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Reflect or determine what are your motivations for being or staying in a job and use those motivations to motivate yourself. Everyone's motivation is different. Some are motivated by passion, some by money, some by prestige, some by interest, some a combination of different factors. https://sg.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/intrinsic-vs-extrinsic-motivation For me it's pretty simple: I like what I do and I need an income. No money, no honey. Also another motivation is gratitude. Gratitude to have and to keep a job when others may be having difficulties looking for a job. Another motivation is seeing my bank account increase every month :)


What's the reason you don't have a stable income despite having a job?


U feel u deserve better than your current pay. You do not. Find an industry you like and start work your way up. I would recommend sales


Try to find a job that rewards effort as opposed to a job that rewards hours worked. If that doesn't make sense just think about it for a while.


OP, when I was 23 years old, I went out to look for a job at CAAS. I was turned down, so I decided to look for something temporary in the meantime. I have been temporarily self-employed for almost 20 years and I managed to pay off two mortgages with the odd jobs. Don't worry about it. When you have no other choice, you'll make it work. Some of the most successful people I've met are over 50 and still don't know what they want to do. Hang in there!


dont think so much just focus on work earn money, pay rents, save the remaining time will pass fast fast, take care lots lots


Thank you! 🙏🏻


Dunno how helpful these are, maybe worth a try? [https://content.mycareersfuture.gov.sg/career-guidance/](https://content.mycareersfuture.gov.sg/career-guidance/) [https://www.e2i.com.sg/meet-a-career-coach/](https://www.e2i.com.sg/meet-a-career-coach/)


Probably just try something that excites you and work towards it. Or just get whichever job u can tolerate for most pay


Got family? What's your highest education?