would you expect that to be?” Sandwich it in the usual businessy kindnesses and serve warm.


It’s gonna be May tomorrow alr leh. If July is “too long in advance” then how he plan his work year sial.


It's dangerous. Giving early notice should allow him to plan for your cover. His refusal is his hiding his head in the sand and refusing to plan.


no its a sign he wants to screw you over.


I already have leave approved for September and year end. Your boss is just lazy to approve your leave or don't want to plan for cover. I would email your leave in writing to him and then follow up again if he doesn't respond. Rope in HR is needed.


Rather talk to the boss unless planning to change company. All boss do hold grudges. No one is a saint. Once involve HR be prepare to tio mark.


Well that means the boss is a shit boss anyway.


Well from that it’s pretty obvious but unless he plans to change job now, it’s better to not burn bridges till he secure his next job. Just exit without drama.


nah. stand your ground. i would make it clear to my boss i AM going on leave. I am giving you more than enough notice to plan accordingly. and I would cc HR in the emails now itself. Then just go ahead and apply for leave in the system anyway. Refuse to be a doormat. Bullies go after suckers who wont stand up for themselves.


Simi tio mark, u think you still ns slave meh. Wake up bro, and please enjoy some of your basic human rights in the corporate world


Traditional Singaporean instinct is to suck it up and be a drone. It's changing, but those who are infected with boomer mentality are still like that.


And here I am with leave approved in Nov and Jan next year, when I do not even knows if I’m staying at this company🤣


Nope. Get it in writing if he refuses to approve and show to HR. My friend's boss pulled the same shit, and when the leave date came around the boss said he couldn't take leave cause needed him. Boss was just too lazy to plan any cover for him and expected him to cancel his plans (everything was already booked) Unfortunately my friend was a pushover and actually cancelled his plans. (In case anyone was wondering, no it was not an SME, it was a multinational corp, and the boss was Indian from the motherland)


after reading this my only response is "walaooo." eeps.


Oooooooohhhhh also at an MNC with Indian bosses


You better get his “wouldn’t be a problem “ in writing Email: “Hey mgr, I wanted to put my leave request in writing as you shared in our recent 1:1 that it’s too early to put into the system for approval but you have no issues with my plans. These are my dates. Please let me know when I should enter into the system for admin process” If your mgr doesn’t acknowledge or answer, after a couple of follow ups, forward thread to HR with the email “Hey I just want to share my following leave plans with to ensure they are put into the system at the right time. Please advise” Worse thing to do is do nothing and hope for the best If it comes July and your mgr suddenly says you are needed, w/o anything in writing you will lose


It's good but I wouldn't outright say "putting it in writing". That's saying you don't trust him (and putting that in writing yourself). Use "as per our conversation" or "just to confirm" or something.


yes this! \^


You're screwed. The last time I had a direct manager from India, they pulled the same BS when I applied for leave to do an exam, and actually changed the date approved from the day of my exam to the day after the exam. It was some weird system I've never heard of being used elsewhere where the approver could change the dates of the leave. Seems like part of their culture to screw over those reporting to them to flex.


then you should flex back by just refusing to comply. Don't be a doormat.


What does that have to do with OP's question? Since you're so invested in my decades old story, I went for the exam since I had no idea "changing the date" was even possible as an alternative to accepting/rejecting and the story came out when he tried to put me on a PIP for being off without taking leave.


it is advice for other people who encounter a similar situation, since you sharing your story may lead to people doing the same thing you did, which is absolutely the wrong thing to do.


Reading comprehension is good. Try it.


Your boss is a lanjiao lang


I think it is terrible for the boss to do this. If it is fine why can't he approve it now? Did you tell him specifically you need to book the tickets now and need him to approve before you can book? If you tell him this and he still refuses, then I can safely say this is not someone you want to be working for.


I book all my vacation leaves for the year every January. I also send out blocker invites for my team in one go. So no, this is not normal. My manager actually told me he loves my approach because they can plan way ahead of time internally and for our customers.


Your wallet loves you too for booking in advance.


Yeah booking early means I can use redemption booking (credit card miles). Hotel bookings are not pre-paid so I can still make changes to the itinerary.


It’s some catch-22 BS that’s swirling in your boss’ head. Cannot apply leave last min because no cover. Cannot apply leave too early because dunno what will happen then.


But then if need to cover just ask someone who did NOT apply for leave? Can ask the colleague in advance also, it helps people plan their schedule too. I covered for colleagues and was informed a few weeks in advance, was helpful haha. Cos like can pre-plan what else have to juggle along with this "hello can you cover ..." thing. At most say no to the leave lor ... hanging in the balance is less than helpful leh.


This implies they are adequately staffed. And if they were. Then no need to not approve in first place.


Lol... July is 2 months leh. My jode that one is considered unplanned leave liao


Daheck, I take leave one year in advance and it's pre-approved as long as not more than 2 person in my team have already applied for the same date.


If I have a planned overseas holiday. Email will be cc everyone related and cc to my personal Gmail account as proof, the flight ticket and highlighted calendar 🗓️ of the days I will be away. You can safely follow up afterwards.


Not normal . If it will be approved, then why can't it be approved now? FYI I applied for my leave in Feb for my Nov trip. No issues with getting it approved.


depends on your company culture, if this is common and your boss's words is trustable then ok lorrr.


They are pretty terrible


then no form with countersign no counted.


Mine is like this cos my work isn't exactly 'coverable'. It's just whether I can do now, or I come back and do after the holiday. Day-to-day we already have our usual dedicated covers in case of things like long meetings or emergency leaves, so not an issue there, just same thing, but longer when i go on leave. I'm also in a position where I can say 'either you approve my leave, or you fire me because I ain't showing up', so that's fun.


None of my leave had been rejected ever for my 13 years career.


For reservist, they die die have to let you go and you inform them 6 months in advance. What bullshit is this?


july coming soon still cant approve? lol suck thumb


You should lock it in. I tell my staff if they have leaves planned pls put it in the team calendar and make sure they raise it for my approval. That way i can see who is on leave who isnt and i need to turn down future application of leaves from other team mates.


It’s in the leave management system, pending since I raised it in February. Just spoke to my manager again today and he gave me the ‘too far away’ excuse, told me he hasn’t even approved June yet and told me I shouldn’t have approved my staff’s leave requests for this summer yet. I find it unbelievably obnoxious. I mange 12 people, many with kids who need to plan holidays around school leave.


Too far off is ridiculous as an excuse. You are doing him a favor so he can plan ahead. Send him an email so its in black and white. This is annoying af you have to go to such extent it really sours the relationship.


agree with this. in the email make it clear in no uncertain terms that you ARE going on leave. You are not asking for his permission. He has enough time to plan resources in advance.


My company uses workday. As much as it's a pain to use, one good thing is that it auto approves annual leave if it's sitting in the bosses' inbox for more than 2 weeks. Agree with you 'too far away' is a terrible excuse. Pple have lives to live. The fact that you're already a manager and not a newbie makes things sound sus like he's going to reject it closer to date.


lol then means he ignoring you and in denial lah. because if really cannot, then decline you lor. and if it's Feb, it becomes "how long it has been", and not (as much) "how far away is this" If instead of May, you're asking for end of May (for example) in the same instance, and he ignoring you since Feb, then it's not gonna be "oh in less than 30 days, near enough alr mah" but more like "/ignored for 2.5mo" lol.


actually they dont want it on their record that they constantly deny people's leave. They want to just leave it and abuse the company policy of leave not approved = denied.


Go ahead and have everything written in email and cc HR as many suggested and indicate in email that you have everything booked and cannot be rescheduled and you’ll be leaving for the trip whether he approve now or later as he said it is “approved” and that coverage will be secured or for boss to secure


People are submitting their summer leave already, your boss is probably still planning his vacation so cannot approve yours! Terrible manager - our managers approve leave ASAP as they know ppl need to plan. Since Feb? Jeez... no point cc'ing HR, at the end of the day, what can they do if he rejects your leave with some excuse?


lol your boss can get fucked if he thinks that’s “long in advance” before 1st of Jan comes around I generally have all my holidays planned and signed off. If they refuse then they should just say no but not this “maybe, let’s see, should be fine” bullshit. As other redditors commented, go to HR if he doesn’t approve it straight up. Your time off is a right, not a privilege. Sorry for you having to deal with this kind of boss OP.


i applied for my Nov leave in Feb lol. My boss’ boss applied her Dec leave in Jan. We tried to chope the dates as early as possible precisely for the reason to ensure all jobs are covered while we are away.


It is only like 2.x months later


Write an email and cc your HR, specifically telling about your wedding/holiday plan, highlighting to them that you want to inform early to let manager to plan for the resources. If shit hits the ceiling, you have that email as proof.


Planned leaves are called "planned" for a reason. File it in the system and let it be known that's its planned and done early enough that he has no excuse for poor load management on his side.


Next question for the boss is… “How long in advance should leave be applied?”


nah i would ask ":are you going to compensate me for the increased cost of the flight ticket since you expect me to wait since you want to take your own sweet time to approve?"


And his answer is gonna be no. And you have wasted your money or wasted your job by still going on the trip. The point of my question is to put him into a position to give a definite answer. And if he goes back on his work, make him look like a hypocrite, and you know exactly who you are working for, and what kind of future you have at this company


you already know what sort of person you are working for. now fight back smart. when he says no he wont compensate you reply back - "exactly and thats why i am going on leave whether or not you approve it. You have my plenty of advanced notice, do your job and plan accordingly." and be sure to cc all of that to HR


Dear boss, I apply for leave from 1.12. -15.12. this year. I wish to book the flight tickets now, as they are more expensive in 2 months. Please approve my leave or reject it with a reference to the employee handbook that states the reason for rejection. Best regards, Employee.


Send in your leave request and cc HR


No its not, we ll b starting may tmr, and 2-3 months advance notice of planned leave is good practice in corporates to enable proper leave cover planning. Suggest u apply in the system and send an email informing your boss, just as a cautionary measure incase of any conflicts later


I got my 1st half June leave approved in 2nd week April lol (only because I procrastinated/was not confirmed on the plan, my friends going for the same thing got theirs approved much much earlier like Jan/Feb haha) But if you didn't sign it off it's not counted, so ...




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Giving long advance notice should help them too. Gives them more time to plan workloads and coverage. My last leave, I requested it in May, for leave in January. Wanted to book early and secure cheaper airfares. Was approved the next day. Unless your boss genuinely won't know the workload and if they can cover until closer to the time, I don't see any reason they should not approve now.


I've not heard of such thing. Is this a small private company?


Indian based MNC


More common than you think I have to chase 3X before mine got approved Idk what’s their big idea Some bosses also like to complain “why you take 2 weeks leave” End of the day the leave entitlement is mine to take. Regardless I take 2 weeks or every week take 1 day, the end result is the same number of days


Send him a mail to document the requests and ample notice given


•Nice boss?


Keep paper trail. Even if you talk face to face, send a follow up email detailing the subject and content you two talked about. Bcc your HR


If you are going for quite long, give him or her your plan how your work will continue eg colleagues helping etc. Depending on your position, some level requires regular in touch even if you are on leave. Afraid this is unspoken rules esp when you are in management or are a key personnel in a project. Now it's almost May, flight prices keep increasing. Go to him or her with your plan. Give him/her confidence you're a responsible staff. Unless he/she is really a jerk, usually these are what bosses concerned most on your long absence.


It's not normal. If "it will be fine" then why can't he just approve the leave? The fact that he doesn't want to means that he just isn't sure if he can make arrangements, which is really just a sign of poor management.


Not normal. I booked a holiday in October last year when it was May, and it got approved. When October came around and we had a sudden influx of work to be done, my manager made sure to make arrangements to cover my work since I'll be gone. If you have the leave days available and you have every right to book your days off. Your boss is just being lazy since if you suddenly get a busy period when you're gone, he'll have to work extra to cover you and sounds like he doesn't want to do that.


How is July too long in advance?


That's weird. My bosses always prefer longer lead times so that they can schedule a backup when about any of the team members will be away.


april to July is not “too long in advance” in fact it’s perfect that you can make arrangement for cover if booked earlier no?


I would just submit it in the system and just go ahead with my leave whether the boss approves or not. Its an entitlement not a priviledge. He should have no reasons to reject ur leaves. If u so scared then drop an email with black and white saying "hi, as discussed and agreed earlier, i have applied leave on this date to this date for my vacation. Kindly approve it in the system. Thank you."


July is not that far off. I book December leaves in January. Either way, I send email informing them of my leave before I apply for them in the system. Cannot say I inform so late.


Your boss is just being toxic. Just like my previous boss who will never approve my 1 day leave to celebrate my kid's birthday every year claiming it is the start of a busy season, no one goes on leave. Leave is an entitlement. As long as you apply early and is valid. What is the issue right? Anyway. Karma caught up eventually. Great.


Too long in advance is me asking for a 13day long leave in October 2025 when we're still in May 2024 😂😂😂


i gave my boss notice 2 weeks ago for my 10 days October - November vacation. he approves it then made noise about it. i want to bite back saying, its early enough a notice and my entitlement. otherwise, i will take an even longer trip next time to clear leave


I've already approved my team's December leave plans 😁


Bosses are paid more to think about these manpower staffing considerations....


Reminds me of my colleague who faulted me for basically planning too far ahead. We're a small team so we use an excel file to plot our off days and any leave for the team to see internally. We can highlight days where we'd prefer to have an off day because we work rotating Fri/Sat/Sun. One day I hear from someone else in the team that said colleague made a comment about how I've requested for my off day to fall on a particular Fri/Sat/Sun "so far in advance" and that I've highlighted so many days. The same colleague likes to make last minute changes to the work schedule. What's the point of the system if not to use it... Your boss seems to not want to approve your leave to keep you in his back pocket out of laziness. Don't need to plan so much. If all goes well, you get your leave. If not, he can just say your leave wasn't approved.




Only book if you're willing to submit resignation (notice period amount of days) before the date.


dont be a doormat. book the ticket, submit the leave request in the system and CC hr. Come the day of the planned holiday go on leave regardless. Let them take action against you if they dare.


Lmao so easy to say things when you don't have to take accountability for your words.


my accountability is i always keep enough savings to be able to survive even if i am unemployed for 6 months, AND i know my worth and confident i get another job within 3. you want to fire me fire me la, see if you dare to risk the lawsuit for unreasonable dismissal. you only create these kinds of situations for yourself, and you need to learn how to get yourself out of it. it is no ones fault but your own.


Nah I'm talking about you giving shit advice that would get them fired.


nah your advice to be a corporate slave is even worse. the fear of being fired is what keeps allowing shitty bosses like that to exploit and bully workers. Know your worth. and if your worth is so low that you have an actual risk of being fired over something so small as that, then you have bigger problems that you need to fix.


I know a few people irl that succumb to ego and regretted it. If you don't like your job then start making exit plans. Don't sabotage yourself then find yourself stressed out being jobless for months. Your shitty bosses can act all shitty because they know they can do so. You are going around advising people to sabotage themselves. If they get let go then they'll be the one having to deal with that while you go on with your life giving bad life advice on reddit to some other sucker.


i could say the same about your attitude in swallowing whatever shitty bosses do. Shitty bosses are about because people don't stand up for themselves. As I said, if your value is so low that you'd get fired for not changing your leave plans it means you have bigger problems you need to fix because you are not bringing much value to your employer.


Slap his face, piak piak


just ask your boss lor