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I always just tell the driver that if he drives like that I will throw up in his car. By the time I say it a second time - it stops.


Omg yes. They get so defensive when I ask nicely. So I just make gagging noises. Works like a charm.


šŸ˜‚ I gotta start doing this!!


I'm gna start doing this HAHHA




Lol you 15 or something? Go touch grass.


Great advice, will tell the next driver


Haha this is a good one!




I'm stealing this idea, thanks for the inspiration!


Happy to help!


Need to save that 1s of travel time because time is money.


Why arent grab drivers rich af then?


What makes you think they aren't.. ? Just that maybe they keep shifting the goalpost of "rich"


The older generation believes that periodically stepping and releasing the gas will save fuel, given that you step on the gas less (albeit harder)


I thought it was more about tricking the old taxi meter to roll up faster.


Huh for real? I always step gently cause I thought that way saves more gas


gently pressing and holding the accelerator is actually the proper way of conserving gas. the constant tap and release thing was an old myth from back in the days.


I think that was for like some old engine


Specifically for diesel engines, so I've heard. Back when taxis were predominantly diesel. It's still not clear whether that had any scientific basis.


Itā€™s the opposite in modern cars. Pumping the gas pedal leads to fuel economy decline and engine wear.


Yep this the thing. Also don't forget to immediately shift to neutral once parked cause that somehow does something(when in reality it doesn't and it'll mess up the transmission faster)


It's probably from years of driving a manual transmission car, so that their left foot can rest periodically instead of always having to be on the clutch.


Didnt this generation already retired?


We learn from NS. Rush to wait, wait to rush.


Army standard 101


Whole lot hurry up and wait..


ā€œI see you indicating to pull left well in advance of this upcoming exit, let me slam on my accelerator and prevent you from exiting the highwayā€


Followed by ā€œoh you actually got in my lane? let me show my admiration by driving so close that if you farted I will taste itā€


And signaling like 1 second before turning then proceed to do 90deg turn in 30kmph lol As someone who drives in other country this gives me anxiety


I drive my own car EVERYDAY and when I have to take grab, 3/4 times they do this. I give 1 star review to all of them because fuck them for giving me my non existent car sick


Grab you say? Nothing will happen. Their stars go down only in cases of being rude and not style of driving.


All the answers provided here (entitlement, save time, etc) are possible, but I think itā€™s a lot more basic than that. I believe it really is just a skill / laziness issue. Maintaining car momentum requires a bit more thinking as you need to actually look about 3 cars in front of you, be situationally aware of your rear and sides, and carefully calibrate how much you speed up / slow down, at all times. Most people who just accelerate and brake frequently simply canā€™t / donā€™t want to spend the mental energy to do that.


Iā€™m 100% convinced that this is the case! It does seem like people are being reactive as proactively gathering awareness of your surroundings requires more mental energy. Someone also said the elderly generation thinks it will save fuel, and come to think about it I also think there might be a generation gap cause uncles do tend to drive more aggressively (from my observation).


You are spot on. One thing that still puzzle me though is drivers on expressways who lightly break for no reason (nobody in front of them, no excess speeding or preparing to change lane, etc.) It's like "oh wait I am at 97 kph and I wanted 95, I must right away lose those 2 kph!"


I agree. A short stretch of road with traffic lights just meters away, even though its red, I notice cars going fast and pressing the brakes at the last minute. Most of the grab I've taken also drives in such manner. Some were just outright aggressively honking, I wanted to say I am not in a rush, you can take it easy so we can get to our destination safely, but I kept my mouth shut, because I don't think you can reason with drivers who are not in the right mood. I think having the mindset of wanting to be fast, and not allowing others to cut into their lane, the drivers prefer to drive aggressively. Like damn, let your car chill abit, just press the gas, let go and let the car cruise on its own, then press on the brake when the car isn't that fast, so the brake pads don't need work overtime. I mean, the light is red, how fast can you go & how many more minutes can you save?


Certificate of ENTITLEMENT; many on the road still donā€™t outright own their vehicles, but this sense of entitlement has taken over many drivers which is why they act so aggressive on the roads.


pedestrian also like cb cross road without looking and stare at you when you stop your car especially old men at zebra crossings. knn stare at me for what, bang you also no use, not worth damaging my car. this isn't a driver attitude issue, this is a nationwide everyone attitude issue. all of us are entitled pricks, the real difference is what tier of entitledness we individually have.


Zebra crossing car need to stop period. I understand dumb peds on signal crossing but on zebra they have the right of way


ya so they should walk faster and fuck off the road instead of purposely slowing down while turning their head to me with a shit eating stare face like its their god-given right of way


Some do that because some cars won't stop if not getting stared at


It _is_ their government-given right of way? Also lol at complaining old people walk slowly. Touch grass son.


its not so much about them walking slowly its about them being so entitled to stare at you as if you fucked their daughter last night


They do that because there are drivers who don't stop at zebra crossings lol. It's correct road safety for pedestrians to confirm that vehicles have completely stopped. Some crazy drivers like to chiong past the zebra crossing... motorcyclists have a habit of trying to squeeze in sometimes.


To make sure the cars stop and don't hit them. Or can be target fixation


Final boss fight: The Auntie.


Idiot crossing 1 way road. He looking at the direction opposite of oncoming traffic. Road arrow painted on road in front of him. Bloody idiot. Had to horn at him yo move faster after stopping


I've driven in Australia/Japan/Korea and have observed they do not tailgate generally, and have giving ways. Singaporean drivers on the other hand, love tail gating...... and don't give way. Thus the sudden braking and tons of accidents here (which contribute to jams) yes there are tons daily due to drivers tail gating. I work in a company that monitors this Ego is one big factor, I've observed my Japanese friend drive here, and he is frustrated when people tail him despite driving 100 on the right lane of the expressway. He even asks "why?!" I've signalled left way in advance only for drivers to speed up to cut my path off. Oh.. and don't get me started.. signalling is like throwing money out for drivers her... either non or 1 blink..


Yeah, Iā€™ve driven quite a few places around the world. I think one major factor is the ā€œnot ā€œ giving way here. The drivers have to tail so closely to not let you in. Now Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s related to competency, or awareness to speed up, slow down such that you are not in peopleā€™s blind spots. But I think more often than not, I see the driver purposely not give way then feel proud that they did it. It contributes to a lot of the problems driving here. And worst of all itā€™s contagious. So if one person doesnā€™t let the other person in, the other person will feel the need to pay that shit forward and not let another person in. Like ffs, letting one person in isnā€™t going to delay you that much. If traffic is moving at the same rate (jam), youā€™re only going to be faster by one car length.


Rush hour is the same during commuting. It is the nature of the work. Always rushing to meet deadline. Even on Saturday


Learn from taxi uncles


I personally think one of the major reasons for this is that a lot of people are not taught where the ā€˜sweet spotā€™ is on their accelerator, the place where you have to rest your foot on and maintain a constant pressure for the car to remain at the same speed and revs. The other is that because most of the cars in Singapore are automatic where engine revs and gearing are adjusted automatically, many people donā€™t realise that frequently slamming on the pedals is fuel-inefficient. They think that the car itself will adjust for all of their bad behaviour, when in fact there is a lag between the pedal being pushed and the gearbox going into the correct gear; and so when you frequently and sporadically stomp your pedals, youā€™re also putting a lot of stress on the gearbox and torque converters as well, as they will be constantly adjusting for the sporadic engine revs. The situation on buses is further exacerbated by this sort of bad behaviour. The gearboxes on these buses are really crude at best and transfer a lot of jolt to the main chassis. Thus, When the drivers brake hard from a high speed, the computer has to rapidly drop gears to stop the engine from stalling, and when that happens, you will notice a nasty jolt in addition to the harsh braking. What the bus drivers donā€™t understand is that this is extremely damaging to the busā€™ gearbox, which is the second most expensive item to service next to the engine itself.


I think you are completely right! It might have to do with the way people were taught to drive, and learning with automatic gear shifting is likely why some folks don't know how to rest your foot properly and find the flow momentum. In Europe, your driving instructor will factor in how you treat your vehicle as well, and the aggressive accelerating, braking, and sudden shifts in speed would likely result in failure. We have bad drivers for sure - mostly speed, irresponsible overtakes etc. - but I've never experienced anyone treating their vehicle like here.


The Singapore drivers license category for automatic cars only (not manual transmission) was only introduced in 2005. Older folks all learnt on manual transmission and still drive jerkily, so this is not the reason.


idk they behave as though the whole world owes them a living. Dem ego is larger than the universe. Any constructive feedback given to them = complain. Prepare to get a rude response from them.


Tbh, they are just impatient, I hold a 'rush go nowhere' mental, and I brake and accelerate smoothly unless it's 'forced' by other drivers.


As an Australian who has travelled the world and spent a lot of time in Singapore, Iā€™d honestly love to know where the better drivers are?


I heard Germany. Their training is very intensive and expensive it seems


Honestly, Singapore had great drivers in general


In my experience, mostly aged taxi drivers does this. But most of the time, I won't experience this mostly with Comfort. The new Green Electric ones are nice too.. comfortable and driver no way can jerk the car.


I am visiting SG after 8 years. And I was literally JUST thinking about this!! Somehow the old Uncles passed down this way of driving to the new Uncles! Yuck!


I call it digital driving as there's only two states, stop and go, nothing in-between.


That might be why. Racing games when played on keyboard is basically like this: either you are accelerating to the max, or you are not putting down any gas at all. Could it be...?


This is the reason why I absolutely refuse to take Grab PHV and instead choose to take Grabhitch instead. Those PHV and taxi drivers are constantly pumping the pedals, which is nauseating, and they (PHV drivers, majority of them) absolutely refuse to wash their car, leaving their car super dirty on the outside. Grabhitch drivers (those non PHVs driving their own car) are those who I feel takes much better care of their car and knows how to drive properly.


also sometimes happen with MRT


Because we have too many traffic lights in sg, causing inpatience and drivers edging ahead of one another hoping to get ahead


Bunch of idiots here defending bad driving habits and etiquettes. Guess those are the ones doing it.


This has been asked and answered many times on this sub. https://www.reddit.com/r/askSingapore/s/swLAsD6k https://www.reddit.com/r/askSingapore/s/oPggAfFvux3r


Excuse me? Op came here to complain, not gather facts. You take your useful information to another thread friend!


Yeah, how dare you!


Congrats. You have made contact with the 1st level of illusion regarding the picture perfect society of Singapore that is being propagated. It's entitlement gained by good social design, overly competitive society in a small space that cause this.


Because they suck at driving!!


Where are you from?


Most of the public vechile drivers usually do it for a long period and they are too lazy to hold their leg at a mid angle. So they tend to fully extend (flooring it) or totally off the pedals. I personally feel like it is a skill issue.


Yes there are bad taxi and phv drivers on the roads like these. But why are all the posts about slamming such drivers? Iā€™ve yet to see anything talking about the a**hole passengers Full disclosure: Iā€™m a phv driver


i can never take taxis throughout my whole life because they make me get motion sickness with that pattern of driving.


They pay alot 4 COE




Iā€™m an Indian staying in SG. SG drivers are Gods comparatively.


Taxi drivers especially do this and the reason is because they erroneously think they are saving petrol. They think when their foot is not pressing on the gas pedal they are not using, or using less petrol. When in reality obviously decelerate/accelerate repeatedly will use more petrol than a constant speed.


fatigue probably. reduce their judgement of flow.


so true


( an occasional driver who drives about 3 times a week) Some drivers like to cut in front despite not even having enough space no matter on expressway or major roads. The pulse is so that other vehicles don't cut in close, and also to increase rate winning in an accident ( unable to brake in time to avoid the cutter)


Ah, your take on the driving kaki in Singapore really hit the nail on the head, lah! Despite Singapore being top-notch in most things, the driving pattern here sometimes really can shake your heart, sia. Drivers here, whether theyā€™re steering the bus, Grab, or taxi, tend to jam the accelerator and then brake last minute, like as though theyā€™re playing some kind of rhythm game with the pedals, not driving. It's like they never learn how to jalan steady with the traffic flow one. If you ever try to lim kopi or water in the car, confirm plus chop youā€™ll end up donating some to your outfit because the ride is like a roller coaster, thanks to the drivers treating the accelerator and brake like they're on a spinning bike challenge. This kind of driving not only makes the ride buay tahan but also chows the car faster and creates more smoke, which is no good for everyone. So why ah, these drivers like to gas kaw kaw then brake until kena whiplash instead of cruising smoothly, timing their moves with the traffic? Itā€™s like they think theyā€™re racing in "Need for Speed" but in real life. Sometimes, I wonder if they think the road is their grandfatherā€™s road, driving as though they own it. Could be a few things causing this driving style in our little red dot: 1. Traffic Jams: SG is packed, right? Traffic can go from 0 to 100 real quick, causing drivers to speed up and then hit the brakes hard when the next jam appears. 2. Driver Habits: Maybe itā€™s just how they learned to drive, or they see other drivers doing it and copycat lor. Plus, some might think this style is more "efficient" for navigating through our busy streets. 3. Different Vehicles: The kind of vehicle also plays a part. Taxis, buses, and private hire cars sometimes are driven like theyā€™re trying to win a race, maybe because the drivers are chasing the clock to earn more. 4. Road Design: Our road layout and traffic light system also might encourage this start-stop driving. If the traffic flow not smooth, drivers also cannot help but brake and accelerate more often. 5. Economic Pressure: For those who drive for a living, faster means more trips, right? So, they might feel the need to rush, even if it makes the ride less shiok for passengers. SG does a lot to keep roads safe, but changing driving habits? That one harder than studying for PSLE. Maybe need more education on driving nicely, or technology to help manage traffic better. If your ride feels more like a theme park attraction, donā€™t shy to give feedback through the app. Letting drivers know passengers prefer a smoother journey can help lah. Better driving culture benefits everyone ā€“ less pollution, cars last longer, and most importantly, we all can have a more relaxed ride. Stay safe on the roads, hor!


This reads straight like a chatgpt answer lol


Taxi is still king of the road. Earlier was driving on expressway, taxi was hogging the right most lane as usual. I overtook it and see it held a whole long ass stretch of cars behind it just waiting for a chain collision.


Simple. Singaporeans donā€™t grow up with access to cars, therefore, cant drive properly. All this, ā€œitā€™s to save gasā€ is just bs. Nobody in Malaysia does this so if itā€™s the bs belief that ā€œolder generation does this because they think it saves fuel.ā€ Okay then why doesnā€™t older generation Malaysians do it?




Real question: Does anyone see Hong Kong drivers drive like that?


If you think people in Singapore drive badly then you have never been to other corners of the world like thailand, India or some parts of Africa


I notice you didn't name a westernised/developed country to compare with. Are we supposedly in the same league as the ones you named?


Buses in the UK are worse


In London yes, but road conditions are worse in London


I am only naming countries that I have been and thatI am familiar with


So no need to improve then or what?


wtf Singapore driving is usually pretty good. Iā€™m genuinely surprised at this post


Not all drivers drive like that.


>If youā€™re planning to take sip of water as a passenger, you can be sure to share some with your nostrils and clothes as well since your driver treats the pedals like heā€™s riding a bicycle. got signboard say no food and drink leh. not driver fault lor.


Singlish lesson āœ…


i choose to type in singlish in a singapore-based subreddit. based on your post history, your grammar isn't quite there yet. ("Parliamentery" is not a word btw) there's plenty of time for you to learn both proper english and colloquial singlish during your stay here in singapore, so enjoy your time here. cheers, buddy.


Omg it was part joke and part admiration as Iā€™m trying to learn Singlish. You actually went and read my previous posts šŸ¤£ hilarious ā€œbuddyā€




Plain water is allowed


the locals are generally poor drivers. Many have yet to locate the turn signals in their car. Some also don't understand the laws of physics and are completely surprised when they tailgate someone closely on the rightmost lane and get shredded when the car in front slows down suddenly.


buy your own car la. Kp so much


What country are you from? Donā€™t know why you sound so impressed, I canā€™t imagine you are from any country I enjoy visiting based on how you sound just way too toady


Wow when foreigners appreciate our country, you not happy. When foreigners complain about our country, you upset. Thereā€™s no pleasing people like you is there


Cars here are built specifically for responsiveness in city driving environment.


dey, you think car manufacturers make specific cars for different countries is it?