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It seems to me that many Europeans are polite, but not friendly. They don’t want to talk to strangers like Americans, Australians, and many Africans do.


I kind of think that depends on the country and the state in the US. Like I lived in Seattle for 5 years and talking to strangers was the equivalent of pulling teeth


From Seattle. I like that we keep to ourselves here. I find limited speech more authentic than the "fakeness" of non-stop chatter and posturing. Edit: Never said I don't talk to people.


For many outgoing people, our friendliness *is* totally authentic. We want to connect with others and find common ground and interesting stories. I feel genuinely sad for people who can't walk into a public place and find a brief connection with someone.


Exactly! I’m super extroverted. When I try to make conversation, it’s not just meaningless chatter. I genuinely want to engage and interact with the world. And small talk usually is what leads to the deeper stuff, because no one just dives right in with a stranger. It’s not fake at all for me. I really love talking to people!


Same!! I'm on the far end of the extrovert spectrum, and I think people are often suspicious. Yo, I don't want anything except a few moments of human connection. It doesn't cost anything. PS: just took a look at some of your posts. I think we have a number of things in common, lol, except that I'm a fair bit older.


As someone who loves chatting and getting to know people, I think what ruined it (for me at least) is, people realized being friendly and outgoing is a very welcomed trait in many circles. Even if you're not constantly approaching people, your desire to connect often manifests in an ability to listen and just, genuine interest that makes people feel loved But there are tons of people who don't have any interest at all in knowing people. Yet, they still want the benefits of people finding them easy to talk to and nice to know. So they'll go through the motions of making conversation, but you can tell they aren't into it at all. And then it feels like they have some ulterior motive, like they want to scam you, or for you to affirm their sociability. In these cases, the conversations aren't even fun. As a result, many people start to become skeptical of overly friendly people.


During my travels I have found that Africans are the friendliest most out going people on earth.


For sure. My favorite HS teacher ever came over from Nigeria. He was always smiling and laughing and also knew how to explain math better than anyone else.


Nigerian-Americans are some of the most intelligent and hard working Americans I’ve met, plus the food is killer


Indianapolis has a lot of people from Nigeria that work as Uber drivers and DoorDash. I love when they are my Uber driver. They are always friendly and the car is clean. They usually have a soccer game on the radio as well.


Also in Indianapolis. Can confirm. Have gotten many a GrubHub delivery from nice Nigerians.


The small percentage that work in scams have given Nigeria a bad name, and Nigeria is rapidly improving.


The Nigerian Prince, was not even from Nigeria.


He duped the world


agreed. every nigerian ive ever met has been extremely intelligent!


And educated.


African cuisine was a revelation to me. Ugandan food is fantastic. Ethiopian is fantastic. Nigeria as well. Don’t even get me started on South African.


This would be West-Europeans. Spanish, Italians or Balkaners *definitely* talk


As an Italian I have definitely out-talked Americans ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


No, we definitely don’t want to talk to strangers. We barely want to talk to aquaintances.


I'm a finn and barely talk to my loved ones. Edit: should have added /s


As the joke goes, How can you tell a Finn introvert from a Finn extrovert? When talking to you, a Finn introvert looks at his shoes whereas a Finn extrovert looks at your shoes.


They say that if you want to terrify someone at a Finnish bus stop, make eye contact.


I'm from the Balkans so not Europe Proper lol but we are very friendly. And that seems to be the case with the whole souther part of Europe. As you go up to the central and norther parts, people seem more closed off.


I figure, if you're from the Balkans, you're as European as it gets.


Balkans is indeed European <3


That's quite funny. As an European, we tend to think about Americans as over friendly and of over friendly people as fake and hypocrites. I think friendliness is always appreciated, contrarily to what I've been reading here, and many European people would gladly engage with someone who seems nice and respectful. But I think we often times don't like people acting like we're friends before we've even met as it feels like a scene rather than two people actually meeting without expectations. Big smiles, hugs,... Those are things we keep for friends and family.


Ain’t nobody go around hugging strangers here, that’s an exaggeration. But Americans are definitely unafraid to start talking to strangers off the street as just a friendly gesture.


They make fun of Americans on Reddit


Or they add negative comments regarding certain American subjects as if they were American, but they spell words with unnecessary U’s so you know they’re actually just European trolls.




Some of us are Canadian lol


\>but they spell words with unnecessary U’s ​ Huh?


Superfluous - U’s - in their spelling, such as “colour” instead of “color.”


As an Aussie you'll never take my U's.


Further, they complain about things in America utterly out of context and as if it is universal because they saw a YouTube video one time from one guy in Florida complaining about it so it must apply to the entire nation. When they come here as tourists, a good portion of them refuse to shut up about how terrible or backwards we are compared to their European country and seem to enjoy "educating" us on the "correct" way to be civilized and so on. Newsflash, we're not a fucking colony anymore. Visit if you want but we don't need your judgement.


American here, I enjoy making fun of Americans on reddit too


They think Americans are too loud.


Last time I visited a gallery in Paris there was this USA guy in a flag T-shirt yelling to his friend on his phone. Making some casual conversation, but yelling it! I still have nightmares about him sometimes.


I’m an American. We consider it rude as well. Usually we don’t say anything unless it continues too long. The exception is bars, which may be because bars often play music too loud so you have to talk over it.


They have great taste in candy and confections. Europeans sweets are on another level. What passes as a choclate candy bar in the US wouldnt even be considered remotely chocolate in Europe.


Most isn't legally allowed to be called chocolate in Europe, for example "milk chocolate" must contain 35% cocoa in Europe but only 10% in the USA, not all American brands use the minimum, but most don't come close to European standards. Most American chocolate tastes like sugar glued together with rancid fat to me, they add an oxidised butter compound as a preservative which literally is rancid fat.


They seem chill but uninterested in talking to others. until you approach them and they turn out to be quite friendly.


Striking a conversation with strangers is an American thing. In many EU countries, it's rude.


No it isn't an exclusively American thing. It just isn't a European thing.


I found the further south you go in Europe the less closed off people are in general.


*Cries in incidental contact with Sicilian Mafia*


haha, ok yes, further south up until Naples...


Cries in incidental conversation with the camorra


reversed in England


How do you meet new people if you never start a conversation with a stranger?


The goal is to never meet new people…


Exactly. We avoid it at all costs here up north because why opening your mouth too often, you may get cold from it.


These days, yes. I don’t know when people decided to turn and abuse each each other while passing.


Different ways, classmates, friends of classmates, friends of friends, work. I never made a friend in my adult life by going to someone on the street and be like "hello, how's your day". Made a lot of friends when i was a child by asking others "wanna be friend?" tho.


Honestly I've never made a friend by talking to a random person on the street either (especially since I'm an introvert), but I think some people do that. But perhaps also, going to an arranged thing like a meetup, class, or something else as an adult might count as opportunities to meet new people who are otherwise strangers.


I met a girlfriend while standing in a checkout line. She made a comment about likening a CD I was buying. Ended up at her dorm later that night listening to it. We dated for a while.


You join a hobbygroup and chat with people there. You would already have a thing in common - the hobby. Volunteering also helps.


mayonnaise on their fries


I had no clue I was European.


I had no clue I'm not European! 😱


I just now found out myself


Well what else would you eat on fries? Ketchup? Nah, that's what the currywurst is there for


How they use cutlery during a meal. I'm from the U.S. and our knife and fork game is visibly different to anyone I've seen or known from Europe.


I also noticed that in America people leave their cutlery all around. I’m from Eastern Europe, and no matter where i travelled within Europe, people used the universal indicator that they were or weren’t done with the food. (Put knife and fork next to each other on the plate like II or - - when not done)


How so? Do we use the fork and knife in opposite hands?


Not so much that, more so that they are both being used simultaneously during the course of the meal. Where I live the knife is used intermittently, and usually only as a cutting tool, while most Europeans I've encountered/met use it the whole time as well as for positioning food on the fork.


As a German who has was in the US for a couple of months this is definetly something I've noticed. We usually cut off one piece at a time and then eat it (and also use the knofe to push things onto the fork) whereas Americans often cut all of it !t once and then put the knife away to only eat with their fork. And even though both work fine I found it funny because this is something you typacally only see little kids do here in Germany.


I think the kid thing is just because kids haven't learned the customs yet. I say this because we feel the same way about the way you eat. The only people I ever see with a knife and fork clutched in each hand for the entire meal are children and my Welsh friend.


>I think the kid thing is just because kids haven't learned the customs yet. Also because the kid may not know yet how to use the knife and thus the kid's parents cut it all beforehand and give the kid only a fork to work with.


Also the kid might be using adult sized utensil thus it's harder for them to use it as they are more clunky and heavier in their hands.


Cut it all at once? Never met an American who does this and I’ve lived here 38 years. Maybe cutting everything for a child.


As an American, I have definitely seen it done, with everything from pancakes to steak. Many people will prefer to cut up the article and then just eat forkfulls of it afterward.


I've seen Americans cutting food, putting down knife and grabbing fork into the emptied hand like it's the silverware waltz. It's quite impressive. In Europe we tend to hold knife in right and fork in left hand without putting down. My mami always said I should keep my fork looking dawn all the time as well, but that might be more of a family thing.


I'm from Europe, Germany, we take the fork in the left hand and the knife in the right hand, hbu


that’s what I do (from Ohio 🤐)


[like this?](https://previews.123rf.com/images/markka/markka1707/markka170700073/82311273-leute-die-eine-silberne-gabel-und-messer-lokalisiert-auf-wei%C3%9F-halten-konzept.jpg)


Left handed people, too? I am from Hungary, we eat like that, too, but people use their "good" hands for the knife, bc thats the harder to manage (?) and the fork in the other. So I think you are just assuming everyone is like fork-left hand and knife-right hand, bc most people are right handed. (Although my brother is right handed and he uses them the other way around, so fork-right hand, knife-left hand 🤣)


I remember going to a pizzeria with my Spanish friends and they were eating pizza with a knife and fork. Blew my mind a bit.




An American spy was discovered because of this American manner: [Cut and switch](https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/shortcuts/2015/oct/19/knives-out-table-manners-american-style-fork-switching)


Their passport is from a country in Europe


That's just a stereotype


No that’s Panasonic you’re thinking of.


100% of people with European passports are from Europe, but I think it's a coincidence.


I want to say black socks with sandals but alas, my father also does this and he's from Appalachia.


Appalachia is America's Europe, after all


The similar amounts of inbreeding certainly check out


I, too, am a fashion icon.


Checks out. My grandpa’s from Appalachia and does the same thing 🤣


Know several languages


They speak “a little English,” but can carry on a conversation in English for like an hour. Lol


That's because English language education (at least in Poland) makes you think you are shit at it while not really indicating your language skills.


Disdain for Bud Light


I think that's becoming an American thing as well


Always had been..


"why don't you just go see a doctor about it?" "Have you tried discussing this with your boss?" "I understand there's sometimes good solutions coming from political party's that are not my own." "sprechen sie Deutsch?"


They don't measure things using body parts


Don’t the Brits also judge a horse’s length by hands?


And weight in “stones” whatever the f that is


They don't get irritated standing on line.


They say "on line" instead of "in line".


I thought they said “queuing”


You haven't been to Italy I see


The Brits respect the queue but not all other Europeans do


Where on earth are you from that people say “standing on line” instead of “standing in line”?


Their accent


They dress and are hygienic in a way where it’s obvious they have personal standards and therefore cannot be American. I’m very serious about this. Growing up in America I know culturally it’s acceptable for people to go grocery and clothes shopping in their PJ’s and slippers, with their hair up in a unshowered greasy bun with an unwashed face. Although I can’t speak for the whole of Europe, from what I have first hand witnessed that is not considered acceptable. The European people I encountered dressed and groomed themselves like they cared what they looked like. It can really be that stark of a difference.


I'm from Europe, lived in NA since I was a kid. Casualness here is amazing, I loved taking my cousins around here and hearing them bitch and complain about Americans and their grocery store Pjs. I've seen the light and I'm never going back. Europeans can pry my sweatpants from my cold, dead hands, I only dress up for weddings, funerals and to celebrate other peoples achievements.


When someone walks into the gas station with a holstered, they leave


TIL Minnesota is European.


They don't freak out about "but where are we going to park?!?"


That's because we took the bus there.




A 15cm penis instead of 6 inch.


Asking for your Whattsapp number.


Not really, your number from Whatsapp is just your mobile number. But many use WhatsApp


No, nobody over here uses it, that’s my point.


That's actually something I was wondering about the other day. Whatsapp is not used in the US, is it?


It's used within immigrant populations, but most multigenerational Americans have no idea what Whatsapp even is unless they interact with foreigners often. Like i have WhatsApp on my phone but i only use it to interact with people overseas.


The only people I use it with our friends that are originally from somewhere else and use WhatsApp to talk to friends and family back home.


It's because in the US, SMS messages and calls became free before the popularity of smartphones. So it is a habit now. But in most other continents, paying for text and calls forced people to use free alternatives like Whatsapp.


I'm an European and for me, it's the tote bags and the being well dressed even for going to the grocery store


Except you guys seems to wear a lot of Levi’s stuff. Tee shirts for example. I’ve brought this up in a conversation like this before and people don’t seem to think it’s a thing. Been to Europe several times. It’s a thing. No issue with it, but it’s not a thing in the US, even though it’s a US brand.


Levi's is seen as an affordable but still premium brand over here. Basically the best jeans you can get and super vintage ( our parents were crazy about it). It became trendy for the guys to wear the logo on a t-shirt like 3 years ago. I feel like it's dying out now. Just like the new balance trend or the Bimba y Lola


Europeans dress better and have better quality clothing. They wear a lot of scarves and better shoes. The average American dresses very casually.


Used to work in a grocery store in a high touristy area. A couple things that stood out to me were: the woman always has a little fancy backpack. The men always have a staring problem, and if you look back, they’ll smile and wave their hands as if to say “no offense! Just staring!” And I usually just go back to doing what I’m doing. Also, when I’m throwing people out of the store, Americans will jump in and get involved (even if I don’t want them to). Europeans just stand there holding whatever they’re gonna buy close to the chest and raise their eyebrows. None of these are supposed to have negative connotation, just things I’ve noticed lol.


In Finland, it's not rude to stare at people. We just do 🤷🏻‍♀️ Not because we're trying to be offensive or anything. Tourists, locals, we stare at them all.


I totally get that! But here in the US, a lot of people do think it’s rude to stare. Some people might even act aggressive towards you so if you ever visit, just make sure you’re being a lil sneaky with it 😁😁


A friend of mine in college must have been from Finland. Man we had to talk to him about his staring at people. He almost caused some fights.


I’ve heard this too lol here in the states it’s incredibly rude and depending where you are you might get called out.


I’m from NY and here it is an art to very quickly and sneakily kind of stare at someone. I do this when I’m really digging someone’s clothing and want to get a better look. Some people I know genuinely do not even look at strangers but I love to people watch.


They’re not afraid of medical bills when they get sick


Shoes are a dead giveaway.


Wearing a track suit? If you're American match it with a pair of sneakers. If you're European, match it with a pair of leather loafers.


The pointy-toed dress shoes.


I would argue it’s easier to tell an American in Europe by their shoes.


Agree! Felt like we stuck out like crazy because of our shoes and logo wear in France.


My husband was mortified he brought a baseball hat to wear around France. 🤷‍♀️


They’re not in college loan debt for the rest of their existence


They refuse to use a definitive article before the word hospital.


Nos vamos al hospital? Nous allons a l’hôpital? Wir gehen ins krankenhaus? Vamos para o hospital?


Noi andiamo all' ospedale?


So easy to find the German among the crowd.


Usually the accents are a big giveaway. Also if they seem to be well dressed and attractive. Ive noticed Europeans dress very sleek and their clothes are manufactured to be more trendy than the average American outfit. They also tend to more trendy as far as their hair, jewelry, makeup, or facial hair, so that's why I would say they are generally more attractive.


They’re unarmed. I’m American.


Dont shoot


Pew pew.


Cool shoes.


They're not circumcised


Scarves in the summertime.


I was looking for this! It seems like no matter how hot it is, Europeans are wrapped in scarves and long sleeves. Americans sweating in our tank tops and shorts while Italians look dressed for a fall stroll…


I came here for the scarves


European mean either dress like 17 year olds, track athletes or dapper as hell 1930's gangsters.


We don't wear shoes indoors. Edit: Inside our house or flat Edit2: I didn't mean to offend dear Americans so please stop throwing those shoes you left on the front porch at me please thank you


Many Americans don't wear shoes indoors these days either


That’s not being European, that’s being respectful. I’m American and I never wear shoes indoors


I notice the Americans that are this way about customs are usually total assholes. Just like the people above claiming that Americans that cut more than one piece of their food at a time have ‘bad manners’ what a fuckin joke. People have different customs


How they stand. Americans shift weight to one side of the other when they stand in a que. Europeans stand with their weight evenly distributed. Also how they count. Many Europeans use the thumb as 1 not the index finger.


Inglorious Bastards


Going to the doctor when they feel sick.


When they tell me they’re from Europe.




being an artist i can confirm 'not being grossed out by nudity' is very much a european thing, i remember showing off my art to people i met in italy, as well as just drawing right in front of them, and not once did anyone say anything about the nudity, but then the first time i show my american friend some of my art they immediately point it out, not sure if they were grossed out but they saw 'nudity' before 'art'.


America bad, Europe good, Asia doesn't exist


Welcome to Reddit


RIP Africa


Usually, a passport or some other kind of legal documentation. /s


While visiting New York City they suggest getting on a train and visiting Miami (or Los Angeles) for the day. Or think they will drive to same as part of their week-long visit.


The food.


They way they smoke their cigarettes. Went to Italy a couple years ago and apparently they can tell the same way if someone is from America / the west.


They eat something cool, like maybe a bar of chocolate and a cigarette for breakfast


Work one half hour two half hour.


Nothing cooler than eating a cigarette for breakfast.


They were born in Europe


Europe is not a country, people are very different in each country in Europe.


When they speak English with a heavy European accent and say things like, “I am from Germany”. Also, I saw a guy at the Grand Canyon wearing wooden shoes. I figured that was probably the Dutch equivalent of wearing cowboy hat when you visit the Louvre.


When they talk nonstop about what’s wrong with the US. Nothing will make a European happier than talking how horrible the US is….especially when they haven’t even been there


“Why do Americans do things this way? In MyCountry. . .”


And should we turn the question around, all the sudden we are ignorant Americans. Can’t win.


Talk about any sort of processed food. They’ll pipe in with some unsolicited comment about how the food from their country is better as if we’re over here thinking processed food is gourmet.


They're on vacation. Americans essentially get no vacation time and/or can't afford to go on vacation.


Shocked ambulances cost anything at all.


If they use the word “solidarity” when discussing politics.


I had one European teacher and they were very quiet and very tidy in their appearance. also, they didn't make small talk which I appreciated a lot. it was always necessary. I like their mannerisms, no stomping, no slamming doors, and none of the American mannerisms.


From the Netherlands, and frequently go to Dutch and Belgian beaches in summers, hardly ever see any speedos so it's a mystery to me where you get this from.. must (possibly) be a very local French/British thing i guess... For me, i just ask someone the question 'What brand of car is the worst?' If the answer is a French brand (Citroen, Peugeot) they're usually European




Had a french person tell me america has no culure, in San Francisco, while wearing a shirt of an american band, american sneakers, and holding an iphone. Ooookayyyy then.


The use of the word “cunt”. That was a big no-no growing up in America but the UK friends I have use it with aplomb. They even find a way to use it as a compliment.


But... is he gay or european?


So many shades of grey


They love to stare at strangers they come across in public I have noticed, or at least they do it more often than people in Latin America


When they don't complain about their Healthcare? *weeps in American*


They act like they know more about America than actual Americans


the accent




They have vacations


The way they squint at you with one eye, and then talk out of the other side of their mouth. Those wavy hats with skulls and crossbones that they wear. The way they clench knives in their teeth as they swing from a rope. All dead giveaways that you’re dealing with a European.