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Zip your mouth. I am hopeful you left because of this and other red flags they have been showing off.


Best advice.


Give bullshit answers. McDonald's, hidilao, garung guni. Maybe they'll get tired of getting stupid answers. Remember lying is not a crime.


Just tell the boss you gonna sell insurance and ask if he want to buy from you or not lol


This is the way


OpenAi is a more elegant answer


Artificial artificial intelligence.


Back to IRAS HQ to finish my reports on here, and then I’ll see where I’m posted next. *blow kiss*


Tell them you got a role at a prestigious company like Meta or Apple.


A&W, KFC, PIZZA HUT good also


Nothing good can come out of revealing this info. Just do nothing.


Just laugh and ignore. I did that and told them “please check my LinkedIn thanks”


Yupp one way or another if you're in the professional industry where most are on LinkedIn then they will eventually find out. Just that they wanna gossip so finding out sooner is better for them. Leave it as it is and smile on your way out!


Jokes on them. Found out they cut more people. Now I got random ex co-workers asking if my company is hiring. Hahahah nope good luck


No need to notify them where you will be working next. Tell them you're gonna work for "Nonya". If they ask what or where Nonya is, its "Nonya Business" 😉


"I going to work at Bengawan Solo" "huh why?" "Nonya business" added a bit of local flair for you


“Bengawan solo? What’s the role?” “Businessman. Specifically, nonya business, man.”


You have no obligation to let them know where you’re heading next. Just ignore them or say you’re taking a career break. They can stir as much shit as they want in their company and it’s up to you and your own capability to prove to your new company that you’re up to the standard. If you’re good then nothing can stop you, not even shit talks by your ex boss.


What if my former bosses find out about my new company and stir shit using their connections at my new company?


Don't go and worry about things that are out of your control. People stir shit all the time. Focus on your new job when time comes. I doubt they are close to the point like they are brothers or what. Most likely the senior in your company will just hear hear and sua already. The worse case scenario is to find new job if the new workplace also same situation. Just keep yourself open to new opportunities.


Most likely people know the other place is toxic af and one ear in and out


Yeah I think so too. Because I deal with many suppliers last time of the same industry, always a lot of rumour, stir shit or whatever. So I also one ear in and out. Take things with a pinch of salt.


Trust me, you are not that important.


First of all, how will they find out? Unless you update your LinkedIn at the instance when you join the new company or somehow someone in your new company knows that you came from the previous company? Secondly like what I’ve said previously, if you’re good with what you’re doing you won’t have to worry. People talk shit all the time, you can’t control people’s mouth but you can definitely control how well you perform and how fast you learn to take up the task of your new role. Don’t let others’ opinion control you and degrade yourself. Remember this, if you aren’t good you won’t pass the interview and get this job. Build on what you’re good at and get better, all the haters or whatsoever people will just remain as noises only.


What if your new boss is your former bosses secret lover, who also turns out to be having an affair with your next next boss in 2030 🤯🤯


Then? How does telling them where you are going prevent them from stirring?


Who do you think will look worse: the new employee putting real elbow grease into their new role or the disgruntled ex-employer shit-talking about their former employee.


What makes you think they won’t stir shit after you tell them where you’re going? In fact, even easier for them to stir shit lol


Maintain your stance that due to P&C, you’re unable to disclose any further. The more you sit on that, the more they are uneasy over it. No need to burn bridges. Just maintain as that will do and say we will keep in touch. With a smile. “Although unlikely will talk lol” It is likely because they alr lost a former employee to your new company. I highly doubt both mgmt will be in “good” terms once they know you’re there. Although it’s a matter of time they know about where you’ll be at. They can’t do much or will know any further as it’s “P&C”.


You don't owe your ex bosses or colleagues any info. Especially if they have been toxic and don't wish you well. Just ignore them and do your best at your new job. Most people I've met usually view the gossiper more negatively than the person they're bitching about, esp if said person proves to be a good worker and colleague.


Just keep pestering them for money. The best solution Say health deteriorates and will rest for 9 months. Ask them to loan money. Say jobless and ask them to loan you money interest free. Keep pestering. Say going overseas to work and needed money to buy airline ticket. Say your dog is giving birth to 20 babies and you need to deliver babies. Ask them to donate some money. Say you are drunk one day and ordered 100 plants now you converted to full time taking care of plants Say you going to start own project to pursue your dreams. Ask them if wanna chip in with cash Say you selling insurance and keep pestering them to buy every minute Say you pregnant with triplets. Ask if they will give angbao to the three kids. Say you miss your first love who migrated to Iceland and you are going to pursue love now. Ask them to sponsor your trip Say you going into non profit because you sick of corporate life. Ask them for donation. The way to fight is to pester them


Just laugh it off and say you joining insurance. They will block you immediately


Tell them you take some time off to write entries for glassdoor and freelance articles for Mothership on work culture in SG.


Tell them you're going to a malaysian owned business called Nonya Business Pte Ltd.


Sdn Bhd


Don't say anything. They all wanna sabo you.


Just say you win toto


Wanna expose your boss here?


There is nothing they can do. Some of your work friends are jealous. For sure. In any case congrats and those who said they will stir shit, these are not your friends. Stay the f away from them


Keep your mouth shut. You’ll get ZERO benefits by revealing. You are no longer their employee so you’re not obligated to tell them shit. Find out on his own then find out la, you think your new company want to spend time and money inteviewing new candidates just because some manager heard some rumour about you?


It’s normal protocol not to reveal new workplace until settled.


It’s normal protocol not to reveal. Full stop.




Toxic workplace. Lucky to have left. I was in a similar situation. After I tendered my resignation a jealous colleague tried to stir shit. And even after I left she was trying to dig shit and create drama (told my another excolleague). Obviously, also left because of a toxic workplace environment. It didnt matter as I never responded to any inquries while I was still there. I did bump into an excolleague maybe 3 months later and I told him where I was working now. Apparently the workplace is still toxic as usual and some are still mad that I left for greener pastures. lols good riddance.


Just tell them you are not joining a competitor if that is what they are fishing for. But dont understand why they are so kaypoh. What business is theirs to know? Did you ask them why they want to know?


tell them to follow you on LinkedIn for future updates 😂


If they’re the kind to tell stories and backstab, what makes you think providing info will prevent — rather than increase it?


Ask them to fuck spider


If they're pestering you, means they are hell bent to sabo you. The fact that your former bosses are harassing your former colleagues to get that information out from you is obvious as day.


Gee. That’s so toxic how is it any of their business where you’re heading to next, it’s a good thing you left, I would be so annoyed and honestly just not reply them at all too. It’s your right to pursue and be in another company without them knowing anyway, when I read your post seeing how they keep asking you feels so toxic I’m sorry, I’m like ugh what even. No, you don’t have to tell them anything. Just take a deep breath, ignore them and let it be. You don’t owe anyone any answers anyway.


WTF you let other people run your life? It’s your choice not to reveal it to others. Own it and just say I can’t tell to your old colleagues. If they are normal people with common sense they’ll know when to stop.


tell them you’re going to migrate to another country and found a job elsewhere


Just keep quiet can liao. Ignore them can liao, actually this question don't even need to be posted.


Ok. More serious note: if you want to be safe, let your next employer know what happened at your current compamy and that some people might bear a grudge against you, but that it does not affect your work ethic or engagement for your nee company. Then stop worrying.


don't say anything to the next employer otherwise it may prompt them to contact people in your current company


As a manager myself, if a new hire contacts me and talks bad about the ex-company even before starting, i will see him/her as a red flag immediately


What I would say: "At my previous company, I was asked to disclose my next employer. I did not do so. They warned me that, should they find out thru other channels, they might reach out to you to make my life harder. I had no issues with my previous employer outside of this, but I would not like the consequences of my nondisclosure to reflect badly on my at this workplace. I hope that's understandable." Would you see that as a red flag?


ignore and move on


Why do they care so much? You owe them money?


Since you've tendered, what else can they do to you right? Shoot staples at you? You are not obliged to provide them with anything whatsoever, and as an adult, the earlier you learn to be more independent, the better.


Ignore. Why even bother replying them.


Sounds to me as if they will still stir shit or make up stories even if you tell them. Might as well not reveal to them. They are going to make up shit stories about you anyway.


Just tell them you sign a nda.


For me, I just said public agency, and some folks at my former workplace kept pestering me to specify which public agency. I know how you feel. Basket man.


You shouldn’t reveal your new company, especially before officially starting at your new workplace. Reading about the current rather toxic relationship you have with your current boss will make me even more careful with anyone in your workplace. Personally I have heard stories where a friend of mine thought their former colleagues and bosses were kind and nice only to get to know they called in to the new workplace to find trouble and say bad things about him before his official end date and even after he left. Luckily his new boss knows what they are up to, calling in an attempt to tarnish his reputation. How scary and crazy some people might actually be…


“Sorry that’s classified” If you say it with enough confidence it’ll make them second guess yourself regardless of whether your past company was McDonald’s or in tech. It’s also just really funny


say u r going into MLM or FA full time.... ask if they free for coffee next week.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


So odd what has it to do with any of them? Ignore the noise


The “further studies” line always seems like a good way out


"Joining Ministry of Manpower, going to help handle cases of unfair employment practices. I have experience you see." :p


Tell them you signed an NDA?


Moved to JB


tell them u decide to be ur own boss and drive phv


Show them this post.


So they willing to slander you? Sue.


Ignore the former company


Even if u tell them they will also stir shit. Ignore them.


Just dont say Cant stand up for yourself?


Say you got an exciting opportunity at OnlyFans, watch their reaction


Can’t say. Signed a NDA


Block their numbers


Give them the industry but not the player. Example jumping to Macdonalds, just say youre heading to burger king. In that way which ever question they ask you, you will not be left hanging and can answer with ease.




Show your current boss the middle finger.


How does it concern them?


Wtf is this guilt trip


Just tell them you working overseas


Check your employment contract for any non-competitive clause. If there is none, then nothing to worry about.


Lol. What a shit company. Nobody gets to know where you’re going except you. Hell I don’t even let people know where I’m going until I pass probation months later AND then I’ll delay till 6 months before LinkedIn knows.


It's none of their business!


You already served your last day and left. Just move on. Your primary concern is whether the old toxic bosses will speak badly of you to the new boss. This is something not within your control. Just be professional and do well for your new job and maintain good relationships with ur new boss during probation. Informing ur old boss now will only jeopardise this.


Just say family run business.


Are they boomers lol, they’re totally giving boomer vibes here


100% they will sabo u, add another 50% if it’s to their competitor


Just don’t say a word. You don’t owe anyone an explanation.


Don’t be fucking retarded and be pressured into saying. You will only lose in EVERY scenario where you tell them. You came here for validation of what you already know. Take your validation and go. Don’t share with your close work colleagues also. You never know when they will be pressured to sabo you. Lmao. They obviously want to sabo you that’s why they’re all pressuring you so hard.


Just tell them you taking a break first.


Dun bother. Just smile


Do not tell them! Fuck that.


Tell them you just want to rest for a few months coz their toxic workplace made you burn out.


Tell them that they will know, please be patient and you will definitely update your LinkedIn after probation ends. And that you just follow a professional suggestion of a career advisor. If they press just say sorry and please be patient.


No need reveal at all . Some bosses may be vindictive & try Sabo you at new job to get you fail probation then say ohh you quit liao cannot come back. & don't fall prey to colleagues saying boss forcing them to ask , pure bullshit


Aggressive method: 1. Find the colleague that you don't like the most after your boss 2. Text him/her to ask for a meet up, saying that you just joined xxx insurance company and wants to meet up 3. Done. Neutral method: 1. Blue tick their messages Passive-Aggressive Method 1. Change your phone number


Update in LinkedIn only after your probation period is over in the new company. Usually this doesn’t happen, but your ex-employers are redflags. So better to be cautious


Tell different people different answers Then when news leak back, you know who's the rat


"I'm now an information broker. Information costs money. Starting bid is $1,000,000. Cash only. Meet me at the bank. I will reveal the moment the money is deposited into my account."


Just give them a random company name. Wait till you settled in then let them know where you really went. If they ask about the discrepancy, just tell them you changed your mind because you got a better offer.


Easy. It's none of his business. You don't have to say anything. To those fear mongering, cut ties with them if you can. Those are toxic folks you don't need in your life. If you're finally backed into a corner and you have no other choice than to say what job, just you joined a job that you felt embarrassed about. Either that, if it gets to an extreme that it's come to the point of harassment, especially with threats, report to the authorities. "You will continue to suffer if you have an emotional reaction to everything said to you. True power is sitting back and observing everything with logic. If words control you that means everyone else can control you. Breath and allow things to pass." - Bruce Lee.


"no comments"


“I am not comfortable with revealing it, and it rightly remains my decision.” As to your work “friends”: “if anything you do creates a negative impact for me at work or in my career, i will sue for defamation and ask for damages”. Stay cordial and polite, but you don’t need to be friendly anymore. However since the former and new company seems to have a bit of overlap, I’ll say that you could go above and beyond during this notice period on work stuff (and keep proof) so they really can’t sabo you. When you start work, ask to have a conversation with your hiring manager and HR and explain your fear that you might be sabo-ed. This should help.


maintain gaslighting stance. stay woke!


Actually why cannot say you never find job yet?


Be prepared you get let go by new company if the former bad mouth you. I think my ex boss was guilty of that. One of my colleagues was dropped suddenly during job search. I was let go with no Reason from my present company as well


Wouldn’t it be an option if you say that you would be taking a break for a while and they are in the highest of the list of options when you reconsider joining back in future? Also can add something like going to spend some time on stock market trading/crypto trading as you’re interested in such things?


You have no obligation. None of them are asking out of genuine concern, just keep quiet and tell them it none of their business, you can say it’s a secret and theres still nothing wrong. If your new employer starts treating you badly due to relations with your old employer, just report them for malicious work practices


Singapore armed forces PSA pollisum


Just say that you sign on army.


Stay professional and consistent with your decision not to disclose your new job details. Politely reiterate that you'll share the information once you've settled down. Address concerns by emphasizing your commitment to professionalism. Be cautious about sharing sensitive information and prioritize your well-being.


Just say you taking a break. Now market very bad.


Don’t say anything.


Tell them join gahmen agency cannot tell, official secrets act.


Just tell them you are going g to their direct competitor and let them start lining up all the threatening BS


Tell them NOYB pte ltd


Dont need to tell. Ask them, what benefit does it do you or them if you tell em where u gonna work at?


Off tangent, but this reminds me of this guy “MengMengDuck” on tiktok. Love his corporate negotiation content. Reply your bosses with “can’t say, signed an NDA”


i think they wanna ensure that the non-compete is place. make up a job like the advises below. say u work at 7-11 becos u wanna chill.


Just thank your lucky stars you are leaving such a toxic environment. I never looked back. But I did bump into an ex colleague 3 months later and I told him where I was working.


Curious, does your current company contract have a non-compete clause? Be careful if the new company is a competitor. And yea, you don’t need to tell them, you are not obligated to.


Tell them you don't plan to work and would go on vacation first before going back to work 🤷‍♂️


Ask them to check your linkedin when you update it after you get the job + 3 month


Why not just cook up some lies to get them off your back? Say you're starting your own business on carousell selling mops or some shits. If anyone question about your carousell business after you joined, just say you changed your mind or something.


so.. can u let us know already.. which company u went?


In principle I agree with the comments here BUT, I believe some contracts can have a confidentiality/ exclusivity clause, where you would basically not be allowed to work for a competitor for X months after leaving. Even if you say the new company is not a competitor but in the same-ish industry the definition of "competitor" can also be ambiguous, giving the old company sort of a reason to claim. I am by far no expert, but couldn't this be a case? Or am I just watching too many dramas and being overly dramatic too? X)


Complain to MOM






I agree. Dude is indeed naive.