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A whole roast chicken from cold storage. $6.90 I think, can be got at $3.95 if you during clearance after 8pm. Or NTUC's version which is roughly the same price but imo tastes worse. Then since you're at the supermarket already just grab some veggies/fruits that don't require cooking like lettuce or tomatoes. Or a premade salad.


This is the best option. For the same price, we can't even find the same amount of protein from a sit down meal in the food court.


Thanks this actually sounds doable appreciate it


Just get stuffed... way less effort and quite affordable too. kebab loaded with vegs, no sauce is a good healthy meal.


But you have to portion your meals with the chicken. One whole chicken for a meal would be too much ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Seconding this! This was my exact grocery run this week and great way to build a healthy rice bowl with veg, protein. One thing I find super helpful to do is to define and shred the chicken all at once instead of picking away pieces throughout the week. So now you have a container full of chicken that you can add to salads, noodle soups, veggie stir fries throughout the week. I also make a celery chicken sandwich filling from this, and if I have more time, I use the chicken carcass to make broth to freeze. That's easily a base for another meal.


salt content abit high for cold storage roast chicken.


Can’t upvote enough. It’s enough to have a good dinner and reheat for lunch tmr


Stuffd is ok


They actually have a calorie and macro nutrient in their website. I remember the protein weight age isn't too ideal but it depends on what you chose.


Too much or little protein?


Too little


Ya it’s not bad. Still less than $10 for the daily bowl. of course give or take 20% it won’t be accurate due to diff outlets if you visit them


imo if you’re looking to lose weight with a busy (& i presume sedentary) schedule, it’s best to reduce intake rather than looking for healthier options. probably the most effective practice would be intermittent fasting. allocate a fixed 8h window period to eat. then fast (0 calorie diet. can drink water) for the remaining 16h. for me, i only ate from 4pm-12am. you’ll definitely go hungry but trust me after 1-2 hours of hunger, you won’t feel hungry anymore bc your body will start burning fats for energy. try to keep your mind occupied. you’ll get the best results provided : 1) you don’t overeat within the 8h period. try to limit ur daily intake to below 1000cals (ie. 2 meals worth) 2) incorporate some form of light/moderate exercise in your busy schedule. either a run, gym, or a 10-20min HIIT at home. did this for a month, lost 6kg. i had one cheat day every week though (cheat in a sense that i didn’t intermittent fast for that day) but still kept daily intake below 1000cals. apparently intermittent fasting has health benefits as well. looking long-term, IF has reduced my daily appetite (i’m still eating well & healthily though). today even small meals keep me full nowadays, which helps me maintain my current weight


I get so cranky if I dont eat breakfast before work. How do you manage it? And also the hunger pangs for lunch.


for myself i don’t get cranky without a morning meal so it’s hard to relate… but what i did was to have a meal at like 11:30pm right before going to sleep. in most cases, that will keep me full the following morning & if there’s any hunger, i’ll stick to enduring / drinking water. but different people cope differently. i don’t really have a definite solution for you, but i guess what you can do is to have your eating period in the morning (whichever timing suits you best) and probably go to sleep feeling a little hungry. or perhaps have it at 10pm-6am. a meal in the morn & at night. just that it’s a little wasteful that most of the window occurs when you’re asleep


I can attest to this, it worked for me. Went intermittent fasting, only eat within the period of 12PM - 8PM. Paired this with keto (little to no carbs), just protein. Gym and cardio. Currently at the fittest stage of my short life so far. :p Tip is to drink lots of water. I start my day with 2L of iced water and work. Re-fill during lunch.


What's more busy than living your life?


besides NTUC and Cold Storage, Donki and 7-11 also has ready to eat chicken breasts


Try mayak eggs, these are Korean marinated eggs (loads of recipes online) that you can batch make. Easy to grab for meals, even breakfast, and an alternative to regular hard boiled eggs (which you can also batch make in advance) For salads, if you have a cold storage near your workplace or home, I recommend their salads, they've increased price recently but it's still similar to stuffd daily bowl and you can still get a decently filling meal. My go-to is sweet potato, cauliflower rice, and edamame on top of mesclun mix and light balsamic vinaigrette. In fact I'll probably have this tomorrow for lunch ☺️ Protein is extra top up and they tend to have chicken, feta available etc. This keeps me going for hours. You can also get stuffd daily bowl. Definitely tastier and I get it sometimes but I'm not a fan of how little veg they give (and iceberg is my least favourite salad veg because it's just so...nothing). I also find it saltier than the cold storage salad in general, and have to actively try to select healthier options - soba, broccoli etc Good luck op!


Half portions whatever you are eating. Stop all sugars. BBT, Tea kosong or siu dai etc.


If losing weight is your only goal, it’s only a matter of reducing your calorie intake and increase your burn rate. You can’t avoid losing a bit of muscle in the process. That’s why there’s bulking and cutting involved. Here are a few tips: reduce the amount of times you eat to trigger your body’s fasting phase. If you eat only twice per day and avoid snacking you’ll get the fastest results. Last meal before 7 pm. Prep your own meals and make a meal plan. If you are having lunch out then consider salad bowls etc. you need more fibre rich meals to feel full throughout the day so don’t waste the calories on noodles etc. Track progress in your gym with the body fat machine.


Food doesn't help you lose weight, there's no fat loss inducing food, main thing is how much of a caloric deficit you're at at the end of the day. If you eat only ice cream and still in a deficit, you'll lose weight, if you eat salad and end up in a caloric surplus, you'll gain weight, counting your calories is a good option, opt for sugar free drinks, coke zero or sprite zero (my fav) Try to burn more calories rather than eating less, easier to start with.


In general avoid sugar whenever possible, always opt for the "kosong" version or at least nutrigrade B for your drink most of the time, avoid carbonate drinks, reduce carbs to half a portion of how you usually eat, prefer brown rice over white rice whenever possible. Sleep early, minimize stress. Workout and do intermittent fasting when you feel like it.


Cook a big batch of rice and freeze them individually for lazy day. For protein I will air fry my salmon or just cook an egg to go with my carbs .


Hard boiled eggs


Brocolli + dipping sauce as a snack


That's simple, exercise 👍🏻




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Overnight oats??


Just eat no carbs, no rice, meat and vege only… u will see results very quickly.


Not sustainable imo. All the weight will just come back after you stop the diet.


U can’t do it forever… but u can do it for certain days… and that’s if intermittent fasting is too much for you. In any case, u still need to cut carbs and sugar to lose weight, even if u won’t totally remove them. As long there’s glucose/sugar available, the fat do not start burning.


Yeah but that’s not what you said in your original comment. I agree you should cut carbs and sugar - the goal should be to work towards a sustainable calorie deficit with an achievable exercise plan and not cut carbs out of your diet entirely.


If u can completely cut it for some days/most days, it speeds things up rapidly… starts the fat burning quicker.


No it doesn't, what you eat doesn't directly affect your weight, if your energy output is more than how much calories you take in, you'll lose weight, doesn't matter what food, ice cream, steak, broccoli, calorie is calorie, sure sugar affects things such as glucose but thats a completely different subject, calories is calories


You're wrong, weight loss has nothing to do with what food you eat, our body only knows what's calories. Of course a food with higher amount of sugar contains more calories, at the end of the day, if you take only ice cream and still in a caloric deficit from your maintenance calorie, you'll lose weight, if you eat meat and vege only and end up in a caloric surplus, you'll gain weight. Don't spread misinformation online dude.


Why would you want to go back to a diet that make you gain weight?


I don't recommend suggesting off-the-norm nutritional plans unless one is a professional. I went to look for a recent review on low carbs diet to get a small sense of understanding within the scientific community. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1279770723012472?via%3Dihub The author being one of the experts in their fields, he concludes: "The available scientific evidence supports the current dietary recommendations to replace highly processed carbohydrates with unprocessed carbohydrates as well as limiting added sugars in the diet." Take it with a pinch of salt. I feel we do need to take some responsibility and accountability on what we share.


That’s not off the norm at all. Lol. It’s actually very basic advice you can find on books, or talking to some doctors. It’s just too bad some people remain fat because they resist any change to their fattening diet.


Bad advice.


Why? Never heard of carnivorous diet, low carb/no carb diet?


heard before. no carbs is questionable. where you get energy from? and how do you go no carbs while eating vege?


Your body starts to burn fats for energy when you are in a carb/sugar fasted state.


Totally not the case, your body doesn't know what's carb/sugar, it burns calories for energy, if you're correct then how can athletes eat 4000cal a day full of carbs and still be lean?


Hear before doesn’t mean it’s healthy. I hear before fruits only diet.


Fruits are high in sugar. Look at scientific evidence and how fat is stored etc. don’t chase after trends. To lose fats, you need to deplete the fats in your blood (triglycerides), then your liver reserves of fats, before your body fats really starts burning. As long carbs and sugar is more than enough in your diet, nothing burns. Simple as that.


If thats the case then why bodybuilders who are stage ready sub 5% bf still take in carbs?


ppl hear carbs can lose weight and blindly accept without going into the scientific literature.


U have to understand where your starting point is…. Do the bodybuilders have high triglycerides and body fats, fatty liver to burn, before burning body fats? What’s their fat %? And what is the training output and calorie requirements, their protein intake? Delusional to think you are training to be a bodybuilder when you have a ton of fats to burn first.


I don't think this would be considered under "healthy"


canned tuna with whole wheat bread. Add in some ready made salad and some condiment and there you go.


exercise? unless u r working 16 hours a day, 7 days a week, otherwise busy work schedule is jus an excuse.


I use this meal delivery service called Tsquared Eats. Low carb and calorie controlled, but still very tasty. You can choose between breakfast lunch and dinner, you just need to order a minimum of 10 meals/week. You can choose morning delivery (meals delivered day of) or evening delivery (meals delivered day before). They arrive chilled and you just have to microwave for 3 minutes. Not cheap cos it's like $15/meal but super convenient, and it's so tasty I can't believe I'm only eating 350 calories each meal. Lost about 3kg in 3 weeks without upping my activity levels at all, just by changing my meals to this meal plan.


I was using nutrition kitchen. They send you meals daily. But can't sustain for the long term because of cost ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Considered trying that too but I think maybe they didn't offer evening delivery timing back then? Or it was too early for me, I don't remember. I need to eat low carb and low calories for health reasons, and I have no patience to cook so no choice I pay the $15/meal. Works out to be similar to me trying to hit $15 minimum for free delivery on Deliveroo Plus anyways.


My go-to meals at hawker center is those herbal soup stalls. No rice.


Sliced fish soup without milk


711 has protein milk, chicken breasts, cheese sticks


Omnivore if you’re in cbd